Ruby Rose x male reader [RWBY]

By Zodisaaasan

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Ok I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm just gonna be honest. This is my first story so please go easy on me. More

Going to beacon
Meeting new friends
Initiation part one
Iniation part two
Thanks. (Author note)
Meeting The Faunus
Ice skating with the rose (filler)
All alone
Future stories poll (please read)
Taking a break for now
When should he confess?
The animation technique
The hunt
Shout outs for those supporting me.
Nice to see you again.
I need your help (serious)

Ballfight against cardin

182 4 4
By Zodisaaasan

Title idea by: onionrangggg

Also, they have a ruby x reader story too. Check it out.

When I was walking around vale to find the police station, I coincidentally found Cardin harassing velvet again. I think it's about time I hit harder.

Cardin: that Nicholas can't save you now!

I tapped his shoulder from behind.

Y/n: are you sure about that?

Cardin turned around, surprised.

Cardin: so you're here. It doesn't matter. The only reason you beat me last time was because you were lucky.

Y/n: lucky about what? You're brain being smaller than a bread crumb?

I saw velvet and it seems like she was preparing to use her semblance. I had to distract Cardin in case velvet's semblance was attack based. But when it comes to distracting Cardin, it shouldn't be difficult.

Y/n: so, you brought your weapon? Not that it would help you.

Cardin: wait, I did? Didn't notice that. If I have to I will use it against you.

Y/n: I have my clackers too. Guess you could call it a ball fight.

Cardin: please don't word it like that.

Y/n: back in beacon, I couldn't use my weapons against you if we weren't in combat class.

I lean closer to him.

Y/n: but we're not in beacon, are we?

Velvet slipped out of Cardin's grip and spin kicked him past me.

Y/n: where was this in beacon?

Velvet: I didn't want to get in trouble.

Y/n: oh, I guess that makes sense.

Cardin came back up and grabbed his mace. He came charging at us.

Y/n: wait! WAIT!

Cardin and velvet looked at me, confused.

Y/n: These people around us, they don't know we're students at beacon!

Y/n: everyone! You do not need to worry! We are students at beacon! This is official huntsman business!

Me, velvet, and Cardin bring out our ID's and the people crowding us begin to walk away. But some decided to stay and record us.

Y/n: all right! Where were we? Oh right! We were kicking your ass.

Velvet: I'll use my semblance to use Travis' gauntlets. That way, I can damage Cardin at a distance.

Y/n: sounds good. Now! Cardin! Let's finish this. Don't blame me if you're injured worse than before.

I start approaching him.

Cardin: ho, ho! We'll see about that.

He starts approaching me as well.

I bring out my clackers and try to strike him with one of them.

Cardin noticed this and brought his mace and aimed for my left leg. I barely dodged it.

Y/n: wow. You're smarter than I give you credit for. You saw an opening and aimed there.

Cardin: I was wondering why you used clackers as a weapon, but it doesn't matter. No matter what semblance you have, clackers will never be useful.

Y/n: is that so? Well then, what do you say I prove you wrong?

Cardin: hmph! Come at me!

Cardin charged at me and swung his mace around. I enlarged my clackers and used them as a shield. He stopped swinging his mace. And he examined my enlarged clackers.

Cardin: so you can make objects bigger. Well I ca-

Before he finished, velvet shot Cardin in his leg with one of the gauntlets.

Cardin: argh!

Y/n: nice job, velvet!

I turned my clackers to its original size and I swung them around.

Y/n: clacker volley!

I swung my clackers in different directions and repeatedly hit Cardin in the face. But, Cardin's more durable. He stands up and I stop hitting him.

Cardin: I know what your semblance is. It's time to use mine.

I was waiting for him to show his semblance.
(I know that it was never shown if Cardin has a semblance so I gave him one myself)

His muscles grew extremely big. So his semblance is super strength. This... will be tough.

I surprised him by aiming a punch at his face. He blocked quickly. I dashed to the right side and aimed for his face again. I did this multiple times until he swept my legs.

He was about to punch me on the ground with his enlarged muscles but I kicked him in the face, making him stumble back a bit. I back rolled away from him.

Velvet: I- I can still help!

Velvet uses both gauntlets to shoot Cardin. Cardin runs in her direction. I chase after him. I ran as fast as I could, but I didn't make it. Cardin picked up velvet and slammed her into a nearby wall. This made velvet unconscious.

Cardin: finally. She was getting annoying.

I didn't say anything but I could feel my lips quivering.

Cardin: you're next!

He rushed over to me. And I quickly used my clacker to become really large. If I did that a second later, I would've been severely damaged.

I have an idea. I'm going to get to velvet and hide with her somewhere so I can figure out my next plan. How to do that...

I pick up my enlarged clacker that weighed the same and ran towards velvet. Cardin kept trying to punch me but every time he did, I hit his arm with a clacker. He assumed it would hurt more so he got cautious and stayed away. But the unexpected happened. He managed to strike me on my right shoulder.

It hurt so much it's difficult to describe. It's a pain I've never felt before. I stumbled onto the ground, holding my shoulder.

