Baby Kick | J.JK [Editing]

By Miftahul_Eusha

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"If I say I'm not the same Gguk, will you still accept me?" What happens when chemist Jeon Jungguk becomes a... More

Ep-1 : Found our similarity
Ep-2 : Found Our Similarity 2
Ep-3 : Leaving the hell
Ep-4: Let's cherish each other!
Ep-5: Lost
Ep-6: What are you?
Ep-7: Come Back
Ep-8: Burden
Ep-9: Broken
Ep-10: Blue Pea
Ep-11: We are going well
Ep-12: Remedy
Ep-13: Happy Birthday!!
Ep-14: Lustful Him? (M)
Ep-15: Needy Gguk
Ep-16: Cancer?
Ep-17: Sweet Creature
Ep-18: The King
Ep-19: Powers He Got
Ep-20: The Dark Conspiracy
Ep-21: Possession
Ep-22: Murder!!
Ep-23: Please!
Author's Note

Final Episode : Baby Kick

440 41 64
By Miftahul_Eusha

Cold, soothing breezes were hitting my skin. I looked outside. A big reddish moon showering its beauty upon the earth. Everything so quite, completely soundless. Only the wide-flow was passing by my ears. A perfect environment to increase the dejection inside me. Everything became so meaningless without him. I was only breathing for the day he would come back. He must. 

I slowly got up from the bed, grabbing my abdomen. Jeonson was growing well and day by day it was becoming harder to move without any support. However, I closed the window and came back to bed. I took my regular sleeping pill and a glass of water to drink,but all of a sudden, his screaming approached to my ear. Seemed like he was in pain or something. My glass fell down from my hand and broke into hundred pieces. Just as my heart.

"Stop this I beg! It's hurting me....Please" he groaned out.

What happened to him? Is anything wrong? Is that demon hurting him....

I was about to go in front of the room but suddenly I got a Baby Kick. It was a stronger one. My palm soon visited my lower belly. 

Those days Jeonson was calm and almost didn't move. But I didn't know why that day he was being aggressive. Even in the morning he was moving a lot.

And he kicked again.

Me: Aghh!

That one made a little pain inside my skin. I shouldn't be standing being in that position but his screaming was getting louder. I had nothing to do without going there. The pain in my abdomen was increasing gradually. The little path from my room to his, became a thousand kilometer way for me. My legs were shaking as soon baby started moving again. I was sweating, my limbs were being weaker and weaker to move, my throat was drying up. Skipping meals left an execrable impact on my health.


I heard him calling out my name desperately.

"It's burning me inside! I...can't tolerate more..I need you!!"

His loud screams were sending shivers to my heart and chopping me in regrets. 

Me: G-Gguk...I'm coming...

I tried to make him hear me. But it came out as whisper. Yes, I was in that much pain.

He was hitting the door to come out, bumping it countless time.

" Arghh! I can't take this anymore...this pain!! I NEED YOUR EMBRACE! I NEED MY JEONSON..."

God knew how I felt then. My body was grabbing me back from going near to him. The distance between us was just a small corridor and a wooden door. But it felt like unreachable path. Suddenly he stopped hitting the door and his loud sobs started floating in the air. 

He needed me. Yes, it was him. No longer the demon.

Jeonson kicked again.

His pale, heart-breaking sobs were making me dizzy. I forgot everything that was forbidden. It was enough to tolerate! No more! The only thing I could think was saying him the desirable sentence he craved to hear and gifting him a Baby Kick. I knew Jeonson would listen to eomma then....

I stepped forward. Yes, it was hard to move a single limb being in that pain, but I didn't stop. I reached to the door, touched the wooden surface.

I'm coming love. 

I slowly twisted the door knob and pushed it. The door got opened......

Why the hell she isn't catching my signals?

Minho had been trying to contact me since last three days but every time he got ignored. He was just trying to warn me about the full moon but kept failing to make a connection.

The fortune teller was observing him being tensed.

" What are you doing, Minho?"

Minho: Queen's ignoring my signals. Now how am I supposed to tell her about our plan? And now I'm not allowed to enter King Jeon's mansion. It was queen's order. Moreover, the moon is on the middle sky, we've to do everything before the moon sets.

"Why don't you try to contact her closers, who may inform her?"

