Shining Star

De Livinandlovin

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Ariella Hino and Izuku Midoriya have been childhood friends since forever. Both go to UA High, are heroes and... Mai multe

Visible Scars
The Golden Shimmer
Broken Promises
Wicked Storm
Tag, You're It
Fear Factor
Jealousy Bites
Shattered Glass
And So it Begins
After the Storm


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De Livinandlovin

"Uh, sure. What do you need All Might?" I asked again.

The officer closed the door behind them both as the made their way over to us all.

"Where is, Young Hino? Is she here?" All Might asked."

I nodded, but Syu answered before me.

"She is, she's in her room. She said wasn't feeling good today."

"Are you sure Miss?" asked the officer, she was confused.

"What do you mean am I sure, ribbit? She told me this morning she wasn't going to school..." she trailed off.

"Can one of you go check, please?" the officer said pleading.

Everyone went silent then, you could almost hear a pin drop. That's when my stomach started turning and I thought back to what Toga told her, and my eyes went wide.

I finally spoke, "We will, but you need to tell us why. Please, All Might."

Everyone nodded as All Might and the officer sighed.

"Have you kids seen the news recently?" asked the officer, we shook our heads.

"It's Young Hino's Dad, Jack Hino. He's a hero, but not a pro he runs a business..." the officer trailed off.

That sinking feeling in my stomach got worse. Oh, no...

"And he was just put in prison about two to three months ago, and he's escaped." All Might finished.

I fucking knew it! Damn it, Ariella! Why didn't you tell us!

Everyone gasped, I clenched my fists as anger built up within my core.

"H-her dad?" Syu asked softly.

All Might nodded, "Yes now please. One of you go see if she is really here."

I was about to answer, but again, was cut off before I could.

"I'll go look." Kacchan said suddenly and he was gone.

I slowly shifted my eyes to the hall and saw Kacchan wildly running back to us, everyone backed up, even All Might.

"She's gone! Damn it!"

"Ribbit?! He could be anywhere! Where is she?" Syu shouted scarcely.

Everyone erupted into chaos, trying to figure what was is going on and where she went. I couldn't take everyone yelling anymore and I snapped.

They still don't know about her Dad and what he's done to her.

"I know where she is! I'm going after her, don't any of you stop me!" and I headed for the door.

All Might caught my arm, "Young Midoriya!"

I yanked it back, "No, All Might! I need to do this, I have to protect her, I love her."

He stared back at me then, I was getting impatient. He let go of my arm then and I opened the door.

"Wait a fucking second, you damned nerd! I'm coming too and don't you even think about telling me no!" Kacchan shouted and ran after me.

"Whatever." was all I said and we headed out.

"Wait, Midoriya!" Syu called, I turned back to her.

"Yes, Syu." I said impatiently, I need to go!

"What can we do? We want to help her too!" she said.

Kacchan cut it, "Just stay here, in case she comes back! Look, Syu, I know you know what happened to her."

She nodded as I stared at him. Everyone turned to us then back to Syu, Kacchan continued.

"She's probably gonna hate you for this but, you should tell the rest of our class about what happened with her Dad."


She sighed heavily, "Okay...Just bring her back safe, please."

He nodded as did I and we took off for her house. We ran for what felt like hours, but it was only a few minutes. We were a block away from her house, when we heard loud crash and ran faster.

We made it to the nearest bush and hid behind it, I peaked around the corner only to be yanked back.

"Damn it, Kacchan!" I snapped.

"Idiot! We can let her see us! This is between her, her Mom and her Dad." he hissed.

I clenched my fists, "Damn it!" and slammed them down.

Kacchan just rolled his eyes at me as he peaked through her fence openings that were around their house.

"If you really want to look, Deku. Look through the fence." he said and I did.

I peaked through one of the holes as my eyes went wide, I clenched my fists tighter.

Their front door is what made that crashing sound. It was busted in half with flames burning on the sides of it. Ariella and Mrs. Hino were on the grass, butt first, as her Dad stood over them, they didn't move.

