When Stars Collide {Kylo Ren...

By MrsNewtScamander13

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Episode VII (Force Awakens)Dejavu
Episode VIII (Force Awakens)Cracks
Episode VIIII (Force Awakens)Fear
Episode X (Force Awakens)Sleep
Episode XI (Force Awakens)Blackout
Episode XII (Force Awakens)Reasons
Episode XIII (Force Awakens)Han Solo
Episode XIIII (Last Jedi)You cared.
Episode XV (Last Jedi)Fires
Episode XVI (Last Jedi)Priorities
Episode XVII (Last Jedi)Thank you
Episode XVIII (Last Jedi)Decisions
Episode XVIIII (Last Jedi)Welcome
Episode XX (Last Jedi)Plenty
Episode XXI (Last Jedi)Circumstances
Episode XXII (Last Jedi)Control
Episode XXIII (Last Jedi)The Last Jedi
Episode XXIIII (Rise of Skywalker) Submit
Episode XXV (Rise of Skywalker)Good Boy
Episode XXVI (Rise of Skywalker) Stargazer
Episode XXVII (Rise of Skywalker)Walk Away
Episode XXVIII (Rise of Skywalker)Apprentices
Episode XXVIIII (Rise of Skywalker)Gray Scum
Episode XXX (Rise of Skywalker)Convince Me
Episode XXXI (Rise of Skywalker)Warmth
Episode XXXII (Rise Of Skywalker)Blue Butterfly
Episode XXXIII (Rise Of Skywalker)My Permission
Episode XXXIIII (Rise Of Skywalker) Part One, Strange Addiction
Episode XXXIIII (Rise of Skywalker) Part Two, Secrets
Episode XXXV (Rise Of Skywalker) Delicate Snowflake
Episode XXXVI (Rise Of Skywalker)Free
Episode XXXVIII (Rise Of Skywalker)The Knights
Episode XXXVIIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Never Enough
Episode XXXX (Rise Of Skywalker)Always
Episode XXXXI (Rise Of Skywalker)Promises
Episode XXXXII (Rise Of Skywalker)Exegol
Episode XXXXIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Memory
Episode XXXXIIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Scared
Episode XXXXV (Rise Of Skywalker)Think Again
Episode XXXXVI (Rise Of Skywalker)Vain
Episode XXXXVII (Rise Of Skywalker)Ben?
Episode XXXXVIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Worth The Wait
Episode XXXXVIIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Come Back to me...
Episode XXXXX (Rise Of Skywalker)Sweet Dreams

Episode XXXVII (Rise Of Skywalker)Respect

35 1 0
By MrsNewtScamander13

Recommended Song(s): Ain't Sh*t by Doja Cat

310/Ten months

I groaned as I fell to the ground and powered off my saber in the process.
"You're getting better!" I marveled, looking up at my Apprentice. Alanya retracted her stunt and grinned brightly. "Thank you, Master." she replied as she held out a hand and pulled me back to my feet. "I try to practice in my Quarters every night so I don't have to wait until training to get better."

"That's the spirit but remember that sleep is important." I said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You are dismissed."
Alanya nodded and left the training room. I sighed. I was just really listless and I was itching to leave. The Supreme Leader isn't going to let me leave here anytime soon though, he won't even let me go anywhere out of his sight without his permission anymore.

I'll figure out something.....
I thought as I opened the door.
When I closed it behind me I noticed that a certain Kaitlin Saxe was walking down the hallway. "Saxe!" I called after her as I ran to catch up to her. "Ah, Nova, what a pleasure!" She replied, grinning from cheek to cheek. "I'm guessing you just finished training with Miss Reed?"

I nodded. "Yes.... So going back to your Quarters?" I added, raising an eyebrow slightly. "Sadly, yes." Kaitlin sighed stopping in her tracks. "I have so much unfinished paperwork it's insane, and I know I need to rest but I just want to leave this damned ship."
I chuckled, placing my hand on her shoulder. "I know exactly how you feel. I've been wanting to get out of this place for months, and Naboo didn't exactly count."

