Broken Angel - Josh Richards

By scyay243

109K 1.4K 218

In which the daughter of famous actress Mads Lewis Hossler and famous rockstar Jaden Hossler, Raenne Hossler... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

chapter 9

2.9K 33 2
By scyay243

Josh POV

I walked closer to the edge of the pier but then I decided to go and talk to the girl who looked rather lost in her thoughts.
I sat next to the girl and she flinched a little bit.

"isn't it a little late to be out here?" I said

No response

I turned my head to see Raenne fucking Hossler right beside me staring at the water.


what the fuck?

She had a tear stained and puffy face and looked zoned out. I knew that aunt mads and uncle jaden would absolutely hate the thought of their 15 year old daughter at a pier in the middle of the night. ALONE.

"Raenne?" I said curiously

"...huh?" she replied

"'s josh" I said

she then nodded

"why are you here?" I said

"What do you mean why am I here? I'm here because I want to be.." she snapped out of no where.

"I ask that because i know for sure that your parents wouldn't like the thought of their 15 year old child out in the middle of the night." I replied

she shrugged

"Are you okay Raenne?" I asked

she nodded.

What the fuck is wrong with her. She's usually so outgoing and energized. I don't know Raenne anymore, somethings going on.

"Come on let's get you home.." I said not taking no for an answer.

she shrugs again.

I take her hand and start walking back to my house. My ideas was to have her stay at my house since my parents consider her family.

"Where are we going?" she said very quietly

"My house.. you can sleep in the guest room. My parents won't be bothered one bit." I said

she then nodded in response.

Bryces POV

Addison and I were sitting the the living room watching a movie. We knew Josh went out to skate so we decided to stay up to make sure he made his way home okay.

It was around 2am and we started to get tired and worried about Josh.

Then we heard the garage door open and see Josh come in with another figure.

"Hey Josh!" Addison said loudly knowing no one was asleep in the house.

"Hey mom.." Josh replied and at that moment I knew he had something else to say.

"I hope you don't mind, Raenne is going to stay the night." Josh said

"Of course bud" I said

He told Rae to go and get a hoodie from his room and then go to bed in the guest room.

"Josh, can we talk to you please?" Addison said curiously

he nodded and started to walk towards us.

"what's up?" he said

"what's going on? why is raenne here? we don't mind her being here but there's got to be a reason!" Addison said.

"Oh Um" Josh said

"I found her at the pier and i knew that aunt mads and uncle jaden wouldn't like her to be out so late alone so I decided to bring her here. She looked really lost in her thoughts and I know something isn't right..." he continued

"Ok don't worry bud I'll call Jaden to tell him" I said

After josh went upstairs I decided to call Jaden...this may not go well. He has always been very protective over Raenne.

the phone was ringing when he finally answer I heard an annoyed Jaden.

"What the fuck do you want Bryce? it's 2:30 in the morning." He said annoyed and had a groggy voice.

"uh um uhh" i replied nervous to tell him

"BRYCE! spit it out" he said impatiently

"YOUR DAUGHTER RAN OUT OF YOUR HOUSE" I spat out very quickly.

"RAENNE WHAT!" he said nervously

"Jaden don't worry! She's here with us, Josh saw her at the pier and brought her here."

"Oh my god! do you know why?" he said

"nope, not even josh. but he said she looked like she was very deep in her thoughts, sad and didn't talk very much" i said

"no,no,no.. we will come over tomorrow morning to pick her up. Thanks for doing this buddy!" He said

"Jae..don't worry shes okay I promise you. Don't worry bud we'll take good care of her!" I assured him.

"Thanks see you later babe!" he laughed then hung up.

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