Da Populahr Gurlz

By broskiofstylinson

61 2 0


Da Populahr Gurlz

Da Furhst Day of Schoouhl

19 1 0
By broskiofstylinson

When it wuz da furhst day of schooul, deez peepuhls walked in ahnd sat dowuhn at our tabulh. I did not like their facez. Dere wuz stuff evurhywhere and in deir eues and on deir lipz and on deir cheekuhs. Dey lookuhd like clownz. Clownz are scareee. And den dey started to spray dis stuff in da air, so i starteduh to coff. And den one of dem said, "if ya dunt leek me perfuume, gah awah. Like nowuh." But i stayed at da table becuz i waz hungry.

But den she threwuh my lunch away. And i hit hur. And she pushed me out of da window. Den i went to da nurse. And da populahr gurl just went away. And i wahz relleh maad.

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