Five Boys, One Girl

By lovingbooksince1234

437K 14.4K 2.4K

There are five. Five Bryant boys. Fighters, bad boys, players. Or is there more to them than meets the eye? B... More

Chapter 1 - The Bryant Brothers
Chapter 2 - Do I want to know?
Chapter 3 - Meeting the Queen of the Barbies
Chapter 4 - Who said chivalry was dead?
Chapter 5 - Looking like his Daddy
Chapter 7 - One more chance
Chapter 8 - He's back
Chapter 9 - Nicely done brother
Chapter 10 - Maybe he needs some more pants?
Chapter 11 - I love them, wait what?
Chapter 12 - You know she's lying?
Chapter 13 - The supermarket
Chapter 14 - Saved by the bell
Chapter 15 - It's JUST a date
Chapter 16 - He's whipped
Chapter 17 - She's in trouble
Chapter 18 - I owe you an explanation
Chapter 19 - A very angry Rosie
Chapter 20 - A new home

Chapter 6 - Judgemental much?

21.6K 717 107
By lovingbooksince1234

Chapter 6

Allie POV

I turn around and nearly shit my pants. Will is standing in the hallway and I think he smirks when I scream,

‘Sorry.’ He says and I shake my head,

‘Don’t worry about it, I’ll just restart my heart.’ He laughs and I walk along the hallway back to the kitchen where all the boys are sitting in silence. I hesitantly smile and they smile softly back,

‘Well, um. Shall we go into the lounge or something?’ Hunter says and we all flop down on the sofa as the twins start to play some car game. All the awkwardness seems to disappear until Will speaks,

‘Hey, um Allie?’ I look up, a part of me already knowing what the question is going to be. I raise an eyebrow at him and I notice that the twins pause the game.

‘Was that your son.’ Will asks and Jason, Hunter and Hayden all wait for my reply.

‘Was that disgust and judgement I hear in your tone Will?’ I ask cooly and he looks taken aback.

‘No, but…’

‘But what?’ I ask, my tone icy and he shifts uncomfortably,

‘Don’t worry, just forget it.’

‘Tell me Will, you started this.’ He sighs and looks at me,

‘You’re a bit young to have a child.’ Silence falls and I make eye contact with Hunter who looks apologetic. Not sure what he is sorry for but whatever.

‘And if it was my child? Do you not think young people should have children?’ I spit at him and Will flinches,

‘No, it’s just that how do you care for a child when you are still a child yourself.’

‘Yes, well some people have to grow up faster than others. That child is cared for better by young adults and teenagers than some children are by fully respected middle aged people. Age is just a number, it doesn’t mean anything.’ I don’t raise my voice but Will looks away and flinches like I yelled.

‘You know what; I can’t deal with you judgemental pricks right now. See ya.’ I stand up and storm out of the house with shouting erupting behind me. As I open the door someone stands on the other side and I look up in surprise at Chance. His gaze turns cold when he sees me and he opens his mouth, presumably to insult me or ask me why I am at his house.

‘Don’t. I’m leaving anyway. Tell your brothers they should probably know someone before they start to judge, might get them further in life.’ Chance’ jaw drops but I push past him and walk away.

I text Rosie to come and pick me up early the following morning and when she pulls into the driveway I quickly get in and slam the door. There is a pause before the car pulls away. Neither of us says anything until finally Rosie cracks,

‘What happened?’ her simple yet caring question breaks me and I find myself shattering. I tell her everything that happened yesterday and when I finish we have just pulled up at school. She stops the car and turns to me.

‘Those assholes. I swear if I see them I am going to fricking kill them.’ She pulls me into a hug and mutters all kinds of threats at the boys.

‘Come on Allie, let’s just walk into school and show those boys that they messed with the wrong girls.’ I raise an eyebrow but finally dry my face and get out the car.

Rosie and I are leaning against the car discussing various things when the hallway seems to go quiet and I instantly know why. I ignore the feeling that spreads across my spine and continue talking to Rosie. Her gaze suddenly fixes on something behind me and I watch as she glares at them. I take a breath and turn around to face the boys.

‘What?’ I spit as they stand in front of me. Will and Jason directly in front of me while Hunter and Hayden stand behind them.

‘We wanted to apologise. We shouldn’t have judged you, it was wrong. We wouldn’t want someone judging us before they knew us and yet that is what we did to you. We’re sorry and I hope we can still be friends.’ I clench my jaw and take in the boys before me. Finally I speak,

‘Sorry, but the friends I want don’t judge each either. If it means that Rosie is the only friend I have then so be it. I would rather have one true friends than a handful of pathetic ones.’ With that parting shot I spin on my heel and walk away.

I ignore the boys all morning but they don’t give up. When lunch time rolls around Rosie and I sit at a table in the corner. We have a view of the whole room but we are immersed in conversation so I don’t notice the boys until they are standing by the table with trays filled with food. Rosie and I look at them along with the rest of the cafeteria who stare in shock at the bad boys standing humbly before two weirdo’s.

‘Yes?’ Rosie asks, her tone curious yet cold.

‘Can we sit here?’ Hunter asks and when I look at him is eyes are pleading. Wordlessly I nod my head and then deliberately turn my head back to Rosie and ignore the boys.

Rosie and I have a break in our conversation and Will speaks up.

‘I’m asking for one minute of your time Allie, please, just listen.’ I look at him and then nod. Still not speaking.

‘We fucked up Al, big time, and we ae going to regret it forever. It is none of our business who that child belongs to, all that matters is that you are a good person who cares for  him deeply and we have no right to judge you for that. All of us are sorry and we are going to do everything we can to prove it to you but we like you Allie and we still want to be your friend. I know we have no right to still be asking for your friendship but here we are because this entire school is fake and plastic, and yet you and Rosie. You’re really and we like that. For years we have been judged and feared and yet you do neither, you give respect where it is deserved and nothing more. You don’t judge us, you aren’t afraid of us and we need friends like that. We realise that we have been crap friends to you but give us one more chance and we will show you what kind of friends we can be. Please Allie, we are begging you. One more chance.’

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