Masked Attraction

By taylorcelanturxx

487K 12.1K 1.1K

Emma Barnes is a shy sophomore with a predictable life. Struggling with anxiety and focusing on her parent's... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Kappa Alpha Society
Chapter 2: He Won't Fall For It
Chapter 3: Your Fate Is Sealed
Chapter 4: Oops
Chapter 5: Dancing
Chapter 6: You're On
Chapter 7: I'll Just Add Myself
Chapter 8: I Lied
Chapter 9: You Always Eat My Pizza
Chapter 10: Bashy
Chapter 11: He's Only Cute if I'm Drunk
Chapter 12: I Can Sing Better Than the Band
Chapter 13: Doritos
Chapter 14: Girlfriend?
Chapter 15: I Can Totally Pull Off a Mustache
Chapter 16: Barista
Chapter 17: Model Emergency
Chapter 18: Man Spreading
Chapter 19: Flavor
Chapter 20: Out of Your League
Chapter 21: Movers
Chapter 22: Mini Castle
Chapter 23: She's a Little Scary
Chapter 24: Steam Coming Out of Her Ears
Chapter 25: Kiss Me
Chapter 26: Munchkins and Midterms
Chapter 27: Sebastien John Reed
Chapter 28: Wrong Feelings
Chapter 29: Mushy Gushy
Chapter 30: Scream Music
Chapter 31: Big Bad Wolf
Chapter 32: Good and Dandy
Chapter 33: Pancakes
Chapter 34: Karaoke Night
Chapter 35: Slacker Cookies
Chapter 36: Turkey
Chapter 37: Victor
Chapter 38: Did That Happen?
Chapter 39: On A Break
Chapter 41: Strike
Chapter 42: I'll Bite You Too
Chapter 43: The Grinch
Chapter 44: Me, Myself & I
*Extra Pictures*
Chapter 45: Everything Okay?
Chapter 46: Old Sellers
Chapter 47: Deathtrap
Chapter 48: Bubble Bath
Chapter 49: Boy Toy
Chapter 50: Masked
Chapter 51: Attraction
Chapter 52: Everybody Knows
Chapter 53: You are Crazy
Chapter 54: Striped & Solids
Chapter 55: Goodbye
Chapter 56: Dragon Tattoo
Chapter 57: Engaged
Chapter 58: Bewitched
Chapter 59: Parents

Chapter 40: Dumplings

6.1K 151 10
By taylorcelanturxx

Jamie offers to drive me back to our hometown for the night and I agree, needing the distraction. She crashes at my place for a few hours, us lounging out on my bed as she paints her nails. I still haven't told anyone else about the kiss or whatever the hell it was. Sitting with my textbook open in my lap, I have been trying to get the nerve to tell Jamie about it. I tap my pen against my textbook trying to form the words, but before I can find the courage, Jamie's phone starts vibrating incessantly. She glances down at it her jade green eyes widening.

"It's Matt" she declares incredulous.

"What?" I say losing my train of thought and focus on her.

"Matt is calling me." She gives me a wild look and then picks up the phone. "Hello"

Her face is one of confusion before she leaves the room so I am alone. I can't believe she left so I can't hear, how selfish. I sit and wait for her to come back mindlessly flipping through pages. After about five dull minutes she strolls back in.

"So Matt wants to take me out," she says simply as she sits back down picking up her nail polish again.

"Go out? Like a date?"

She nods her head in response. My eyebrows are probably on the ceiling by now.

"Um, okay. I thought that was just a one-time thing."

"I mean I never thought he would want more than that. He was really good in bed though."

I look at her expectantly. "What did you say?"

"I said I would think about it," she tells me blowing on her toes.

"Are you thinking about it?" I ask probing.

"Yeah, kind of," she mutters avoiding my gaze.

"Uh, Jamie?" I say.

"What Emma? People date multiple people all the time. It's completely normal." She waves her hand trying to appear nonchalant but I can see the underlying conflict in her eyes.

"I don't think this is a good idea," I say tentatively not wanting to come off too judgmental.

"I didn't make a decision yet."

"Alright well, be careful. Don't hurt anyone's feelings, including your own."

She nods her head and she goes back to finishing her bright cherry polish. I keep my mouth shut about my own issues not wanting to add any more worry for her.

She leaves shortly after to head over to her cousin's birthday dinner. In the meantime, I stay up in my room until I get hungry too. I stop in the kitchen to discover my dad rummaging through fresh Chinese food. He is still in his work attire with a white coat open and a green button-down top peeking through.

He glances over toward my direction as I stand in the doorway. "I got you some pork fried rice and dumplings," he tells me as he resumes pulling out the remaining cartons of food.

"Oh, thanks dad! Um." I bite my lip hard. "Dad, you know I am a vegetarian right?" I say carefully, more than a little stunned he didn't remember.

He freezes, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion beneath his glasses. I scurry over and quickly snatch up the bag before he can feel guilty.

"It's okay though! I'll just pick around it, no worries. Thank you for getting me food."

"Oh, no you are not doing that. I'll just order some more."

"No, it's really—"

He already has his phone to his ear putting his finger up to silence me. I politely nod and take a step back as he orders me vegetable fried rice and vegetable dumplings. I hate for him to waste the other food, but my mom will probably eat it later tonight.

"Let's sit and eat together once it arrives. Your mother won't be joining she is busy with a client," he informs me.

"Okay, that sounds nice." I smile softly.

He walks over and places his food on the table with his laptop on his side as we wait. I sit across from him playing on my phone feeling a little uncomfortable. It is rare we actually use the dinner table together. He goes to answer the door coming back with a new bag.

"There you go!" He tells me plopping it down in front of me.

I smile, "Thanks, dad."

"So, tell me what has been going on in class," he says as he sits back down and takes off his coat.

"Not so much. I actually applied for an internship at the hospital though," I declare.

"Did you? Which hospital?" He asks curiously.

"Washington a little north of Princeton."

"Have you heard back?"

"Not yet. I assume it takes some time before they make a decision." I push the rice around in my carton.

"I know the director and a few surgeons there. I will reach out for you," he states.

My eyes burst open. "No, no don't do that. I don't want you to pull any favors. I'm serious."

He doesn't seem to hear me like usual.
"It is no inconvenience. I will let you know what they say."

I nod my head in defeat. A ding goes off on his laptop and he starts typing and he gets pulled back into his world. We mostly eat in silence after that.

While eating my mind drifts to Sebastien. Things have been really weird between us I don't even know where to begin. I have a feeling if I don't do something right now our friendship is going to unravel to the point of zero fixing. I need to see him, but I don't think I should do it one-on-one. Jess immediately pops into my mind. With my dad already gone from the table I start texting away, a somewhat plan sliding in place.

Hey!! I need a group event for us.

What do you mean you need a group event? (Jess)

You know, something that I can bring Sebastien around you guys with. He barely knows you guys. I say coming up with that idea on the spot.

Yeah, that makes sense. Hookah bar? Bowling? (Jess)

Not even knowing what I would do in a hookah bar I settle with bowling.

Perfect! Let me know what day works best I'll plan the rest ;) (Jess)

*author's note*
Thanks for all the support everyone!! Happy reading and I hope you have an amazing weekend :) Don't forget to vote <3

Have you guys ever went bowling?? Who do you think will be the best bowler out of the crew?

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