tummy rumblin' ☘︎︎ rodrick...

By halfgrlhalfrnt

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𝘡𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 π˜ͺ𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘡𝘩π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 π˜ͺπ˜₯ 𝘳𝘒𝘡𝘩𝘦𝘳 π˜₯𝘰 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘡𝘒𝘭𝘬 𝘡𝘰 𝘢 β™²οΈŽ zoo wee mama mfs 97% of th... More

not a chapter But,..,.
β—Œ q+a β—Œ


4K 148 535
By halfgrlhalfrnt

HAPPY HALLOWEEN I LOVE U ALL [¬º-°]¬ here's a lil filler 4 the holiday <3


"do we have to? it's just gonna be a bunch of middle schoolers"

"uh yea? mom bucks?"

pursing my lips in defeat, i put our leftovers back in the bag they came in and put on my seatbelt.

or at least tried.

"why don't you, i don't know, take the wings off??" rodrick sassed, rolling his eyes.

"fuck i look like taking them off, i look good" i defended, adjusting my black angel wings so they won't crease.

not only do i look good, but they're also the only reason why i look like i have a costume on. without them, my entire black look just looks like one of my regular day fits.

"but you keep hitting me with them!" rodrick complained.

eh that's a pretty good reason i guess.

taking off the wings, i shook my head.

"so what do i get? i'm gonna be there too" i whined.

so we have take our brothers and rowley to the roller rink for some wack ass halloween event AND babysit them only for rodrick to get paid? sounds a lot like misogyny to me.

"i'll give you half the 10 bucks she's giving me for it" he assured, speeding off to our neighborhood to pick up greg, joey, and rowley.

"ok fine" i slumped into my seat.

rodrick smirked and tousled my hair aggressively, gaining a smack to the chest.


honking his horn repeatedly, he was getting annoyed that the boys weren't coming out.

our poor neighbors.

looking at every house in our neighborhood and their spooky decorations, a warm feeling arose in me.

i fucking love halloween.

"i think it's funny that you can tell who did most of the decorations" rodrick piped from beside me, gesturing towards my house.

"what are you tryna say?" i squinted at him in confusion.

turning to look at my house too, i smirked in realization. that is kinda funny. you can really tell which ones were put by rivi and mom and which ones were put by me and joey.

there were about 5 little jack o lanterns woth disney characters and glitter on them on the porch, but the rest of the house was strung with webs and hanging creatures and fake loose body parts all over the lawn. joey and i also pitched our money together to buy a pumpkin scented fog machine and a couple of colored lights to set the mood.

was it worth spending $170 in total for all this?

hells yes.

greg, rowley, and joey finally walked out pf the cutely decorated heffley house and rodrick leaned over me, completely sticking his head out the window to probably yell at greg.

my body became tense with the feeling of his body on top of mine.

wait no.


"hey mj calls me that all the time too" joey piped.

"you know it shit lips" i smirked as rodrick and i fist bumped.

haha older sibling things.

"i like the costumes though" i complimented. greg was a zombie robot, joey was captain spaulding from house of 1000 corpses, and rowley was uncle fester from the addams family. how cute.

the three of them gave me proud smiles and i could physically feel rodrick's eyes rolling behind me.

"where's your costume?" greg asked his older brother, almost offended that he wasn't dressed for the occasion.

"i Am the costume" rodrick said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

if lazy was a person it'd be rodrick heffley.

the boys climbed in the back without another word while rodrick sat back in his seat, turned up 'halloween' by the misfits, and stepped on the gas all in one go, completely catching me off guard as i grabbed onto his shoulder to keep me stable.

it was doing the complete opposite as my hand slipped off and my face was now a good 7 inches away from his dick.

oh fuck.

i slammed my hand against the door to keep myself from falling any centimeter closer.

my heart was probably out of its ribcage right now and rodrick's silence really wasn't helping either.

"OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING????" i heard joey yell from behind the seats.

