She's so gone | Ricky Bowen

By loveisweakness7

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SHE'S SO GONE Andy - "She denies it. But truth is, she's falling in love with him." Ricky - "Never fall in l... More

🌙 CAST 🌙


3K 78 27
By loveisweakness7

"Didn't I, didn't I, didn't I love you?
Didn't we, didn't we, didn't we fly?
Know that I, know that I still care for you
But didn't we, didn't we say goodbye?

Swear that I saw your face
At a coffee shop on 8th
Or maybe it was in my mind
And I swear that I heard your laugh
From a person that walked past me
At a party the other night

Never thought we'd ever have to go without
Take you over anybody else, hands down
We're the type of melody that don't fade out
Don't fade out, can't fade out..."

⭐One Republic - Didn't I⭐

Andy really didn't know what to do right now. She glanced at Nini's turned back one more time before continuing to tidy up in silence. They had been like this since the end of the play. 

The recruiter didn't stay until the end of the play and Andy had no idea how to comfort the brunette.

It really wasn't her strong suit.

Nevertheless she had to make an effort.

After all, Nini had been great with her tonight.

Besides, Andy was feeling a little guilty. Maybe it was her fault after all. She had taken her place with Ricky.

She took another breath to prepare before slowly approaching the brunette, placing the makeup remover wipes on the desk."What a night, huh?"

"Yeah."Nini sighed with a smile."It was awesome."

"It's you who was awesome."Andy replied immediately, shaking her head with a slight uncertain smile."I'm sincere, Nini. Honestly Vanessa Hudgens has some worries."

Nini chuckled at her praise before lifting her head to give her an amused look."You're really making an effort, uh?"

"Well, it can't be enough if you notice it so easily."Andy grimaced, shrugging her shoulders with a rueful smile.

"Oh believe me I think that's already a lot. I mean, that's right, how many people can claim to have been comforted by Andy Lopez?"

"Oh I see how it is. You see ? You're nice to people and they automatically gain trust."

Nini giggled leaving Andy to laugh in turn without complex. It was both strange and soothing to share this moment with Nini. Especially after the last few months. It was like all the tension was gone.

Still Andy had to admit that she was almost scared of the future. Were they still going to talk to each other after all this? After all, it was only the theater that united them. Or maybe more.

Either way, Andy was deeply grateful that he had the opportunity to really get to know Nini. She had misconceptions about her. She wasn't quite as blunt as she thought. Quite the contrary.

This was how Ricky found the two girls.

He let out a startled little smile at the sight of Andy and Nini laughing together like two best friends before clearing his throats lightly to call out to them."Hey! There you are."

"Hey."Nini recognized by turning to the brown before giving Ricky and Andy a knowing look."Well, looks like I'll leave you two to it. Later, Ads."

Andy turned to the brunette as she watched her leave the room with a small smile."Yeah, later, Salazar."

"Wow."Chuckled Ricky signing Nini's departure by shaking his head in surprise."Since when have you been friends?"

"Mhm to be honest, I'm not really sure myself. It just happened on its own I guess."

"I see."

Andy let out a light sigh of contentment as she tucked a few strands of hair behind her ears before resuming the slightly nervous tidying up."So... are you feeling better?"

Ricky put his backpack down on one of the chairs, taking a deep breath before thrusting his hands into his pockets, shrugging his shoulders."Well, I guess singing with everyone helped. That and the fact that I had a pretty... heated discussion with my mom."

"Outch, really?"

"Yeah... but she's kind of right. People change. And some couples aren't meant to be."

Andy swallowed as she gave a sidelong glance at the brown at his admission before nodding her head."Well it sounds... mature."

"You think ?"Awkwardly chuckled Ricky while scratching the back of his neck before rocking on his heels."I was mostly hoping to be cool but it works too."

Andy immediately lifted her head, giggling with the boy before realizing his intense gaze fixed on her. She diminished her smile a little as she let a breath pass her lips before swallowing However, she soon realized that they had been looking at each other for longer than was considered normal.

"Oh, uh, what was your question?"


"The question you were gonna ask me before we bowed?"

"Oh."Nervously chuckled Ricky before stammering in shyness."Yeah. No, I was just, um... I was just gonna say, what happens now?"

Andy frowned slightly, confused."What do you mean?"

