Dracos sister part 3

By stankyratholly

184 2 4

Zenia is now struggling with the loss of her boyfriend Cedric diggory, she has no longer got any respect for... More

Dracos sister part 3! The order of the phoenix

184 2 4
By stankyratholly

"Third time this week?" My brother said concerned as we walked to the train station, I crossed my arms and growled "so what?" He looked at me and said "it's not normal to beat up some kid three times," I groaned and wiped my eyes, I said "look I'm going through something right now," Draco stopped and said "is it about father?" I said scowling "of course it's about him, he put the cruciatus curse on me." I continued walking again and then I added "and my boyfriends dead." Draco muttered "he was too old for you anyway." I sighed and said "can we just not talk about him?" He slurred "you were the one that brought him up." I scowled and stormed forward. He yelled from behind "where are you going?!" I yelled back "I'll be in the train compartment!" I heard him click his fingers and yell "crabbe, goyle escort her to first class!" I saw giants of boys come to my side as I walked to first class, when I arrived they both just stared at me, I snapped "who invited you?" They scuttled away into the normal compartments. A few seconds after they had left Draco walked in with some food, he said "want some?" I looked out the window and answered "no I'm all good." "Suit yourself." He said as he popped a chocolate frog in his mouth.


When we arrived at hogwarts station Me,Draco,crabbe and goyle walked past Harry,Hermione and Ron, Draco smirked and said mockingly "why is the ministry still letting you walk free potter? You should enjoy your time while you can, I expect there is a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." Harry then lunged at Draco, he then said "zenia what did I tell you complete nutter." I smirked and linked my arm with Draco as we started walking towards the exit, I heard Harry yell "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I ignored him and asked Draco "so, what's for dinner?"


I sat down and picked at my food. I expected myself to be hungry but I wasn't. my brother tapped me on the shoulder and he said "you gonna eat that?" I rolled my eyes and muttered "help yourself," he stood up, leaned over and took the plate, I looked up to see Harry staring at me, I looked at him as if to say "what?" He then turned around and started talking to Ron. I muttered and looked up at the teachers, there was some new teacher wearing bright pink, she honestly looked like a blob, I saw uncle snape and mcgonagall staring at her in disgust, I don't think she was as nice as she looked. I heard Dumbledore clink his spoon against his goblet, everyone looked at him, he said "Hello students, welcome back to another year, I'm proud to announce that we have a new defence against the dark arts teacher! professor Dolores umbridge" the new teacher stood up out of her seat and said "thank you Dumbledore, I'm so excited to teach all of you wonderful children!" I looked at Draco and I said "this teacher sounds like a nut job." He chuckled and said "I agree." We then heard Dumbledore say "all students shall return to their common rooms, your prefects shall lead you to your rooms." Draco stood up and said "slytherins follow me!" I shoved through people as I got to the front with Draco, I said let me guess you're gonna have another party tonight?" He smirked and said "duh."


I sat down on a sofa and I just watched everyone party, I stood up and left the room closing the door behind me, I quietly walked past classrooms so I wouldn't be caught, i quickly scrambled towards the library, I was looking for something to do with my family tree, I still had absolutely no idea where my animagus roots came from, I saw a book that said "black family tree, one of the prestigious pure family trees." I smiled. This was perfect, just as I was about to leave I heard a "meow." I turned around to see mrs Norris I breathed a sigh of relief i was the only person who was safe from mrs norris's wrath, I scratched her behind the ears, she purred a bit to loudly because a few seconds later I heard a gruff voice say "Mrs Norris where are you?" It was filch, the caretaker. I quickly ran out of the library and sped down to my common room, I knocked on the door desperately and I heard draco's voice say, "password?" I said "Chicken pox." The door opened and I ran in. Draco said "what are you even doing outside the common room this late?" I snapped and I said "why are you having a party this late?" He rolled his eyes and said "the party's over now." I said mockingly "thank god I thought you were gonna start kissing pansy." He scowled and said "just go to your dorm already." I stuck out my tongue and walked in my dorm.