"I JUST SLIPPED, JESUS CHRIST" i yelled, beginning to push myself back up into my seat.

is rodrick on mute or something? why hasn't he said anything this entire time?

i looked up at him and he immediately gulped, eyes completely glued to the road while his cheeks remained a hot pink.

"sorry" i sheepishly chuckled, my cheeks hot as well.

"trust me don't be" he said almost too quickly.

my eyebrows raised in a fluster.

good god i'm gonna have an aneurysm.

leaning into my seat again, i slowly smiled to myself as i glanced back at him. he was now driving with only one hand on the wheel, moving his other hand to rest on top of his crotch.

i quickly shot my head back towards my window once we reached a red light, biting my lip to keep myself from grinning too hard.

it's not that deep right? guys are just horny.

"um don't kill m- why are you smiling like that?"

i turned back to see greg in between rodrick and me, looking intensely at his older brother who was now looking at me with wide eyes.

he said nothing, only turning back to the front and pressing on the accelerator roughly once the light turned green.

i gasped as greg literally flew all the way to back of the van, knocking out rowley and joey too in the process.

he groaned and looked like he had many many regrets.

"is it a bad time to tell you we need to pick up my friend chirag?"


we roughly pulled into a parking spot at the roller rink and i sighed nervously. rodrick and i still haven't said one word to each other ever since i almost face planted onto his dick.

haha oops.

after putting my wings back on, the two of us jumped out of the van and i stayed idle in front of the side door, waiting for him to come and open it.

i mean i would do it for him, but it's all jammed and i would need to pull up and down and to the right or some cheat code shit to get it to open and not once have i successfully done that so fuck that.

rodrick finally popped up from behind the van, flashing a shy smile towards me as he stopped next to the door as well, awkwardly standing in front of me like he was waiting for something.

"what are you waiting for?" i laughed, glancing around.

"what do you m-oh that's right" he shook his head in realization, opening the door so the boys could pile out.

"jeez what took so long were you guys making out or something?" greg sassed, immediately hiding behind joey once he realized that rodrick heard him.

i didn't know what else to do but chuckle painfully to myself as i began to walk towards the entrance.

these comments never fucking end.

i don't hate it though....

rodrick smoothly slid next to me, leaving the boys to walk by themselves behind us.

they'll be fine.

putting his arm over my shoulder, he leaned in dangerously close to whisper something to my ear. if he leaned in any closer i swear his lips would be touching my skin.

hahahahahahaha don't do that.


"i fucking hate babysitting" he complained, his voice dropping an octave like it always does whenever he whispers.

it's kind of a...... a nice thing to hear to be honest.

"um? 10 mom bucks?" i mocked him from earlier, a shit eating grin forming on my face.

he scoffed with an open smirk, knowing, or at least he should've known, damn well i was gonna say exactly that.

"i can't believe you" he said before catching me off guard and putting me into a headlock to give me an old school noogie.

fuck Not the Noogie.

"STOhoHoP" i whined, trying to swat his hand off my head. this is the 3rd one from him this week.

i hate men.

"bitch people are staring" i added, shooting a nervous smile and chuckle towards a family staring at us.

rodrick only responded with a laugh and before i could appreciate the sound, i was finally free from his hold.

smacking him across the back of his head, i began to fix my hair frantically. it wasn't easy to get my hair this voluminous and sexy.

"c'mon man, i styled the shag today" i complained.

"well it looks good" he innocently said.

glaring at him, i flipped my head back like i was in a shampoo commercial, desperately attempting to get back the volume i had earlier.

"oh wow" he quietly mumbled.

"joey your sister is smoking hot. is she single?" chirag's voice loudly popped up from behind us.

i quickly put my hand over my mouth to hide the scream i was about to let out, looking over to rodrick to see him already giggling.

what's with these bad ass kids?

"he's not wrong" he shrugged.


"don't you have a girlfriend?" i questioned, smacking his arm.

