Broken Mold | larry

By flawedluna

15.6K 630 372

When Harry's husband cheats, Harry goes to a law firm in search of a lawyer. He does not realize, however, t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 15

1.2K 44 30
By flawedluna

Hey guys! I know I haven't been here for a while, but classes at uni started so I had no time to write that. 

Anyway, here's the last chapter (For now at least. I might come back and write an epilogue, we'll see)

Enjoy the new chapter!


Harry's pov

Throughout the ride back, Harry couldn't stop smiling, glancing at the passenger's seat on his right every now and then. He couldn't help but feel that what had happened on the beach just an hour earlier had been a dream. He kept glancing right just to make sure Lou was still sitting there, holding Harry's hand in his smaller one on his lap.

Every time Louis caught Harry's eyes, he would roll his eyes playfully and squeeze Harry's hand with affection. Harry felt like a teenager, getting back from his first date. And even though it hadn't been his first date with Louis, he felt the same way. His heart was hammering inside his chest, his mind kept replaying their kiss over and over again. He could still taste Louis on his lips and feel his small hands tangled in Harry's hair.

After around a twenty-minute drive, Harry parked in front of the small eatery and reluctantly got out of the car after pecking Louis on the lips. He loved the privilege to kiss Louis any time he wanted to.

Harry entered the local and headed towards the counter to collect the order and pay for it. Even though there were few fans running at high speed, the room was still stuffy. Apart from the staff and Harry, there was no one else inside.

Walking out of the eatery, Harry heard loud music coming from the car's speakers. He saw Louis leaning over his phone and nodding his head to the music. Harry had wondered how long it would take him to take over the car's speakers. Louis had always hated the music they played on the radio. He preferred listening to indie or alternative music, and there was no radio station that would play songs like that.

Harry smiled inwardly as he approached the car. He had already recognized the Arctic Monkeys songs blasting through the speakers. He opened the driver's door which caught Louis' attention as he looked up and smiled at Harry. "Can we go already? I'm starving," Louis groaned placing his hand on his belly.

"Yeah," Harry hummed. He fastened his seat belt and backed the car from the car park. He was hungry too and the smell of the food didn't help. At least they were not far away from their home.

They spent ten minutes in the car singing three Red Hot Chilli Peppers songs, dancing in a weird way, and laughing at their antics.

When they finally reached the house, the sun was already nearing to hide behind the horizon, illuminating the sky with pinks, reds, and oranges. The sunsets were one of the many reasons Harry fell in love with Jamaica. He loved the people, the atmosphere, the food, and the views. And he was glad that he could admire the view with Louis right then.

"Shall we eat in the backyard? The view is quite nice," Harry asked, opening the front doors, and letting Louis through. After he entered himself, he closed the doors and placed the car keys on the console table. Before they left for the garden, Harry gave Louis bags with food and went to the kitchen to get cutlery. On second thought, he took a bottle of wine and two glasses.

Leaving the kitchen, Harry realized, Louis had already retreated to the garden. He had found Louis sitting on one of the daybeds they had occupied the day before.

"Which one is mine?" Louis asked as Harry got closer. He held up two identically looking boxes. The only thing that differed the boxes were scribbles on the top of each one. The first one had 'AC' written in a blue pen and the other one had 'BSC'.

"Yours is the 'BSC' one," Harry pointed with a bottle in his hand at the box on his right. "It's brown stew chicken. It should be up to your standards," Harry said mockingly. Louis was extremely picky when it came to food. He wouldn't eat anything that was supposedly healthy and, god-forbid, trendy.

"It better be," Louis voiced and placed Harry's box on the bed next to him. He reached for the fork and opened the box in the accompaniment of his rumbling belly. The sighs that kept escaping his mouth betrayed his content.

Harry filled two glasses with red wine and settled next to Louis, opening his own box. Even though the bed was quite big, they sat next to each other, their thighs touching, craving the touch.

