Soulmate to the mafia don

hopeful_soul tarafından

282K 5.5K 507

Valerie Gunnar was a simple girl. She liked reading, she was a fiery fighter and she was a total smart mouth... Daha Fazla

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Chapter - 30
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 33

Chapter - 32

5.5K 109 16
hopeful_soul tarafından

A month.

It had been a month since I was brought back. Well. Rescued back. I was still sour about the fact that I had to be rescued like a damsel instead of making my way out by my own with guns firing and face triumph. One can't have everything in their life now can they?

Regio walked in from the door, nodding at my bed-ridden self as I scowled at him. Chains. He had fucking chained me again. And what was worse? I couldn't fight him on this. That bastard had made me swear that I would do one thing he asked of me and idiot that I was I had agreed immediately without thinking to please him.

What? I wanted to get on his good side. Anything to earn his trust back.

I looked down at the chains and then thought bitterly, alright. Anything but this.

He had even shortened the chains so that I wouldn't get up unnecessarily. I had to call him every time I even wanted to pee!! I had tried to coax him into at least lengthening the chains just two days ago, telling him how my wound was now almost healed. It was just a big dry scar now. But no!

He walks out of the closet, changed into a white t-shirt and a leather jacket as I put the book in my hands down and beckoned him forth. He obliged, standing beside the edge as I looked up at him dryly.

"No." He states, backing off before I could claw him. I huff, whining.

"Oh! Come on!" I whined, tugging at the restraints.

"What do you need? Tell me- I'll get it for you." He stated, pulling open some drawers and weaving through some papers.

"Air. I need fresh air! And anything you say? If you can't get me what I ask for will you let me out of these chains?" I question, a plan coming into my mind.

"We can go for a drive in the evening. And yes, anything. Alright deal." He muttered, still half engrossed in his files. Hehe. Never make deals when you're busy Regio.

"Fine then. I want moon. Get me moon." I stated cheekily, knowing I had won. His half-crouched form suddenly shot up, my words registering in his mind. He groaned, turning to me with his eyes narrowed. Got you!

I grin like a Cheshire cat, holding my arms out. Muttering curses as he pointed his accusatory gaze at me, he left the room, probably to get the keys as I sat back relaxed like a boss. And that's how you win.

He comes in 10 minutes later, an expression I did not like on his face.

"How do you want it?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe which was just enough for his tall physique. Nooooo. He isn't going to.

"W-What?" I asked, stumbling at his question. He won't do that. Right? He wouldn't go to that heights to win, would he?

He's Darius Regio, what do you think?

Fuck my life. Especially the can do anything mate.

"I asked," he deliberately spoke, smirking at my gaping mouth, "How do you want it? Like a piece. As a jewelry? Do you want it incorporated in something?"

"I changed my mind. I want a meteorite. Or a star." I quickly let out. Knowing there was no way he could get either or those. To my utter horror he nodded.

"I figured you would change your mind. Again. How? In what manner?"

"Darius!" I whine, huffing and slumping back. There was no winning this man. He laughs, shrugs and closes the door behind him as he comes in and drops beside me on the bed.

"Thought you one-upped me?" He mused, pecking my lips quickly. I whine again, pushing at his chest.

"This isn't fair." I mumbled, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him closer.

"I need to go." He murmured after a few minutes, kissing my forehead and moving to get up.

"Noooo. Stay with me?" I mutter, climbing up so that he won't leave. I'm feeling needy.

"Always. What do you want to do? You sound incredibly bored and dry."

"Wonder why that is." I deadpan, pinching his butt. Firm. Cute. He yelps, pulling my hand back.

"What has gotten into you?" He asked, a hint of disbelief clear in his voice. I shrugged.




"Come here." He muttered, pulling my head down to him and turning us over so that he was back on top. I smile as his lips meet mine, moving against mine sensually slow, the hunger hidden. He hadn't touched me once in the past month. And I was kind of insecure about that as well.

I mean yeah it was probably because I was hurt but an idiotic girly part of me kept telling me that it was because of the scars that were still lightly visible. They made me feel ugly. He turned us slowly so that he was back up, the tempo his lips moved against mine slow.

"Darius?" I mumbled, eyes opening just slightly as I looked up at him. He caught my tone quickly, pushing a strand of my hair back and kissing my forehead softly, eyes going tender.

"What's wrong little warrior?" He questioned, pushing himself up so that he won't crush me. I quickly thought of whether this was a good idea of not. Whatever. It's him. What's the worst that could happen?