Instead they both stood up, got into their defense stances as her Dad went into attack mode, and the first hit was thrown out.


Dad took another step forward, we stood our ground as his hand came right for me, I back up instantly.

He smirked, "Awe, what happened to your bad ass stance, Ariella? Did I scare you?"

He was still smirking, I couldn't move, I was starting to get scared. My body started to shake as flashbacks flooded their way back to me.

Flashbacks of his hands on me, feeling me, nearly raping me.... I put my hands on my head as my knees gave out. I fell back down to the ground, my body shaking violently and I started to cry.

Blood red tears ran down my cheeks as I buried my head in between my knees.

No! I was ready! I was ready...

Mom spun around, her eyes scarce, "Ariella!"

Just as she was about to run over to me, Dad started laughing and she froze in place. Slowly I started to lift my head, I glanced at her through my blood tears, and my eyes went wide.

She was angry, I could sense it. Her whole body langue changed instantly, turning from scared to rage and she spun back around. Only to be met with Dad's horrid laughter.

"HAHAHA! I have you both in my possession and you can't stop me!"

"You jackass! I HATE YOU! Raging Wave!" Mom shouted and brought her hands together.

A huge water wave shot out of them, knocking Dad straight back into the house siding, leaving a huge human shaped indent. Bits and pieces of siding started to fall to the ground as Mom stepped closer to him.

My eyes went wider, and I jumped up from the ground. Don't Mom!

She took another step forward, she was just inches away from his face, when she screamed.

"MOM!" I shouted and ran for her, completely forgetting my flashbacks.

I froze in my tracks, Dad had his hand around her throat. She was clawing and scraping at his hand trying to breath, he just started laughing again and smirked.

"I'm impressed, Kira. You actually took me off guard, but you forgot one thing. I never get knocked out that easy." and he threw her straight into the tree.

She hit it with such force, the tree bark cracked. She fell straight down unmoving. Fear rose within me and I ran for her. Blood tears started flowing down my cheeks again as I shook her, I got nothing.

I shook her harder, "Mom, it's Ariella! Can you hear me? MOM!" again, nothing.

I cried harder as I cuddled her in my arms. She was barely breathing, and her pulse was becoming weak.

I'll get him for this! I'll save you, Mom!

More laughter erupted from Dad and I was getting angry. Gently I dropped my arms from around her, leaned her up against the tree and turned to face my real life nightmare, for the last time.

"Well, would you look at that! Your Mom got weaker, don't you think Ariella?"

I clenched my fists tight as I got up from the ground, Dad kept laughing.

"Awe come on. No small talk for your dear old Dad?" he said again, smirking.

"Shut up!" I snapped.

"So vicious! I have to say, I was hoping to run into you again. But I'm confused though, isn't your boy toy Izuku suppose to be here too?"

Anger burned in my eyes, "I said shut up, Dad!"

I took a step toward him, he stopped laughing and met me half way across the lawn. Slowly he started circling me as his fire started to form around him.

He was trying to set a trap, or find one at least...

I clenched my fists tighter, dug my nails into my palms and took another step forward, he stopped then. His back faced the road as mine faced the front of the house.

My wings busted out as he took a step forward, nearly closing the space between us, I stood my ground.

"He's here somewhere, isn't he? I just know he is!" Dad snapped.

"No he is not! This is between me and you, Dad!"

A bush rustled suddenly, I spun my head to the side where it came from. Huh?

"Are you sure? That was a pretty loud rustling sound." Dad said again.

I turned back and my eyes went wide. He was right by my face, I stumbled back a bit as Dad smirked again.

"I said he wasn't! Back the fuck off! Burning Arrow!" I shouted.

Fire arrows shot out from my hands, and missed. Just as they were about to hit him square in the stomach, he jumped back, forming the gap from earlier, between us.


He glared, "Nice try, Ariella! You won't get me with that one again!" and brought his hands up. "My turn, Fire Sniper!"