"What have you ordered?" Harry looked up from his food to find Louis studying Harry's box with disdain, the frown visible between his eyes.

"Ackee and Codfish. Wanna try?" Harry asked as he moved the box closer to Lou.

"Fuck no," Louis stated, taking another bite of his own food. "It looks really bad."

"Oh, come on, Harry whined. "It's not that bad. Give it a try!" He encouraged Louis, but the latter was adamant. "Your loss," Harry shrugged and moved the box away from Louis. It might not look good, but it was delicious and that was the only thing that mattered to Harry.

Few bites later, Louis put his empty box on the side table and looked expectantly at Harry. "Have you finished?" he asked and pointed at Harry's unfinished codfish.

"No, I haven't," Harry answered, faintly getting the hint.

"I think you have," Louis stated bluntly. In one swift movement, he straddled Harry's lap and removed the box and fork from his hands to put the beside them. As Louis cupped Harry's cheek gently with a small, teasing smile upon his face, goosebumps lined Harry's skin.

Harry placed his palms on Louis' thighs, not breaking the intense gaze, they both knew was the promise of something more. Much more.

The passion in Louis' blue eyes made the rest of Harry's world a meaningless blur that he exiled into the far crevices of his mind. Unable to contain himself anymore, Harry connected their lips in a full-on, open-mouthed kiss that made Louis whimper. Harry loved the way Louis' smaller body melted into his, their bodies fitting like two puzzle pieces.

Their tongues fought for dominance, neither of them wanting to relent. It was when Louis started pulling Harry's hair at the nape of his neck, that Harry let out a groan, letting Louis win. He moved his hands to cup Louis bum pulling him closer until there was no space left between them. Harry could feel the beating of Louis' heart against his chest.

When they broke apart, Louis rested his forehead against Harry's with his eyes closed, as if he needed a minute to let the kiss sink in. Louis opened his eyes revealing his dilated pupils surrounded by the darkest shade of blue Harry had yet to see.

"Wanna go upstairs?" Louis asked licking his lower lip and stealing a glance at Harry's lips. Harry presumed his own lips were swollen and red like they had always been after a make-out session.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked taking Louis' hand into his bigger one and placing a kiss on the man's knuckles. He didn't want to rush their relationship. It was a relationship but just to be sure, he would have to bring that up, later on, to make it official.

"I'm not having sex outdoors," Louis snorted moving away from Harry's laps. "We are too old for that, Harrold."

"Excuse me, but unlike you, I'm not old," Harry scolded, crossing his arms, and pouted at Louis.

"Oi! Cut the crap, Styles." Louis mimicked Harry's facial expression. "You coming or not?" Louis held out his hand to help Harry stand up.

"Impatience Is your middle name, innit?" Harry snickered as he let Louis help him up.

"What can I say," Louis shrugged and continued, "Virtue was already taken," He turned around and began dragging Harry towards the house.

Even though it had set off an alarm bell that they should take it slower, Harry wouldn't try to deny that he hadn't thought of having sex with Louis. And at that moment when Louis seemed to be sure, who was Harry to turn him down?

Harry would do anything Louis asked him to do at this point. People could laugh that he was whipped, but he had been whipped since he was sixteen and he didn't care what other people thought. The only thing that mattered to him is that he got a second chance with Louis and this time, he wouldn't let the boy get away that easily.


Louis led Harry to the room Louis had been occupying for time being. Once Harry had closed the door behind them, Louis slammed Harry's body against the doors, and trapped Harry between the wooden surface and his body. Louis pulled Harry's head lower and connected their lips in a passionate kiss.

They started grinding against each other, and when it wasn't enough, Harry placed his palms on Louis' thighs and picked him up with ease. Louis' instant reaction was to wrap his legs around Harry and wrapping his hands around Harry's neck.

