By PandamoniumJ

72.5K 1.8K 1K

Sequel to OUT OF SIGHT || NUMBER 5 x OC || BK. 1! [COMPLETED SEASON 2] "I'm just glad that at least we don't... More

27. LOVE


1.7K 55 67
By PandamoniumJ

Author's note:

Hello everyone! Just a steamy warning for this chapter.

Things will get a little hot.

You've been warned.


Five anxiously waited at the alley with the briefcase in his hand as he looked at his watch. So far, no one was there but him.

"Hey," ran up Luther, he looked around the alley in confusion. "Where is everyone?"

Five scoffed as he looked down both sides of the alley. "You're the first one."

"What?" he exclaimed. "I thought Elaina was with you,"

Five pressed his lips together in a tight smile. "She was. She'll be here soon,"

From the opening of the alley near the Avon Theater, a sweating and fidgety Klaus came running in. "Hey, hey, hey! We made it!" he chuckled before groaning and bending over as he got in front of his brothers.

"What do you mean 'we'?" asked Five as he and Luther watched on in puzzlement as Klaus continued shuddering and tweaking.

"Get out!" Klaus shouted to himself before exorcist vomiting all over the floor, dropping to the ground and groaning.

"I can't believe it. I mean, you're here!" shouted Luther in disbelief.

Five looked down at the synchronized watch. "We've got eight minutes left,"

"I just had the strangest dream," whimpered Klaus as he laid flat on the floor.

"Where are the others?" exclaimed a frustrated Five.

Right on cue, the sound of tires screeching drew the attention of Luther and Five as they quickly turned their heads in it's direction. A taxi skirted into the alleyway, barely missing the two as it skidded to a stop. The back door slammed open as Elaina threw dollar bills at the driver and jumped out.

"I'm not late! I'm on time!" she immediately cried out, slamming the car door. "You wouldn't believe the traffic..." she stated, her voice trailing off as she spun around with her brows furrowed. "Is this everybody?" Elaina looked down and saw Klaus whimpering on the floor besides an insane amount of vomit. "And why is Klaus crying near a river of throw up?" Elaina scrunched her face in disgust as she walked over and knelt next to Klaus.

Klaus reached out and clasped his hands in Elaina's, a desperate look on his face while a mildly disturbed one crossed hers. "He was inside me..." he moaned miserably before letting go and letting his head drop on the ground.

Elaina's eyes widened. "Who was in where?" she exclaimed in bewilderment.

Klaus then sluggishly rolled over and wrapped his arms around Elaina's thighs and curled into it like a child. "I need to be held..." he groaned into her stomach.

Elaina sighed as she rubbed the top of Klaus's sweating head in comfort. "What are we going to do with you?" she then looked up to see an antsy Five as he continued to pace and looked down at his watch with a scoff. "How much time left?"

Luther looked at his own watch as he stood by the dumpster. "We have a minute left!" he exclaimed, angrily slamming his fist on the lid.

"Un-fucking-believeable," scoffed the girl as she continued to sooth Klaus.

"What's going on, guys?" hoarsely questioned Klaus. "Are we going somewhere?"

Elaina looked down at him. "What are you going through?" she questioned with a perplexed look. "You got here before me,"

"It was a simple task. It was a simple task!" hissed Five as he continued to pace. "All we had to do was be here! Didn't have to fight a giant sea monster, no. An army of mutants? Nein!"

Luther walked to the back of the alley where Elaina and taxi came in to make sure that the others weren't just arriving, but no one was running in.

"I can't believe this," he murmured in disbelief.

"It was literally handed to us on a silver platter," Elaina shook her head, clearly baffled and annoyed at the lack of appearances from her missing siblings. "I'm gonna kill 'em,"

Klaus pulled his head away from Elaina. "Could you just moan a little softer?" he muttered, bringing his hands up to cup his ears. "My head is killing me."

Five overheard Klaus's complaint and marched over to him. "Listen to me, you useless puke bag," he snapped. "We just blew our chance to save the world!" he exclaimed, not giving a single damn about Klaus's ringing head.

Klaus groaned as he pushed his head back into Elaina's stomach. "Mommy, make daddy stop yelling," childishly whined Klaus.

