By teenspite

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✿ ⚘ ❥∴°。 ━ 𝙐𝙉𝙆𝙉𝙊𝙒𝙉 𝙉𝙐𝙈𝘽𝙀𝙍 ❛ hey baby, meet me at Starbucks, 7:40 am !! ❜ ❛ oh hell no, 7:40 am i... More

𝐢. date with louis partridge
𝐢𝐢. johnny from florida?
𝐢𝐢𝐢. hoe for singers
𝐢𝐯. can i block you now?
𝐯𝐢. my bad bitch is coming out
𝐯𝐢𝐢. you think i'm a sore loser?
𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. reached 18 years of hell
𝐢𝐱. you broke my heart, and you didn't notice
𝐱. at least i know you aren't dead
𝐱𝐢. princess lucky charm
𝐱𝐢𝐢. watermelon sugar lie
𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. i'm never letting you go
𝐱𝐢𝐯. i love you, berry
𝐱𝐯. good luck with your dumbass music
𝐱𝐯𝐢. that's the point of the pool, darling
𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢. fuck all of ya'll
𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. one side of the story
𝐱𝐢𝐱. okie dookie!
𝐱𝐱. you, johnny orlando, are unbelieveable

𝐯. i can already see the tension

5.1K 117 21
By teenspite

𝖵. 𝗂 𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝗌𝖾𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗍𝖾𝗇𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇
——— 🐰




BEEWILLOWS, going back to school with a new haircut. y'all fucking with it?


DORASTARK, ayo wtf?

DORASTARK, shit i might have to rethink of my comment when saying i wasn't into you anymore.

USERNAME, holy fucking shit, blair is hot and i honestly do not mind taking johnny's girl <3
USERNAME, Johnny has a gf once again lmao, how many times do i have to tell the fandom.

BEEWILLOWS, when you say something
like that it makes me overthink 😍


     "WILLOWS, OFF THE SKATEBOARD!" Blair barely heard the scolding voice of Mrs. Cuthbert, the school principal as she raced through the corridors, her headphones pressed against her ears with rock music blaring far too loud. Students parted quickly when they saw her coming, many glaring at the tall brunette and her arms that were full of books and a tan backpack on her shoulder.

     "Blair!" Isadora Stark yelled behind her, following Blair within a few feet away from her. A small smile grew on her face as she took the back foot off the tail of the board and placed it on the surface, dragging her back foot along the ground until she came to a complete stop. She ripped her headphones off her ears and hit the 'stop' button on her phone, freezing the music.

     "I just witnessed Ruth and Charles making out next to the girls bathroom," Winona Chambers, another one of Blair's friends, laughed, as she tug a strap of her backpack making sure it didn't fall off of her shoulder.

      "Weren't you in love with Ruth in like the ninth grade?" Blair asked Winona as she bent down and grabbed her skateboard. The three had continued down the crowded corridor, each occasionally getting their shoulders shoved.

     "Yeah, but i'm pretty sure she's straight," Winona sighed. Blair chuckled as Isadora patted Winona's back. The three continued walking, eventually reaching their lockers. Luckily, they were only a few spaces apart.

     "So, are we all up for the art room?" Isadora asked, shoving her math book in her locker.

     Blair flashed her a grin as she rested her skateboard on the side of her locker, "Of course, I just need to pass out some permission slips for Mrs Cuthbert."

     "Don't you hate the principal?" Winona asked Blair, putting her eyebrows in a tight knit.

     "I do." Blair retorted quickly, "But i'd rather pass out permission slips for an A plus then get the chancla on my ass by my father."

     Isadora giggled softly. This only widened Blair's smile, triumphant she had made the wholesome girl laugh so early in the morning.

     "So, what's happening with you and Johnny Orlando?" Winona asked with a grin.

     "Nothing," Blair stated, slamming her locker shut and grasping her skateboard in her free hand.

     "There has to be some kind of chemistry between you two." Isadora complained.

     "Well, there isn't." Blair replied calmly.

     As if on cue, the shrill bell rang throughout the school, causing teen boys and girls to fly out the hallways and into the classrooms. A sigh of relief escaped Blair's lips as she did not want anymore questions about the famous Johnny Orlando that constantly consumed her thoughts.

     She was incredulous that she in fact was falling hard for the boy. She's never even encountered him but yet it was like he was a life-sized ken doll that had accidentally been misplaced in a world that involved of cigarette smoke and a handful of trash. Though, she had soon quickly realized that her liking of the boy was a case of extreme infatuation rather than love. She didn't know what the boy was liked behind the screen and truth be told, she was scared to find out.

     Setting down her skateboard on the surface, she placed her headphones back over her ears and played her music, far too loud to be healthy. She placed her front foot over the front truck bolts, using her back foot to push alongside the board and propel herself forward.

"We're not done with this conversation Willows!" Isadora yelled from across the hallway. As Blair turned the corner, she glanced back only to raise her right hand and stick her middle finger up in Isadora's direction.

Trailing off as a large smile took over her face, Blair had made a stop when she encountered the principals office. She grasped her skateboard in her hand as she slowly made her way into the office, dreading for another scolding of the principal on why she decided to use a skateboard for transportation.

