Journey of a Heroine

By Lav_Pixie2007

122 4 104

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade they say. What about when life hands you a magic jewel that grants... More

Missing Her
Guess Who's Back
What a Save
You were saying?
Ribbit Rescue Part 1

Turning a New Leaf

44 2 19
By Lav_Pixie2007

Hey Guys! I'm the Lavender Pixie but you guys can call me Lav! I'm in love with Miraculous Ladybug so I've decided to start writing down my thoughts. Hope you enjoy!Be sure to let me know down below what you think :3This one's for u bb :3

*Beep beep beep* were the first sounds our heroine heard on her first day of school.

"Rise and shine sleepyhead! If you get dressed you can grab a bite to eat from the bakery!" called Sabine having heard the alarm
"Thanks Mama." a very sleepy midnight-haired teen responded. She wasn't as excited for her first day as a senior in high school. Just more work, more stress and worst of all, more Lila.

*sigh* "Good morning Tikki." she said stretching out her limbs in preparation to get out of bed.

"Morning Marinette! Are you excited about your first day?"

"Not really. Being a senior isn't all it's cracked up to be especially when you're dealing with a girl like...her."

"Come onn. Lila's not the only one at school! You're gonna get to see all your friends again! You're gonna get to see Adrien again....." her kwami teased

"Tikki......" she replied with a slight smile and a blush.

"Now c'mon; get ready or you're gonna be late!" the perky little kwami rushed with a smirk.

After a quick jelly-filled croissant and a cup of hot cocoa, our heroine was off to school..

"Hey Gurl! How have you been?" of course her first greeting was from her all-time BFF Alya.

"Same as I was yesterday," she giggled " You're acting like we haven't seen each other in ages."

"Hey if it's a crime to miss my best friend then sue me for everything I've got!" Alya teased.

After a few minutes of talking two oddly familiar gents appeared beside them
"Hey dudettes! What's going down?" Nino asked in his polite skater dude fashion

"Just catching up." Alya replied

" What's there to catch up on you guys talk like all the time!" he complained

"We have our ways." she chuckled

Marinette wasn't paying much attention to their conversation. A familiar scent filled her nostrils. The Adrien Agreste- her crush since the day they met- was actually standing next to her listening to their friends' back-and-forth. At first she was just standing there stiff as a statue afraid to move then she mustered up enough courage to actually open her mouth:

"Oh h-hey Adrien? You look nice- I mean I missed you- I mean it's good to see you!Hehehehe..." Okay so maybe it wasn't the smoothest 'good to see ya' in the world but anything's better than nothing right?

"Hey Marinette! It's nice to see you too! You excited about our first day?"

" Uhh.. yea kinda I guess so.... actually I-I'm not really into it that much-"

"Hey guys! How have you been?" interrupted a peculiar voice; one heard many times by our heroine but never for a good reason.Without turning around Marinette knew exactly who it was;
"Lila" Marinette said her voice full of hatred
" Marinette... how um nice to see you! It's been a while. I mean I don't have your number and since I travel so much I barely see you around town!"

There was something in her voice; something fake. Of course she wasn't gonna reveal how much she despised Mari in front of all her friends. That would be out of character
"Yea! I wish i could say it's nice to see you too but you know what they say; lies won't take you anywhere." she shot back
" Hehe excuse me Lila can I borrow Marinette for a second?" said Alya pulling her friend by the arm to a corner

" What's the matter with you gurl! I know you have it out for Lila for some weird reason but can't you see she's trying to be nice?"

"Nice?! I can call that girl 50 words and believe me not one would be 'nice'" replied Marinette obviously annoyed

"Come on Mari, it's a new school year. Would it kill you to be a little nicer and try to turn a new leaf with her? Whatever happened between you two is far in the past." her voice had a hint of seriousness
"Fine."that was her only response. She knew with Lila being nice wouldn't last long, but she was willing to try for her friend.

After their little talk it was finally time for their first class. Marinette scampered over to her usual seat but received a nasty surprise

"Sorry Mari, but you snooze you lose. Don't worry though, I heard the dust mites in the back are very considerate," Lila said spitefully just quiet enough that nobody else in the room could hear her but her target, " And it is a new school year, I'm sure a new seat wouldn't kill ya."