Harry took a few steps towards the bed and placed Louis on the soft sheets, climbing over him and settling between his legs. Harry leaned on his left forearm, placing his right hand on the side of Louis' neck. He sealed their lips together, feeling like an addict at that point. Because surely, he was addicted to kissing Louis.

They were both aroused, the bulges trapped between their clothed bodies. And it was too hot to wear so many clothes. Louis must have thought the same thing as he started tugging on Harry's shirt and pulling it up.

When Louis pulled the shirt over Harry's armpits, he started pinching Harry gently so he would take it off completely. Harry parted their lips and in one swift movement, he pulled his shirt off, throwing it somewhere to the left.

The next thing he did was to pull Louis' shirt over his head and throw it on the ground. Wasting no time, Harry bent down and started by kissing Louis' lips, then moving to his neck, where he found the spot of Louis' pulse. Harry knew it was a spot that got Louis worked up the most, so he started sucking on it and then biting it gently, working his teeth and tongue and lips. He was sure, there would be a huge bruise tomorrow.

At that point, Louis' breath stutters, moans leaving his parted lips. Louis tangled his hands in Harry's hair tugging on it gently. With a growl, Harry reached for the boy's hands and placed them above Louis' head, holding them tight with one hand.

Louis squirmed under Harry, trying to free his hands from under a firm grip, but as Harry attached his mouthed back to the already bruising spot, Louis gave up the fight, letting out a deep moan and arching his back.

It was when Louis started grinding against Harry, looking for much-needed friction, Harry moved back and looked down at the boy. Louis' disheveled hair was all over his face, damp with sweat glistening on Louis' skin. His eyes were closed, lashes gently resting on his rosy cheeks. His lips were parted, trying to catch a much-needed breath.

Louis' eyes fluttered open staring deep into Harry's eyes. "Harry, please," he urged, lifting his hips to let Harry know what he wanted.

Harry leaned down and placed and gentle kiss on Louis' lips and muttered, "Be patient, baby. We'll get there." He smirked, earning him a growl from Louis, and bend down to kiss Louis' nose.

Harry had no idea where the self-control came from. He had Louis squirming under him, yet he took his time savoring it. Not rushing it. He didn't want to just have sex. He wanted to caress Louis' body, discovering all his curves and changes.

Harry attached his lips to Louis' collarbones that were Harry's aphrodisiac. Harry kept nibbling at Louis' milky skin, leaving soft kisses all over it. He moved downwards, placing his mouth over Louis' right nipple. Louis shouted at the connection. Digging his head more into the pillow and tightening his eyes.

Harry licked it and bit it gently the moved to the other nipple, giving it as much attention. At that point, Louis kept moaning Harry's name heavily and squirming underneath him. Harry loved that he still had that kind of power over Louis.

Harry kissed the path to Louis' navel, dipping his tongue inside. He had to grip Louis' hands harder so that the boy would stay relatively still. His lips traced the path of Louis' hair down his navel reaching the hem of his trousers.

Harry let his tongue slide underneath Louis' clothes, making Louis lift up his hips with a low groan. Harry placed his other hand on Louis' hip bone, pinning it to the bed. He teased Louis for a while, flicking his tongue over Louis' hot skin.

Taking pity on Louis, Harry licked over the bulge covered by swimming trunks.

"Oh my fucking god!" Louis exclaimed, finally getting Harry's attention where he needed it the most. "Please, don't stop," he begged.

Harry nuzzled his cheek against Louis' bulge, feeling his cock twitch below the fabric. He stopped the movement to Louis' dismay and shifted his head above Louis', to seal their lips once again in a passionate kiss.

Harry relaxed the grip, letting Louis free his hands. Louis immediately placed his hands on Harry's back, drawing him even closer. Harry shifted his weight to his left forearm, trying not to crush Louis. With his right hand, he started tugging the shorts down to Louis' knees.