"Good morning, Mrs Cuthbert!" Blair spoke, placing both of her arms against the counter's surface and clasping her hands together, giving her a soft smile.

"Morning," Mrs Cuthbert muttered, eyeing her up and down through her thin-rimmed glasses. "You shouldn't have a skateboard in school, how many times do I have to tell you? People can get seriously hurt if you ever bump into them, Blair."

Blair shrugged, "I know, I know. But it's not my fault I failed the drivers test, and plus, it's better than walking on feet."

Mrs Cuthbert rolled her eyes before a sigh escaped her lips. "I have a call to make in a second, it won't take long but I need you to wait."

Blair nodded with a grin, walking to her usual seat in the waiting area. Grabbing her phone from her pocket, Blair was met with a thousand of notifications. Although she had always liked attention, being popular or famous was one thing Blair never wanted. She knew the consequences of being famous and never wanted to deal with it, yet, here she was, getting tagged in a bunch of photos from Johnny's fans.

She was scared, scared of getting hated on by others. Not one person's opinion mattered when they say something about the girl, but when it came to fans, she knew they can become very ruthless at times.

In a matter of minutes, Mrs Cuthbert had finally finished the call. "Blair." Mrs Cuthbert called out, causing the girl to turn her gaze to the tall, blonde, women. 

Mrs Cuthbert picked up a pile of permission slips, using her other hand to wave Blair over. The dark-haired girl stood up from her seat, putting her phone into her butt pocket before walking over to the principal and grabbing the paper. "The names and classes are in the top right-hand corner. And please be careful with the skateboard Miss Willows, you hear me?"

Blair nodded, "Alright." She flashed her a grin, before spinning around and darting out the office. Using her spare hand, she placed her headphones back over her ears and started to play music.

Quiet halls during the school day were the best, especially on days when Blair was the high schools messenger girl. Each classroom she dropped by, she was either stared at, thanked or told off by the teachers, none of them expecting the teen to appear in their doorways.

As she left the last classroom, she waved at the teacher before dashing down the linoleum floors. She hummed along the beat of her song, propping her hands in fists and drumming the air to the beat. "Blair Willows!"

With her thick eyebrows furrowed in concentration, Blair turned the corner and burst through the art room, startling her two best friends inside. Ripping the headphones off her ears and placing both of her legs on the surface, she walked over to her usual seat at their shared table and put her tan backpack on the extra chair that was next to her.

"Catch," The soft voice of Winona said, picking up a pack of Cheetos and tossing them carelessly in Blair's direction. The black-haired girl reached out to catch them, fumbling a little before grasping the plastic tightly. "Thanks, Winnie."

"I don't get why you can't just walk like a normal person?" Isadora asked as Winona threw her a bag of the Lays-Lemon-Potato-Chips. She had a pencil in one hand and the other digging into the green bag of chips. Her eyes were concentrated on her work, though her mind appeared to be somewhere else. "I don't think it's healthy."

"But eating Lemon-Chips are?" Blair pointed out, With a tilted head, and a puzzled expression as her brows were furrowed yet defined. "Besides, who wouldn't want to ride on a skateboard, it's much easier and people walk slow."

"I sure would," Winona muttered, shoving a Cheeto in her mouth. Blair clicked her fingers in the girls direction, agreeing.

"You know who does like skaters? Johnny Orlando." Isadora spoke.

Blair groaned almost immediately, rolling her eyes."God, not this again."

"You totally are in love." Winona spoke, pointing an accusing Cheeto at the girl before shoving it in her mouth.

"No, no I am not." Said Blair matter-of-factly, to which Isadora scoffed.

"Don't even try denying it," Isadora chimed with a

"I just met him not too long ago, besides, it seems like he very much dislikes me." Blair shrugged.

"Guys flirt weird," Winona sighed as she aggressively poked her straw through her drink.

"He definitely wasn't flirting, he called me a psycho." Blair stated, a small smile growing on face.

"A psycho?" Winona and Isadora asked in sync in total surprise.

"He called me a lot of things, one of them being and-i-quote, 'an absolute dumbass'." Blair laughed.

"Damn, I can already see the tension," Isadora smiled, plopping a Lemon-Chip in her mouth.

Blair smiled, a small giggle escaping her throat as she stole a Cheeto from Winona, shoving it into her mouth.

"You bitch!" Winona formed a frown on her lips. "That was my last Cheeto."

With the last sentence that had been formed by Winona, the bell rang throughout the school. Blair slung a strap of her tan backpack over her shoulder and made her way to her skateboard, placing her front foot over the front as her back foot pushed along side the surface. "I'll buy you another bag of chips!"

"You better!" Winona whined, staring at her bubbly friend as she skated past the corridor, waving a goodbye to her best friends when she slid through the exit door.

authors note !
*·˚  🕯🥞

i finally have written! i know it's not my best work but at least it's better than my old one ??

also i feel like this has nothing to do with the storyline, but i kinda wanted you guys to see how her life was and stuff so !

—— yours truly, lily.

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