Flame bullets came straight at me, I quickly jumped to the opposite side, but not quick enough. All of them ended up hitting the house, but one.

A scorching pain rose along my right leg and I fell to the ground. I screamed out in pain and looked down, my eyes went wide. A stray fire bullet had grazed it, leaving a decent slice, and blood was trickling out.

I couldn't move, I was in pain. I lifted my gaze from my leg to Dad, he was staring at me, but not with anger. His piercing eyes looked sorrowful, like he just realized what he'd done.

I smirked through my pain, now's my chance!

I took my hands from my leg and brought them right to the front of my chest. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and focused onto Deku's quirk.

A burning sensation came over my neck and I flung my eyes open. I looked down, my necklace was spreading over my chest as flames and green lightning encased my hands. I looked from my neck to my wrist and smiled.

Deku's bracelet was shinning brightly, I almost had to close my eyes again but didn't. Instead, lifted my gaze from it back to Dad. He was still staring at me with those sorrowful eyes, I shook my head.

Way to late for that Dad... And I aimed my hands straight at him.

"One for All, Detroit Fire Wall Smash!" I shouted out.

A ray of flames and green lighting went straight for him. His gaze changed in a split second but it was too late. He went flying and landed right into the middle of the road.

With all the strength I had, I pushed myself up off the ground and into a standing position. My leg screamed with pain at me, but I ignored it. I have to get to him before he gets back up.

I started limping my way over to him as quick as I could, and stood right over him. He wasn't moving.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him twitching and I knew he wasn't out cold, not yet. Instead of my hands this time, I brought my arms up to the front of my chest and formed a heart shape with them.

I closed my eyes quick and focused onto Bakugou's quirk. Like before, my necklace changed and my arms started to burn. I could feel his explosion sparking off my flames and I flung my eyes open.

I look back down at Dad and my eyes went wide. His flames were covering him from head to toe, and they weren't friendly ones. He shot himself up from under me, knocking me back down.

"Don't you even think about it! Do you hear me Ariella!" he raged.

"DON'T tell me what to do!" I shouted back and lifted my arms.

"ARIELLA!" and brought his hands up. "Scorching Flames!"

"Exploding Fire Heart!"

A heart-shaped explosion shot out from my arms as his fire came from his hands. Flames and explosions collided and encased us both. Sparks of fire started to scatter all across the road, causing small cracks to form in it.

Ever so slowly the flames vanquished, leaving nothing but scattered smoke clouds. I lifted my head soon as the smoke cleared and was met with yellow eyes.

Dad was staring down at me again, possession filling his eyes. I scooted myself back quick as I could but all the pain and body weakness I felt, was not letting me and my wrist was caught.

"What did I just tell you, huh? What did I just tell you!" Dad raged, squeezing my wrist.

I started to squirm, "LET ME GO!"

"Not going to happen, Ariella! Not this time!" and I was yanked up from the ground.

He squeezed my wrist as hard as he could, I could just feel my bones crushing under his firry grip. I squirmed more as I tried to yank my wrist from him, but couldn't.

I stared up at him with scared, pleading eyes, he just laughed. It was more of an evil laugh than anger this time, and I was pulled right into his chest. I pushed back against him as hard as I could, but that only made him grip me tighter.

"My darling daughter, you've grown so much..." that's when I felt something tickle my side.

My body shivered with fear. I took my eyes away from his and down along my side, my eyes went wide. His free hand, not gripping my wrist, was tracing up and down along it, I shoved him even harder, it did nothing.

"NO! STOP IT RIGHT NOW, DAD!" I shouted horrified, he continued to do it.

He smirked, "Whose going to make me!? You're eighteen now, Ariella! I can do whatever the fuck I want to you!"

He let go of my wrist suddenly, only to use it to grab my face. He pinched my cheeks tight, bringing my face close to his.

I couldn't handle it much longer and I closed my eyes tight. I didn't want to look at him. I was too scared, too weak, and still in pain. My shoving became weaker as he brought his face closer.