Kaitlin nodded in agreement but then her gray-blue eyes lit up and her lips curved into a smirk. "I have an idea......" She whispered, looking up and down the hallway to make sure no one was listening in on us. "What if we go out tonight? We don't have to tell The Supreme Leader!"
"I don't know, Kaitlin..." I frowned. "What if we get caught and he finds out? You know he'd be furious!"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes playfully, pulling me over to the side. "What he doesn't know, he won't find out; which trust me, he won't. And besides, it's better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission! So, what do you think?"

She's got a point though, if we're really careful then Ren'll never find out...
But if we're caught then we're both getting punished...
And anyways I need more independence than what Kylo's giving me.

"Alright, let's do it." I said. Kaitlin smiled victoriously. "Great, now let's go to your Quarters so we can dress up, we don't want anyone knowing who we are."


"Ah, here we are!" I heard Kaitlin say to herself. I was currently straightening out my hair and fixing it so my scars wouldn't show in front of the mirror in my washroom. "I think this one's perfect!" She said, coming over to me with a dress. I set down the flat iron and looked back at her, my eyes lighting up but my heart dropping slightly as I realized it.
The dress was beautiful: it was pastel purple and short with short sleeves that reminded me of butterflies, a plunging neckline, and small little lavender flowers embroidered all over it. It was my Mother's dress. I found it in my Father's house in the woods years ago, it was tucked away in a box, most likely never to be seen again. She loved Lavender flowers and had an entire garden of them behind our house on Neeve, it was a miracle that she got them to grow in the snow. And besides playing in the snow, Eyra and I played in her flowers a few times until she caught us and told us that it would hurt the flowers if we did that so to instead help them grow by giving them plenty of water and shade when they needed it.
I only had the dress with me since I didn't want it to be forgotten all over again and I never planned on wearing it in all the years I've had it but it is beautiful, and I think she'd be okay with it if I wore it for just one night.

"I've never worn this one before..." I ran my hand over the fabric.
"Well then go put try it and see how you look with it on!" She pushed. "We haven't got all night!"
"Okay! Okay! I'm going!" I replied holding my hands up in surrender then taking the dress in my hands as she left the washroom.
It took me a few minutes to put it on considering that this dress hasn't been worn by anyone in years but when I figured it out I walked out of the washroom to let Kaitlin see. I saw that she had already gotten into her dress which was an adorable baby blue color and shorter than mine with thin straps instead of sleeves. But when she saw me her mouth fell slightly ajar and her arms fell to her sides.

"What do you think?" I asked sheepishly.

"I think you look gorgeous!" Kaitlin exclaimed.
Blood immediately rushed to my cheeks.
"I personally think my leg makes it look a little off but you really think so?"
She walked up to me pulling me into a tight hug. "Yes I do. And that hunk of metal shows that you are strong." She whispered. Kaitlin pulled out of the hug and fixed her dress. "Now, Darth Nova, are you ready for a night out?"
I smiled and nodded. "Yes, of course, Kaitlin Saxe."

Third Person POV, Eclypse

Eclypse and her best friend had finally made it to her ship. They had to sneak onto the launch bay, hushed and swift, for almost everyone on the Steadfast had gone to rest except for the two women on a mission to leave and the Troopers patrolling the hallways. Eclypse pulled down the hood of her coat and walked quickly up to the cockpit and powered on the ship. Thankfully it was quiet.
"Wait, there are trackers and scanners, they can read my ship and they'll know-" Eclypse started but Kaitlin cut in.

"I already have that taken care of." She said.
"But how?" Asked Eclypse.

"Remember when I asked to stop by the Command Deck and I went in for a few minutes? Well, I might have maybe bribed William Toll to shut them off for thirty minutes so we could leave, we just have to send him a quick transmission when we need to come back." Kaitlin smirked evilly. Eclypse has always known her to be sweet and kind one moment but be cunning the next. She was sure that once in Kaitlin's life that she had been a Spice Runner or did some sort of trade, she didn't seem innocent enough to just be a normal woman from Coruscant.
Eclypse chuckled then piloted the ship out of the Steadfast and into the cold space around it. Next to the large Star Destroyer was a green and blue-colored planet called Batuu. It's a popular stopping point for those who want to travel far distances and unknown worlds but for tonight it would be Eclypse and Kaitlin's escape.