It wasn't an easy task to take them off with one hand, but with Louis' help, they managed to accomplish it. Harry wrapped his hand around Louis' erect cock, not breaking the kiss. He swallowed Louis' moans and started working his hand down Louis' shaft.

He could tell Louis was extremely close when he felt a precum on his fingertips. He smeared the precum down Louis' cock. Louis whined and thrust into Harry's hand. Louis dug fingernails into Harry's back, making the boy hiss in pain and separate their lips.

"I'm so close, H," Louis moaned and turned his head away, revealing his smooth neck. Harry picked up the pace, sucking in Louis' earlobe. When he felt Louis cock twitch, he moved away from Louis' earlobe to watch Louis fall apart. It was the most erotic sight ever, and Harry's erection was getting too painful to handle. But Harry would wait. He wanted to give Louis everything because he deserved everything.

Louis' stomach and Harry's hand was covered in the boy's come. Harry laid down on his side next to Louis, placing his hand gently on the boy's chest that kept rising with every ragged breath. He didn't mind lying there, admiring Louis. Adoring every second of their time spent together.

"Bloody hell," Louis uttered, his accent thicker than usual. He turned his head to look at Harry. They locked their eyes, blue meeting green for the thousandth time that day. But this time it was more intimate. "Just give me a moment."

"No wonder you didn't want to have sex outside, grandpa," Harry chuckled squeezing Louis' side.

"Oi!" Louis hit Harry's chest with the back of his hand. "Give me a break!" Harry caught Louis' hand and pulled the boy closer, so he could reach his lips easily.

At first, the kiss was delicate and sweet, sending tingles down their bodies. Their tongues were moving together in perfect harmony. Louis' lips were warm and inviting, fitting perfectly against Harry's.

The next moment, Louis had leaned back, and with one gentle push to Harry's arm, he got Harry to lay down on his back. Louis moved over and straddled Harry's hips. Harry went to sit up, but Louis pushed him back down, "I think it's time to repay the favor, big boy," he said with a cheeky smile and rocked his hips against Harry's bulge.

Harry hissed and placed his hands on Louis' hip, trying to guide him on how to do it properly.

"Tsk, tsk," Louis scolded Harry shaking his head. He disconnected Harry's hands from his hips. "No touching, baby." Harry growled with frustration but obeyed, tangling his hands into the sheets. He kept his eyes on Louis, shuddering with anticipation.

At that point, Harry was really hard, and Louis sitting on his crotch was not helping. He needed more than that. Much more. But he was sure they would get there eventually. He had to be patient for a little while longer.

Louis leaned over Harry, placing his small hands on the boy's chest for support. He with kisses along Harry's jaw ending at the ear he then moved to. He took Harry's earlobe and started sucking on it gently.

"Oh god!" Harry breathed and bit down on his lower lip. He might have felt a metallic taste of blood at one point, but he did not care one bit. The tingles running through his body combined with Louis rocking slowly on Harry's hips were too much to handle. He gripped the sheets tighter not to try and touch Louis' body.

Louis was a minx, and he knew perfectly well what he was doing to Harry. Teasing Harry with his tongue and his hands and his body on top of Harry's. It was driving Harry mad.

Louis kissed down Harry's neck, past his collarbones stopping at one of the nipples and licking it and tracing it gently with his teeth. Louis played with the other nipple with his hand, making Harry whimper in anticipation.

Harry's breath became deep and rugged, and he couldn't help moving his hips to get more friction. He dug his heels into mattes and kept thrusting his hips forward, matching Louis' pace. Louis groaned, not taking his mouth off Harry's nipples sending sparks down Harry's chest towards his member.

"Lou," Harry growled, "gonna come in my pants if you keep it up."

Louis pulled away from Harry's nipple with a pop sound and smiled smugly at Harry. Harry knew it was his payback for teasing Louis beforehand. That smug bastard. "We wouldn't want that, would we?" Louis asked, attaching his mouth to Harry's.