I laid down on my bed in my dorm room, I was alone in the room for now so I could get some quality reading of this book, I opened it and it red, "Narcissa black,Belltrix black and Andromeda black are the three children of Mrs and Mr black." I continued reading. "Narcissa got married to Lucius malfoy and had their first child in 1980,also known as Draco malfoy, in 1982 They had their second child Zenia malfoy." I was just about to turn the page when pansy and some ugly brute of a girl walked in, pansy saw my book and said "what's that?" I glared at her and said "none of your business." She scowled at me and lunged for the book. I slapped her hand and I growled "don't touch it." Pansy said "Millicent teach her a lesson." The fat girl cracked her knuckles ready to beat the crap out of me. I smiled as millicent lunged for my face, I dodged it and kicked her in the gut, as she was on her knees in pain. I said "wingardium leviosa." I levitated a book and wacked it on her head multiple times. I then growled "scram." She ran as I scooped up my book from the ground and I saw pansy shaking in fear, I whispered in her ear "be careful who you mess with Parkinson." I strutted out to go to my brother's dorm instead.


The next morning I continued reading my book while walking down the hall, it red "chapter seventeen, Andromeda Tonks," I was confused about who that was but I continued to read "andromeda tonks had gotten engaged to the muggle boy ted tonks, they had one child nymphadora tonks," I was very confused who this nymphadora girl was, so I flipped back a few pages to see if there was something I missed then I gasped it said that andromeda was my aunt, that meant that girl was my cousin. I was a bit annoyed at first since neither mother nor father had ever told me about this woman, I didn't see where I was going since I was still reading and I smashed into someone, I fell over and dropped my book. I growled "watch where you're going-!" Harry looked at me, He said "it's not my fault you're reading while walking." I scowled and shoved past him, I didn't have time to deal with him, I had to go to defence against the dark arts.


I sat down in my seat and I saw the teacher, she was still wearing that pink outfit and she had a very unsettling smile on her face, when everyone else arrived I heard the teacher say "Hello children, my name is professor umbridge, I will be teaching you a secure and safe way to perform magic," she looked down and smiled she said "ah mrs malfoy, I have heard a lot about you." I looked up confused then she added, "it was a terrible accident of Cedric diggory's death," I scowled and stood up and said "my boyfriend was killed by voldemort, it wasn't an accident." Harry piped in and said "Voldermort is back ya know. I was with her." People started murmuring about what we were saying until Umbridge yelled "SILENCE!!!" I stood up again and was about to say something until my brother pulled me down and whispered "hey calm down." I glared at the teacher as she said "Harry see me after class." She then said "everyone please read these books." Magically she laid books out at all our tables, I said "what have these got to do with magic-" umbridge snapped at me and said "Anymore words out of you mrs malfoy and you will be with Harry." I scowled and started reading the book.


After that class I walked to Hagrid's hut, I wasn't exactly supposed to be there but I had to ask him an important question. I walked up to the hut and knocked on the door, Hagrid opened the door and smiled and said "Zenia come in!" I smiled and I sat down, I said "Hello Hagrid, I wanted to ask you an important question." He looked at me confused and said "well don't say anything that could yer father annoyed with me." I chuckled and said, "well I love magical creatures so I was wondering-" "say no more." Said Hagrid as he walked towards his door, he turned around and said "are you coming?" I smiled and followed him outside, he walked up to a tree and said, "hold your hand out, they are very friendly." I held my hand out in front of the tree and waited, after about twenty seconds a little green plant man climbed out of the tree and walked on my hand. I gasped and Hagrid grinned and then said "do you know what they are?" I thought for a second and then I declared "a bowtruckle, guardians of trees." Hagrid smiled and said "correct!" I smiled and stroked the bowtruckle on the head, I then put the creature back in its tree, I smiled at Hagrid and then I said "thanks for showing me Hagrid." Hagrid smiled at me until his attention went to something else, Harry and Ron were walking down the hill going towards us, Hagrid said "Ah Harry Ron!" I glared at them and I said to Hagrid "I need to go, can't keep my brother waiting," as I walked off I heard Ron say "Harry don't worry she doesn't hate you, it's her bloody git of a brother." I sighed, Ron was right.


