The Other Trainee - A Ben Sol...

By RenWritesx

711 18 39

You are a young Jedi trainee. Nervous. Anxious and not overly keen on the whole idea anyway. But once you ar... More

Day One
New Girl
Lets see how you can move
So beautiful
Once or twice
Good Girl
Enough small talk
I need you
Just a distraction
The beginning of the end
I Can Give You Everything
In Another Life

Im here

62 2 2
By RenWritesx

Your quarters were only 5 minutes away from the temple. And yet, in you came. Late. The very last person inside. "Um, hi, sorry I'm, late." You said awkwardly. Slowly walking into the hall. It was tall. And, grande? You'd never seen anything like it so you had no idea how to describe it, but grande seemed accurate. The ceiling was high, and the windows were huge, spanning all the way from the floor up to the ceiling. The floor was a dark stone, as were the walls, but they looked glorious. Magical. Carved in such a beautiful way. You were entranced in the beauty of it, and suddenly you heard a voice urging you to step into the hall further. It was Luke. Master Luke. Freaking Jedi Luke Skywalker.

"Are you going to come in or just stand awkwardly in the doorway?" He said sternly. Staring at you, like everyone else in the room was. You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out. "Would you care to explain why you're late to your very first lesson in my temple?" Luke continued. Your heart was racing. Your mind going 100 miles an hour. Your hands shaking at your sides. You felt like you were about to pass out. You tried to speak, to utter out an explanation.
"I, um, I was, just- err," you couldn't piece together a sentence. You're breathing was out of control, your head starting to spin at the pressure and embarrassment you were feeling. But just as you were about to run out of the hall, you felt a familiar weight on your chest, a pressure around your hands, almost holding them still while they shook. And there, ever so faintly, in the back of your mind you heard a small, almost inaudible voice.

'It's okay. I'm here. Breathe. It's okay. I'm here. Breathe. It's okay. I'm here. Breathe.'

Repeating over and over and over. It was a voice you were certain, but it wasn't like you could hear it. It wasn't a sound, it was just there. Echoing in waves throughout your whole body.

"I- I was really, um, nervous about session, um, shit sorry, about coming to the session and I"

'It's okay. I'm here. Breathe. It's okay. I'm here. Breathe.'

Luke was still staring at you, everyone was staring at you. You felt like you were about to cry.

'Y/N, I'm here. Ben's here. Breathe.'

You inhaled sharply. Your head instinctively moving to the top right corner of the room. And you saw him. Ben Solo. Looking right at you, but not in the way everyone else was. He was looking into you in a way he hadn't before. In a deep way. Not a cheeky flirty way like he had that morning. And his head was nodding, so so subtly, to the beat of the words playing in a loop in your head. You pieced it all together. He noticed. And he smiled. You gently smiled back. He winked. Your heart fluttered.

"I'm sorry. I was just nervous about the training, and got a little lost on the way to the temple. It won't happen again Master Luke." You nodded. Luke studied you for a moment. The other students looked at him. Except Ben, who's eyes were trained on you.
"Find a space and we will begin." Luke said sternly, his gaze leaving you. You nodded again and started to make your way to the empty space next to Ben. {had he saved it for you? No, that was silly. Fuck get it together y/n}

As you reached the space next to him, Ben slowly turned his head to face Luke rather than you. You glanced at him before doing the same. The feeling of pressure around your hands intensified for a moment before dissipating. And you could see Ben shuffle on his feet out of the corner of your eye, and you glanced at him again. He glanced at you. Eyes dark and strong and bold and beautiful. Hell all of him was beautiful. His hair had caught your attention, it was slightly damp, darkening it, but making it so thick and full of volume. The image of grabbing it and holding on flashed through your mind.

"Well done new girl." He whispered.
You turned your head away. Unable to keep the huge smile off of your face. You could feel him doing the same.

Moments later Luke was speaking.
"Today we are going to be focussing on your ability to co ordinate the force with your actions. The force is no use to you if you can't do this. It's all well and good being able to feel it, and harnessing it, but using it to your advantage? That's a whole thing in its entirety." He glanced around the room as he spoke, his eyes on you for a fraction of a second longer than anyone else. God you had to change his impression of you. Your mother would be so disappointed. You swallowed the building lump in your throat as you thought of her. You could feel Ben's eyes wandering to you. You wanted to look at him so bad. To turn and stare at him, but alas you had to focus on some force shit. You rolled your eyes slightly at the thought.

Luke kept talking for what seemed like an eternity. You didn't even seem to understand the majority of what he was saying anyway. But eventually he got round to giving you an actual task to do, a very strange task. Well you thought it was strange, everyone else thought it was normal. To summarise, you had to sit opposite a partner and play this very complicated board game with lots of different counters and pieces and the board had so many different squares on it. And while you were playing you had to keep three different rocks suspended at a certain height in the air. {moving rocks. Typical}

As Luke finished up his explanation, your eyes started to glance at Ben. Darting from him to your feet. You felt him watch you. You were anxious to speak to him again. When Luke was finished Ben walked to the front and grabbed the board game, walking back to you and sitting on the floor with his legs crossed.

"Come on then new girl." He said without looking up at you, his eyes fixed on the board he was setting up. You sat on the floor, shadowing his position.
"So, how the hell do we play this game?" Ben sighed.
"What?" You asked. Ben rolled his head back and grunted.
"Am I going to have to explain to you one of the most complicated board games in the galaxy?" He said, staring right into your eyes. God he was beautiful. You smirked.
"Yup." You said bluntly. He grinned at you, looking you up and down.
"Alright." He said, eyes not leaving yours.

He explained how the game worked. He helped you harness the force to lift the rocks. You thanked him for his help. And his kindness. He walked you back to your quarters after the lesson was over. He stood in your doorway for ten minutes talking to you. He looked you up and down before walking away. He glanced back at you within three steps. He smiled at you in the most genuine, beautiful way. He winked when you smiled back.

Hi!! If you're actually reading this thank you so much! Please fell free to leave a comment I'd love to know what you think! Enjoy! :)))

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