Brian stole my heart (ON HOLD)

By terrcpin

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Brian stole my heart
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Love of my life
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Shitty unedited chapter
The end.

Chapter 14

131 10 3
By terrcpin

Brian's pov:

Something was most definitely up with Alice, she was so quiet, and sad looking. I tried to no end to try and find out what was bothering her, she would just ignore me or yell at me. She wasn't my Alice - I mean, yeah, she's still Alice, but something's gone wrong deep down, a place where she doesn't like to dwell, or she doesn't like people to dwell upon her emotions.. Walls and seclusion, is all that can be said for that..

"Alice, I'm asking one more time before I walk out that door, tell me what's wrong and I can help you, please, darling." I pleaded, kneeling in front of her, as she sat on the bed, hunched over her knees, I glanced up at her sadly, my Hazel irises drooping ever so slightly

"Brian, I-I this is going to be the end of us." She sniffled softly, and buried her face into her hands

A million thoughts raced through my head at that phrase of words, she's pregnant, shit, I'm going to be a father at the age of eighteen, we'll have to quit school, she won't go to college, I.. Shit..

"Alice, please tell me.." I begged

"Brian I'm moving, I'm moving to Australia in a week."

In that moment I swear my whole world stopped moving..

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