The ship landed gracefully on the ground in Batuu City which was full of lights and people.
The two women excited side by side both confident in themselves and showing it off since it would be the only night to do so. They walked through the town passing by shops, trade posts, and restaurants with people of all kinds some speaking in different languages. Eclypse looked around and noticed the First Order Troopers scattered around, making sure that there was order. She gulped in fear that they might recognize her and take her to the Supreme Leader but remembered that not being in a uniform and covering her scars makes her less recognizable than she thought. So, eventually she shook it off. "Now, where are we going?" Asked Eclypse as she continued to walk with her friend.
"Over there." Kaitlin replied, pointing over to a cantina with people going in and out of it.
Both of them walked over to the Cantina and entered. It was very busy and loud inside with people throughout and music coming from the singers on the stage. Eclypse was thankful that it was a normal Cantina.
Eclypse and Kaitlin went and sat over at the bar which had two seats open perfect for the duo.

"We made it." Kaitlin said as soon as she at down, she took off her gray cloak and let her eyes dance over everything.
"Yeah, we did." Eclypse sighed taking off her white cloak as well. She was still very worried about leaving the Steadfast. Well, yes, they had successfully left and they were definitely going to go back but what if what if anyone found out?
It was the only thought on the young woman's mind though she was surrounded by people and music.
They would probably never be allowed out of that ship again if they were caught. But there was a good chance that it would be fine for Kaitlin was a high ranking General, most can't do anything without her approval.

Except for The Supreme Leader.

"Hey, come on! Let's have a little fun and loosen up a bit!" Kaitlin exclaimed. Eclypse grinned awkwardly.
The Blue Twi'lek bartender came up to them, shining an empty glass with a cloth.
"Rising Moonku Ladieku (Rising Moons Ladies), what can I get you two tonight?" He asked.
"Ambrostine, narsu(please)." Eclypse said simply.
"I'll have the same." Smiled Kaitlin.
He nodded then set down the glass, swinging the cloth over his shoulder then went off to fix their drinks.
"So," Kaitlin started. "How've you been, my friend? Be honest."
Eclypse shrugged looking off to the side. "To be honest, I don't know. I guess I've been okay, and so far being a Commander is better than I thought though you know I would much rather be in a higher position like a General."
"Yes I know, but being a General in the First Order isn't any easier." The brown haired woman replied. "Yes it is a high position but the rest of the crew aren't any more accepting, especially Hux. And Issac knows because I remember when we first joined the First Order and every night I was complaining to him about how Armitage is. I'm pretty sure he's used to it by now." The bartender came back with two glasses filled with the strong wine in his hands. "Here you go..." He said sitting the drinks down on the counter. "Anything else I could get you?"
"Koa(No), that will be all, Thank you." Eclypse grinned, picking up the drink in her hand. "So, Kaitlin, how is work for you?" She asked, raising the glass to her lips and taking a quick sip. The alcohol stung on it's way down her throat but was no less satisfying.
"Well, as I said, Armitage is such a prick. And Supreme Leader Ren is a prick too. But recently the Supreme Leader has been... softer. Maybe he found a girl who shows him not to be so... him."

A burning blush formed on Eclypse's cheeks and turned away. But she knew she messed up badly when Kaitlin gasped and said: "Darth Nova, are you blushing? Have you perhaps done something with him?"
She gulped, putting her drink down on the bar and shifted in the high chair then sighed.

I should have told her months ago... I guess I could tell her now and it wouldn't hurt. She is my best friend. She can keep a secret. Right?

"Alright, so maybe we've done it a few times but it's nothing, he's still the Supreme Leader and I'm still just a Commander." Eclypse clarified but Kaitlin glared at her which obviously meant that she wasn't buying the lie.
"Oh, please Nova, don't give me that! I see how you are around him! And how he is around you! And don't you dare think that I didn't notice that little exchange you two had in that one meeting months ago. I see how you look at each other. And there is so much more you don't know that I notice."
Eclypse was speechless but impressed to say the least. She never thought anyone would be able to figure it out. Not like it mattered anyway. "Wow, Kaitlin, keep it up and you might end up on the Investigation Squad." She chuckled sarcastically. There wasn't much need to be worried about anymore. She could trust Saxe with her secret.