The next day I walked to the great hall for breakfast only to see a bunch of signs being put up. Draco walked next to me, I looked at him and asked "what are they for?" He responded "didn't you hear? Umbridge replaced Dumbledore." I groaned "this is gonna be terrible." He chuckled and whispered to me "Well it's gonna be terrible for you at least." I scowled and I chased after Draco who was now running down the great hall, i leaped on his back and tried to push him over, instead he picked me up backwards and started walking, I squealed as he put me upside down under the table, I crawled up and elbowed him in the stomach, we then started eating our food, I saw Harry looking at me again, I looked at him and then rolled my eyes, I wasn't gonna waste my time on him. I heard Draco ask "what subject do you have?" I said mouth full of food "divination,potions and uhh.." I saw Harry looking at me again. Draco this time noticed, he scowled at Harry and made me look at him. He said "is Potter harassing you?" I said "no! Not at all" I went back to picking at my food, I could already tell today wasn't gonna be the best day of my life.


Me and Draco were sitting down in divination when all of a sudden umbridge walked in with a clipboard and said "Just doing an inspection, now tell me how long have you been on this job?" Professor Trelawney stammered and then she said "sixteen years," Umbridge interrupted again and said "could I have a prophecy?" Professor stuttered and then stood still silent, umbridge then said "shame." And started to walk out, Professor trelawney then yelled "wait! You will be filled with darkness!" Umbridge rolled her eyes and walked out, I stared at the teacher who was now very sad, I heard Draco mumble "pathetic." The teacher then said "class dismissed,"


Me and Draco walked out of the classroom to hear umbridge over the loud speaker, "all students can join the inquisitorial squad for bonus house points!" Draco smirked and said "I'm joining, you?" I scowled and said "I hate that teacher, no thanks." Draco then walked off to her office as I roamed the halls alone. I heard people talking around a corner so I peeked around, Harry saw me and said "Oh hey zenia-" I fell over and scowled I said "what?!" He looked at me and said, "you know how you can cast a patronus?" "Yes..?" I said as I stood up, "well I was wondering if you would like to be my side teacher in my class.." "what class?" I exclaimed confused he stuttered and then said "well I'm teaching defence against the dark arts since-" I smiled and I said "I'm in." He smiled back and said "well wanna get going?" I smirked and said "sure!" I followed Harry into a secret passageway to lead to a bunch of other students, Harry then said "uh.. hello guys this is Zenia malfoy, you might know her as draco's sister.." a lot of people scowled and started whispering, I smiled awkwardly and then I said "right, I'm gonna teach you how to cast your patronus charm." Everyone immediately was getting excited, I stared at Harry and he nodded, I took a deep breath and got ready...


"Expecto patronum!" Everyone gasped as a blue phoenix flew out, I then said, "the longer you focus the longer your patronus will last." Hermione tried at it.. "expecto patronum!" A blue otter flyed out. I smiled and said "great job! Everyone else could you try?" A bunch of people were now trying, a girl called Luna lovegood struggled at focusing, I tapped her on the shoulder and I said, "try and say it firmly, think of your happiest memory." Luna smiled and said softly "expecto patronum!" A cute little bunny came out. I said "great job Luna!" I patted her on the shoulder and went over to help some other people, by the end of the lesson everyone could cast their charm, I waved goodbye to everyone as the exited the classroom, just I was about to leave I heard Harry say "Zenia wait!" I looked behind me and Harry said "look. I was wondering if you wanted to catch up tomorrow..?" I grinned and said "sure wanna sit with each other in the great hall?" He said happily "yeah that would be awesome." I smiled and walked out of the classroom, I was actually having a good day.


