My Treasure | Jim Hawkins x R...

By mxrshy_

72.3K 1.8K 314

Jim and you have been best friends since you were toddlers, and as you've grown, your relationship with him h... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Happy Birthday Jim! (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Christmas Special!

Chapter 1

6.5K 167 13
By mxrshy_

⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- Author's Note!

I'm going to start trying to publish on Tuesdays and Sundays, now. If I'm not busy or have free time, then I may publish sometime in between those two days (I'm free most of the time, so this will most likely be the case). 

Anyway, enjoyy! :) 



"AHH!" I scream holding onto Jim tighter and tighter by the second. He looks back at me with a devilish smirk. I glare at him, narrowing my eyes. "I'm blaming you for my death," I say, hugging him closer with the side of my head placed against his back.

"You know, if you keep on holding to me that tight, I'll be blaming you for mine!" he chuckles. I pout, softening my grip around him reluctantly. "But, you should hold onto me tighter now that I think about it." He smirks, as I let out a shriek when he suddenly begins to soar faster. My eyes widen with horror as he starts soaring upward. "Jim, I swear..." I gasp, clinging onto him even tighter as I notice how high up we were. The sails of the board disappear, as Jim leans backward. He wraps his arm around me, and I instantly hide my face into his chest. We do multiple 360s, and spin around like we're a wheel of fortune. "I think I'm going to be sick!" I gag, covering my mouth, the world spinning wildly. The sails appear once again as we reach the ground. "YAAAAAHOOO!" Jim shouts out, smiling widely. I notice a yellow and black sign ahead, and Jim looks back at me, grinning. He soars right into the sign, and I glance at him. "Jim, I don't think we're allowed to be here!" I warn him, but he just shrugs and continues riding. I look back at the ruined sign, and hear alarms ringing. However, Jim just ignores it. He moves through the obstacles with swift movement and reflex, still keeping his arm wrapped around me. He skids against a piece of metal, and shouts, "Whoo!"

"Jim, what are you doing!? We're going to crash-!" I try to say, but he interrupts me.

"No we're not!" he reassures me. "Trust me."

"I don't know if I want to- aHHH!" I shriek as the sails vanish, and Jim heads straight for the spinning wheel machine ahead of us. I cover my eyes as we manage to fly through the gap between the machines. Jim looks back at me, smirking and laughing. I move one of my fingers out of the way, peeking. A sigh of relief releases from my mouth, as I silently thank the Lord that I wasn't killed. "Whoo!" he yells with joy, the sails appearing again. I smile, as I look up at his happiness-filled face. His smile is contagious, and I just can't help myself but smile too. His laughter continues to fill my ears, as we soar away from the area. I release my grip from him, hoping that I wouldn't have to cling onto him again. I grip onto the handlebars that Jim is holding. "You're lucky I didn't get hurt," I say.

"What would you do if you did?" he asks, grinning.

"You don't want to know," I say, acting intimidating.

"Aw c'mon~" he coos. "I would never let you get hurt."

"I know," I smile slightly, shaking my head. He looks down at me, his cheeks turning a shade of pink. He hugs me suddenly, and I feel safe in his arms. Out of the blue, we hear sirens right behind us. Jim's smile soon turns into a frown, knowing what was about to happen. "Oh, great," he mumbles.

"Told you so," I grin, as he punches my shoulder, making me grunt.

At the Benbow Inn (3rd Person POV)

Thunder can be heard in the distance, as a delicious scent of stew lingers around the Benbow Inn. A woman stirs a pot, and places some food into a bowl sitting on a tray. "Mrs Hawkins!" a woman's voice calls out.

"I know, refill on the purp juice," she says, acknowledging the one-eyed alien lady's request. "Coming right up, Mrs Dunwiddie!" Mrs Hawkins approaches a table with a family of 3, placing different exotic foods down on it. "There we go, that's four powdered spheroids-" she places a plate in the middle of the table, as the young alien boy pushes it toward his dad with distaste, "-two lunar eclipses-" she places another plate in front of the alien lady as she continues, "-and it's a big bowl of Zorellian jelly worms for the big boy!"

