
Da GottaSmile1516

71 11 0

Live always seems perfect for the upper class, for Sophia, nothing is perfect. When things start appearing th... Altro

Chapter One~ Luck.
Chapter Three~ Accident
Chapter Four~Still
Chapter Five~Seeing
Chapter Six~Scared
Chapter Seven~Smile
Chapter Eight~ Hallucinations
Chapter Nine~ Birthday
Chapter Ten~ Love

Chapter Two~ Broken.

7 1 0
Da GottaSmile1516

Broken. Having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or working order. Having given up all hope. Having breaks or gaps in continuity. Disrupted or divided. Ended, such as through infidelity.

The alarms blares into my head and I growl in reply, my arm reaches out to hit the snooze button. Why is it so far off the night stand? With my legs tangled in the bed sheets and my torso off the bed, I turn to reach again but end up sliding off the bed onto the wood floor.

“Ouch!” Landing head first with a pile of blankets on top of me, “Why...?” I sit up and slam down on the clock. I stand up and step over the pile to the bathroom. Starting to do my daily routine of showering, brushing my hair and teeth, makeup, and dressing for the day.

When done I turn off the lights, but not before seeing my reflection....

Pale girl laughed behind me, soundless and empty. I stood and stared at the girl. She looked familiar, but I don’t remember the last time I saw her or when. Goose bump rose on my arms, a shiver ran down my spine. 

The light blinks out and I’m left alone again.

I shake my head and rub my arms, I hope I’m not coming down with anything. Something at the back of my mind is whispering words of the past, I see a flicker of the past. Pale girl, laughing, mirror, window, water. 

I shoulder my bag and walk down the stairs jumping off the second to last one. I walk into the kitchen and saw Mom placing pancakes onto a dinner plate.

“Morning Mom.” I pulled out a stool from the bar table as she lays the plate in front of me. 

“Good morning sweetie.” She sits across from me with her own plate. We both eat in silence till Mom stands up and brings the plates to the sink, “I’m going to be home later then usual, because I having a dinner with an old friend.”

I’m glad Mom is getting out more with friends, she has been with herself for a while. “That’s okay with me.” She nods and rises the dishes before opening the dishwasher and placing them in there. 

“Have a good day at school then, Sophia.” I smile back and pick up my keys as she leaves the house. Skipping into the parlor and out the door, it’s a nice day outside and I wish it would be like this all year around.

The garage door is already open so I walk inside and slide into the car. Backing out of the garage and onto the road to school. It’s too quite for me so I played a CD.

Coming to a stop and looking out the window, seeing myself in the reflection, past that I see a couple stop walking to look at me. Turning

 to wave, but when I do there gone....

They must of went on before I saw them, maybe. The light changes and I drive forward, a check at the time and I start to speed up, only have five minuets till first period! A step more on the gas petal and take another turn.

When I finally make it to the school parking lot, a to run into the main office and skip going my locker straight to class. I just hope we don’t need the text-book.

I walked past other people on there way to classes till I make it to mine and quickly sit down right before the bell rings. 

The day goes on, I did in fact need my text-book, so embarrassing, I wonder what they thought when I had to go get it? I hope no one thinks I’m slaking on my school needs.

I caught up with Amy at lunch, only for a second before she tells me she is eating lunch at a restaurant with her boyfriend, which are onagain. I walk over to my group, who move so that I have a seat at our table, I laughed and smiled falsely at there gossip and jokes.

One of the girls next to me turns with a huge smile, “So Sophie, are you and Kevin still not dating?” My eyebrows come togeather, wasn’t it  like school news about Kevin and me?

“Umm, we have been dating for a month now.” Her face falls, but then quickly picks up again, maybe even larger then last time. “Why do you ask?”

“Oh, nothing, I was just wondering because I saw him with someone.” I frowned.“Where?” She thinks for a moment then looks around the cafe. “I think I saw then near the library, but it could have someone else.”

I pick up my tray and walking over to the trashcan, after dumping the tray of food containers. I open the double doors and walk past locker area.

The library doors are heavy and I push it open, when I’m in I wave to the librarian. She a sweat grandma-like lady, aways letting me look at the new books.

After checking the entire bottom area of the library I go to the far corner were the spiral stairs are located, there is a research level that no one goes to.

But I still go up there, oh how I wish I didn’t.

In the far corner of the research floor there was one of circle table that were placed around randomly. On this table and girl sat... her legs encircled around the waist of a young man. Her hands running through his hair.... Something I used to do with him.

What happened next was a mystery, I guess I made a noise, both girl and boy looked up at there intruder. Kevin pushed himself away from the girl with a look of shocked and anger.

“Sophie.. it’s not what it looks like.” Anger boiled in me, hands clenched at my side.

“How long?” My voice was even but not lacking the rage in it. Kevin brings his hands up to touch my shoulder, stumped for words.

“It’s not like th-” 

“How Long?” I interrupted. He gasped like fish out of water. My face heated up quickly, but I step to him and with each word I punch him with both fist.

“How” “Long!?” With one last shove I send him tripping over a chair, falling to the ground with a thud.

“Sophie,” He gets up from the ground, but stays away from me. “We weren’t togeather-”

That’s when I busted.

“Shut up! Weren’t togeather my ass! What’s your fucking problem!?!”

My eyes cut to the girl standing by the table.

“What’s your problem?” Kevin rushes to her side and pushes her behind him. I growl at him, defending her.

“Go ahead and defend your girlfriend!” 