"Professor umbridge says that potter has made a new club, we are trying to infiltrate it." I continued chewing my food trying to ignore Draco talking about the new "group" he is in. I kept overhearing him from another table showing off his badge, me and Harry enjoyed talking to each other, Ron and Hermione went off to do something else so it was just us. After we had finished lunch we got into some warm clothes and we went outside into the snow. While we were walking we saw Draco,crabbe and goyle throwing snowballs at some random first year ravenclaw. I sighed and asked Harry "so, hows Sirius?" Harry smiled and said "He's good, by the way I have a question.." I looked at him and said "yes what is it?" He said hesitantly "well, are you related to anyone by the name of nymphadora tonks?" I stood still for a second and then I said "yes I am she is supposed to be my cousin." Harry then said confused "what do you mean by supposed to?" "Mother and father never told me about her that's why," he nodded and we continued walking, he then said "so are you doing okay with the entire thing that happened last year..?" I sighed and said "I'm still kinda getting used to it.." I put my hands in my pockets and continued walking, we walked in silence for a few minutes and then I piped randomly "my thirteenth birthday is coming up." He smiled and said "that's nice." We sat down on a bench together and he said "I'm sorry." I looked at him and said "for what..?" He said "well I felt you were avoiding me.." I smiled and I said "I was forced, Draco wouldn't let me go anywhere alone." He gasped and said "oh uh.." he looked embarrassed. I giggled and stood up, I said tiredly "I'm gonna go to bed." He looked at me strangely and said "but it's 6pm-" I had already walked off though.


The next morning I sneaked off to Harry's class, I heard Draco and some other people trying to break in, but it was enchanted so only people NOT wearing umbridge's badges could get in. Once I got in people were practicing the spell "expelliarmus." Harry smiled when he saw me and he said "Hey zen, we were just practicing expelliarmus." "Ooh nice" I said I pulled out my wand and pointed it at Harry who was holding his, I said "expelliarmus" the wand flew into my hand. Harry gaped but then he finally said "good job zenia." I grinned and gave him his wand. The lesson from then on was pretty fun, except Neville couldn't get it to work, me and Harry stood there trying to help him for at least thirty minutes. But there were also very skilled people, for instance Luna Lovegood, and Cho Chang were both very good at casting the spell. Eventually the class ended and we got ready to leave. When we opened the door we all gasped, umbridge, filch, Draco, crabbe and goyle were standing there smirking.


I whispered "run" all of us split up as we ran trying not to be caught. I heard footsteps coming closer to me, I quickly looked behind me only to see Draco, I ran around a corner and tried to hide, I saw as I was running Harry being dragged by crabbe and goyle. As I was distracted Draco grabbed me by the wrist and started to pull me away. I yelled "let go of me!!" I grunted in pain as Draco practically dragged me away. Draco then pulled me into Umbridge's office and growled "I found my sister trying to hide." I tried to pull away but he grabbed my hair and pulled it backwards. "Argh!" I screamed, he pulled my hair so far back my head was on his shoulder. I stopped moving when I heard Hermione screaming as she was getting dragged into the room. "Get off of me!" She yelled, Harry on the other hand was tied to a chair, Umbridge walked up to him and slapped him across the face. She said "where is it, what are you hiding?" I was very confused and I started to squirm again, Draco hissed "stop moving you little brat." I sighed and knew this was the only thing I could do to attract other teachers. "AHHHH!!!!" I let a piercing scream run through the school, a few seconds later uncle Snape walked into the room, umbridge looked at him and said sharply "Severus, did you bring the veratus juice?" I tried to say something but nothing came out of my mouth. I felt Draco loosen his grip on my hair so I took the opportunity to make a run for it. "Hey get back here!!" Yelled Draco as I sprinted past uncle Snape, I heard footsteps coming from behind so I tried to speed up, I then stopped, I had an idea. I felt my brother wrap his arms around my waist and start carrying me back to umbridge's office, when I arrived again umbridge was saying "if you're not going to tell me I might have to use the Cruciatus curse on you." I pulled out my wand from my pocket and I yelled "stupefy!" I flinged umbridge across the room and all of us ran for it, I helped Harry quickly undo his binds and then we tried to catch up.