I could feel his breath on my cheeks, and my hands dropped.

"HAHAHA! Got you now and your not going anywhere!"

I started to cry, someone help me!

"Get your fucking hands off her! Detroit Smash!" said a familiar voice.

"YOU!" Dad raged, and my back collided with hard ground.

Slowly I stared to open my eyes, only to see everything blurring into one another. I sat up as my back screamed at me to not. I put my hand on my head and took a few good long deep breaths, I lifted it up all the way.

Little by little, things started to clear up, that's when I saw three figures in the middle of my front lawn. One was on the ground and two where hovering over them. I blinked my eyes a few more times and they went wide.

"Deku! Bakugou! Over here!" I shouted out, they turned.

"Ariella!" Deku said and came running, Bakugou stayed near Dad.

I slowly started to stand up, only to have a sharp pain run up my leg again.

Damn it! I forgot about that slice...

"Damn it!" I shouted and fell back down.

A warm touch was on my shoulder, I jumped.

"It's me, Ariella! I'm right here." Deku said, I looked up at him.

Hatred and anger filled his green eyes, I gave him a reassuring smile and brought my hand to his face. Instantly all his hate and anger vanished and he placed his hand over mine.

"Thank god, you're alright. I was so worried, I--" I cut him off.

"Stop, Deku. I'm not alright, my dad nearly took my leg off and touched me again..."

"And I stopped him. No way was I going to let him touch you anymore." Deku said seriously.

"I know, and thank you. I was just so scared and I'm in pain and weak, I..." I trailed off.

He dropped our hands, "I know... Kacchan and I saw everything."

My eyes went wide as he knelt down next to me.

"So that was you that made the bush rustle! My Dad was right, you were here! I just didn't know Bakugou came with."

"Yeah... Do you mind telling me what the hell you were thinking, Ariella! Why didn't you tell me, or Syu, or even Kacchan! We would of helped you and your Mom..."

I sighed heavily as silent red tears trickled down my cheeks.

"I couldn't bring you all into this. It's between me, my Mom and Dad, not you guys."

"I understand that, but faking being sick? And the taking off after your Dad without help? Come on, Ariella."

"I'm sorry, Deku! I just didn't want any of you guys to get hurt! I love you all so much and I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you."

He sighed, "We love you too, that's why we'd help you when you really need it."

I wiped my eyes, "I know... I really am sorry."

He put his hand on my shoulder, "And I forgive you, can't say anything for everyone else though."

I laughed a little, "That is true, guess I'm gonna have to tell them everything then, huh?"

He dropped his, brought it to the back of his neck and turned from me, I gave him a look.

"Deku?" I asked again.

"Yeah... About that, Kacchan told Syu to tell them, since she knows all about this too."

I jumped up from the ground and clenched my fists, Deku backed up.


"Please calm down, Ariella! You're injured!"

"Are you kidding me right now?! Where are they, he's going to pay for this!"

Deku pointed to the middle of the lawn, I turned and Bakugou and Dad were about to fight.

Oh no they're not!

I started toward them then, completely forgetting how much pain I was in and charged right in.

"BAKUGOU, YOU ASS!" I shouted, he turned.

Faster and faster I ran for him as blood spited out from my injured leg, he backed up, knowing he was in trouble with me. Quickly he turned from Dad, brought his hands up and aimed them right at me.

"Stop running for me, Ariella! Let me handle this, I can destroy your Dad right here!" he snapped, I ignored him and lifted my hands.

"Burning Arrow!"

Fire arrows shot from my hands, he easily dodged them. He started toward me and lifted his hands.

"I said STOP! AP Shot!"

I ducked instantly, they just barely missed my head. I dropped down to my knees then.

"Fire Wave!" and slid right in front of him. I kicked my leg out from under me slid it right under his feet, he fell down to the ground.

I jumped up from the ground, putting myself right in Dad's line of fire. Bakugou did the same as me and stood facing me. He crimson eyes pierced through my yellow ones and he clenched his fists.