"Sorry Klaus," sighed Elaina as she stroked his hair. "You kids fucked up big time,"

The briefcase then began to start making a high pitched sound and a clicking noise.

Five looked down and scoffed at it. "Goddamnit," he whispered.

"Shit," exclaimed Luther, understanding the noise as Five grabbed the case and flung it into the air, it disappearing in an electric flash of blue.

Everyone looked at the floating space where it vanished.

"We were that close," sighed Five. "That close,"

"Son of a bitch," muttered Elaina with a huff.

"Now what?" asked Luther.

"Now nothing, Luther, alright? Make your peace with God!" shouted Five as he continued to pace, though now, he was taking longer strides and his speed picked up.

Five was pissed.

"What about Allison and Vanya?" questioned Luther.

Five marched up to the alley's wall and leaned against it. "Screw them both. They should have been here," he pushed himself off of it and spotted a discarded cardboard box.

"What about Diego?" groaned Klaus as he slightly lifted his head up. "He's quite a responsible young man, no?" he asked as Five ran up and angrily kicked the cardboard box.

Five was having none of it. "Screw Diego, okay? Screw everybody!"

Elaina saw Five and sighed. "Okay," she said, gently peeling Klaus off of her as she stood up. "The only thing that's keeping me from going completely ape-shit angry, is the thought that maybe something happened to them,"

Completely blinded by his fury, Five continued. "I was better off on my own in the apocalypse!"

Elaina could understand his anger and frustration, hell, she was feeling it too, but it didn't stop the small sting she felt at his words.

"Well, damn," she murmured, gaining Five's attention, where for a split second, guilt crossed his face.

"Five! Come on," said Luther.

Five directed his gaze back at Luther, his anger quickly returning. "You know what, Luther? It's every sibling for himself," he exclaimed, storming away to Elliot's building. "How 'bout that?" he opened the back door and slammed it shut behind him.

Luther looked on in bewilderment while Klaus began to whimper, making Elaina look back down at him.

"Did Five just get meaner?" he moaned with a frown.

"Can you blame him? The shit we had to do for that stupid briefcase..." she grumbled, running her hand through her hair. "All for nothing. Klaus," she sighed. "Go check on Allison, will ya? Make sure she's okay."

"Yeah," agreed Luther. "Find the others and we'll meet back here. I'll check on Five." stated Luther as he quickly turned away so he could catch up to the boy.

Elaina raised a brow. "Maybe he's feeling like Number One again, because me going after Five was probably the best bet here," shrugged the girl as she helped Klaus on his feet. "And you," she poked Klaus in the chest, making him whimper. "You've been on a weirdness bender since we've found you. What's up?"

Klaus shook his head, he looked like he was about to vomit. "It's nothing, nothing. Just a little bit of a cold,"

Elaina narrowed her eyes. "Liar. Klaus, tell me before I throw you in a force field bubble and shake you up like a maraca."

Unable to fathom the thought of being shook up, Klaus groaned. "Alright! Jesus, woman," he said as he bent down and got close to her ear. "It's Ben. He's haunting me,"

Elaina's eyebrows shut up. "Ben? Our brother, Ben," Klaus nodded his head. "Ben, the one you said didn't make it to the 60s,"

"About that..." he said, looking at the girl with a sheepish expression.

"Oh, my God, you piece of shit!" she shouted, bringing her fist down on his shoulder. "Ben has been here this whole time and you lied to us about that? Klaus, of all the messed up things you've done, this is by far a new low!" she yelled, hitting him again. "We could've included him!"

"Ow, ow, Laney," whined Klaus as he tried to block her hits. "I know, but he would've taken all the attention, and I can't deal with that right now,"

Elaina's face twisted up into one of disbelief. "You selfish ass! Where is he? Where is he, Klaus?"

Klaus moaned as he meekly pointed over to the lake of throw up. "There,"

The girl''s face changed to one of disgust. "Ew, why is he there? Hold on, why am I asking you? Ben, why are you there?" she asked the vomit and felt stupid when she realized she wouldn't get a response that way. "Okay, scratch that. Translate."

"He possessed me!" exclaimed Klaus, looking like he's been violated. "He took advantage of the favor I was doing for him!" he shouted and then got quiet as he looked over to the vomit pit. "Oh yeah? Guess what, your possession privileges have been revoked!"