"Awesome!" he cries, dropping his fork and picking up the worms using his bare hands.

"Enjoy!" Mrs Hawkins smiles, not bothered. She runs over toward a table where a certain dog-alien sat. "Sorry Delbert," Sarah apologises, placing a bowl of food down in front of him, "it's been a madhouse here all morning!"

Delbert shuts his book, setting it beside him. "No problem, Sarah," he replies. "Ah! My Alponian chowder with the extra solara seed." He picks up a serviette next to him, unfolding it and tucking it into his shirt. "Mmm! Yum!" He uses his hand to smell his well-deserved meal, not noticing a young alien-toad girl walk over to him. He suddenly realizes that the girl is there, and he looks at her quizzically. "Hello," he greets quite nervously, "what brings you here, curious little one?" The girl doesn't respond. Delbert rolls his eyes and picks up his spoon to eat. He expects the girl to leave, but she stays where she is. "Go away," he politely requests, before looking around the room. "Are your parents around?" The girl still doesn't respond. "What's the matter? Cat got your- aAH!" He cries out in shock as the girl opens her mouth widely, her frog-like tongue grabbing the food from his spoon. She swallows the food in her mouth, and smiles innocently up at Delbert. As Sarah approaches, she skips away with a guilt-free grin on her face. "Oh, they're so adorable at that age," Sarah sighs, possibly picturing her son, Jim, when he was younger.

"Oh, yes, deplorable..." Delbert mutters, putting his silverware down, "Uh.. Adorable! Hm. Speaking of which, how's Jim doing?"

"Much better!" Sarah replies with a hint of relief. "I know he had some rough spots earlier this year, but I really think that he's starting to turn a corner, thanks to Y/N." Suddenly, the door of the Benbow Inn opens. Two robot police officers stand outside the door, holding both Jim and Y/N by the shoulder.


"Mrs Hawkins!" one of the robo-police officers greet.

Sarah gasps, dropping the plates that were in her hand. The plates land on the ground, breaking and scattering all over. However, Sarah doesn't care about the plates that she may have to replace. "Jim! Y/N!" Sarah cries. Delbert covers the side of his face using his palm. "Ooh, wrong turn," he winces.

Jim smiles nervously, brushing off the police's hand and grabs my hand. "Okay! Thanks for the lift, guys," he says.

"Not so fast!" the robo-cop declares, gripping onto Jim's shoulder once again. "We apprehended your son and his girlfriend operating a solar vehicle in a restricted area."

I clear my throat nervously to correct the officer, but I'm interrupted.

"Moving violation 9-0-4, section 15, paragraph... um..." the robo-cop pauses.

"Six," Jim says, scratching his cheek. I slap his hand from his cheek, and whisper, "Stop scratching."

"Thank you," the robo-cop acknowledges.

"Don't mention it," Jim says, sending me glare after slapping him. I mimic his glare, and he stifles a laugh. I was trying to be intimidating, why are you laughing? I think to myself, pouting.

"Jim!" Sarah scolds, as Jim looks over at her with sorry eyes. He looks down at his feet, still holding my hand.

"As you are aware, ma'am, this constitutes a violation of his probation." I look over at Jim, tilting my head. What does that mean...? I thought. All I knew was that it didn't sound good.

"Yes, yes! No, I understand," Sarah blurts out, waving her hands around. "Um... could we just..."

Delbert clears his throat, interrupting Sarah. "Um, ahem, pardon me," Delbert interjects, standing up from his table. "Officers, if I might, uh, interject here." He walks over to the robo-cops, and Jim and I. "I am the noted astrophysicist, Dr Delbert Doppler. Perhaps you've heard of me?" The robo-cops stay silent. "No? Uh, I have a clipping-"

The robo-cop holding my shoulder suddenly speaks over Delbert. "Are you the boy's father?"

