Adventures In Nekoma High ||...

De ssabinaayu

4.1K 182 8

What you look at that, Himura Sara joined the team as the manager of the volleyball boys' team. I wonder, did... Mais

Chapter 2 : First Love
Chapter 3 : The Chaos Begins
Chapters 4 : Toms and Mollies
Chapter 5 : Bushes
Chapter 6 : Strawberry Blonde
Chapter 7 : Laser Pointer
Chapter 8 : Sara-chan
Chapter 9 : Romance
Chapter 10 : Cats and Owls
Chapter 11 : Star and Tiger
Chapter 12 : Blue Heaven
Chapter 13 : Water Bottle
Chapter 14 : Sudden Surprise
Chapter 15 : Seventeen
Chapter 16 : Bullet
Chapter 17 : Crush
Chapter 18 : Foxes and a Cat
Chapter 19 : Train Station
Chapter 20 : Here Comes The Owls
Chapter 21 : Mollies and Hens
Chapter 22 : Comedy Gold
Chapter 23 : Kuroo's Demonic Hair
Chapter 24 : Ordinary
Chapter 25 : Sister's Video
Chapter 26 : Fire Flower
Chapter 27 : Apple and Pudding
Chapter 28 : An Awkward Duet
Chapter 29 : Girls Likes Girls
Chapter 30 : Watermelons
Chapter 31 : Crows vs Cats
Chapter 32 : 決戦スピリッツ
Chapter 33 : フラレガイガール
Chapter 34 : Summer of Evolution
Chapter 35 : BBQ
Chapter 36 : What Happened During the Trip
Chapter 37 : Obvious ♡
Chapter 38 : Magazine
Chapter 39 : Stupid With Love ♡
Chapter 40 : The Diddly Bops
Chapter 41 : Neko Stroll
Chapter 42 : Dog and Chestnut ♡
Chapter 43 : Catnip
Chapter 44 : Plant Kingdom
Chapter 45 : Ai-Ai Gasa ♡
Chapter 46 : Swell ♡
Chapter 47 : Love Spring ♡
Chapter 48 : Transported To Another World
Chapter 49 : Supernatural
Chapter 50 : Flashlight ♡
Chapter 51 : Sugar Songs to Bitter Step
Chapter 52 : Be With You
Chapter 53 : Cotton Candy Skies ♡
Chapter 54 : A Trip Before The Fight
Chapter 55 : Cats of Kyoto
Chapter 56 : Double Trouble
Chapter 57 : Owls and Cats
Chapter 58 : Dancing Cats
Chapter 59 : Wildcats
Chapter 60 : Two Oruguitas ♥
Chapter 61 : Cheer like a Cheerleader
Chapter 62 : Sports Festival ①
Chapter 63 : Sports Festival ②
Chapter 64 : Sports Festival ③
Chapter 65 : One-Sided Love ♡
Chapter 66 : Cats on Ice
Chapter 67 : Invitation ♡
Chapter 68 : Them's The Break, Kid
Chapter 69 : Date ♥
Chapter 70 : The Start
Chapter 71 : Nationals
Chapter 72 : Day 1
Chapter 73 : Cats vs Monkeys
Chapter 74 : Banana Man
Chapter 75 : Never Meant To Know
Chapter 76 : Lose Knots
Chapter 77 : The End of a Battle
Chapter 78 : Two Wuv
Chapter 79 : Sisters

Chapter 1 : Himurran

1.1K 18 5
De ssabinaayu


I turned to see both of my friends running up to me. The one with red fluffy pigtails and almost looks like she was going to faint is Akabane Emika. The other with the ashy blonde hair and who looks like a total simpleton is Amemori Hoshiko. If you ask me, they're both beautiful just Hoshiko's high ponytail looks stupid on her.

"You avoiding us?" Hoshiko squeezed my cheeks and laughed, like an idiot would, "We've been searching for you everywhere."

I didn't responded. I never liked talking too much, it's just a waste.

"Talk!!" Hoshiko squeezed my cheeks harder, I slapped her hands off of me.