"There's the Darth Nova I know." Kaitlin smiled. "Now, tell me, what is it like being with Ren? Surely, it must be awkward-"
"I'm not telling you anything and I am not with him." Eclypse cut in.

Kaitlin rolled her eyes, picking up her glass and swirling the contents in it. "Damn, I was only asking a question, no need to be so uptight about it." She mumbled.
"Kaitlin Saxe! How would you like it if I asked you questions about your relationship with Captain Issac Salamandra?" Eclypse remarked, knowing full well that she won the argument with her words.
"Alright, alright! You made your point!" Kaitlin threw her hand up in surrender.
They both sat in silence, letting everyone and everything around them make noise. The band played different songs, each in a different language to accommodate to all the people inside who didn't speak Galactic Basic. Eclypse smiled which is something she hasn't done in a while. This was true and genuine not masking.

She was free.

Yes, only for the moment, but she was free.

Free from the First Order.

Free from being a Sith.

Free from her problems.

At that point in time she was just a regular woman from Pillio having a drink with her best friend. She would get drunk and have fun without having a care in the world about her past.
Though something was missing from this newfound freedom.
She just didn't know what.
It made her heart hurt.
Was it a person?
Then for some odd reason she started to think of....


Eclypse's smile faded away.
He would no doubt be furious with her freedom because for he says is that she is his and that it will forever be that way. Eclypse would never truly have her freedom. Sith or not. No matter how far away she would always be Kylo's.

Kaitlin noticed her friend's sudden unhappiness and patted her on the back. "Hey, you alright Nova?" She asked. Eclypse stopped her thoughts and looked up then smiled again, this time it was fake. "Yes, I'm fine."

"Well then, I think we should have a toast." Raising her cup, Kaitlin cleared her throat and said: "Raise a glass to Freedom. Something they can never take away, no matter what they tell you. And Raise a glass to the both of us, and may we both be friends always." Eclypse brought up her glass as well and clanked it against Kaitlin's. "Raise a glass to freedom." She repeated with a grin. Kaitlin grinned back then they both drank out of their glasses letting the bitter taste sting their tongues again. But all of a sudden something bumped into Eclypse making her spill the beverage onto her dress.

"Sh*t!" She cursed standing up, putting down the glass quickly and reaching over the counter to grab a rag. She started to panic, this dress was special and there was no replacing it. Thankfully the wine was clear, and with a few hand washes it would come out.

"Here, let me help with that." Came a voice next to her. Eclypse looked over to see a very handsome dark-skinned man who was dressed very formally yet had a blaster on his hip. He reached over the counter and got the rag himself then proceeded to wipe off the liquid that remained on Eclypse's dress. The man looked at her and smirked to which she blushed.

What is happening?
She thought.

When he was done, the man threw the rag back over the bar then dusted off his clothes, just radiating confidence.
"I am very sorry about that." The man said. "I wasn't watching where I was going and I bumped into you."
"Oh, uh, it's fine." Eclypse replied, sitting back down.
"If I may introduce myself, my name is Dar'qui. And what might your name be, gorgeous?"

Come up with something quick!
Eclypse thought.

"My name is Eyra." She answered though she scolded herself internally for using her precious sister's name. But it was the first thing that came to mind and there was no going back now.

"Well, Miss Eyra," Dar'Qui started, his dark brown eyes sparkling with desire. "May I buy you another drink?"
"No, thank you." Eclypse said quickly. "I'll be fine and I'm here with my friend."
She gestured over to Kaitlin who was glaring suspiciously at the man.
"Oh, that's too bad." He said, running a hand across his hair and shrugging. "I was beginning to like you."

Eclypse's eyes widened. That was definitely a bad sign.
"So, since you are here with your friend do you have a man somewhere in the Galaxy?" Dar'Qui took a step closer to Eclypse's seat which immediately made her feel uncomfortable. "Yes, I do." She lied.

"Then why isn't he here with you?" He asked farther coming closer and closer to Eclypse until she could feel his breath on her lips. "Because he didn't want to come." Said Eclypse sternly, trying to back away but it was no use, he knew what he was doing.

"Is he black?"
This question threw her off quickly.
What does he mean by 'is he black'?