"What the fuck, Ariella! I'm trying to save your ass! Why did you just try to attack me!" he shouted.

That's when Deku came running over, Dad just glared at us. Hating the fact that I'm so close with Bakugou and Deku.

I glared at him, "What the fuck is wrong with you, Bakugou! Did you seriously tell Syu to tell our whole class about my assault!"

That stopped him and he unclenched his fists, he turned to Deku glaring.

"Did you tell her?!"

"It slipped, Kacchan! Can we not focus on that right now?! Ariella is injured and her Dad needs to be put away!"

I took a step forward, "I'm fine, Deku! Let me at him!"

Deku turned to me glaring, "NO! We need to stop your Dad!"

Back and fourth we went with each other. Each of our quirks started forming all around our bodies. My flames, Deku's lightning and Bakugou's explosion, encased us all as we continued to fight with one another.

Just as I was about to throw the first punch, a huge fire bomb went off, knocking all three of us apart.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! I can't take this anymore! Ariella is my daughter and neither of you can have her! Neither of you!" Dad raged.

We all turned back to him glaring anger was building up inside my core.

Like hell, he does!

"How many times do I have to say you DON'T own me, Dad! I hate you! I want you to die a lonely death in hell!" I shouted.

Deku and Bakugou just stared a me, all of us forgetting what we were just fighting about.

I need to focus on Dad! I can't deal with petty shit right now!

He got into his fighting stance, "You can say it all you want, Ariella! But you will always be my daughter!"

I did the same, "I will never accept that! You were never a Father!" and I brought my hands together.

He glared, "You want to finish this? I won't hold back then!" and brought his hands up.

"Bur--!" I was cut off.

"Wait Ariella!" Deku shouted, I turned to him glaring.

"What can you possibly want, Deku!"

" ' In the night your heart is full, and by the morning empty...'

"Let Kacchan and I help you, please! We can do this together!"

" ' I'm the one who left you, you're not the one who left me...'

"Don't talk for me, Deku!" Bakugou snapped.

Closer and closer Dad's flame got and my body was starting to burn.

Do it, Ariella! And fast!

"Alright, alright! Just stop your damn arguing! Hurry up and stand next to me!"

They nodded and did, Deku was at my right and Bakugou was at my left. They both entwined their arms with mine.

" ' When you're around me I'm radioactive, my blood is burning, radioactive...'

We closed our eyes at once and focused our quirks into each other, even Uraraka's, we need her too.

" ' I'm turning radioactive, my blood is radioactive...'

A scorching sensation came across my neck and my eyes flung open as did Deku's and Bakugou's. I looked down at it and my eyes went wide. Pink, green and orange filled my necklace as it spread itself over my chest, I couldn't believe what was happening.

I looked from my neck to my wrist, each bracelet was glowing brightly, that's when my vision went all weird.

What the..?!

I couldn't see anything for a second, I was blind. I quickly blinked my eyes up and down and I was finally able to see, but I was seeing green and orange.

" ' My heart is nuclear, love is all that I fear...'

"Ariella! Are you okay?! We need to hurry!" I heard Deku yell, I just nodded.

"Let's burn this fucker to the ground!" Bakugou shouted.

I nodded again and looked right back at Dad. He was running toward us, his flames following him the whole way and I aimed my hands at him.

"You will be mine, Ariella! Scorching Flames!"

"NO! One for all, Exploding Wildfire Smash!" I shouted.

" ' I'm turning radioactive, my blood is radioactive.'

A roaring wave of fire, lightning and explosions went straight for him, stopping his flames right in it's path and they vanished. A strong wind force came out of the flames and knocked Dad down into the cracked road.

Chunks of gravel went flying everywhere, into nearby lawns, fences, even house siding, that's when my knees gave out and fell into the debris.

"I-I did it...I-" and everything went black.

(Featuring some lyrics from the song Radioactive the music artist Marina. I don't own them)

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