Me,Luna,Ron,Hermione,Harry and Neville were all speeding down the stairs, not far behind were Draco, Crabbe and goyle. Draco leapt on my back practically crushing me. I rolled over and kneed him In the stomach, he then punched me directly in the nose. I cried on the ground as I bled, I saw him smirk and run after the others, a few seconds later I saw Harry run to my side as I continued crying, I felt him scoop me into his arms and hold me close, I felt him wipe the blood away from my probably broken nose, I got up and stood there in embarrassment and said "I'm sorry for crying and getting blood on you.." he wiped the blood of his shirt and smiled he then said "it's fine.." we attorney in silence for a minute and then Harry said "Zenia..I have known you for three years now.. and I was wondering.." I looked at him confused and then he said quickly "will you be my girlfriend?!" I stood there in shock and then I said quietly "yes." He smiled and hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back. But in my mind I was stressed as hell.

What happened during the month:

Zenia would avoid Draco

Umbridge went missing

Harry would worry for Zenia's mental health

Zenia would stay in her dorm all day

And Zenia's parents whereabouts are unknown


I would walk around the empty halls avoiding anyone that would exit their dorms, the only noise there was me stepping on the creaky floorboards. I inched towards the exit of the school to see Harry,Ron,Hermione,Neville,Ginny, and Luna. We stood around a boot, I shivered, it reminded me of last year. All of us touched the boot and we teleported to some warehouse. I looked around and I said to Harry "why did you want me to come?" Neville replied and said "he is looking for some prophecy ." We walked down the dark aisles looking for a glowing orb. I looked around the giant warehouse, I felt like something was wrong. I looked at Harry and nervously said "I feel like we are being watched.." Harry not looking at me said "zen you're just paranoid." I mumbled and continued walking. A few seconds later I saw a glowing blue orb. I yelled "guys look!" Everyone else scattered around me and Harry grabbed it. He really was just staring at it, I think he could hear something we couldn't. A few minutes later Harry stopped staring at it, then we all saw it. A death eater was slowly walking towards us, I heard Harry say "where's Sirius." I was very confused but I held out my wand and pointed it at the death eater. The death eater had a very familiar voice, he said "you should be able to tell the difference of a dream..." he pulled off his mask. I gasped and covered my mouth. The death eater smiled, he then said "and reality."


I stared at my father still approaching us. I don't think he had noticed me yet since he was still talking, he said creepily "the dark lord showed you what he wanted you to see." He then scowled and said "now hand me the prophecy." I said now stepping forward "you do anything to us and he'll break it." My father turned his head towards me and smiled. He said calmly "ah, zenia what a pleasure." I then heard a shrill laugh behind him and I raised my wand towards it. I saw my aunt. I scowled and said "aunt bellatrix." She then said "she knows how to play, itty bitty baby." I growled and I felt Harry push me behind him. I glared at my father and then I heard Neville pipe "bellatrix lestrange." My aunt smiled and said "Neville longbottom, How's mum and dad?" He scowled and said "better now that they're about to be avenged." I grabbed onto nevilles shirt and pulled him back, I hissed "be careful we can have revenge later." I then heard my father say softly "now let's everybody just calm down." I scowled and was about to say something until Ginny nudged me as if to say "don't say anything." My father then said still in his calm tone, "all we want is that prophecy." Harry interrupted and said "why did voldemort want to come get this?" My aunt then hissed "you dare to speak his name." She then screamed and said "you filthy half blood!!!" My father then stopped her and said "don't worry he's just a curious lad aren't you?" Then he continued "prophecies can only be used by whom they are made by." I looked around to see death eaters surrounding us, he said again "haven't you always wondered what your connection with the dark lord is? and why he wasn't able to kill you? Even though you were just an infant?" I looked around ready to take any orders from Harry but it was just silent, I heard my father speak again "all you have to do is give that to me." He looked down at the prophecy, Harry said "I've waited fourteen years." My father smiled and said "I know..-" Harry then scowled and said "I can wait a few more, EVERYONE NOW!!" "STUPEFY!!" We all yelled as we pointed our wands at death eaters. We ran around a corner only to see black smoke appearing, we all ran the other way and splitted up, me and Ginny ran one way while Neville and Luna ran another. I didn't see where Ron, Hermione or Harry went though, me and Ginny ran across the aisles and we heard the echoing of Bellatrix yelling "Zenia a weasley?!?! you could do so much better!!" I heard her cackle as at least seven death eaters appeared in front of us, we shot spells at them but one of them grabbed me by the wrist, I screamed and I heard Ginny say "stupefy!" The death eater got flinged across the room. We both turned around and heard Neville yell "petrificus totalus!" We ran after Luna and Neville who were starting to fight new death eaters. I heard Harry yell not that far away "stupefy!" I thought "out of all spells stupefy? Pfft. Watch me." My father appeared in front of us and started throwing spells at us, I pointed at his cloak and I said "incendio!" His cloak set fire and he now was frantically trying to put it out, name Neville Luna and Ginny all yelped as we ran into Harry, Hermione and Ron. We all stopped and saw a death eater flying towards us. Ginny yelled "reducto!" A flash of light blinded us as she turned the death eater to ashes. We stood in silence for a second until we heard the potions from the shelves falling down, we all ran and I heard Harry yell "get back to the door!!" We all sprinted to some door I'm guessing Harry saw, we heard glass shatter as we ran towards the exit frantically. We all jumped through the door and I heard us one by one yelp as we fell "ah!" "Oh!" " Eeeee!!!" "AHHH!" We all fell right into the unknown