"Um, I've never opened a show, or closed one. So, like, what happens now?"

"You're really asking me that?"Chuckled Andy pointing her index finger at her face with a slight comical grimace."C'mon, Ricky. I'm like the last person to ask this. I suck at theater. Ask me how to celebrate a worthy victory after a match instead."

Ricky swallowed with a huff of laughter before nervously clenching his fists at his side as he gave Andy a persistent look."I mean, now that it's all over."

"Uh ...."Andy sat up in understanding before shrugging her shoulders in hesitation."What do you mean? We're going back to what we do best. You, Red and me. I'm the typical jock who agrees to give you the time of her day and keep you from getting too lame."

"Oh, wow ! So you're the one stopping us from becoming lame now?"Laughed Ricky in disbelief.

"Well, face it, dude, I'm cool. You and Red are... slightly less."Andy teased as she walked over to tap Ricky on his shoulder before passing him to make her exit. However she paused to give him a look over her shoulder."Are you coming? Ricky?"

Andy frowned slightly at the tall brown's panicked expression before freezing as he finally let the three words who was weighing on his shoulders."I love you."


"No, no, listen to me, Andy. I finally know what I want to tell you all this time. Because I know what it really means what's going on between us."Ricky insisted with emotion as he left all feelings in the open."If you're looking for the word that means caring about someone beyond all rationality and wanting them to have everything they want no matter how much it destroy you, its love . And when you love someone, you just ... you don't stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy. Even then. Especially then! You just-you don't give up because if I could give up .... If I could just, you know, take the whole world's advice and move on and find someone else that wouldn't be love! That would be... that would be some other disposable thing that is not worth fighting for!"

"Are you done?"Andy swallowed clearly emotionally gripped as she in turn struggled against the tears of joy flooding her chest.

"No. I love you, Andy. When we were kids I loved you before I even know what the word love meant and then Nini came and I thought it was better if we stayed the way we were. Look, I saw nothing at the time but I loved you since that first day in kindergarten where you came to see us Big Red and me with that awesome soccer t-shirt and you told us we were so lamed to love skateboarding."

Andy let out a laugh at the recall."I remember."

"And that day when you literally spent a whole weekend stuck with me in the hospital because I told you it would be a good idea to climb the tree that joined our houses and I broke my arm. You haven't left my side for a moment."

"I told you it was stupid."

"Our parents yelled at us for being so reckless and yet you didn't blame me for a second. And when your father wanted to forbid you to see me again. I thought you were going to listen to him but you said: ..."

At this point Andy was unable to hold back the tears as she let out a laugh."I would never stay away from Ricky. I would break both arms if I had to, but I wouldn't leave his room. God, I was so cheesy."

"Yeah. Because that's the kind of person you are, Andy. You never give up on those you love. Even if you hate to show your feelings. But the thing is... I could never hate telling you that I love you, Andy. And I don't really know what happens tomorrow, or in two minutes when we walk out that door. All I know is... I want this feeling to keep going. Because this whole experience ... I'm just... I'm not ready for it to be over. For us to be, I mean. And if that means doing another musical then fine."

"I think we can do without Musical this time around."

"Fine. That's fine. It's all fine."Ricky nodded immediately without even bothering to think."I just... I don't want this to be just a showmance. Really. I want it to be the real thing. And I know already it's not gonna be easy, it's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I wanna do that because I want you. I just... I want a chance to prove it. I do. I mean, look ..."

Andy shook her head clearly overwhelmed by it all. She could feel her chest about to explode. She let an unimaginable smile on her lips before letting her emotions come out. She rushed straight at Ricky before taking his face in her hands to interrupt him.

Unsurprisingly Ricky immediately responded to her kiss as he in turn took her face in his hands to deepen their kiss. He tilted her head slightly to the side, nibbling lightly on her lower lip before sliding his tongue between her lips. They found themselves in a battle for dominance letting their teeth collide in the passion of the kiss.

Soon enough the air became inaccessible to them forcing Andy back down flat to her feet, opening her eyes again just to let out a slight gasp as she met Ricky's smiling gaze. The latter lightly stroked her cheek with his thumb as he took in the beauty of gold specks in Andy's chocolate eyes before resting his lips against hers again.

Andy let herself melt in the kiss again as she let a smile on his lips before chuckling as Ricky banged his nose against hers in a hurry.

