The Boy I Love

By SweetPea607

174K 5.3K 2K

"Umm I-I was uhh j-just leaving" I stuttered. {why am I having trouble speaking? especially to Malfoy!} He lo... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
⚠️Chapter 20 ⚠️
Chapter 21
⚠️Chapter 22⚠️
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 1

17.4K 329 391
By SweetPea607

Hey, author here I just want to say I'm new at writing and if there is anything you want to see or something I can improve on please let me know, thank you ☺️ Also I do not own any of these pictures I found them on the internet and this is an LGBTQ+ story sooooo BE NICE and I love Harry Potter and don't want any fans coming at me for changing the story plot because that's the point of a fanfic, so with that in mind enjoy love you 😘 let's get started

Hello, my name is Harry Potter.

Yes, THEE Harry Potter, as in 'the savior of the wizard world, the boy who lived, The Defeater of the Dark Lord', bla bla bla. Yes, that was all me.

But now that's all over and done with.
Now that the war is over, if it's even possible, I have become even MORE famous. People ask to take pictures with me on the streets, kids ask for my autograph, and girls basically throw their...'undergarments' at me. And EVERYONE wants to know who I'm with or if I'm interested in a girl but, there's only one problem.

I like boys.

Yeah..... and there's only two people in the whole world who know that.

My best friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.

Oh and did I mention that they are together now...

Yup. I am officially the last of all my friends to still be single.
Even Neville has a girlfriend!

Anyways I told Ron that I was gay first.... well..
It was more of he found out.

[Flashback To Fifth Year]

Im sitting in my dormitory doing my potions homework when I start to get a little frustrated every time I don't know an ingredient so I decide to take a small break. I walk over to my bed and start to flip threw a muggle magazine knowing I can't put off doing my work for long or Hermione is going to kill me.

I'm flipping through pictures that looking at all the different models on each page when I came across a picture of a random guy in black and white. The photo was taken of his profile showing off a jawline that could cut steel and perfect plump lips that you could kiss all day long. His dark hair was slicked back a bit, making it look a little messy. He was wearing a tank top that was torn long on the sides so you could see his ribs, his biceps were probably the size of my head.

He was hugging his knees to his chest and smoke was coming out of his mouth in the sexiest way I've ever seen. Normally I don't like people that smoke but there was just something about it that turned me on.

I didn't even realize that I was bitting my lip until I heard Ron right next to my ear.

"I didn't know you fancied blokes." Ron announces a little surprised.

I practically screamed and almost fell off my bed because of how much close he was. Ron, being the annoying friend that he is started laughing his arse off, his eye glittering with joy as I tried to slow my heart rate.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you mate." he said threw his hysteric laugher.

"Then maybe you shouldn't sneak up on people!" I yelled while pushing him lightly on the chest in retaliation.

"Sorry, sorry...But seriously, why didn't you tell me?" He ask, a hint of sadness in his voice. I'm not entirely sure how I'm supposed to respond to that. I know he saw my looking a little too long at the picture but I'm not entirely sure how he'll react. Will he not want to be my friend anymore? Will he make fun of me? Will he be creeped out and start acting weird? I can feel my heart start to beat fast the more I think about all the possibilities that could happen.

Fuck it. When in doubt, lie.

"I don't know what your talking about" I said back even though I knew perfectly well that I wasn't convincing in the slightest. His head cocked to the side and pale blue eyes narrowed to a thin line giving off an expression that said 'really'. "I don't!" I squeak in a high pitched voice that made me cringe internally.

"Harry, you were biting your lip and starring at some guys picture so hard you didn't even see me come in" he said in a flat tone.

I look down in embarrassment. I didn't think coming out to my best friend would happen like this but I can't lie to Ron anymore.
He's not exactly believing me anyhow .
"Please don't tell anyone." I plead in a small, almost whisper tone of voice.

"Harry, mate, no one will judge you and if they do I will get Hermione to give them the hex of their lives." he said with a serious expression, which made me chuckle a bit.

"I know. It's just....." I trailed off looking anywhere but at Ron, trying to find the words to explain.

"You're not ready" he finishes for me, making me look back at him.

"Yes! Exactly! Thank you." I say extremely happy that he understands that I'm just not ready for everyone to know just yet. I mean my life is complicated enough as it is right now. I don't need everyone and their grandmothers whispering about my sexuality behind my back.

"I understand. Don't worry Harry, I won't tell anyone." He says with a warm, kind smile on his face. He sits down next to me on my bed and puts a comforting arm around my shoulders, giving me a light squeeze, silently telling me that he is here for me.

[Back To Present]

After that we had a lot to talk about and he was never awkward around me like I had feared he would be. About three months later Ron told me he was transgender and that he was magically transformed from female to male at the age of four.

To say I was shocked is an understatement, but I would love him whether he was male, female, gay, straight, black, white, or a damn leprechaun. So yeah, the next to know was Hermione. I felt so bad not telling her but having Ron know. So I told her shortly after Ron found out.......

It didn't go as expected either.

[Flashback To The End Of Fifth Year]

We were sitting in the common room early in the morning so no one else was awake and we were alone. I was extremely nervous but I knew that this was something I had to do.

"Hermione, there is something very important I need to tell you" I said slowly so I wouldn't trip over my words, and so that I could also try an calm my pounding heart. She looked at me with worry filled eyes, like she often did when I was this serious about talking alone with her and Ron.

"Is something wrong Harry? You look sick" she asked while moving to feel my forehead for a fever. I lightly brushed her hand away with a weak smile before she could reach, reassuring her that I was fine before continuing.