Sadly, our heroine didn't really have a choice but to keep her mouth shut and retreat slowly to the back.That is if she was really going to keep her word and try to be nice to Lila. It wasn't all bad; being in the back gave her an opportunity to work on her designs a little bit more while the teacher was talking. In the back, she could tune out all voices; even the ones in her head.In the back, she was in her own little world; an escape from it all. The only thing that bothered her was the fact that Lila now had a seat right behind Adrien. That would definitely help her convince him she was such a 'kind and caring' person.Our heroine's blood boiled with envy everytime she glanced over. One time, she caught Lila actually fiddling with his hair! Like who does that total creep alert. None of her friends seemed bothered. Alya didn't mind not having her BFF by her side and the boys weren't phased either. Oh the very thought of our heroine's Prince Charming warming up to Lila made her the most upset she had been in a while. She was ready to start breaking pencils until she heard a little voice whisper to her from inside her schoolbag:

"Calm down Marinette. You don't want to get akumatized. Just take a deep breath."

Marinette followed her kwami's advice and took a calming breath that washed over her allowing her to continue on with her class activities. This feeling didn't last long though as loud BOOMs and crashes were echoing through the halls. Since akumatizations were nothing new to Parisians, the school principal immediately set off an alarm ordering all students and staff to exit the building immediately. You would think by now they wouldn't be that traumatized by akumatizations, but if I'm telling you the truth, they were still bothered enough to run helter-skelter instead of exiting in an orderly fashion. Panic makes our heroine's job that much easier however; with everyone rushing to get out it's a breeze to sneak away from the crowd in order to transform. This time was no different.

After ducking into a bathroom in the rush of the crowd, she yelled the magic words- and no I don't mean please and thank you:

"Tikki, spots on!" she yelled

After her transformation sequence Marinette turned Ladybug landed beside her feline partner Cat Noir in order to find out who was causing all this chaos and how they could fix it.

Did I forget to mention she had a partner? Hehe silly me. Well before we carry on allow me to introduce him to you. He possesses the black cat miraculous that grants the power of destruction, he has a thing for Ladybug and... oh yeah he's actually Adrien Agreste! SHHHH don't tell Marinette she has to figure it out for herself :3 Okay okay, back to the story. I was never here.....

"Hey Kitty" she greeted, "Ready for our daily dose of chaos?"

"I'm ready for everything as long as it's with you" he replied

"So you're using cheesy lines on me are ya?Ha ha c'mon we've got a job to do!" she teased

They leapt over rooftops soaring through the sky until they came to the Louvre Museum
" HAHAHAHAHA Ladybug, Cat Noir, how nice of you to join me." screamed a quite high-pitched 14 year old looking boy dressed in a plaid dress shirt and a green bow-tie tucked into his pleated pants holding a sword that resembled a protractor

" And who may I ask are you?" our heroine questioned with a puzzled look

"You may call me by my given name; I am THE NERD."

"Pfft HAHAHAHAHA the nerd?! That's hilarious! Hawk moth's getting real creative with these supervillain names isn't he?" Cat Noir said through his laughter
"You won't think it's funny when I turn everyone in Paris into a book-loving, chess-playing dweeb!"

"I just can't take you seriously," Cat panted, "Shall we take care of him m'lady?"

"Yes, we shall" she responded

It was a short battle. Ladybug called up her lucky charm which turned out to be a pencil and a notepad. Ladybug immediately drew a crooked square on it and began to taunt 'The Nerd'

"Woah my square is soo perfect and symmetrical! Don't you think Nerd?"

"Oh really? Well why don't you come fix them for me." she said luring him into a trap

He couldn't resist the overwhelming urge to make a perfect out of Ladybug's hideous excuse for a quadrilateral . He swiped the notepad and pencil from her, dropped it on the floor and began to straighten out the angles with his 'protractor sword'.

"Cat Noir! Now!" Ladybug shouted

"Cataclysm!" he exclaimed in response

He destroyed the protractor and a black butterfly flew out. Ladybug used her magic yo-yo to turn it back to pure and white and watched it fly away. After The Nerd got deakumatized, she asked him what had happened

"Everyone at school makes fun of me because I like Math. They call me mean names like..."

"Nerd?" Cat Noir asked

"Yeah" the little boy replied sadly

"Well who cares what people at school  think? As long as you're happy don't pay any attention to them." Ladybug advised with a smile

After she was used her lucky charm to fix all the damage and had taken the boy home, she decided to retire for the day and head back home. She de-transformed and then laid down for a well-deserved nap

Well that's it for this chapter pixies! I'm pretty noob at this hehe. Anyways hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time! <3

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