Minho: That's good point. Yes, Annie can help!

Without wasting any second, Minho appeared in Annie's house. She got a bit shock for the sudden appearance of him but handled herself immediately.

Annie: Mr. Minho?

Minho: Annie, I need your help!

Annie: What's the matter, explain me...

Minho: This isn't a proper time to explain.  Make a call to queen. Right now! And tell her not to go near to the locked room. At least not today.

Annie: Ok, I understand!

She grabbed the telephone to make a call.....

The telephone was ringing in my room continuously....

I wasn't ready for seeing that. That wasn't my previous Gguk....No way...

He leaned his back against the bed, sitting on the floor, grabbing those little shoes against his chest. His smooth hairs were messed as hell, his beautiful, illusive eyes were merged in dark circles. He became skinnier. Some deep bruises could be seen on his temple, arm and shoulder. I could see some wounds probably made my sharp knife. He cut himself? His shirt was also ripped from one side.

When the demon couldn't come out from the room, it hurt Gguk and made those cut marks and wounds on his body.

But one more thing broke me there imeediately. He wrote "Koushi" and " Jeonson" all over the walls and floor. Even a single place wasn't left. He was crying. Crying hard. But the sound made from opening the door made his head up instantly. His eyes grew wide and full of tears. He couldn't believe it was me. Really me who was standing in front of him. He whispered,

" K-koushi...."

No! My heart! 

I could feel, I made his worse situation. I let Minho to lock him like an animal. I was the sinner....I slowly sat in front of him. After so many moments, our eyes met each other with a flow of tears. Magically, the pain enduring my body went away after seeing him..

Me: Gguk! My Gguk!

I grabbed his cheeks with both of my trembling hands. He was still astonished. 

Jk: Say that you're not the imagination I see every night, you're not any illusion. You're really my Koushi, aren't you? I...I can smell you......It can't be fake. NO, it can't be!

I couldn't answer him, just grabbed his head against my chest as tight as I could and burst in sobs. The peace I felt was undefinable! Finally, after long-long moments....Both of us were crying mess like no end. Yes, I felt his hand wrapping me, I felt that craved touch! 

Me: I'm sorry....I'm so much sorry....I...

Jk: Don't please! I still can't believe! My heart- Koushi....adore me as much you can! I'm so orphaned! I badly need you,,please! 

Was he crazy? Did he know how much he immensely he was destroying me by those words? 

Me: Jungguk-

I couldn't utter and kissed all over his face. His injured temple, his sharp nose, those paler cheeks and cut chin. I never stopped until he dragged me inside his chest and touched my lower belly.

Jk: Jeonson!!! My whole world! My precious soul! Papa missed you love! So much.....

His hand was still roaming over my belly putting me in his lap. 

Jk: You don't know how badly I was craving to meet you! To touch you, feel you my baby!

He joined his ear there and was talking in a broken voice while adoring him. I ran my finger through his hairs slowly. A peace poured my heart....

Me: I knew, everything would be fine....I knew.

He nodded, raised his head and smiled beautifully. God! How long I hadn't seen that precious, illusive smile...How long I hadn't observed his lip's little details while smiling....His lip corner curved so perfectly, a bit of his inner lips showed up, first 4 teeth touched the lower lips making a bunny smile, upper lips went thin as it got widen and the mole came visible....that was called peace,right? 

But the thing I didn't notice was his sharp fangs. When my eyes visited there, it gave me a shiver. I moved my sight from there to his eyes-


























































Noo! those eye balls were red! Dark red...

My heartbeat almost stopped to see that. He started to breath heavily and low growl was coming from his mouth. He closed his eyes  and sniffed something from my arm. Suddenly I felt soemthing sticky on my skin.


Yes it was my blood.

My skin got cut with the broken glass fell from my hand. I was so much unconscious that couldn't even feel my wound.


The smell of my blood dragged the blood-lustful demon in his body. 

Smelling the bloods, he left an appalling growl which made me extremely shivered. No, he wasn't Gguk anymore~ He was then a hungry, thirsty, desperate demon!

