Wizard Imposters ( A Percy Ja...

By lostxii_

2.4K 53 76

After the Giant War, the demigods are planning their futures together and recovering from war, that is until... More

AN/ I forgot about Rachel.


159 2 8
By lostxii_

AN/ this is mostly a filler chapter. this chapter also contains cameos from characters who are not in the hp and pjo fandom. (*cough* *cough* klance *cough* )

Disclaimer:I do not own any characters except my OC.

Annabeth's POV (As requested by Emma07)

Annabeth grabbed a barely used makeup removing wipe box, She pulled a few wipes out and wiped away the residue flour that Percy hadn't removed. Then she grabbed normal mortal clothes, since they were going out. Annabeth quickly threw on a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans. She combed her hair and put it up in her signature ponytail. She grabbed and sheathed her drakon bone sword and ran out of her cabin. 

"Wise Girl" Percy shouted from the unlit campfire pit, where mostly everyone was waiting. Annabeth smiled and ran over to him, Percy intertwined their hands and continued talking to Chiron. 

"How are we supposed to get there, Diagon Alley is in England and it's not like we can jump into the van and drive on water?" Percy asked Chiron, who was sitting in his enchanted wheelchair disguise 

Chiron chuckled " We have Lady Hecate to thank, she was nice enough to agree to teleport us there." This surprised Annabeth, gods and goddesses normally weren't allowed to intervene when it came to quests, and most gods wouldn't blink an eye to demigod problems. 

"LEO MCSHIZZLE BAD BOY SUPREME HAS GRACED YOU WITH HIS PRESENCE." Leo exclaimed as he walked towards the demigods. Annabeth rolled her eyes at Leo's antics. 

"Now that we are all here, Lady Hecate should be here soon" said Chiron. As if on cue, a swirling vortex of Mist appeared in the midst of the demigods, a black haired in the middle. 

"Chiron, their Hogwarts letters?" Hecate asked as the Mist cleared away.

"Uhh, yes M'lady, Jason get the letters I had you collect" Chiron replied. Jason picked up the cloth bag that had been resting near his feet and started passing out envelopes. After Jason had finished handing out the envelopes, Chiron motioned for them to open the letters.

Annabeth furrowed her eyebrows, on the envelope itself was Annabeth's exact address.

(AN/i tried to get the font the same as harry's acceptance letter the hp books)

Annabeth hastily ripped open the open the letter, not caring about the shreds of paper falling to the ground just like everyone around her.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Chase, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July. 

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress


Annabeth looked around her, Percy was squinting at the letter and was muttering profanities. It was pretty obvious that his dyslexia was acting up. She looked around, mostly everyone was doing the same, except Rachel, Calypso and, Frank since his dyslexia wasn't as bad as everyone else's.

Chiron sighed " Everyone just drop your letters into the bag and forget about them" Everyone practically tackled Jason as they returned their letters into the bag. "We'll just use one list for everything" he continued. 

Hecate tapped her foot impatiently, "Hurry up, I don't have all day," Annabeth resisted the urge to roll her eyes. You would think that being alive for multiple millennia would help someone learn patience. 

Everyone hurriedly walked closer to Hecate, Mist swirled around them, enveloping them, making it hard to see. Annabeth's felt a pulling sensation behind her navel, precisely where Percy's Achilles heel had once been. (i know they aren't port keying, but I didn't know how else to describe teleporting) Annabeth could feel herself floating a few inches off the ground. And then at lightning speed, the Mist cleared away as if it was never there. Annabeth scanned her surrounding, she could hear rumbling car motors, and the shuffling of feet as people rushed to their destination. 

"Well, I'll be going, have a nice trip," Hecate said, before vanishing into thin air, leaving a trail of smoke where she once was.

 "Dramatic much?" Percy grumbled from beside her. Annabeth chuckled and elbowed Percy. 

"There it is," said Chiron pointing, " The Leaky Cauldron" Annabeth where Chiron was pointing.

It was a tiny, grubby-looking pub, If Chiron hadn't mentioned it, Annabeth wouldn't have noticed it. (almost the exact words from the book) 

The inside was dark and shabby, only a few people lingered. An old couple sat in the back sipping their drinks. A tall and lanky man with tan skin and brown hair who was accompanied by a man with a black mullet, who looked slightly like Nico but was taller and more muscular, were seated at a table in the front and seemed to be waiting for someone.

"Where the quiznak is Pidge" exclaimed 'Mullet' as he glanced at his watch, Annabeth had decided to call him 'Mullet' since she didn't know his name. 

"I how am I supposed to know Mullet Head, why don't you call her," the brown-haired guy said.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop with the stupid nicknames" the man who had been identified as 'Mullet Head' sighed. The other guy ignored 'Mullet Head's' advice and continued pestering him with annoying nicknames.

'Mullet Head groaned, "How do you even come up with these stupid names, Lance!"

Lance simply grinned, "I don't, the fandom does." Annabeth chuckled and turned her attention from the couple. (the fourth wall- what's that?)

Chiron furrowed his eyebrows, "We should be meeting someone-," Chiron dragged the sentence out as he scanned the shabby pub, his eyes lit up, "There she is!" Annabeth looked over to where he was pointing, in the back of the pub sat a girl. She was petite, maybe 16 was sitting, she had wavy black hair with dip dyed  purple tips that reached her mid back. Freckles dotted her pale skin, she was wearing a grey sweatshirt and denim shorts, on top she had a black cloak. She looked suspiciously familiar.

Chiron led them to her, "Guys, meet Techna Rosa, daughter of of Iris," Techna awkwardly waved, "She'll be your guide at Hogwarts, she's a 6th year just like you guys." Annabeth now realized why she looked familiar, "You used to go to Camp Half-Blood, you would stay in the Hermes cabin, -but then you disappeared a few months before Percy first came to Camp." said Annabeth, "Was that because of Hogwarts?"

Techna nodded, "My father was a wizard, so I guess I inherited my wizardness or whatever from him, but it's also possible to be a wizard born from a muggle family" she had a slight british accent.


"It's what we call non-wizards." Techna answered.

Techna got up and motioned them to follow, she led them farther back until they reached an open courtyard. 

Techna pulled out a fine stick -no- a wand. She walked up to the brick wall and tapped the tip on different bricks. In the middle of the wall was now a small hole, more bricks started disappearing until all that was left was a brick archway. On the other side was a narrow road, it was bustling with activity. Witches and Wizards scurried from shop to shop, the rustling of their cloaks could be head from where Annabeth was standing.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley" Techna beamed.


AN/ 2 updates in a week! WOOHOOO!!!!!! Anyways i hope you liked the chappie, my next update will be posted next week. if you don't know who 'Klance' is, its a ship from the voltron: legendary defender fandom. THEY R SO FREAKING ADORABLE. Thank you for reading this chapter. feel free to correct grammar or spelling mistakes. Techna's name is pronounced Tech-na (teck-nah) or tech in technology and add a "nah". 1378 word count including authors note.

Don't forget to stay safe, social distance and wear masks.



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