"God, we're so bad at this."

Ricky let out a chuckle in his turn as he nodded his head in agreement."Yeah. Fortunately, there is plenty of time to improve."

"Mhm. I think all of that made you a little too arrogant, Bowen."Teased Andy with a broad, blissful smile."But it's okay I forgive you. You're lucky to be cute."

She got to her feet to take his face in her hands again to steal a kiss. Ricky laughed against her lips before pulling his head back slightly to look at her with his hands on her."Oh, I'm cute, uh?"

"Andy! There you are!"Holly suddenly called out as she stopped at the door before raising her eyebrows with a smirk at the sight of their position."Oh, am I interrupting you?"

Andy rolled her eyes as she gave Ricky a look before grinning dramatically as she turned to Holly."Even if that was the case would that make a difference?"

"Absolutely nothing."Holly replied proudly."Anyways, yours parents are asking for you, and I think you dad will cry. He still can't stomach watching you sing and dance with Ricky. Imagine when he sees you walking hand in hand."

"Whoa thanks, Holly. No really."Andy commented sarcastically.

"Anytime, hottie."

Andy shook her head as she watched the blonde go before she turned to Ricky with a slight embarrassed grimace."Sorry for her. She's quite embarrassing. But she is right on one point. Maybe we shouldn't go there together. I wish my father could live a long time."

"Yeah, probably."Chuckled Ricky nodding his head."Plus, I don't really want to die this early in the evening."

"Touché."Andy nodded, puckering her lips before walking away with a broad smile at Ricky.

Andy resurfaced in the hall filled with delirious parents before pausing to find her own parents. 

Unsurprisingly, she was not long in finding her mother and father surrounded by Dany, Mike and Lynne. It seemed her new boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. What surprised Andy, however, was seeing Carlos and Ashlyn also alongside her parents. She let a startled smile on her lips at the sight before taking a step in their direction.

"Oh, hey, Ads!"

The brunette paused at Nini's call before looking wide at the woman accompanying her."Hey, Nini?"

"This is Kalyani Patel."

"I work at the Conservatory."The woman added, extending her hand to Andy to offer her a handshake.

Andy squeezed her hand while giving Nini a confused look."Oh, uh, it's nice to meet you, I guess?"

"You would never guess what Mrs. Patel just told me."Nini exclaimed in excitement.

Andy gave a puzzled look between Nini and the woman beside her before shrugging her shoulders."Uh, what?"

"I was telling Nini that she was very talented. Obviously she has a lot to say."Explained the recruiter, nodding her head as Nini hopped nervously in place so much she could barely contain her excitement."However, she's not the only one in this situation. In one song you blew me away, Miss Lopez."

Andy widened her eyes at the praise of the woman before letting a nervous laugh."Oh, uh, that wasn't much. I wasn't even expected and-"

"You should learn to accept a compliment."Mrs. Patel interrupted before resuming seriously,"You are going to need it in our institution."

"Sorry what?"

"I'd like to offer to both of you a spot starting next month."

Nini finally gave in to her excitement as she clapped her hands with a squeal before knotting her arm with Andy's to shake her from her shocked amazement.

However, the brunette was completely speechless as she simply took the business card of the recruiter still amazed by her proposal.

"It's... a... why? I didn't even apply."

"Oh you'll have to put together a dossier like Nini but you already have my support."Explained the woman with an encouraging smile."It would be a real loss for our school if I didn't make this offer to you. You'll let me know?"

At the sight of Andy Nini's lack of response, Nini nodded while swallowing."Yeah."

Andy literally hunched over as she stared at the business card between her fingers in shock.

She never thought she would ever be in this position. Ever since she was little this had always been planned for her. She would try to impress recruiters in Dartmouth to get a scholarship and become one of the best female soccer players in the world.

It had never been about singing.

Or even enter an art school.

Even less so early in her high school career.

She was supposed to have several more months to worry about her life after high school.

"Hey, you okay?"Nini asked softly, suddenly worried by the silence of the brunette at her side.

And as if that wasn't anxiety-inducing enough for Andy already the sound of the door opening followed closely by Ricky's cheerful voice calling out to her."Yo, Andy, Nini! You ready to go? Come on. Everyone's waiting!"

Well, she was fucked up!

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