"she's not my girlfriend... yet...plus there's nothing wrong with telling my best friend the facts" he sassed.

despite the slightly bittersweet taste in my mouth, a blush rose to my cheeks at his comment.

me? smoking hot? naw......

but i mean if He says so...

physically not being able to muster up a single word, i resorted to hitting his arm again with a shy smile as a thank you.

"oW stop hitting me!"

"oh so she's NOT single" chirag spoke up again.

"what? no i am" i quickly defended.

"well in that case..." he weirdly smirked.

my eyes widened at the mistake i made and i grabbed onto rodrick's arm, quickly dragging him inside the rink with me in order to get away from the shit show that was about to happen.

"hey you left your boyfriend behind" rodrick teased, as we entered the rink.

oh wow. they really went all out up in this bitch. they added fog, spooky music, and creepy lighting, and hella decorations that made my little halloween heart fill up.

"don't make it weird" i sneered at him, raising my hand again.

"woAhwoah woah did i NOT JUST SAY-" he yelled, grabbing onto my hand to stop me from hitting his arm again.

i stuck my tongue out at him and he let go.

rookie mistake.

like the slick bitch i was, i quickly slapped his arm and he groaned, giving me a warning look that was more cute than intimidating.

the 4 prepubescent boys piled in next to us like a bunch of nematodes, making rodrick and i sigh in annoyance. i almost forgot about them.

"what" rodrick deadpanned to greg.

"you need to be there when we get our skates"

"the fuck why?"

"you need someone 16+ to get skates past 6"

i looked down at my phone to look at the time.

6:07 PM


i noticed rodrick's eyes looking down at the time too and i snickered, knowing damn well this man was slowly reaching the tipping point with all of greg's shit.

before he could go off once again, i stepped in.

"what sizes?" i sighed.

"whatever, just don't break a bone" i brushed the boys off after thanking me for getting the skates for them.

"can i also get a women's 7 and a men's 9 please" i asked, turning back to the worker.

"wait a minute-" rodrick piped.


"why are y-"



"thanks" i told the worker, handing rodrick his skates.

"mary...." he whined.

"it'll be fun! swear" i said, dragging him to the rink to put on our skates.

"i don't even know how to roller skate correctly" rolling my eyes, i grabbed his hand and stepped us onto the rink, steadily rolling on the sidelines. it was a little harder to see than usual due to all the fog, but it was still cool nonetheless.

"i'll help you" i softly reassured, grabbed his other hand with my free one so i could face him while skating backwards.

oh god this is a bad idea.

my heart began to beat like a hyperactive bunny again and for some reason i was more fixated on our locked hands than my inability to see behind me.

"uh how do you like... move?" rodrick's voice brought me back to reality, and i blinked a couple times to grasp onto what he was asking.


nice going mary. smooth like butter.

"you just kinda... push your feet like??outwards??? i guess?" i tried explaining, realizing i wasn't gonna actually be much of a help.

he did exactly what i suggested and looked up at me with an adorable shocked expression, rolling forward surprisingly perfectly now.

maybe i'm actually kinda good at-nevermind.

rodrick's lanky ass self began to stumble as he rolled over the smallest crack known to man on the floor, now dramatically slipping for what felt like 20 minutes before panicking and unnecessarily shoving me against the barricade in attempts to try to grab onto something.

i nearly choked on my spit as i became trapped in between his body and the wall, one of his hands frantically grasping onto the ledge while the other flailed to god knows where.

god damn it rodrick.

nearly falling onto the floor, he yelled as his free hand flew to grab onto the closest thing in its-oHHh.

oh lord jesus give me strength.

slowly looking down, my breath hitched.

yup that's his hand on my tit.

oh my god oh my god oh my god. oh my Fucking god. oh fuck. oh shit. oh fuck.

shit it probably doesn't help that i never wear bras too.