Me: Jungguk--






















Before I could utter something, he grabbed my shoulder and shoved his sharp fangs in my vein, tearing out my neck's skin. An awful, intolerable pain spread all over my body, it was like a venom, I swear! Though a loud whimper left my mouth, but further, I couldn't even gather some strengths to scream out. His grip was way harder on my weak skin. Wherever his tongue touched, it burnt my skin there. I could feel the blood-flowing was being messed, they were rushing towards his fangs leaving my every single limbs blood-less, life-less. My feet and legs were almost vapid. I was being destroyed slowly....

I could feel that my last moments were being passed. I managed to grab my abdomen for the last time,

Jeonson! My baby...I wanted you to be born. I wanted your Papa to play with you. I wanted you to be loved by him, adored by him. I had a huge dream to see your little hands over his chest while sleeping. I dreamed to see the sunlight dancing over you and your Papa's soft cheeks in any lovely morning. To see you walking with that little legs wearing those adorable shoes. To see you and Gguk in same cloth on the way to a summer vacation. To grab you two in my chest and smile with a deep peace....Eomma loves you like no end...But, I failed to bring you in this earth, to give your Papa his most precious gift! Forgive me son, Please forgive me!

His filthy wild sucking went deeper. My throat was craving for only a drop of water. Jeonson stopped to move or kick. ....My hands slowly came to his nape and hairs. I stroked them for the last time...

Mr. Jeon? No, you're my Gguk! The man of 24, know that a girl named Koushi loved you horribly...Each and every moment with you was the best thing god ever gifted me. Your every word still whirls around my mind-

The first day we said "What are you trying to do?" that was the beginning.

I remember, how you found out my deepest ,awful secret, how you saved me from gulping that stupid liquid. Our first kiss near to the waterfall. "And who is Mr. Jeon? Call me Gguk! I'm your Gguk" How cute you looked even being annoyed or angry!

You cherished me as your everything, kept saving me from dangers. Remember your habit? "You dry my hairs" It was the starting. You were always a stubborn boy, didn't listen to me and dragged an awful turning point to your life. I tried to be the shelter of yours when everybody rejected you...don't know how much I could be! 

How stupid you were Gguk? You tried to push me from your life to save me? I lived for your happiness boy! You uttered the heart-shaking sentence, "Will you marry me, Koushi? I want to be the rightful person in your life" Our wedding day, the venue you arranged with my favorite blue pea....My silly boy! Did you remember? How you said congratulations to me? We kept over coming the hardships together....We didn't know when our bond went deeper and deeper. The night you loved me hungrily....I still can feel every erotic touches of yours...

I can still feel the moment when you put your palm on my belly and grew your eyes wide while saying, "My baby?" 

Gguk, I never thought we would end up here, in this situation! Lots of desires and wishes are still remaining and I have to leave you alone here. We got a very short time for each other, but believe me, this life was my best life that I got you, I'm the luckiest that I got you. Even if I'm not around you, your beautiful memories, lovable touches, cares, adores, kisses will never be faded in my heart. I'll cherish them forever. I promise! 

I'm sorry Gguk, I couldn't give you Jeonson! I couldn't make you hear the word, 'Papa'. Forgive me love....

My Gguk, do you remember the day we danced on the soft sand? How unreal and beautiful were you looking when the sunlight adored your cheeks, the healing breezes were making your hairs dance, your eyes were closed, lips were curled with that heart-taking smile. That's how I saw my paradise even being in the earth....

My Jeonson was dead already....He devoured almost all of  my bloods. But my conscious was still working...

Mom, see? You were killed by your husband as well me. No! No! This thing isn't my husband. Gguk never let a little wound to endure on my body! I'm luckier than you mom! I'm dying in the lap of the owner of my life, most precious and craved person in my life....Mom, I really love him...really....

Mr.Jeon? Will you kiss me all over my face again? Will you grab my head against you chest again? Will you pour my heart with your purest love again? I'll be waiting ~ desperately ~~

My weak hand reached to his cheeks. Alas, I couldn't see his face for the last time. My time was almost finished, my breaths were closing up, eyes were coming shut. But no, not yet! There was a huge thing left....I had to tell this to him....I must....

I gathered my ultimate strength closing my eyes, drawing a painful smile and whispered,

" I Love you too"

End of Koushi's POV Forever:

Jungguk's Pov:

"I love you too"

This sentence echoed through my conscious. That simple sentence dragged me to my real state. Koushi! Finally she said!  