Emika only giggled, she was much more calmer than Hoshiko if you ask me. But she could be annoying in her own way, which was, "Himura, why aren't you joining the volleyball club?" This. Asking me to join the girl's volleyball club.

Why did they ask me this?

Well they're a part of the club, obviously. I don't know why I need to mention that before. Yes, they are a part of the club and both played crucial roles for the team. Hoshiko is the ace of the team, which wasn't a surprise when she first told me. Emika isn't on the official lineup but she got the role of the pinch server, but she was too anxious to serve most of the time. I still don't how we became very fast friends, we were in the same class back in first year.

As for me, I don't disliked volleyball but I also don't liked it. At least not much as my siblings.

"Yeah, you don't have to be on the lineup. You can be a manager." Hoshiko tried convincing me, it still didn't work.

As always, I kept a silent mouth and walked ahead to school.

"Hey, don't leave us alone!!"

As we walked to school, Emika and Hoshiko were talking about stuff they did yesterday and about the test that Emika had a few days ago. "Y'know, she said that your class is next, right? Today?" Emika pointed out. Hoshiko trembled and looked straight ahead. "R-really?" We both turned to her and glared, from all of us, Hoshiko was the most lazy when it comes to studying. Although she's in a higher class than me.

"Er...can you guys help study later?" She asked us. We sighed and agreed, but Emika had to deal with her, "If, you give us a part of your lunch today." Hoshiko frowned and sulked. "Man, I'm having fried chicken"

"And what is your favor, eh?" She turned to me but I simply shook my head and focused on the road, before I trip and fall onto the ground like yesterday. "Aw, come on, girl! Why don't you just talk? Your voice is perfect just the way it is." Hoshiko whined again, you get why I'm always annoyed by her?

"If you don't wanna talk and don't wanna join the team, what are you gonna do in life?" Hoshiko talked me out of it but it just made me more annoyed.

"Alright, if she doesn't want to, she doesn't to, Hoshi. But you actually remind me of someone from the boy's team." Emika giggled and patted my shoulder. "Remember Fukunaga-kun, the guy you met in first year?"

That name sounded familiar to me but I couldn't remember who it was and if I met him before.

"What?? You didn't? He's in your class, y'know. Sits right next to you." I don't remember and didn't payed much attention to the people in class, just the teachers. "Girl, you really need to talk more."


When we split to our classes, me and Hoshiko waved goodbye. As for Emika, she already split with us after walking up the stairs. She's in the top classes, which made us sort of jealous and envies her intelligence.

I walked inside and saw no one sitting on the desks next to me. What? Do you think I sit on the desk near the window? It would be a dream to be there, but no.

Good thing too, I don't have to introduce myself to this Fukunaga guy without any interference by any of my friends.

I was minding my own business, looking around the classroom, watching students passing by, noticing a face near me...wait.

I slowly look down to my desk to see, a girl staring right at me with a grin. Without any warning, I jolted from my seat and fell off my chair.

"Oh my, you alright there?" The girl asked me and I nodded. "Sorry for frightening you but Akabane-chan told me to talk to you." So she's a friend of Emika. Judging by her looks, jet black hair in a pixie cut, overall feminine expression and attitude, it wasn't so hard to think that this could one Emika's friends from the top classes.

"I'm Murata Fumi, you're Himura Sara-chan, right?" I nodded and heard someone sitting. Fumi's face lit up with joy and her grin grew wider, I don't know you can do that.

"I knew it!" I heard her mumble and waved at the person who sat next to me. I turned to see a guy with dark hair, wide eyes, overall neutral. He just looks like your run-of-the-mill guy, just with wider eyes and catlike face.

"So Akabane-chan told me to do this, you've met Shouhei-kun before, right?" Everything came full circle.

Fumi walked to the guy and talked to him from a while, he didn't respond to her either. He just kept staring, got a little shy too. Like all boys do.

"Shouhei-kun, this is Himura-chan. I see you've met before in class, riiight?" Fukunaga shook his head, which made her jaw drop. "H-how about orientation day?"

He pointed at me and kept staring, which was scary.

Fumi gave up completely and just made us shake hands, which was completely uncalled for. Now I know how similar she and the other two are. A copy.