"Wait, so he possessed you and you puked him out?" Elaina gathered.

"Yes! It was the only way to get him out," grunted Klaus.

Elaina made a face. "That's so gross. I'm so sorry you had to experience that, Ben, it must've been awful," said Elaina to vomit pit. "Klaus is a filthy person,"


"Kidding," she said, and then she cupped her hand over her mouth. "I'm not kidding," she whispered loudly to where she assumed Ben was, not seeing him chuckle at Klaus's expense. "Anyways, get going. I'm going to make sure Luther hasn't provoked Five to the point of getting himself killed." she said, as she began walking to the building. "Love you, guys," she called out to Klaus and Ben.

"Yeah, yeah," mumbled Klaus as he began to stager out of the alley.

Elaina started to climb the stairs of Elliot's building as she could hear Luther's voice the closer she got to the apartment.

"Five!" she could hear him banging on the door. "Come to what?" he shouted. "Five!"

Elaina rounded the corner and entered the front door, quickly spotting Luther at her's and Five's room door. "Doesn't look like that's going too well," she pointed out as she stood behind the man.

Luther turned around to face her and had an exasperated look. "He's so stubborn and vague,"

Elaina shrugged. "That's Five for you. Want me to take over? I might be able to calm him down,"

Luther looked back to the door and nodded. "Yeah, I'm obviously getting nowhere with him," he said, shuffling out of the way so Elaina can take his place. "I'll be out here if you need me,"

"Much appreciated, bro," she nodded as he walked away. Elaina turned to the door and knocked. "Five," she called out. "Open up, Five, it's me," she waited but heard no response, making her knock again. "Come on, I actually showed up, it's not me you're mad at,"

A few seconds passed by as Five unlocked the door and left it cracked open for her. Elaina let out an amused scoff as she pushed open the door and walked in. Five was already sitting on the side of the bed, loosening his tie, his blazer hanging on one of the bed's posts.

"We had it," was all he said.

"I know," she replied. "It's been an interesting day, don't you think?" she said lightly, closing the door behind her and earning a scoff from the boy as his hands dropped from his tie.

"No, Elaina. Nothing you say will fix or rectify the severity of the situation. What our self centered siblings cost us was too great," he stated with furrowed brows. "I still can't believe that they could be this irresponsible."

"Diego? Maybe. Allison and Vanya? I'm a bit concerned," said Elaina as she walked up to him. "I think we should seriously consider that something happened for them not to show up."

"Or perhaps we should just consider that they're just ungrateful and selfish and I should stop giving a damn," said Five with a sarcastic smile. "Face it, Laney, no matter how many times you give them the benefit of the doubt, they just let you down," he said to her, though, the tone of his voice hinted at it's double-sided meaning.

Elaina pressed her lips in a tight line as she stood in front of the boy, from his seat on the bed, she towered him slightly. "Maybe. But they're my family. If I don't have some sort of faith in them, who will? Dad?" the girl scoffed. "As annoying, frustrating, and stupid as they can be, I'll always bet on them. I may be a bitch to them at times, but I'll always love them. And I know you do too or else you wouldn't be as irritated as you are now," said Elaina, gently pulling Five chin to look at her as he attempted to look away. "All you've done is risk your life for us all since you returned back in 2019, and in this time, it's like 2019 was, what, a week ago for you?" she asked, looking deep into his green eyes. "While we've all had at least a month to recover from the last apocalypse, you never stopped fighting it. And you know what? I don't think you ever got a 'thank you' for that either,"

Elaina stroke Five's cheek as she looked at him lovingly, a small smile playing on her lips as she leaned in a place a delicate kiss on his lips. Five melted into the kiss as Elaina's lips slowly eased away his frustration. Her words resonated with him like they usually did. As much as Five tends to put it in his head that no one knows or understands him, Elaina always manages to surprise him. She could put into words the feelings he couldn't decipher and could say and do the right thing to alleviate him of anything.

Elaina pulled away and stared at him. "Thank you, Five," she said softly. "For always doing what's right for, not only our family, but the world. For taking on that responsibility yourself, and for allowing me to help you carry that weight. Thank you."

Five felt breathless. How did she do that? Take his anger away and make him feel out of breath?

