My Brothers Best Friend

By StormyWinter

2.5M 40.1K 4.1K

"If this was published, I'd buy it" Rhi can have any guy she wants but she goes for the guy she has been frie... More

My Brothers best... Part 1
My brothers... part 2
Brothers best... part 3
My brothers best... part 4
My brothers best... part 5
My brothers best...part 6
My brothers best...part 7
My brothers best...part 8! :)
My brothers best...Part 9
Part 10 :)
Teaser :)
Part 11 :D
Part 12 :)
Part 13 :D
Part 14 :D
Part 15!
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18 :)
Part 20 :)
Update :)
Part 21
Part 22 :O
Part 23 :P
Taster :)
Part 24 :O
Part 25 :)
Part 26 :)
Part 27 :D
Part 28 :)
Part 29
Part 30! OMG!
31 ...Did someone say road trip?!
32...making out in the snow...
33...Number 10 and coffee please
34...All creeped out
35...God damn hot chocolate
36...I'm going to have to ruin it
Part 37... Hand it over Chase
38...we need to be honest
39...Drifting apart
40...I won't need to force myself on people
Part 41...Ash hates me...
Part 42...You don't like it
Part 43...Las Vegas
Part 44 ...Live off coffee
Part 45...
Part 46...Apart from your snoring...
Part 47....Keep the boy on a leash!
Part 48...Awkward..
Part 49...Go Mental
Part 50...Hallelujah!
Part 51...You would be here
Part 53...Christmas
Part 54... we wont break up
Part 55... Something far more better
Part 56.... Life and Death.
Part 57- First half.
To My Fans
Part 58- Recovery
59 :)
Part 60
In Celebration of reaching 1 million reads!
I'm really sorry!
Part 61... Graduation (Finally!)
Part 62 (Teaser)
Part 62- Don't Walk Away
Part 63- The End.

Part 19!

42.2K 935 73
By StormyWinter

This is short but I wanted to give you guys something to read. Hope you like this chapter...I sure love the ending! I will post the Ash packed chapter tomorrow me thinks :)

Anyway here ya go

Enjoy :)


“Why would you do that to yourself, Rhi?” Ash was unfortunately one of the guys that had been playing football. We were now sat in the warm sunshine, Ash holding me as I was still shaking.

“Leave it Ash” I stood up to walk back into the dance studio but Ash grabbed my arm and stopped me.

“Rhi, why? You’re destroying yourself. Not eating, dancing on your ankle!” His face was filled with anger as he looked for any signs why I had done it.

“Why do you care? We kissed yesterday and you haven’t spoken to me about it. You act as though it never happened” My voice was filled with hatred as I said those words.

“I … that kiss…it really meant something to me. Were in different grades though, I just don’t see it working. I go to college soon…What will happen then?”

It was only starting to sink in that Ash would be in college this time next year. He would be meeting other girls; he wouldn’t care about some high school crush.

“Forget it” I pulled away from him, walked into the dance studio and grabbed my stuff. Tears threatened to leak from eyes as I heard Ash calling my name. He was right, it would never work.

I swung the main entrance door open, searching for anyone I knew. Luckily Jake was walking to his car. I called his name, starting to hobble over to him. He turned around, noticed me and started laughing at the way I was walking.

“What do you want?” He jokily asked as I arrived at his car. I could still hear Ash calling my name while I climbed into Jakes car. I had caught a lift with Sam today so Jake said he would drop me home.

Jake started the engine and turned on the radio. Unluckily we didn’t get that far as Ash reached the car just as Jake was about to set off.

Jake rolled down the window, smiling at Ash.

“What’s up Ash?” They did the stupid high five boys do then Ash turned to me.

“Nothing much. Rhi can I speak to you? Please” Ash’s eyes melted into mine as his face turned serious.

“Fine. You have five seconds to explain yourself, I’m not in the mood for excuses” I mumbled, fiddling with the zip on my bag.

“I’m sorry about before. I’m a player that was natural instinct, if I really wanted you so much I would say we could work around college. I didn’t though, that was my mistake. Who cares if I’m going to college?” Ash laughed.

“Where are you taking this Ash?” I wanted him to get straight to the point.

“I’m saying…I’m saying, Rhi will you go on a date with me?”


 You guys were amazing voting in the last part :D I got more than 10 votes I was like what?! 

So, please carry on voting like that! I won't put a vote limit but I would love a lot of votes!

Oh and check out the pics on the last part :) And the cast list is somewhere...

Thanks Butterfly224 <3

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