"Excuse me?"

The dark man chuckled deeply, shaking his head. "Is he dark skinned?"

"No." Eclypse said and this time she wasn't lying.

"You see, sweetheart, you belong with someone who is your color. Someone like me. You're too beautiful to be with someone pale skinned. Why don't you come with me, I can show you what it's like." He slid one hand over her waist, the other over her thigh.

If you saw what I was covering up then you'd be saying otherwise.

"I am happy with the man I am with, thank you very much." Eclypse stood back up to stand face to face with Dar'Qui for they were about the same height and pushed his hands off. "And it's none of your business who I am with and who I am not. I just met you because you spilled a drink on me. And if you think that I'm just some dumb b*tch who will sleep with whoever then you have the wrong woman. So I suggest that you go find some wh*re to f*ck with because I do not have time for Little Boys."
Dar'Qui looked very taken back as if he had never seen a woman be so outspoken. "Suit yourself." He scoffed and walked away, glaring at Eclypse intently. She sighed then sat back down, holding the bridge of her nose.

I just said that I was with Kylo...
That Kylo Ren was my man... Well, I didn't say his name but I still said that.
I like that way that sounds though.
The sound of him being mine...

"You did amazing, Nova!" marveled Kaitlin. "I would have never been able to do that."
"Oh come on, yes you could." Eclypse chuckled.
"No, I couldn't, there's no way." Kaitlin shook her head then took a sip of her drink.
The music stopped and everyone in the cantina clapped as the singer announced that there would be another song. The band started playing and as soon as they did Kaitlin's head shot up and she put down her glass. "Nova! Listen, it's our song!" She said quickly.
"Oh, it is!" Eclypse exclaimed, listening closely.a

"Come on, let's sing our parts!" Kaitlin suggested but Eclypse immediately shook her head. "No. Absolutely not. Not in public."

"Fine. I'll sing mine then." Kaitlin cleared her throat waiting for the correct moment then began to sing along with the singer:

"She's resplendent, so confident
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine
I realize, I'm hypnotized
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine...."

"Oh my Stars." Eclypse sighed.

"I hear the moon singing a tune
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine
Is she divine, Is it the wine
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine...."
Kaitlin continued on.

"I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why.....
That's how we are, La Seine and I
I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why....
That's how we are, La Seine and I...."

"Come on, please!" Kaitlin begged, tugging on Eclypse's arm. She was even batting her eyelashes.
"Alright, fine." Eclypse sighed.
Then she started to sing her part of the song:

"I feel alive when I'm beside
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine.....
From this angle like an angel
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine.....
I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why.....
That's how we are, La Seine and I
I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why....
That's how we are, La Seine and I"

She was actually starting to enjoy it! It had been a while since the both of them sung it together so why not? Then they were both singing together along with the singers on the stage:

"Upon the bridge
My heart does beat
Between the waves
We will be saved
The air we breathe
Can you believe?
Learn to forgive upon the bridge.....

That's how we are, La Seine and I
That's how we are, La Seine and I
That's how we are, La Seine and I
That's how we are, La Seine and I...."

When the song ended Eclypse and Kaitlin burst into a fit of laughter while the rest in the cantina clapped.
"We haven't done that in ages!" Eclypse said trying to catch her breath.
"I know!" Kaitlin replied.
"Do you remember how long it took for me to learn my part of the song? It took me four entire months for me to learn it!" Eclypse confessed.
"I remember..." Kaitlin sighed and smiled. "Those were the good parts of those days and I wish we could have them back....."

Years ago, Eclypse was in such a depressed state that she would rarely come out of her room or let anyone in unless it had something to do with her duties as Empress. The only ones allowed in were BB-7A, Kaitlin, and the medic(that's a story for another time). But to help calm her down or lift up the mood, Kaitlin would always sing the lullaby version of that song and it made Eclypse feel better when she needed it.....

"Hey, you never told me the name of that song..." Said Eclypse thoughtfully.
"Oh, I didn't?" Asked Kaitlin. "Huh, could have sworn I did. But it's called-"

Then Eclypse remembered something and she cut in quickly: "Wait, Kaitlin, the Steadfast, we have to get back. If we leave now then we might make it. But we can't get caught out."