Louis reached out and with both hands, he started tugging on Harry's shorts to pull them down. Harry lifted his hips slightly to help him. When both of them were finally completely naked, Louis aligned his cock against Harry's, and wrapped his small hand against both of them.

They both panted at the sensation. Harry couldn't remember when was the last time sex felt so good. Probably never. Not since Louis, at least. He wrapped his hand around Louis' smaller one, squeezing them gently, his other hand landing on Louis' hip.

Their lips met in a bruising kiss, teeth clashing against each other. Soon enough Harry's cock let out a precum, and with a sigh, Harry pulled his lips away and muttered, "Gonna come."

"Please, don't. I want you inside me." Louis said, unwrapping both their hands from around their shafts.

Harry looked up at Louis and asked panting, "You sure?" It's not like Harry didn't want that. Because he did. Very much. But there was still a thought in the back of his head that it might be too soon.

"I'm sure," Louis answered, and sealed their lips in a kiss. Harry didn't need to be told twice. He placed his hands on Louis' bottom and gratefully flipping them over so that he was on the top of Louis.

"You're irresistible, ya know?" Harry muttered and kissed down Louis' throat, nuzzling his nose into the boy's stubble. "Do you have stuff?" he asked as he looked down at Louis, sitting back on his heels.

"In the drawer," Louis pointed at the bedside table.

"Were you expecting something when you were packing in London?" Harry asked with a smirk as he reached over to grab lube and a condom.

"I was hoping," Louis answered with a cheeky smile on his face.

Harry placed the stuff next to Louis and leaned down to wipe the smile of the boy's face with a kiss. Louis kissed Harry back and wrapped his hands around Harry's neck, caressing Harry's cheeks with his thumbs.

Harry leaned back and reached for a pillow. He nudged Louis to lift his hips and he placed the pillow underneath them. He then reached for the lube and squeezed some on his fingers.

"Harry," Louis said placing one hand on the boy's forearm, "take it slow, okay? It's been a long time."

This statement surprised Harry. Louis was with Chad not so long ago. Surely it couldn't be that long. "How come?" He asked curiously. "You were with Chad."

"Not like that," Louis shook his head. "Never like that. Not with anyone since you." He said earnestly. "I wouldn't let anyone there." He averted his gaze, refusing to be completely vulnerable.

That meant... Harry was his only one. A warm feeling spread through Harry's body, feeling a little bit dizzy. He cupped Louis' cheek with the other hand and turned it so that Harry would see it.

In the dim light of the lamp, Harry saw Louis' eyes sparkling with a feeling Harry would recognize anytime. Louis would like at him like that when they used to be together so many years ago, and then those eyes would haunt him in his dreams when they were over.

It was love. His eyes were filled with love.

Harry captured Louis' lips in a luscious kiss, placing his other hand on Louis' butt. When he felt Louis whimper underneath him, he traced one finger over the boy's butthole. Louis gasped, arching his back in anticipation.

Harry circled Loui's hole before he pushed one finger in. "You're so tight, Lou," he breathed, letting Louis get used to the sensation. When he felt Louis relaxing, he slowly started moving his finger in and out, looking intently at Louis' reaction.

Louis was always extremely responsive, letting his guard down for just this occasion. Harry could see every emotion written on his face. He wrapped his hand around Louis' shaft and started stroking him to the rhythm of his finger.

"Please, Harry," Louis uttered incoherently.

"What you want, baby?" Harry asked, knowing exactly what Louis needed. But still, he had to ask. He wanted Louis to tell him what he wanted.

"More," He groaned and bit his lip down, trying to stop the moans coming out of his mouth.

"Don't," Harry said, as he freed Louis' bottom lip with his finger. He then slowly pushed a second finger in making Louis' gasp and tighten around Harry's fingers. When he finally loosened a little bit, Harry started curling his fingers, looking for the right spot at the same time. He knew he had found a spot as Louis' back arched off the bed followed by a scream.

