before the pain | luke (JATP)

By crystal_mei

504K 17.4K 28.5K

what's your biggest dream? to become a famous rock star of course oh yea original Okay okay... what's your bi... More

After The Pain
thank you
a.n - q/a


9.2K 331 450
By crystal_mei

As the morning sun shined into the black bedroom, Mila was already awake in her bed. Her mind kept wandering, wondering if what she felt was a one-time thing or she had thought wrong.

You see the night prior, as her hands had gotten sweaty and her knees gone weak, she thought Luke, her good friend, was going to kiss her.

Yet of course, she knew, this was a silly thought. Luke and her were just friends, and friends don't kiss. Mila's head kept spinning round and round, she looked at Elijah.

"I have gone crazy Elijah, I knew it" She whispered to him as she nodded, agreeing with herself. "He would never kiss me" She looked at Elijah, if Elijah was a real person and not a drawing on her wall, she was sure he would have said.

"Love will come and you have to open the door to it" Yet of course... Elijah didn't say anything... as he was just a drawing on a wall. She took a deep breath and took a piece of paper, here she wrote down a couple of words, before hanging it on her wall of notes.

She looked at the note and nodded, she shook off the idea of Luke as she got ready for school. She made herself believe she wasn't thinking about peppermints.

When Reggie picked her up that Wednesday morning, he didn't seem to notice Mila's internal breakdown over the idea of a kiss from Luke. Who can blame her, she was sitting in a car with the guy who made both of them jump away, almost scared to get caught in feelings they both were confused about having.

"Soooo you and Luke?" Alex said as he just had jumped into the car, hearing his name made Mila freeze up, of course, she didn't know why. "What about us?" Mila asked, wondering if Alex could read minds.

"You two seemed ... close yesterday" Alex wiggled his eyebrows, as Mila turned around looking at him confused. "What do you mean?" She asked which made Reggie laugh before sipping his coffee.

"Come on, as if you two aren't getting it on alone in that basement" Mila widened her eyes, her face turning redder than a tomato. "We are not! And if that is what you think, maybe I should get off and walk to school"

The boys looked at each other and nodded. "Okay okay... sorry but seriously, is nothing going on between you two?" Mila wondered for a second if she should tell them, tell them that they sang together and in a moment of silence, she thought Luke was about to kiss her... or maybe she was about to kiss him?

"No... we're just friends," Mila said, Reggie and Alex, half-believed her as they started a conversation about movies they were going to watch on Halloween.

Yet even though they almost believed her, as she spoke the words, she noticed something aching inside of her, something she of course at the time was confused about.

Yet she made herself believe her thoughts were not on how Luke's eyes shined when he spoke about something he loved, which of course was mostly music.

This she continued with, even when she went into Mr. Abello's class. Mila placed herself in the front, is one of the last students coming to class. She took a deep breath as she took out her notebook, believing that paying attention, at least would let her think of something else.

Mr. Abello came into the classroom with the brightest smile, only to be disappointed by a classroom looking more dead than a zombie movie, yet that did not stop him, he cleared his throat as he wrote on the board.

"Is God good?" Mr. Abello asked as he wrote it on the board, he turned around looking at the class, yet no one answered him, he nodded to himself as he clapped his hands together, placing himself on his desk as he looked at his class.

"Well let's assume for the moment, no matter your own beliefs, that God is all-powerful, this of course means he can do anything that is logically possible" Mr. Abello continued as Mila wrote down notes in her notebook.

"Of course this would mean that God can not do what is logically impossible. Can God then make a rock so big that he cannot himself lift it?" Mr. Abello asked, after a bit of silence, Daliah raised her hand slowly, which Mr. Abello of course took.

"No... he can't," She answered, which made Mr. Abello nod slowly. "Correct"

"When God created humans, he wanted them to be free, correct?" The class nodded slowly.

"But if humans are to be free, they can not be forced to obey God?" Mr. Abello said. While the rest of the class now began listening to the class, thinking Mr. Abello would begin to diss the bible.

Was Mila sitting in her chair, sighing to Mr. Abello's words before putting up her hand. Mr. Abello smiled at her. "Yes Miss Garcia"

Mila looked him into his eyes as she spoke. "Sir, God is responsible for the fact of freedom, yet humans are responsible for their acts of freedom" Mila spoke, the rest of the class looking at her like she was stupid, yet Mr. Abello nodded as he wrote her words down on the board before facing the class again.

"What does Mila mean by that?" A guy named Trevor asked a couple of seats down from Mila, Mr. Abello took a deep breath as he thought of how to answer the soccer player.

"What she means is that God gave us the right to act in freedom, make our own choices, as we know we as humans value freedom highly. Yet because of how we acted on our freedom, there is evil and suffering."

Everyone in the classroom wrote this down and Mila almost smiled as Mr. Abello had gotten what she had said.