"You're right we have to go." Kaitlin nodded.
"Come on." Eclypse pulled out a few credits out of her cloak's pocket and set them on the bar. Then she pulled on her cloak, grabbed onto her friend's hand after she put on hers and they both left the Cantina quickly, needing to get back to where they came from.


Eclypse's POV

Trying to keep our laughing as quiet as possible, Kaitlin and I left the Launch Bay onto the cold large Steadfast.
"I haven't had that much fun in so long!" I exclaimed hushedly walking through hallway.

"Me either!" Kaitlin replied. "We should definitely do that again!"
"Yes, of course! And I still can't believe that you got me to sing our song in public! I figured I would have forgotten it by now!" I said, pulling my hood down.
We both giggled, unable to control it. I missed this.

"Karabast, now I have to give Toll ten credits." Kaitlin cursed under her breath.
"Hey, it's worth it though." I pointed out.
She nodded in agreement. "You see, this is the Nova I know. Confident. Proud. Drop-dead gorgeous. Witty. And stands up for herself. And I don't know you were before but it wasn't you." She stopped then pulled me into a tight hug. I smiled and hugged back. 

Why does everyone feel so warm when I am so cold?

But my eyes snapped open and I pulled away immediately looking around worriedly. He's looking for me. I can feel it. "Kaitlin, we have to go." I said then grabbed her hand and started to run.
"Nova where are we going?!" She whisper shouted as we ran down the hall.
"Anywhere but here. We need to get to our quarters!" I replied. I pulled her around the corner but it was too late.

The Supreme Leader was walking down the same hall toward us with anger and bitterness written all over him and his gloved hands clenched into fists.
"Sh*t." I cursed.
He stopped in front of the two of us then huffed. I was almost about face to face with the dark-haired man however Saxe was about a foot below us from being so short. "What are you doing out so late, General and Commander?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I- we were just ch-checking the Command D-deck for-" I stuttered but he cut in almost immediately. "That does not explain your attire, Commander."

I looked down at myself noticing that I was still in my Mother's lavender dress then over at Saxe who was still wearing her blue dress. I gulped. "We went out to a Cantina on Batuu, Supreme Leader, Sir." Said Saxe, lifting her chin to look at Ren better with surprising bravery(I mean, she's survived six years with me so it would make sense that she wouldn't be frightened of Ren). "I apologize for it was my idea. We should have asked your permission first and we arrived back at an unreasonable time."
But Kylo held up his hand. He wasn't going to accept it.
"Commander, you will stay here with me. General, go back to your quarter's immediately." He grabbed my wrist tightly which made me let go of Kaitlin.
"Yes, Sir." She bowed to him, shot me a worried look then left.

Then Kylo turned to me. "Didn't I tell you not to leave without asking me, Nova?" He fumed sqeazing my wrist tighter with each word. I hissed, trying to pull myself from his grasp but he pulled me harshly to his chest, everything about him radiating anger. "Didn't I?!"
"Yes, you did."

"And did you leave without asking tonight?" Kylo glared at me, waiting for my answer.
"Yes. I did." I glared back, not letting him intimidate me.
His eye twitched.

"Come with me."

Kylo pulled me down the hall by the wrist, walking at a fast speed letting his coat flutter behind him. It was difficult to follow since I was being pulled but I tried my hardest. "Kylo, let me go." I ordered.
"No." He replied simply.
"I said 'Let me go'. Now." I hissed, trying to tug him back but he wouldn't budge.
"And I said no. What about 'Never leave without my permission' did you not understand, Eclypse? It was simple and yet you disobeyed me."

"Of course I didn't obey you! You never let me go anywhere or do anything without me asking! And I hate it because you never approve!" I yelled.
"I never approve because I am trying to keep you from getting into trouble!" Kylo yelled back as he turned a corner still pulling me along. I could see right through his lie but I played along.
"I am a Sith, I can take care of myself!"

"If you could take care of yourself then you wouldn't have those scars, now would you?!"
I gasped. "How dare you?! You were the one who gave the first one to me in the first place, Bastard!"
"You needed to be taught a f*cking lesson! Look now, the Little Girl still hasn't learned it." His grip was starting to become very painful as we walked faster near his quarters. I kept the on trying to get away but it was too tight.