"I'm ready," Louis growled, and Harry reached for the condom and rolled it down his shaft. He squeezed lube onto his hand and spread it on his cock. He lined up against Louis and pressed against his entrance, making Louis whimper in anticipation. He leans over, elbows on either side of Louis' chest. He presses soft kisses along Louis' jaw. "Come on, Harry," Louis urged.

Harry reaches down between them and drags the head of his cock over the slick hole. Louis shivered and pushed against him slightly. Harry places his hand on Louis' hip and begins to press into him. Louis' breath hitched and he squeezed his eyes when Harry was almost halfway in.

Harry stopped and started kissing Louis and working up and down his shaft to let him relax. When Louis loosened up significantly, Harry pressed all the way in, filling Louis completely. Louis was so tight around him and Harry didn't know how much he would last buried inside Louis. He stilled, giving Louis time to adjust.

"Please, move," Louis whispered, wrapping his legs around Harry for a better angle.

Harry pulled back slowly, and then trust back in carefully. His pace was slow, almost too slow for both of them, but he didn't want to hurt Louis.

Finally, when he saw the hints of pleasure on Louis' face, Harry sped up his thrusts. Louis Lifted his hips, pushing against Harry. They move together, Louis rocking his hips meeting each thrust with a groan.

Louis' skin was flushed, sheened with sweat, his hair sticking to his forehead. His eyes were half-closed, fighting with himself to keep their gazes locked. Harry changed his angle slightly so that he touched Louis' prostate with every thrust.

Harry felt Louis' muscles tighten around him, and he instantly knew, Louis was close to his release. He wrapped his hand around Louis' cock, and with a "come for me, baby," he squeezed him tight. At that moment Louis orgasm rippled through him, and he came, covering his belly with cum.

Harry thrust in few more times, finally reaching his own climax. He came deep inside the condom with a low groan and Louis' name leaving his lips. He collapsed on Louis' chest, trying to catch his breath. Both him and Louis were limp, laying still, one on top of the other.

When Harry could finally gather some energy, he slipped out of Louis' hole and laid next to the boy, so he wouldn't crush him anymore. He rolled the condom off his penis, tied it, and thrown it away in the direction of the bin.

Harry looked at Louis, who was already looking at him, with a tired smile and big, blurry eyes. They kissed, slow and easy, their arms wrapped around one another. When they finally separated, Harry caressed Louis' cheek and decided to voice his thoughts from earlier.

"I love you, you know?" Harry said gently. "I have loved you since I was sixteen, and even the time we spent apart couldn't make me stop loving you."

Harry was sure he could see tears forming in Louis' eyes. "I love you too," Louis admitted. "I have loved you since you were sixteen and I was eighteen, and I'm so sorry, that we have to go through all of this because of me."

"No don't," Harry said, wiping Louis tears as they started falling down. "It's not your fault, baby. We weren't good for each other and we definitely needed some time apart. Maybe not as much time as it took us to find each other again, but we're here now, so it's all good, right?"

"Yeah," Louis said not entirely convinced.

"So," Harry started, taking Louis' hand in his, and kissing his knuckles. "Can I officially call you my boyfriend?" He sent Louis a charming smile showing both his dimples.

"Yes, you weirdo," Louis chuckled and kissed Harry. "C'mon, let's take a shower." He said and looked down at his stomach. "I don't really want to sleep like this."

They climbed out of bed and took a quick shower together, too tired for any funny business. As they returned, they both put on underpants, turned the light off, and snuggled in bed.

"Goodnight, boyfriend," Harry said with a chuckle and he kissed the top of Louis' nose.

Louis scrunched his nose adorably curling against Harry's side. "Goodnight, baby," he breathed with already closed eyes. Harry threw his arm around Louis' waist and nuzzled his nose into his boyfriend's wet hair. His boyfriend. He liked the sound of that. With that thought, he closed his eyes, letting the darkness take over him.

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