"You don't play fair," he murmured as he started back at her. "I have the right to hate them and be upset, you don't get to take that away from me,"

"I didn't do anything you didn't want to happen," she responded with a playful smile. "I guess, secretly, you weren't too mad,"

"There may be a reason for that," said Five as his hands found their way to her waist. "Tomorrow is the president's assassination. Right before I landed in 2019, I was monitoring it to make sure it happened. Meaning, tomorrow we have another shot at getting a briefcase."

"Cause the older you is going to have it," exclaimed Elaina as her eyes grew as her hands cupped Five's face. "Five, that's great news!" she said, but pulled away slightly once she saw his uncertain face. "But why do you look like that? That second briefcase is as good as ours,"

"It won't be as easy as it sounds. There's consequences to being in the same time period as yourself, especially at close parameters."

"Dangerous consequences?"

Five tilted his head side-to-side in thought. "Very. But it's our last shot at this thing."

Elaina sighed. "Screw it. What's the worst thing that can possibly happen at this point?" she shrugged, her hands shifting down from Five's face to his loosen tie as she began to finish it off.

"I don't even want to think about it," mumbled Five as he watched her work on his tie.

"Good, so don't," she responded, a devious twinkle crossing her face. "Today's been a shit day, I'm tired of thinking," Elaina said softly, stunning Five as she took a seat on his lap, her legs straddling him as she continued with his tie. "Let's not think about anything. Not the briefcase," she said, loosen a knot. "Not the Commission's board," his eyes stayed trained on hers. "Not The Handler," she worked on the last loop. "Not our siblings," Elaina finished, her eyes darkening as she began to tug off the tie. "None of it, just us,"

One of the hands that rested on Elaina's waist trailed it's way up her side, up to her cheek while the other remained where it was. "The best suggestion I've heard all day," he said thickly, unable to hold back his obvious desire as he pulled Elaina's face to his and pressed his lips against hers.

One of Elaina's arms wrapped around Five's neck while the other fumbled with the buttons of her shirt. The hand Five kept on her waist decided to take over the task of unbuttoning her shirt as she brought her other arm up around his neck, deepening the kiss while he worked. Elaina moved her hips down suggestively against Five's lap, earning a groan from him. He managed to fully unbutton her shirt as he attempted to flip her over, only for her to stop him.

Five gave her a confused look. "What's wrong?" he asked breathlessly.

Elaina panted slightly, a smirk stretching on her lips as she traced his arms before reaching for his hands. She began to push him gently against the bed as she pinned him.

She leaned forward as she got close to his ear. "I'm in charge here, not you," she whispered, making him shudder.

Luther remained in the den as he looked at his watch. "They've been in there for a while," he mumbled, looking back at the direction of their room door.

Feeling a bit concerned, especially after seeing how aggravated Five was earlier, he decided to check in on them. Luther got up from the couch and made his way over to the door. He raised his hand and gave a tentative knock. He waited for a minute but got no response. He hummed and pursed his lips as he knocked again, this time slightly louder and leaned his ear into the door.

"Are you guys okay in there?" asked Luther through the door, the only thing he heard was a slight thudding noise and small objects falling.

"L-Luther... Go a-away," he could her Elaina call out, though her voice sounded slightly high pitched and airy.

"You sure? Is there something I can help out with?" he asked again, leaning his head closer to the door to listen better.

"FUCK. OFF." Five's voice boomed through the door, making Luther recoil back as something hard slammed against the door from the other side.

"Jesus," exclaimed Luther as he looked at the door. "I don't get what's so..." started off Luther as he turned away before a light bulb flipped on in his head. "Ohhhh..." his face changing to one of disturbing realization. "Diego wasn't lying... Gross," he mumbled, looking at the door. "Sorry!" he shouted to it, his hand cupped over his mouth. "I'll just-- Yeah," he said, quickly getting as far away from the door as possible.


Chapter 20! This story is officially becoming longer then Book 1, and I'm not complaining. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, I know Five and Elaina did 😎 lmaoo poor Luther

I hoping the writing came out smooth in this chapter. Please let me know if you come across any typos or weird sentences. I might just review and edit later on.

Hopefully, if the typing goes well, we should have Older Five in the next chapter.

Be on the look out for that!

Bye guys!

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