Girls Thug To

By KaNene23

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KaNene Is Her Name , She's Battling With Her Demons While Still Carrying The Empire On Her Shoulders . Want T... More

Girls Thug To (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 He return ! (Edited)
Not a Chapter
Chapter 6 He return Pt. 2 (Edited)
Chapter 7 ( Jesus ) (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Not A Chapter
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Not A Chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 1 (Edited)

13.3K 268 13
By KaNene23

This is the day we plan family vacation well daddy and my brother have to do some business . So I have to go shopping we're going to Cancun but I need to call my bbfl ( Best Bitch For Life ) Tay , And see if she want to go shopping with me and see if she wanna go on vacation with us cause my brother is bring Jesus so ima bring Tay !

Convo :

Me : Heyyyyy girl

Tay : Where you at nigga

Me : I'm at home bout to get in this shower i was calling you to see what you was doing this week

Tay : Nothing chilling what about you

Me : Girl going on this family vacation and my brother bringing his friend so i decide to see if you can come

Tay : Yesssss bitch you know I do

Me : Ok get ready Im going to be over there to come and get you so we can go shopping

Tay : Aght bye bitch

For y'all who don't know Tay she is my best friend like my sister and we have been friends since 1st grade , She is also 16 but I'm older by some months she is light skinned she is 5.2 ft she real pretty and I love her !

I just hung up and hopped off the bed to go do my hygiene stuff , So I can go pick my girl up and then I thought about my honey Lele now that's my ROD . Don't get me wrong Tay my ROD to but I know if it came down to ......... both of them gone be there lol !

I took a 30 minute shower got out , Put me some black panties and a black bra on . Then I lotions my body from head to toe with bath and body works , Then i looked in my closet for something to wear and i wanted to look thuggish . So I got out a white crop top shirt that say #1 thug in black letters with some black tights and my light brown timberlands . And I made my way to the bathroom and flat ironed my hair , I'm almost done but then I hear my phone ringing so i stopped to go answer it and its Tay to ask me what I'm wearing .

Convo :

Tay : What you got on

Me : A white crop top with my black tights and sone timberlands

Tay : The crop top the say #1 thug in black letters

Me : Girl yeah , How you know

Tay : You know great minds think alike , I got the same thing on i was going for a thuggish look .

Me : Me to girl Aght well let me finish getting ready , I will be there in 30 minutes .

Tay : K

I went back to flat ironing the last piece i got that Brazilian its long come down to my butt , so the I do my make up I don't do a lot but eyeliner and mascara and lipstick or lipgloss . So I put on blood red lipstick , eyeliner , and mascara on , I through on my thick gold chain ! I grabbed my MK white purse my phone , charger and keys , spray some perfume and head down stairs !

" Hey Jordon wanna go to the mall me and Tay going to shop for the vacation "

" Yeah let me tell Jesus so I can scoop him and we will meet yall over there "

" K bye "

So i go find my daddy so I can tell him Tay coming to the vacation , And that I'm leaving to go shopping . I found him and my mother and his office getting busy !

*clears throat*

" Please get a room , anyways I was letting y'all know me and Jordon bout to go the mall and Tay is coming on the vacation "

" Ok baby " my daddy says

" See y'all later ok baby and have fun " my mom says

" K bye mom bye dad love y'all and get in somebody's bed but not mine "

I leave out the front door and i see my brother car is gone already , So I needed to hurry up Tay only live like two streets over . It didn't take me that long when I got to her house , I honked and she came my bitch looked good . We both did we was matching with everything except her hair is curled !

" Look at you omg we gotta take pics ok " Tay said " Ok come on we have to meet Jordon and Jesus , They waiting on us " It took me 45 minutes to get to the mall .

When got there I texted Jordon to ask him where he was , He said they was in foot locker so that's where we meet them . I only bought one pair of shoes and that was the Columbians , Me and Tay got the shoes and the shirt to match ! then we went to Body Central , Wet Seal , and Deb's and a lot more places . We had a lot of bags so we made Jesus and Jordon carry all our bags along with there's to take to the car ! After that we said we was hungry , So we went to bone daddy's that's the best restaurant ever . After dinner the boys went home and I took Tay to go get her bags packed , Cause she was coming over my house cause we leave in the morning .

So then we head back to my house and we walked in took all our stuff to my room , We came back down stairs were we saw our parents smiling and laughing , We spoke grabbed us some water and went down to the basement with my brother and Jesus , They was rolling up three blunts they was on the third one , And lighting the first one so me and Tay went and jumped in the cycle . We smoked all three blunts then they started playing the game , Me and Tay was playing and laughing and shit we was down there for about an hour chilling . I got tired so we went to my room i took a shower then Tay hopped in after me and she got out , We got in the bed and was on our phones for a while then went to sleep !

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