"But let's remember, we will never be suffering alone and depending on your beliefs, God will put an end to the suffering, and as the bible says God became a man, so he could suffer with us, so, therefore... what can we conclude with this?" Mr. Abello asked, no one in the class had their hand up, therefore Mila simply looked at her teacher as she spoke.

"God is good"

At lunch was Mila's head still focused on the religion class, yet that changed as she saw the boys walk to her table. Her eyes caught Luke's.

Of course, that morning while Mila had been doing anything to try and push the small feelings she might have gotten for the brown-haired guitar player, he had praised his own, even considering asking Mila out but of course, he knew she would say no.

So when their eyes met, they fastly turned away from each other as they focused on Bobby who was telling a story, which Mila only heard the end of.

"I'm telling you, she looked at me and I knew" Bobby smirked as he nodded to his own words, Mila lifted an eyebrow as she opened her chicken salad.

"Who looked at you?" Mila asked confused, yet this only caused Reggie to smirk as he leaned closer to Bobby teasing him. "His little imaginary wifey" Bobby rolled his eyes and pushed him off.

"Like you're any better, come on" Reggie laughed before taking a bite of his sandwich, with still a confused Mila sitting at the table.

"Didn't answer my question" She reminded them, Luke took a deep breath. "Well Bobby here have liked Daliah ever since they sat together in freshman year, he keeps telling her, he is a vegan or something, thinking it can help him get in her pants"

"It has worked before!" Bobby smirked as he tapped his finger to his head, trying to indicate he was smart, yet Mila rolled her eyes. "How in the world would that even work?" The boys looked at each other, as Bobby licked his lip still with the small smirk.

He placed himself in front of Mila, looking into her eyes with that look, which actually for a second made Mila's heart stop, he then slowly pulled his hair back, as he smiled.

"You know.... I'm a vegetarian, I can't stand the idea of poor animals getting hurt" Bobby said before winking to her, which zoned Mila out as she began laughing.

"That would never work" Her words almost hurt Bobby as he sighed. He took his bacon stuffed sandwich and took a big bite of it.

"Also... I don't think Daliah is a vegetarian" She said, this made Bobby sit in shock, having a piece of bacon hanging from his mouth, which Luke went over and snapped from him, eating it.

"Charming" Mila whispered, which made Luke wink to her, she chuckled, shaking her head, taking a bite of her salad. Acting like the wink didn't make her whole stomach feel like butterflies.

"And what about you Reggie? You never told me you liked anyone?" She asked as she looked at her best friend, who leaned back in his chair, holding his water bottle. "We always talked about Oliver, I didn't think it was important"

"Well, who is it?" Mila asked as she took a sip of her juice, which she spat out, almost hitting Bobby who moved his chair faster than anyone. Mila coughed as she looked at Reggie in shock. "I'm sorry who did you just say"

"Black okay... I used to like Black" Reggie admitted which made Alex chuckle. "He still does," Reggie almost slapped him. "Shut up, I do not"

Mila took a deep breath in shock as she looked at Luke who was in peace eating his lunch, their eyes met, causing Mila to fastly look away again.

"So you're telling me, you like Caroline and Bobby like Daliah, who may I remind all at this table was together until Aera decided to fuck Black?"

"Pretty much" Alex nodded which caused Mila to go into shock even more. "How... How can you all be okay with this? Weren't there any other hot girls you could take that wasn't the lesbian couple?"

"We hadn't met you yet," Bobby said which caused Mila's face to turn completely red and causing Luke to slap Bobby in the chest, he didn't want to admit it, but Bobby being nice to Mila wasn't his favorite thing in the world.

"W-w-well... was that the bell I think it was" Mila stood up and hurried away to the table, trying to calm herself.

"I thought you hated her?" Luke asked when Mila had left the cafeteria, Bobby shrugged as he looked into his best friend's eyes.

"She is weird... but I guess I have come to like her" Bobby smiled gently as he took a bite of his bacon sandwich, Luke clenched his jaw taking a deep breath. "See you in math" And with that was Luke out of the cafeteria as well.

Alex and Reggie looked at each other almost in a panic. Yet no one panicked more, when Mila opened the door to see Aera, she had almost forgotten that the day prior they had decided to hangout.

Mila opened the door more to let Aera walk in, yet it didn't take long before Aera asked.

"... is your mom here?" Mila nodded slowly. "She moved in some weeks ago" Aera widened her eyes. "I'm sorry she did what?" Mila shrugged as she bit her lip leaning against a wall as Aera took off her coat and shoes.

"How are you taking that?" Aera asked as they began walking towards Mila's bedroom.

"Honestly not great, walked in on them kissing a couple of days ago, I threw up" This made them both laugh, yet as they placed themselves on Mila's bed Aera asked:

"Why in the world would the witch move in again?" Aera asked, which made Mila look at her with a 'come on' look.