"rodrick..." i nervously chuckled.

he sighed in relief after finally gaining stability again before looking down at me obliviously.

i quickly glanced down at the hand wrapped around my boob, hoping he'd get the hint. his eyes followed mine and he immediately retracted his hand away, already beginning to stammer like an idiot.

"oh myf-fuck sorry"

i couldn't help but giggle at his flustered state. his cheeks grew into a bright red and his eyes became as wide as saucers.

"i-i was jus-uh...ididntmean t-to uh-

despite the burning urge to pass out right now, a laugh escaped my mouth, causing rodrick to give me a confused yet scared look.

"c'mon....perv..." i rolled my eyes jokingly, grabbing his hand to continue skating.

"I SWEAR TO GOD IT WAS AN ACCIDENT" he yelled frantically.

"i'm kidding! i'm kidding!" i laughed, holding my free hand up in defense.

it was his turn to hit me in the arm and i groaned at the impact. why were drummers so strong and heavy handed? for drumming? fuck off.

.... god i still can't believe he touched my boob.

if i had a diary this moment would definitely go in it for sure.

going at a comfortable speed for him, i looked back to make sure he wasn't on the floor.

"you got it?" i asked, starting to pull my hand away from his.

he seems stable enough now.

"wait don't let go!" he quickly pulled my hand back into his, interlocking our fingers this time.

a small smile spread on my face. it's just like that time we went to that abandoned blockbuster.

"okay" i softly chuckled as i continued to skate with his hand in mine, almost feeling like it was muscle memory as i felt nothing but comfort from our interlaced fingers.

"holy shit am i doing it?" i heard him speak from behind me.

turning around, i was shocked at how well he was maneuvering around.

"oh wow" i gaped.


"nothing, it's just that you're so... tall and lanky i didn't expect you to be so good at this" i laughed, turning back around.

"hey!" he yelled, now matching my speed so we could skate side by side.

a familiar riff started to play throughout the rink, and i couldn't help but smile at the clicheness of the song.

accidentally in love by counting crows.

it seemed like rodrick had the same thought in mind as we both started to laugh nervously at the fact that we definitely looked like a happy teenage couple. and because of shrek.

"so she said what's the problem baby..." rodrick began to over-exaggeratedly sing to me.

a snicker came out of me and i could only focus on him now, completely forgetting i was literally walking on wheels right now.

"what's the problem i don't know well maybe i'm in love, love..." he continued, obviously trying to be ironic and funny as he put his hand up to his heart, but there was something about it that made mine skip a beat.

my eyes were still very much glued to him and my smile only grew wider.

what a fucking dork.

"c'MoN c'mON TUrN a litTlE fASTer" i joined in, both of us now belting the lyrics while swerving all over the place, probably knocking down a couple of kids with my big ass wings in the process.

rodrick and i couldn't stop giggling like a bunch of dumbasses and it probably made us look like we were high, but we weren't. at least not right now.

"we should leave" he suggested, yelling over the music.

"what about the boys?" i questioned.

"they'll be fine, your little boyfriend chirag has an older brother who owes me a favor" he teased, smirking at my uncomfort.

"i hate you, you know that?" i jokingly said, letting rodrick take the lead for the rest of the way.

"no you don't" he confidently said, a large smile on his face.

okay yea true, but i'd never tell him that. why? i don't know.

i do love and adore him with all my heart though. how could i not? he's my favorite person in this entire world.

we were approaching behind the 4 boys and the best idea popped up in my head.

i looked at rodrick with a smirk, and he immediately caught on. slowly, we crept up behind them, sneakily sticking our heads close to theirs.

"1..2..3.." i mouthed to rodrick.


all 4 of them screamed and jumped, causing rodrick and i to double over hysterically laughing.

"not cool!" joey yelled.

"rodrick and i are leaving but chirag's brother gonna take you guys home in time for trick or treating" i informed him, patting the bald cap he had on before skating away with rodrick to the exit of the rink.

"drive-in?" he suggested.

"hell yea"


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