“Sophie, she isn’t my girl friend, it’s not her fault.”

I shack my head in disbelief, “That’s it, we’re done!” I turn and leave before doing something I would regret.

But Kevin grabs my arm tightly and spins me around to face, “I was going to tell you!”

I shove my palm into his chest, pushing him away from me. Moving back, my hand shacking, tears threaten to come to me.

“Screw you! Oh, wait, someone already did!” Before retreating down the steps I flip them the bird.

The librarian stood at the bottom of the steps, the second she saw my face the irritably fell off hers. Never being the girl who caught her boyfriend, she didn’t know what to do now.

Going back to the cafe would be a terrible idea, the bathroom was always full of girls texting and applying makeup. Not a good idea either, they would corner and question me. Gossip was spelt all over it.

That’s how I got the idea of going to the locker area. A look at the time told me that I had two minuets to the bell. Quickly sending a text, then going to the lockers. 

I spin the dial on my locker in record time just as Kathleen shows up next to me. Smiling I take the should bag and backpack I asked her to get.

“Thank you, Kath.” My voice cracks at the end, I try to hide it from Kathleen before she caught it.

“Sohe.” Crap. “What’s wrong?” I sniffle, brushing my hands under my eyes. Breathing in and out slowly, my nerves were still jumping around. My heart also felt like someone shot fifty holes in it the ran it over with a monster truck.

“Is this about Kevin?” I shrug like it didn’t hurt to hear his name. Finally I look up to Kathleen, her wild red hair falling in front of hazel eyes. Eyes that were filled with sorrow and sympathy.

“You knew about that?” She looks down, “I heard it in the cafeteria when you left. I thought they were just wishful talking...”

The bag of makeup in hand I opened the locker door to a mirror, my eyes looking blood shot and slightly puffy. taking out a small container of  foundation I rubbed it into the skin under my eyes as well as my cheeks.

Making sure it’s well blended then starting with the eye shadow and liner, swiping mascara onto my upper lashes. 

“Hurry the bell is about to ring!” A few more flips of my hair and a stroke of lip stick I finish up with seconds to spare. 

“How do I look?” Giving Kathleen a huge smile.

“Don’t smile so big, then your fine.” Sighing in deeply I tried for a softer smile. Kathleen scrunched her face and started wiping away most of her eye shadow and eye liner.

“There you go.” Kathleen gave me an encouraging smile just as the bell rings out above them. For a second I think everything was normal, but that would all be flushed away soon.

I took out my next classes binder from the locker and slammed the door shut. Linking my arm with Kathleen we joined the flood of people going to class.

The hall smelt like warm sweaty bodies and cheap fragrances. Just the normal school aroma, but there was one thing that wasn’t the same.

Everyone was sneaking glances at me, trying to look for a flaw in my mood. I just hope they didn’t find a flaw.

A good-bye way to Kathleen as we come to my class, her eyes filled with worry. Taking my usual seat, pulling out my homework from yesterday.  My fell out of my pocket to the floor, face up, showing me all of the text messages I received in the last three minuets.

All from Kevin. The nerve on him. I unlock the cell and block his number with a smug. That smug hurt so much to put on, it was even harder when I looked up and saw Kevin standing at the front of the classroom.

Crappers craps crap! He had this class with me, even if it was the only one, after what just happened during lunch I wasn’t ready to face him.

“Sophie-” I look at him straight in the eye and pretended like it didn’t crush me in the inside.

‘What do you want from me?” Running a hand through my brown hair carelessly. he just stood there and looked unease.

“Sophie, just listen to me, I was going to tell you about Amalie.” So that was her name. The super blonde popped into my vision. Yuck. 

“You were never there when I needed me-” I scoff at him.

“‘Never there for you’, all I was there for was to be your arm candy!” Standing toes to toes with him I went off.

“I bet you have been looking for someone who would be a better candy to suck on!” At that moment the teacher, who was in the lounge before this, decided to come into the room.

“Miss Ryan!” His face was flushed red and his hair was messy arrange on his head. He looked like he did the same thing I just described.

“Take your seat, Mr. Smith!” Kevin eyes never left mind, his eyes filled with rage and peals. Slump down to take my seat, hoping I could live through the day.

He coughed and started class in a bustle of arms and papers, Kevin took a seat at the other end of the class, the farthest away from me, I didn’t mind that at all. What I did mind was spending the entire with the stares at my back. Mostly the fury of Kevin burned hole in the back of my head.

I was gracious for the bell when it singled the end of class. Recored time getting all of my stuff back in my bag and out of the door.

“Sophie!” Grr.. Kevin. “Wait for me!” Moving further in the crowd of fellow students without looking back to him.


“Drop it, Kevin,” I say without missing a beat. “We Are Done.” The hall packed with kids heard everything, good. I flip out a offending finger while everyone watched me and him.

It stopped him from doing any more, but it didn’t stop the gossip from starting, I’m glad that is seemed like I broke up with him. Not the way it would have been if someone else saw Kevin and the Blonde Candy.

The ‘ohh’s and ‘burn’s filled the air mingling with the giggles of girls. Looking like a prim princess most people thought of me, I walked away from everything. My glass is breaking even more now, but I’ll try to hold it togeather before the flood breaks through.

For the rest of the day I live though the questions with nonchalant answers, flipping my hair like it was the best thing I have done.

Well then! RIght I can't belive I even wrote that part I havn't ever been broken up (Or asked out ;P) so I'm not sure if that ever really is that dramatic but... I hoped you like it :D

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