"I'm...... uhh..... gay" I say the last part in a whisper. So low that it would be very easy to miss but I knew she had heard me.
She's Hermione after all.
She just stares at me for a while, not saying anything. I didn't know what to do. I swear was about to wet myself from how nervous I was. I don't know what I expected but I definitely didn't expect silence.
I just sat there playing with my thumbs. That's when she started laughing so hard I thought she might get bruises on her stomach. I shushed her because there were still people sleeping up the stairs to the dorms and I definitely didn't want anyone coming down in that moment.

"Oh Harry you poor thing. I know." she said still giggling a little bit, wiping her tearful eyes with the back of her hand. I stared at her in pure shock for a minute, absolutely stunned.

"You what?" I ask in complete disbelief, blinking a few times to try and clear the confusion from my mind.

"I know" she said slowly with a gentle smile on her face.

"But How!? No one else has figured it out." I ask her genuinely curious about what gave me away. Was it that obvious? Did everyone know?
Hermione just rolls her eyes, smiling from ear to ear as she happily replied.

"You remember when we were in third year and there was that tall seventh year with long blonde hair? What was his name again?" She gives me a knowing look. And I look away from her in embarrassment, a blush heating my cheeks.

"Elijah" I say quietly.

Author- ^ I just picked a random name.

"Riiiiight Elijah. Well, you could not stop staring at him and blushing whenever he walked by" she says staring at me so intensely. Making my heated cheek burn even more.

"So, you knew all this time and you didn't say anything?" I ask while turning back to her.

"Of course I did Harry. You're my best friend and I wanted you to come out on your own. It's a big deal" she says warm heartedly. I give her an appreciative smile and a hug, which we held for quite some time. She also promised not to tell anyone else. Not that I had to ask her, I mean if she kept the secret this long why spill it now?
Which is exactly what she said when I had asked.

[Back To The Present]

Anyways now they are together and I'm alone but to be honest, I think I like the idea of a boyfriend. Now after all that's happened I'm even more afraid to come out and even if I do who am I going to date? Everyone always seems like they want something from me. The only people who has come out that I know personally are in relationships.

"Hey mate if we don't get going Hermione is going to kill us" Ron said leaning against the doorway. It's kinda funny how much of a wuss Ron is around Hermione but then again I don't blame him. She can be scary sometimes.

"I'll be there in a second. Tell her I'll be a little late" I said while gathering my books off of my desk.

"Fine but when she comes up here to bite your head off, don't come asking me for help" he laughed while walking to the door.

"Okay, okay bye" I said to him while chuckling lightly. Like he would be able to do anything against her anyway. He leaves closing the door behind him and I begin putting my positions homework an books in my book bag. Not even three seconds later I hear heavy footsteps coming straight towards the room and I immediately start fearing for my life.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER! YOU BETTER GRAB YOUR THINGS AND START WALKING BEFORE I DRAG YOUR SKINNY ARSE OUT!!" Hermione screams after spelling the door open making a Big Bang as it hit the wall. I quickly grab all my things shoving them in my bag and carrying some in my hands. Ignoring the little comment she made and practically ran out the door because I know she is not kidding about dragging me out. I saw her do it to Ron once and I'm not going to be her next victim. I make it to the common rooms and see Ron laughing, hunched over clutching his stomach.

" I wouldn't be laughing if I were you Ron, you didn't finish your defense agents the dark arts essay last night" I say as I watched his eyes widen in realization that his girlfriend is going to kill him.

"We have to go before she gets down or we are both dead" I nod and we both run out of the Fat Lady's Portrait in hopes that we will survive Hermione's wrath. After we felt like we were safe we started walking down the halls on our way to the quidditch field when I bump into someone.

"Oh I'm so sor-" I start to apologize before I look up and see the one person I really didn't want to deal with.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Malfoy says in his annoying, sarcastic and prideful voice.

{you have got to be kidding me!!} is all I can think as I look in his grey eyes. I just stare at him because today I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of getting on my nerves. Even after everything that went down I thought that maybe Malfoy would change and he did a little. He gets better everyday but he's still a git and I don't think he's changing anytime soon. He even has a new reputation of being the misunderstood bad boy.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Ron says in a very irritated tone. I look at Ron trying to tell him to stop with my eyes but I guess it didn't come threw the way I was hoping.

"No one was talking to you weasel" he said with his signature snarl and glare.

"Rather be a weasel then a ferret" Ron said referring to the time Mad eye Moody transformed him into a white ferret in front of everyone. At this point I just want to get to class. I know if we don't Hermione is going to scold us until the day we die and I'm going to try to prevent that as best I can. So I just walk away ignoring every word coming out of Malfoy's mouth. Sometimes I think he's kinda cute then he opens his mouth and that thought flys out of my head at the speed of light.

"Wait!! Harry wait up. What was that?" He asks like I had just done something so abnormal that his brain can't register it.

"What?" I genuinely don't know what he is talking about. I pick up speed to class not stoping once to look at him.

"You just walked away. You didn't say anything back" he says like it is the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yeah? So?" I ask looking at him with my eyebrows coming together in confusion.

"Why didn't you say anything back?" He says like I'm being stupid or something. I just roll my eyes and explain.

"Simple. I don't want to get scolded by Hermione for being late" at that Ron stops dead in his tracts remembering his girlfriend who won't hesitate to knock him up side the head with a book in hopes that he will soak up some of the information.

"Oh bloody hell I forgot. Let's go!!" And with that Ron runs off with fear plastered on his face with me laughing really loud behind him.

So again first story please be nice and I would appreciate suggestions and I'm sorry for any misspelled words. I think I'm going to do the next chapter in Dracos POV anyway thanks for reading XOXO 😘 BYEEEEEE

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