"Oh! Good heavens, no!" Delbert gasps, shivering.

"Ew!" Sarah responds, leaving Delbert to stand there in shock, looking quite offended. I stifle a laugh, looking at Delbert's expression. "He's just an old friend of the family."

"Are you the girl's father?" the robo-cop asked.

"No... he isn't," I sigh.

"Then back off sir!" the robo-cops demand quite firmly, as Delbert jumps back, protecting his face using his arms. Sarah gently touches Delbert's shoulders. "Thank you, Delbert. I'll take it from here."

"Well, Sarah, if you insist!" Delbert clears his throat, muttering his last sentence. "Don't ever let me do that again."

The robo-cop continues their lecture. "Due to repeated violations of statute 15-C, we have impounded his vehicle. Any more slip-ups will result in a one-way ticket to Juvenile Hall."

"Kiddie hoosegow," the robo-cop holding Jim comments.

"The slammo."

They push me and Jim toward Sarah, and I trip over my feet. Jim grabs onto my shoulders, steadying me. I nod to him as a way of saying 'Thank you'. He smiles down at me, revealing his set of teeth. "Thank you, officers, it won't happen again," she says, looking over at Jim.

"We see his type all the time, ma'am," the robo-cop that held me says.

"Wrong choices," the other adds.


"Losers." Jim glares at the cops, growling. I place my hand on his shoulder to calm him down, and he becomes less tense as he feels my touch.

"You take care now!" the robo-cop that held me chirps. Before they leave, the other robo-cop stares me down. "Should we do something with you?" They ask rhetorically.

"Wait," Jim interrupts. "Y/N was only there because I made her come with me. It's my fault. She even warned me, but of course, I didn't listen. She didn't do anything."

The robo-cop glances over at Sarah, then Jim, then me. "Fine," they sigh. "She'll still receive one warning. Make a mistake again, then you may find yourself over at Juvenile Hall with your boyfriend."

"He's NOT my boyfriend," I huff, crossing my arms as my face turns red. I didn't even do anything wrong... I look in the corner of my eye, and see that Jim has a slight frown on his face.

"Let's motor," the robo-cop says, both of them rolling out of the Benbow Inn, shutting the door behind them. Sarah looks back at her customers, seeing that they had all been watching the situation closely. They all continue eating, acting as if they had been minding their own business the entire time. She looks back at Jim, and scolds, "Jim, I have had it. Do you want to go to Juvenile Hall? Is that it?" Jim turns away, releasing his hand from mine. He picks up a tray that sat on a table beside him. "Jim?" I softly call, but he continues moving around.

"Jim, look at me," Sarah sighs, but he doesn't make any eye contact. "It's been hard enough keeping this place afloat with Y/N without you going-"

Jim sets the tray down, and finally turns around. "Mom, it's no big deal. There was nobody around except me and Y/N. I kept her perfectly safe, too. See? There isn't a single scratch on her," he points to me, and I look over at Sarah with a nervous smile. Jim continues. "Those cops just won't get off my-" Sarah places her hands on her hips, irritated. "Forget it... " he mumbles and turns away. I move my hand to place it on his shoulder. "Jim-" I say, before being interrupted by a customer calling for Sarah. 

"Mrs Hawkins! My juice!" Mrs Dunwiddie shouts, annoyed.

"Yes, I'll be right there, Mrs Dunwiddie!" Sarah calls back. She looks over at Jim, and carries on. "Jim, I just don't want to see you throw away your entire future."

I watch as she rushes over to Mrs Dunwiddie, as Jim steps into the kitchen. "Yeah, what future?" he mutters to himself.

"Jim, don't say that," I scold, running into the kitchen with him.

"Unless you want to be sent to Juvenile Hall with me, Y/N, I wouldn't suggest hanging around me anymore," he sighs, facing away from me.

I frown, thinking, I don't care if I get sent there with you. Just as long as if you're by my side, I can take on anything...

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