It Started as a Dare

By HogwartsxStoriesx

174 5 2

This story is about y/n (your name) and Draco Malfoy. He asks you out for a dare, but who knows what happens... More

Back to Hogwarts
At Hogwarts
In the common room
The date

A letter

22 0 0
By HogwartsxStoriesx

You wake up to the sun burning inside your eyes. "The sun is bright today, isn't it?" You hear Pansy say. You didn't notice she was there, and you don't even turn your face to look at her. You hate her so much.
"I hope it burns you down someday" she adds. You ignore her. You rush to the bathroom to find your school uniform.
When you're done changing, you go inside the big hall. You rush to the Gryffindor table.
"Hermione! Harry! Ron!" You almost yell of happiness.
"Y/n, you finally came!" Hermione laughs.
"What's up?" Harry and Ron almost ask at the same time.
"So, Draco told me to meet me in the Slytherin common room, and you won't belive what he called me!" You whisper with a big smile painted on your face.
"What did he call you?" Ron asks in an angry tone.
"Beautiful! He called me beautiful!"
You smile and Hermione smiles back and says:
"That's great! You're the perfect couple! I know you will end up together one day."
Harry looks down at the floor. He looks angry and his hands turns into fists. Ron almost looks sad and disappointed.
"What's up with you two?! You have been acting weird since y/n and Draco started dating" Hermione says and rolls her eyes at them.
"Dating?!" You, Harry and Ron says at the same time.
"I mean... since they started talking and hanging out more. How can you not ship them?" Hermione says and looks at the boys again. They ignore her and they start eating.
"What's this?" Harry says and points at a letter flying about your head. You grab the letter and starts reading it.

Dear princess
Meet me in the forbidden forest after class today.
I have something for you. Don't forget it, and dress nice.
Love, DM~

Hermione giggles, but Harry sends Draco an angry face. Draco smiles at him. Not in a friendly way. Ron plays with his food. He is the biggest food lover you know, so you wonder why he isn't eating anything. You start getting an idea about what's going on about Ron and Harry.
"The letter said dress nice, right?" Hermione asks and you nod.
"I'll help you out sis. Meet me outside the Gryffindor common room after your first class." She says.
"Thanks Hermione" you say and give her a friendly smile.

After your first class

You are heading to the Gryffindor common room. Hermione is already there, which is great.
"Let's go to my dorm. I have the best idea EVER!" She almost whine.
She picks out some tight black leather pants, a tight emerald green crop top, puts your hair into a messy bun, and hands you some black leather shoes.
"Go change" she points at the bathroom.

After changing

"How do i look?" You ask and smiles.
"Absolutely amazing. I can't wait for you to tell me about what happens! Go change to your uniform and put the clothes in your bag. You can change into the clothes i gave you after school."
You nod at her and says:
"I don't know how i can thank you, Hermione. I'm so grateful that you are my friend." You say and smile at her.

After all the classes

You head to the bathroom to change. You slip on Hermiones black leather pants, black leather shoes and the green emerald top. You head to the forbidden forest, walking like a bada$$.

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