"Oof!" We all grunted and stood up and looked around. Ron said something but I couldn't fully understand. I stood behind Harry and looked at some arch, voices were coming from it. I heard Harry say "the voices Hermione what are they saying?" Hermione replied "Harry there are no voices..." me and Luna both piped up "we can hear them too." I heard Hermione say again "Harry it's just an empty archway." Harry turned around to face us and said "get behind me!!" The others stood behind him, I stood right next to him. We all lifted our wands to the black smoke, until more smoke came from the back and ambushed us. I couldn't see anything just black, I called out "Harry!!" I felt someone lift me off my feet. I was submerged in darkness, I struggled to see anything, before I could say "put me down" I was on the ground far away from everyone else. I looked around to see Ron, Hermione, Neville Luna and Ginny all being held at wand point, I saw Harry lying on the ground still clutching the prophecy. I looked up to see my father chuckling and moving towards Harry. I was about to lunge towards him but my wrists and ankles were held down by magical smoke. I pulled at them frantically and I called out Harry's name "Harry!!!" I then heard my father say again "did you actually believe the way you're truly naive enough to think you stood a chance, against us?" I pulled at the smoke binds and tried to wrench free but it was no use. I looked up to see my father holding out his hand saying "I'll make it simple for you potter, give me the prophecy or watch your friends die." Harry scowled and said "you wouldn't kill your own daughter." He thought for a moment and said "true, but does that still mean you want to watch everyone else die." I looked around at Ron who looked terrified. I heard Neville yell "don't give it to him Harry!" My aunt wacked her wand on his neck and hissed "sh." I looked back at my father who was still holding out his hand. I screamed "don't kill them!! I tried to turn into a phoenix but it was too hard. Harry slipped the prophecy into my father's hand, I sighed he was gonna kill the others anyway. My father held up the prophecy and looked at it, I stifled a laugh he was so idiotically over dramatic. I then saw a flash of light behind him, I looked and then I smiled, Sirius black said "get away from my godson." He then punched my father right in the face. I saw a bunch of other flashes of light, I could see so many Aurors appearing, I smiled, help had come, I still realised that I was trapped in the smoke binds so I called out "help me!!" A girl with purple hair had noticed me and was now running, I said "who are you?-" she smirked and said "nymphadora tonks at your service." I smiled and said "zenia malfoy." We both stood up only to see bellatrix coming towards us, we smiled and both charged forward