"Kylo, just please let me go!" I begged.
"My Little Fox, I told you, no. I won't let go." He still wouldn't look back at me and continued to stroll though the hallways.
"I am not yours." I snapped.
"Yes, you are. You belong to me and only me." Kylo dictated though he sounded... unsure.

"I'm not an item to be owned. I don't belong to anyone and never will. Not even to Ben Solo, the boy who ruined my life and continues to torment me to this day."
This time he looked back and I knew immediately that I shouldn't have said that. "What did you call me?" He said, trying to mask his anger but failing. "Ben Solo is dead and will forever be dead. I killed him. Don't ever speak his name again or else I'll..."
"Or else you'll what, Kylo? You'll kill me?"
His jaw clenched. "You don't know what you're saying, Nova, you're drunk."
"No, I'm not. Just finish your words. Or else what?" I scowled at him.
Kylo didn't answer as he turned back around and continued on to the end of the hall at where his Quarters were. He typed in the code, still not letting me go as he entered and in a sudden moment he was gripping my wrist too tight so I pulled away then... bit his hand through the leather covering it, accidently pulling off the glove with my teeth.

"F*CK!" He yelled in pain, finally letting me go.
He hissed, rubbing his reddened hand.
Then anxiety washed over me and my eyes widened as I realized what I had done, letting the glove drop from my mouth and onto the floor with a soft sound.
Kylo glared at me and huffed. Then he went to the bedroom, leaving me but I didn't move.
I just bit Kylo Ren.
I just BIT the f*cking Supreme Leader of the First Order.
Kylo came back without his coat then pulled out a chair from his desk.
I still didn't move.


Slowly, I moved to sit down in front of Kylo, just taking my time.

"Why did you leave?" He hissed.

"You know why." I retorted, looking at the wall instead of up at him but he grabbed my jaw roughly, making me look up into those empty brown eyes.
"Tell me."

"To have fun with my friend. Something I haven't been able to do in a really, really long time. Yes, I left without asking but that I should be able to do... whenever... I... want. And you know what, Kylo? It felt amazing to be away from you." I smirked despite his grasp on me yet on the inside my heart clenched hard in a sort of pain I haven't felt before. For what reason? I do not know.

"If that's how it is, then fine. You leave me no choice."
As he glared at me, I shuddered for an... invisible covering was laid over me.
"What did you do?" I demanded. Kylo didn't answer.

"I put a force layer over you." He finally replied. "You can no longer leave the Steadfast at all unless I'm with you. Don't even try leaving again. It won't work."
"Maybe I should have gone with that man, whatever his name was." I mumbled to myself, looking over to the side again.
"What was that?" Kylo moved my head to look at him again, this time his face was closer and red with anger.
"There was a man at the bar. Said I was too beautiful to be with someone who isn't dark-skinned. Maybe it would have been best if I went with him. He would've treated me with respect, unlike you." I rolled my eyes. "But no, I defended your Narcissistic-A*s! Fine, go ahead and lock me up inside this damned ship but you forget who the f*ck I am! A SITH! No, I may not be the Empress anymore but that doesn't mean I don't deserve respect and it DEFINITELY doesn't mean I couldn't kill you with one stroke!"
At the word 'kill', hot tears formed in my eyes.
Why did I say that?
Why would I threaten him?
"I'm not yours, Kylo, I will never be. Why don't you try being with Rey instead? Maybe she'll be content being stuck with you on this ship."

Kylo breathed shakily, let me go then said: "Go change and shower. I will discuss the rest of the rules with you after you do." I might be confused but though furious, there was something in his eyes behind the growing glossiness.

Like... Sadness.

"Fine." I huffed and got up, walking quickly over to the washroom, kicking off my heels in the process. I stopped at the doorway then turned my head to look at him again. Now, it was him who sat in the chair, head in his hands as he hunched over, it looked like he wanted to break down. But I didn't care. I don't care about him anymore.
"One last thing, Supreme Leader."
He lifted his head to look at me, not saying a word.
"Call me a Little Girl again and you will never lay a another finger on my body."

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