"Okay she isn't a witch but she is a bitch and that's almost the same" They both laughed before Mila shrugged hugging her legs.

"They think it's better for me, that I will be getting into less trouble, which I have... yet only because I want to get better grades to get into Hamilton" Mila answered truthfully as she looked at her friend. Aera nodded slowly before smirking.

"And because you now have Luke to think about, what the hell happened that day by the way? You stormed into math class and took him away, he even held your hand" Aera smirked as she wiggled her eyebrows. Mila giggled as she bit her lip, shaking her head gently.

"He and I are just friends, we met while cleaning the basement and .... yea he means a lot to me but nothing more than that" Mila said truthfully as her mind repeated the night prior.

"You know you are a bad liar right?" Aera laughed gently as she laid down on Mila's bed.

"How did you even befriend them all... It was like puff and then I was no longer on your friend list" Aera spoke, which hurt Mila a little, yet she didn't blame her, in the end, that was true, that was what had happened.

"Well Reggie and I wrote notes in English one day-" Aera interrupted her as she sat up. "Wait, hold up English, as in Miss Bone's English?" Mila nodded as Aera widened her eyes. "Wow... you must have become brave. "

"Well that was the reason I got detention... or more I got detention before that and when I came back we talked then some days after I sat beside Alex in history and we began talking, then at Black's party, when you went missing, Oliver invited me to beer pong and we played against them"

Aera got quiet by the sound of his name, she of course didn't want to admit that she missed him and who could blame her, having been with the same person for years only to break up and not talk a single word to each other.

"Have you talked to him? To any of them?" Mila asked as she took her teddy, hugging it gently as she looked at her friend who shook her head with a sigh.

"Well of course I talk to Caroline... we're taking it slow but we wanna make it more serious, we just... don't know how to tell our parents" Mila nodded slowly as Aera continued to talk.

"Oliver hasn't come to school, Liam calls me sometimes but you can hear he blames me for him and Oliver not talking, Daliah is actually kind of chill around it, considering she lost her girlfriend, she still sits with us"

Mila bit her lip as she nodded, her mind went to lunch that day, she would never have guessed that Reggie and Bobby crushed on the former lesbian couple, yet she simply smiled, happy they had someone that made their heart fill with butterflies.

"Who makes you smile like that?" Aera smirked, of course thinking Mila was thinking about Luke. "Bobby and Reggie" Mila answered truthfully. "What about Luke" Aera wiggled her eyebrows again which made Mila roll her eyes.

"Like have you seen him, he is very handsome, like the little longer hair, that punk I am cooler than you attitude" Mila laughed as Aera stood up walking around like Luke normally did.

"You know I have had math with him for the last four years and he almost gets in trouble as much as you do"

Mila shrugged: "I guess we have a lot in common" Mila smiled shyly at her own words, which made Aera snap her fingers and point: "Ah-ha I knew it"

Mila looked confused as Aera smiled brighter than the stars. Placing herself in front of her best friend.

"Come on, look at you! you have absolutely fallen for that idiot" Aera said with the brightest smile as Mila looked at her, she shook her head gently.

"Firstly he is not an idiot, and secondly I have not" Mila rolled her eyes as she hugged her knees tighter.

"Mila, your face is redder than a tomato" Aera laughed as Mila hid her face with her hands shaking her head. "No, it's not!" Aera shook her head, as she leaned back on the bed.

"I wonder if he is a good kisser" this only made Mila's face even redder.

But suddenly a silence spread in the room as Aera cleared her throat. "What about Oliver though?" Aera finally asked as she hugged the plushie Mila had on her bed. Mila took a deep breath and shrugged, "I snapped out of my 7-grade crush dream"

Aera nodded with narrowed eyes. "Sure... that's because your dreams are now filled with handsome Luke I can tell" Aera smirked gently, Mila tried to look mad at her, yet ended up laughing as they looked at each other like their fight had never happened, and like they were truly friends again.

That was when Mila said something that made Aera fangirl more than any thirsty teenage girls.

"I think he was about to kiss me" Aera almost fell off the bed at those words, she began jumping on the bed, like a little kid on Christmas morning, which was understandable, in the long friendship Mila and Aera had together, they had never spoken about boys besides Oliver.

"Well... Do you wanna kiss him" Aera bit her lip in a smirk as she made seductive eyes at her friend. Mila scrunched her face as she threw her pillow at Aera. "You disgust me!" Aera threw the pillow back in her face.

"You didn't answer though!" Mila rolled her eyes as she smiled sticking out her tongue to her friend, of course, she thought that she didn't want to kiss him.

of course, she believed that they were just friends, that was why her words coming out of her mouth almost shocked her.

"I would never kiss Luke, never in a million years"

And about when she said those words and finished that sentence was when she realized:

She was a terrible liar

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