"I feel... ugly." I mumbled, barely audible, looking away from his smoldering green eyes. He nudged my nose, silently asking me to turn and look at him. I oblige with reluctance, immediately loosing myself in him.

"You're the most gorgeous woman I have seen. Those brown of yours are so exotic. So hypnotizing to be lost in. Your lips are the most prettiest pair of rose petals I've touched, you taste like the most exquisite of food, you're so fucking addicting that I want to give up on everything and worship you all day, everyday. Your skin is the type you would want to have to touch forever, the complexion of it so perfect you'd think it was god-made."

"Your body," his tone turned alluring, tracing the curves of me lightly, "Is so fucking sexy, beautiful, seductive. Your voice is like the most melodious of symphony, one you'd want to hear for the rest of your life. Hell, you smell like a meadow. So fucking fresh and inviting. And then this," He muttered, his hand resting on my chest, right where my heart was about to hammer it's way out of my chest, "This is pure diamond. The most precious, priceless, most beautiful of diamond."

I opened my mouth, not sure of what I could say. Before I could say anything, he pushed a finger to my lips, not done yet.

"These scars," He stated softly, tracing the skin that was still jagged and healing, "Are so fucking beautiful. They make you look like a goddess that has won every war waged against her. A goddess I'm lucky to be able to call mine. The scars do not make you ugly my precious little one, they make you invincible. They tell you you've won and survived every storm, every obstacle. That you've defeated any man that went against you. That you've rose on the top no matter what. Let that be what those scars remind you the next you see them."

I pulled him down, giving my everything in the kiss as I pressed him to me. The next words tumbled out of me without a thought, and there was nothing anyone could've done to stop them.

"I love you." I whispered with the last of my breath when we parted, my forehead touching his.

He went still above me. So still that you'd think he was a statue rather than a real man. Obviously, I went into a panic, thinking he had freaked out.

"You obviously don't have to say it back or anything. I mean this is what I feel for you. Or maybe I shouldn't say that to freak you out more. So yeah, don't worry. Take your time. We've had a lot of setbacks so I won't blame you or be bitter about you not being there yet. I just wanted to tell you how I feel about you. It's not that big a deal if you think more about it. It's really really really nothing to freak out about. I tell this to everyo-"

"You can only love me!" He growled, puckering my face and stealing my breath. Okay. Maybe saying I say it to everyone wasn't the best idea.

"That's not fair! There are a lot of people to l- Mmph!!" he shoves his tongue down my throat, not at all lovingly and kisses me for a long time. Long long time till I was so out of breath that I had to thrash around to tell him to let go or I would die.

"I love you my little warrior." He whispered in a breathless voice, kissing my forehead.

Can you die of happiness?

"You do?" I ask, doubting my hearing abilities. Maybe he had killed me and this was the last hallucination I was hallucinating for achieving a peaceful death?

"You're not fucking dead woman. What do you even think?" He muttered, pulling my hands above me.

Oops. Said that out loud.

"Am I really your love or am I just another vice?" I ask, not sure he was being truthful. What? He was himself and I was me. Proud person or not, I knew what a real bitchy person I was.

"You're my everything. My always. My eternity. My angel. My queen. My love. Mine! You're mine!" He whispered each word, pulling me up so that he could mash ourselves together. His grip on me was so tight that I did not have enough space to even breathe in. Oh well. I'd rather die this way anyways.

"Are you sure you love me little one? There is no backing out of it later. This," He whispered, trailing his finger down from my eyes till my thighs, "Is forever."

"Then I'll spend forever with you." I whisper, looking at him with love and promise in my eyes. "I swear." He retaliates with the same look, a shine in his eyes that probably mirrored mine. My heart soared loudly as I blubbered out a laugh, a few tears of inane happiness escaping.

"How the fuck can you love me?" He whispered, smiling down at me as he started peppering small loving kisses down my jaw and neck, wiping the tears away.

"Because you're you. You're my Darius. My oh so over protective, domineering, cruel, stubborn but gentle, loving, loyal, handsome, compassionate, understanding Darius. You're my king. How could I not?"

"You're so per-"

"Wassup bitc- Ahh my eyes!!" Leave it to Zach to ruin the most precious of moments. Sighing annoyed, I drop back on the pillow, huffing loudly.

"Zach." Regio spoke icily, Zach immediately took a step back at his voice, making me snort.

"Uhm- yes my bestie?" He spoke grinning cheerily with his hand on the door handle, ready to run for his life. Darius sighs, as if giving up.

"Get out man, just get out."