"Himura-chan, wanna have lunch with us later?" Fumi offered me. I don't want to but I also was curious about who're the other people. "It's just going to be me, Akabane-chan, and Hoshiko-chan." Oh...

Oh no, that's chaos right off the bat.

Before I could even respond, she already left.

I sighed again and rested my head on the desk, looking out the window from my view. I could also feel like being watched, which gave me goosebumps.


"Hey, did you guys heard about the guy who seeks out the girls from the first year to join a sports club?" Fumi mentioned.

"That'd be Yamamoto-kun." Emika chuckled and opened her lunch box.

Hoshiko almost choked on her food, "What, Yamamoto-kun? Isn't he sort of timid around girls?"

"Dunno, I saw it for myself. He went to my class just to watch the girls."

I kept eating my food and listened to their conversation. 'Yamamoto...sounds familiar.' For most of the time, I kept a blank mind until I wanted to ask about something they promised me.

"Interhigh?" I spoke up.

They all collectively paused and blinked. "You have a cute voice!!" Fumi squealed and hugged me tightly. "You sound just like a boy from an anime!" Anime? Is Fumi an otaku?

"Interhigh." I repeated.

Suddenly, the trio paused and looked like I've mentioned a death of a loved one. I never seen them like this, something must've gone wrong.

"We lost at the first round." Emika muttered.

"Hey, we did our best. Isn't that what Sato-sensei told us too?" Fumi told them and kept a smile on her face, but I could see she wasn't happy about that.

"Yeah, just to cheer us up since somebody cried the loudest." Hoshiko glared at Emika, "Why don't you just shut your mouth, moron?"

Both of them started bickering and Fumi tried to break them up. I just stood up and dragged them away from each other. "Apologize." I uttered and they shook hands.

"We lost to Okojo too. The best girls school in our prefecture." Emika murmured.

"They're freaking maniacs!" Fumi cried.

The three started to complain about this girl's team, which according to them was unbeatable.

"Poor Hikaru and Keiko. They cried so much." Hoshiko ate her food.

Fumi was in the same state, "Fuji-san also was sad, I heard from Aoike-san she cried in the bathroom."

"We weren't strong enough to play against them." Emika frowned, "No one is."

I kept a straight face and kept listening. I wasn't expecting them to be sad about it but who knows?

"That's why you should join the club, Himura!" Hoshiko started to bring that up. I shook my head and turned my face away from them. "Himura...? Wait, are you Kaoru-chan's sister?!" Fumi shook me back and forth. "You gotta join the team, Himura-chan!!"

And the chaos ensued.


I finally got out of the hellhole you call that friendship and went back to class. As I was walking there, someone was running really fast. Before I could even react, the crashed to me and the person immediately apologized.

It was the guy from class 2-1!

I recognized him from the Mohawk and somewhat delinquent look. Which from I heard from Hoshiko, mostly, was Yamamoto.

"I-I'm sorry...!!" He apologized again until he saw my face, he completely forgot what he was doing and blushed all shades of red. 'What the f--' Another guy walked to him, Fukunaga?

He waved at me, we just know each other this morning and he already became very friendly. Very weird so I say.

"Fukunaga, it's her..." I heard him whisper, "'re H-Himura-chan, right?" He asked me and I nodded.

That was odd for sure.

I've never met him and he's already asking my name, and he knows my name. How did he even know??

"I-I'm Yamamoto Taketora...d-do you want t-to become our manager?" That Yamamoto? The one that the girls were talking about? Wow, he must be really desperate. "Y-you can call me Tora, i-if you want!"

I wasn't so sure about joining this club, I only know that both may possibly from the same club. 'First the girls asked me to be their wing spiker and now this, what now, a fucking meteor is gonna destroy the earth?'

Tora kept looking back to Fukunaga, he wasn't responding much. "Is that a yes?" He asked him, since I was only using hand gestures. Fukunaga nodded which made the Mohawk even more red. "You really want to join--we must tell Kuroo-san!" I wasn't even trying to answer his question, someone I just met answered it for me, and I am now being dragged by two guys I don't know to someone on the third year floor. If this isn't normal, I don't know what is anymore.