Harry's POV :3

I looked up to see Nymphadora and Zenia both taking on Bellatrix lestrange. I felt Sirius push me down as some spells were shot near us, me and Sirius both fired at the death eater as they scrambled away, I looked over to my left to see nymphadora trying to help zenia, Luna, and Ginny hide but zenia was resisting, "I'm not leaving Harry!" Nymphadora looked at her and said "just leave it to the adults-" I then saw her sprint around the other way looking for me, now I knew I had messed up, zenia was in danger thanks to me. I turned to Sirius and I yelled over all the noise "look down there!! Zenia's trying to help!-" Sirius looked down at her and slapped his forehead and said chuckling "she's too much like me." I saw her climb on top of the rock we were on and sit next to us firing spells at death eaters, Sirius said "Zenia dear go hide with the others." She frowned and said "if anything I wanna be the one to take down my father." Sirius then looked at me and said "I want you to take the others and go." I then said "no I'm staying with you!" Sirius then said "you've done beautifully Harry." zenia then interrupted and said "guys we have another problem!!" I looked up to see Lucius scowling pulling out his wand.


I looked up at my father now yelling "how dare you take my daughter away from me!!" I smirked and pulled out my wand. Me Sirius Harry my father and a random death eater were now in a hardcore duel, I fought off my father with Sirius while Harry took on the death eater, I saw Harry go "expelliamus!" He had the death eaters wand flyed in his hand, Harry then shot spells to make the death eater fall over, on the other hand I was fighting my father, I yelled "stupefy!" My father got pushed backwards, I smiled and was about to high five Harry until I heard my aunt yell "avada kedavra!" I watched as Sirius froze and slowly got sucked into the archway, I saw Remus Lupin grab Harry as he lunged forward, Harry started screaming, I looked to see my aunt trying to get away, I screamed "YOUR DEAD!!!" I felt tears run down my cheeks as I chased after her, I heard Ron yell "zenia NO!!" I couldn't control the pain it was feeling so I just randomly yelled "Crucio!!" My aunt yelped as she fell on the floor in pain, I scowled and pointed my wand at her. For a few seconds there was just silence until I heard a raspy voice say behind me, "you know the spell zenia, kill her." I shook violently, if I did this I could go to Azkaban. I stood there frozen not knowing what to do until I heard Harry scream "ZENIA BEHIND YOU!!" I turned around to see lord voldemort standing two metres away from me. I scrambled backwards only to bump into my aunt who was now getting up to try and run. Voldemort approached me again and I fell onto the floor, I screamed for help, "Harry!!!" I saw Harry starting to sprint towards me but I thought it was too late, I heard Voldemort say "avada!-" but he was interrupted by the one, the only, Dumbledore.


Voldemort and Dumbledore started duelling, I stood up shakily and I saw nymphadora coming towards me, she grabbed my hand and we sprinted into a tunnel of some kind, she said to me "zenia, go to hogwarts and alert everyone else." I said "no! I can't!" I felt Ron grab my hand. I heard Ron say "it's fine zenia, we need to leave." I sighed and looked back at nymphadora one more time and then I started running down the tunnel, I heard smashing and loud noises coming from the other room but I kept running. Me Ginny , Neville and Luna were all told to go while Hermione and Ron helped Harry. Me and the others eventually got to a port key, we touched it and landed at the school, Professor McGonagell, Professor Snape and a few other people were waiting. Snape said to me "where have you been." I shook my head and started crying. I ran past the teachers up to my common room. I quickly said the password for my common room and ran in, my brother was sitting on a sofa looking guilty he looked up at me sobbing on the floor and walked over to me. He said "look I'm sorry about-" I just squeezed him in a hug tightly and said nothing. It was silent.

A month later...

The headline for the daily prophet: "voldemort is back! Lucius Malfoy is put in Azkaban. What's next?" I slammed down the newspaper on my table and looked at my mother enraged. "Why didn't you do anything?" My mother turned to look at me and just replied "I couldn't.." I smiled and said "excuse me. I just had a moment of eternal dread." "Zenia wait!" My mother called and I opened the door of my home and stormed out of the house, I was going to get revenge. And it was best served,


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