Cardin: I could only hit your shoulder because you were a moving target. It doesn't matter the injury is severe, anyway.

I picked up a clacker. I threw the enlarged clacker in the air. Cardin takes the bait and looks up. I make it weigh a crap ton. It quickly descends and lands on Cardin's face. He looks like he's done for.

I walk over to velvet and pick her up. With my free hand I reach for my clacker. I pick it up and I notice that Cardin's moving. I ran away to a nearby alley and panic.

y/n: okay. A steroid induced man is coming for you while you have an unconscious person. What do you do?

I find an abandoned building near me. I pick up velvet and take her there. It looks pretty old, but it'll help. I find a room with a blanket and mattress. I lay velvet on the mattress and tuck her in. I can't let there be any more harm done to her as is.

But then something happened. I felt a sharp pain on the back of my right leg. I saw a rock and it hurt me a lot more than it should've. How did it even hit me? Where did it come from? I look out a broken window and saw Cardin with even bigger muscles with a handful of rocks. This made me very stressed. My teammates are kidnapped. I have an unconscious person next to me. And I have to deal with this.

y/n: goddamnit.

I then see that Cardin is throwing the rocks in other windows. He doesn't seem to know where I am. Perfect.

I noticed I had two clackers on me. I looked out the window again and Cardin noticed me.

Dammit dammit dammit!!

I panic and something strange happens. I feel like my breathing is different. I still seem to be alive so I'll worry about this later. I pick up one clacker and make it extremely small. I throw it out the window. Cardin doesn't seem to notice because of how small it is. I try to increase the weight as it gets near Cardin. It turns back to its normal size and hits Cardin on the side of his neck. He stumbled in pain. He didn't notice I had sent my other clacker and sent it flying. It lands on his forehead and he stumbles down on the ground.

I turn back and see the cute rabbit. I walk over to her and pat her on the head.

y/n: I'll be back.

Velvet seems to smile after I said that. I walk downstairs and I saw Cardin inside, in front of the closed door.

Cardin: I've had enough! You're getting on my nerves.

y/n: well, I aim to please.

Cardin stands still as I do. It stays this way for five seconds.

He picks up a nearby round table and tries to smack me with it. I jump over it and punch him on his right cheek.

Cardin: how're you stronger?

y/n: what?

Cardin still has the round table and manages to him my left side. I land on the wall.

Cardin: goodnight.

I can't move. It's as if I'm stuck to this wall.

Cardin raises the left table and he smacks me repeatedly with it. After every hit, it feels stronger and stronger. I'm on the brink of passing out when Cardin slams my front with the table. I crash into the inside of the wall.

Why...? Are my eyes closing...? I feel myself slip into unconsciousness.

3rd person POV

Cardin: I've done it. (Laughs). Are you happy now, dad? I've done it.

???: oh, I'll tell you what you've done. You've made a huge mistake.

Cardin: oh right. I should finish you off.

Velvet: you can try. (Turns to the wall y/n flew through) don't worry, y/n. It's my turn to save you.

Cardin rushes over to velvet. Velvet is prepared. She rushes over too. She leaps up and does a spin kick against Cardin's head. She also grabs both sides of Cardin's face and slams him into the ground.

She puts some ice dust in her gauntlets. She shoots some ice and freezes Cardin's arms.

Cardin: argh! Damn you!

Velvet: stay here for a bit.

Velvet shoots some more ice at Cardin. It's on his body and he can't move.

Velvet walks to the home In the wall and steps in. She sees y/n unconscious. She walks over to him.

velvet: y/n. (Picks him up) thank you for all you've done for me. (Hugs y/n). I wouldn't be here without you.

She walks out And stares at Cardin

Velvet: don't think I've forgotten about you.

She approaches Cardin. She manages to pick him up and throws him against the wall, breaking the glass.

Cardin doesn't know what do. He's scared of velvet right now.

Cardin: what are you going to do to me? Kill me?

Velvet: don't worry. I won't kill you. No one will.

Cardin seems relieved. But all that slips away when he sees velvet's smile.

Velvet: but I will break your legs!

She takes out her camera. And takes a picture of Cardin. He seems confused. But then he sees his mace being summoned in velvet's hand.

She slams the mace on one of his legs. Cardin screams in pure agony. She slams the mace on the other leg too.

Velvet: oh my god. Did I just really do that? I'm very Sorry. I got caught up in the moment.

Cardin looks at her, with his face full of fear.

Velvet: oh yeah, and also.

She sees that Cardin has put his back against the wall. She does the unexpected. She freezes Cardin's body against the wall, only leaving his hands and legs untouched.

Cardin is stuck onto the wall and can't move. Velvet walks over to y/n. She picks him up and starts to head out the door.

Cardin: wait! Who's going to get me out of here?

Velvet: call your mom.

Cardin: it's in my pocket and I can't move my arms!

Velvet looks back at him. She has a smile on her face and shrugs her shoulders. She leaves the house.

To be continued

Author: I've done it! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also, the second poll in my other story has some options there. Please check them out and vote on your favorite franchise for the next protagonist to be in!

Zodi out.

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