We stopped at one of the top classes and went inside, all of the students stared at us. It looks like a kidnapping between friends. They called someone with jet black spiky hair, I have to say he looks like a rooster, tall figure, and some might even admit handsome. "What is it now, Yamamoto--uh, hello." He quickly looked at me from head-to-toe. "What are you doing with this girl now?" He grumbled.

"Kuroo-san, we found a manager!" Tora quickly say.

"Look, Yamamoto, this is the fifteenth time already, if she doesn't want to join, no more attempts." The third year harshly explained.

He looked at me again and noticed Fukunaga right behind us. "And let me guess, you and Fukunaga chose the girl together?" Both guys got embarrassed and seemed really scared.

"B-but she agrees, Fukunaga even confirmed it." Tora told him.

Can I please jump off the roof and die? Because this looks like one of the soap operas granny watches.

Tora looks like the protagonist whose lover isn't being accepted and the third year is like the overbearing mother.

Someone could easily make this up into a drama series just by this simple interaction.

Anyways, Tora finally talked him out and the third year smirked at me. "So this is our new manager. Great, she looks responsible enough. Not like the last girl you showed me."

"Kuroo Tetsurou. What's your name?" He asked me.

"Himura Sara." Fukunaga told him, it was the first time I heard him speak. His voice was not as I expected it to be, not as high.

"Great, if you change your mind, Himurran, tell me." Kuroo-san reassured me and I was glad he wasn't like the others. "We're having practice match later, if you wanna watch."

When we walked out of the classroom, our faces were still shocked. We weren't expecting that would work as smoothly as it did.

"Yamamoto? Fukunaga?" Another voice said. I turned to see another tall guy, he doesn't have hair...he's bald, and a very calm, peaceful expression. He looks much more calmer than these two.

"Kai-san, we got a manager!" Tora excitedly informed him the news. The third year looked at me and smiled calmly, this guy was calmer than gramps, how?

"Hello, I'm Kai Nobuyuki." He said and started to congratulating me on being their manager. I'm still weird out by all of this, no normal day of school I guess. "I'm glad you agreed, Yaku and Kuroo are growing tired of these two dragging poor girls to the gym and here."

"Yo, what's going on here? Another attempt again?" Another guy walked up to us, he has light brown hair, dark brown eyes, and was shorter than me by a little. Which wasn't as a surprise as I thought, since I'm taller than some of the students in my class. "N-no, she agreed!" The two third years looked at each other and nodded. "So Himura, you look like a second year, are you?" The short guy said. I nodded and he smiled. "Yaku Morisuke."

After walking down, I was still coping with the fact that I'm their manager now and I may not even be officially be one.

"Should we tell Kenma?" Tora asked, Fukunaga shrugged.

They dragged me to class 2-3, I silently muttered curse words as we did so. This was Hoshiko's classroom, I wasn't prepared for her to tease me about this and well, it's embarrassing to see your friends when you're in this situation. Being dragged by guys around, looks like a kidnapping scheme.

"Hey, Kenma!" Tora called. A guy with blond hair with black roots looked over but went back to playing something on his phone. 'Wow...what a nice person you are...' I quietly tried to run away but was held back by the sheer amount of embarrassment I had.

"Fukunaga...drag him here..." With a speed of light, Fukunaga dragged the poor pudding head to us. "Hi...Kozume...Kozume Kenma." The poor guy said and walked away.

'Kozume? Sounds like the guy Akabane is scared of.'


'Note to self : The boys are crazy.'

In class, I was still coping with the fact I'm a part of a club I didn't wanted join now.

"Himura-san, your test score." The teacher called and I go up to him.

When I got back, I got a score of 86, that was a relief. I sat back down and felt a tapping on my shoulder. It was Fukunaga, he showed me his test score. It wasn't far from mine, at least we passed. "Good job, Ebi-chan." He gave a thumbs up to me.

That was unexpectedly nice of him to do and the most normal thing that had happened to me so far.

I think we're gonna be very good friends.

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