My heart started pounding hard. It was gonna burst with excitement......but soon I felt a lite weight on my lap. My eyes visited there immediately.



























She was in my lap! Dead, lifeless!

Third person's pov :

His eyes grew wide, hands started to shake awfully, breathes went rough and irregular....A loud scream could be heard,


He grabbed her cheeks with his weak hands and burst in tear. He was crying like a mad, like a psycho, like a baby, like a loser! Yes, he lost. He lost the love of his life.

Jk: Koushi! No....please no.....I-

He kissed her all over her vapid face. Each of his tear drop was rolling over her cheeks. The man who only lived for his lover, only breathed for her, only desired to live one more day for her, tried to defeat every hardships just to see her smile, see her sound and safe, lost the person that day. 

Jk: It can't be possible. You can't leave me like this. This wasn't what you promised! You said, we would end our life being old, sitting in front of fire place and holding our hands.....No Koushi...You can't do this to me....

His sobs were obstructing his voices from coming out. Her life-less body was still in his embrace, her head was in his chest, grabbed tightly. 

Jk: Come back for god sake! I can't......

He stopped with a sudden and slowly gazed at her belly with trembled head. His breath stopped and heart beat skipped when he discovered his most desirable child, dead!


No, it was intolerable for him. He buried  his face on her belly while on of his hand was adoring his dead son. He was screaming with his broken voice,

Jk: No....Please no....Please! Come back Jeonson!!! COME BACK!!!!.......This is wrong, completely wrong! I couldn't even see his face Koushi, couldn't take him in my lap, adore him, join our nose....I want to touch him...I want to be the best Papa! You can't leave me here like this....

The clear sky filled with black-clouds. A heavy raining started there washing the moon light. The sound of rain drops were covering his sobs.

He placed his palm to his heart. His loving power was demolishing the demon inside him. Love is something purest, something extremely holy. And this holy power was enough to destroy any evil presence! But alas! It was too late. Alas! If he would come back just few moments ago~

Jk: Stop!!! Stop this rain! I hate rain when you're not here Koushi!!! STOP THIS!!!!

He grabbed his hairs being desperate. Whereas, the demon was still fighting for staying inside him which was hurting him. But, no. The demon had to be gone~

Jk: LEAVE ME YOU FILTHY DEMON! You made me kill my wife, my son-

He stopped, looked at his hands and whispered,

Jk: Yes...I killed them. I killed my Koushi, my Jeonson. I don't deserve to live anymore, never! I need a great punishment! A huge one!

Yes. He was out of his mind. 

He kissed and adored her belly. Then he reached to her face again. Placing some hairs from her cheeks he kissed her temple taking a long time. 

"We weren't destined for each other in this birth Koushi! Your fate wrote your cruel death in my hand. I won't spare the divinity for this. Never!! He have to pay for it, he must!.....I can't let you go alone....I...I love you!"

He gently left her head.

He took the sharp knife in his hand and looked at his life-less wife with his caustic eyes,

You're so beautiful even being in forever's sleep Koushi. You came to me to calm down my sobs, my grieves but you made them unstoppable. My stubborn wife....

He smiled painfully. And the next thing he did, was stabbing his own stomach with the knife as hard as possible. He screamed in pain, lost his balance and fell down near to Koushi.The flow of dark red bloods spread over the room. It was washing Koushi's and Jeonson's name over the floor. Sprinkling of his bloods was stuck with the little pair of shoes too. 

His eyes was teary but he could gain a bit of peace that, he didn't have to stay alone. He could also leave with his most loved wife and child...

His eyes went closed.

His crimson hand was intertwined with her one........

It was still raining heavily!

" I give you my blessing to you. I wish your every single desire comes true"  Once a old lady who was selling chocolate, told that to Koushi. 

"I give all of my blessing to Hyung and Koushi. They may live filling their every wishes"  Prince Bom Wook said before he died!

"I give my blessing to my son and his family. They may live a happy life together forever."  King Dong Wook once blessed them.

"Until  I give what you craved from me, I'll keep coming back to you"  Koushi promised him!

"I'll die without you. I swear!" Jungguk warned her!

But, everything came out a lie eventually.

Or they didn't?

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