Amasai Oneshots

By RadioStatic_

2.7K 56 13

A bunch of shuichi and rantaro stories! ( sometimes slow updates ) More

Cold cuddles
Self care

Family vist

538 14 5
By RadioStatic_

Background Information:

None killing game AU- Shuichi lives with Kirigiri and her gf Celeste because of work

This chapter is pretty long- sorry! That's what took me so long >~<

This is based off a dream I had


Shuichi's POV- it was almost Christmas time, and me and Rantaro had decided to go visit his family during the holidays- it would be a good time for the both of us since I don't have work and he doesn't have anything planned.

I was thinking while packing my stuff when I heard a knock on my door, "come in" I called out, I then saw Celeste- my housemate's partner.

Kirigiri and Celeste were kinda like my mom's,we moved in together for work and we just kinda been living together since. I haven't really told them about Rantaro or that I sneak him in sometimes through the window ( shh no one needs to know 😳👀 ) . It's not that I don't want them to know about my relationship it's just that they would smother me with questions and be all over him- you see where the mom idea comes In place.

"Oh hey Celeste, do you need something" I asked

"Hm no I'm just wondering where your going, it's a fine evening and I thought we could all share some tea together"

"I mean it's not that I don't want to but you see uh" I stuttered

"you what?" She questioned

"I'm going over to a friends house for a couple of days and uh I have to meet them in a bit"

"What friend"

"Just Kaede" I lied

"Be safe and don't get in trouble, remember to use your manners" she reminded me

I rolled my eyes and then said "Okayyy mom"

She let out a small giggle and then closed the door

Shuichi sighed in relief thinking he got away with that one, but little did he know Celeste saw right through his lie.

Celestes POV- I closed the door after having a short chat with Shuichi, I then went to Kirigiri and we both smirked.

"He's lying isn't he"



~Time Skip to when Rantaro picks him up~

Shuichi's POV-

"Alright bye guys" he called out before closing the door to their house and began to walk over to his boyfriend's car.

Shuichi opened the door and sat down with a sigh, "Heh you made it" Rantaro remarked

"Barely" Shuichi sighed

"They really are like your parents" Rantaro chuckled before patting Shuichi on the head

"Yeah worse even" Shuichi chuckled while,Rantaro pulled out of Shuichi's driveway

" it's gonna be nice to see your family again" Shuichi said while trying to make small talk as Rantaro drove

"Yeah mom really misses you" Rantaro replied

"Oh really?"

Rantaros' mom really liked Shuichi, his whole family did.

Shuichi looked over at the Rantaro while he continued to talk, but something seemed off about him today; he just wasn't acting like the usual rantaro.

Shuichi stopped their conversation they were previously having and asked "Hey Taro are you alright? You seem a bit lost in thought" Shuichi commented

"Oh it's nothing" Rantaro lied as he continued the drive

Rantaro's POV- We were almost at my parents house but the thing is there's something I want to ask Shuichi, I wanna ask him to marry me but I just need the right time to do so.

Right now wouldn't be a good time in case he reacted badly, and because I'm driving but maybe sometime this week- we're staying at my parents house for a couple of weeks since it's christmas time.

I was still lost in thought when Shuichi asked me if I was okay, I was barely paying attention to what he had said previously.

"yeah I'm okay, sorry I was just thinking about something" I apologized

"Oh okay!"


~Time skip to them arriving at Rantaro's parents place~

Shuichi's POV- the drive here was pretty quiet, but I'm hoping we'll talk more now we have arrived.

We got out of the car only to be greeted by Rantaro's mom running over to us, "RANTARO AND SHUICHI OH HOW I'VE MISSED YOU" she sobbed while bringing us into a tight hug, me and Rantaro looked at each other and laughed a little.

Rantaros' family all looked pretty similar, they almost all had green hair, different shades though- some had different coloured hair by dying it but at one point it had been green. Their eyes were all different colours but only rantaro and his mom had green eyes.

After his mom released us from her bear hug we entered the house, only to be greeted by Rantaro's 12 sisters- Rantaro's sisters ranged from the ages 5-16 one of each age but Rantaro was the oldest.

His sisters ran up and pulled Rantaro into a big group hug, I didn't realize but they all had been staring at me and holding their arms out for me to join them. I blushed a bit and joined, it was kinda weird having so many people who cared about me- I only really had my uncle since my parents were never really there.

"Guys" Rantaro whispered

"Yes Taro" they all whispered in sync

"How about we hug tackle Shuichi

" Yeah let's do it" they all agreed

Soon enough they all smothered Shuichi with hugs, Shuichi was a little embarrassed but went along with it.

"Alright how about we go get unpacked Shuichi" Rantaro said finally saving him from the big group hug he had been forced into

"Sure" Shuichi agreed with relief in his tone of voice

Rantaro's house has three floors, one basement, a main level, and then an upstairs.

His younger sisters lived down stairs in the basement and the older ones lived upstairs, his parents room was on the main floor as if it were to balance everything out.

While Shuichi and Rantaro were walking up the stairs something caught Shuichi's eye, he looked over to see a picture of him and Rantaro from middle school when they had first started going out, he chuckled at the memory before continuing to walk up the stairs and soon catching up with his boyfriend who had walked ahead a bit.

We made it to his room and nothing had changed, it still looked the same as it did in middle school- a few maps hung on the wall and so did some pictures of them.

When we finally got settled in, I looked through his closet and found some sweaters- I have a bad habit of stealing them.

I grabbed one that had an avocado in the middle and put it on, Rantaro had left the room a few minutes ago to get changed, was he upset with me.. I worried about the quiet drive from earlier.

I got a bit to carried away and began to think Rantaro didn't like me anymore and teared up a bit, but just as I started to cry I heard what sounded like to be Rantaro's footsteps and quickly dried my eyes, hoping he didn't notice that I had been crying a couple of minutes ago.

But Shuichi kinda figured it wouldn't work, Rantaro entered the room and almost noticed immediately.

"S-Shuichi?" Rantaro worriedly asked

"yeah" I managed to make out while choking back my tears.

"Is everything alright?" Rantaro questioned

"You still love me don't you" Shuichi cried out

"What?! Yes of course I still love you!" Rantaro exclaimed

"I was bothering you in the car. I'm sorry I won't tal" Shuichi tried to say but Rantaro cut him off by getting on one knee.

"Well originally I was gonna do this a bit more romantically and preferably not in a dinosaur onesie but y'know what let's just go with it."

Shuichi looked a bit confused when Rantaro pulled out a ring

Shuichi then took the hint, and stood there with a wide eyed expression as Rantaro asked him to marry him.

Shuichi began to cry but accepted, they spent the rest of their night cuddling.


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