"Were you two about to fuck? Did I cock-block you?" He asks, raising his eyebrow, my choking on air quite audible as I cough. What the fu-

"No. We were about to repeat our undying love for each other. Now goddammit get out or I will shoot!" Darius hissed, turning his head back and glaring at the idiotic, childish right man. Instead of paying any regard to Darius' icy glare, his wide eyes snapped to me, his jaw dropping open.

"You- You- Impossible! He's way too much of a coward!!" I fall into fits of laughter, Darius grunting and getting off of me and running after Zach who ran out as if his pants were on fire. Oy! No! Uncuff me!

"No! Darius! Get back here!" I yell, pulling against the damn restraints with distaste.

He pops in a few minutes later, the back of his hand covered in blood.

"Is he dead?" I ask dryly, kind of hopefully.

"You fucking wish!" Shithead quipped, his head stuck into the room while the other parts of him remained behind the wall, unseen to the eyes, his nose quite obviously broken.

"Just a broken nose? You're getting rusty Regio." I reprimand, looking at him mockingly. He raises his clenched fist with an excited innocent questioning look in his eyes and gets hold of Zach's neck that was piping in before he could run away.

"Damn you, you tied up bitch!" A loud thwack resounds in the room, Zach groaning in pain as Darius and I laugh. That's what you get for calling me names.

"Respect shithead respect." I mutter, looking at Darius pointedly after sobering up. Keeping my hands on either side of the headrest, I sit there regally as I wait for his next step. "Get out Zach. I want a moment alone with him." I state, not taking my eyes off of him.

Zach, wonders of wonders nods, giving me a soft smile, pats Darius on the back and closes the door after Regio steps in completely. I jut my chin further, spreading my legs as if inviting him.

"Well Darius? Are you going to take a step or not?" I whisper seductively, dropping my eyes for a second and then looking up through my lashes, trying to lure him close to me. Come on. Let go of that control you have such a tight reign on. I.

"Don't." He gritted, his hands fisting as his eyes trailed down to my legs that I parted, my underwear probably visible because of his shirt riding up. Tauntingly, I smirk and spread my legs further, his groan affecting me more, wetness starting to pool between my legs.

"No?" I ask, throwing the blanket off of me completely. Want.

"You're still hurt. You will get hurt. You're still healing. You're still weak." Fire burned in my eyes as well as the air around us at his words, my need to seduce him fueling.

"Tell me Regio, do I look weak?" I hissed, pushing myself down so that the shirt would ride up, my eyes narrowed at him. Him.

"I'm a gentleman. I won't take you when you're still hurt."

I laugh mockingly, throwing my head back on the headrest and then abruptly seizing and snapping my eyes back to him. "I don't want a gentleman, I want you. Raw, rough, brutal, whatever you are. Completely yourself. You." Now!

"You're killing me here!" He groaned, taking a step towards me, wanting to take more but stopping himself. Iron chain control. Bravo. Now, break the damn chains.

"Then here." I stated, spreading my legs as far as I could. "I'm offering myself. Take what you need to save yourself." My god what had gotten into me?

Whatever it was, do come often. I enjoy being this sexy confident siren.

"I won't be able to st-"

"Who said anything about stopping?" I ask, raising my eyebrow and leaning back.

"I'll loose contr-"

"I don't want control. I want you."

"Stop sayi-"

"No. I won't."

"Don't do th-" I wring my hand in my hair, lightly fluffing them up as naturally as I could and shaking my head to rid of the tangled up ones. I look up, only to find his darkened eyes on me, capturing every miniscule movement, his dark side not letting him walk away and his mind not letting him take a step further.

Hmm. Now how do you break that self control of his? If only I could stand up and pull him to me. The chains, I decided then and there, are becoming too much of a nuisance. They need to come off. Soon.

"But it's so much fun." I whisper, smirking at him tauntingly.

"Fun? Look at me." I scan him quickly, obliging like a very sincere mate. What? I raise my eyebrow, wanting him to say what he meant cause I had no damn idea. "Look carefully darling." I scan him again, the bulge in his pants telling me what I had missed earlier. I bite my lip, grinning up at him.

"Yep. Definitely fun." To my horror and surprise I hear him laugh.


"Good to know you've had your fun." He said still chuckling, his head thrown back. A gasp leaves me as his eyes snap back to mine and I realize what I might just have done. Playing with the beast might not have been the best idea.


"Now it's time for me to have mine." He suddenly hissed, taking a step forward and then jumping on top of me. His eyes looking more black than green.

Oh my god.

If I had looked regal, he looked a god. A dark one.

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