Percy Jackson Heir of the Sea

By daughterofchaosomega

311 8 5

Percy Jackson was taken to Atlantis and is crowned prince of the sea after Triton fades. How will the 7 cope... More

Chapter 1

311 8 5
By daughterofchaosomega

Chapter 1

POV will always be Percy unless specified otherwise

       After months of war with Gaia, it was finally time for Percy and Annabeth to settle down in New Rome. The was until they were rushed to Olympus for awards.

       "Welcome demigods to Olympus!" The drama king, Zeus himself, boomed through the throne room, "We are here to celebrate our winning battle again Mother Nature."

     Awards were passed out, most of the 7 received partial immortality and heightened abilities from their parents, Hazel and Frank were forgiven of their curses and are now able to live freely with partial immortality. 

       "Annabeth Chase, my darling, please step forward." Lady Athena called to the love of my life, who gave me a small wink and smile before letting go of my hand and walking forward. 

       "You have made me proud daughter," Athena gave a small smile, surprising for the serious goddess, "We offer you full immortality as a minor goddess, as well as becoming my advisor here on Olympus." 

       Annabeth gasped, along with most of the other demigods, and looked back at me. A silent conversation passed between us, "Yes mother, I will accept, thank you." Annabeth's sweet voice rang with joy and excitement. 

       A beam of golden light came from Athena's fingers and hit Annabeth in the chest. A gasp of pain came from Annabeth's lips, it took everything in me not to rush forward. 

       Once the light left, Athena and the rest of the council stood up, "My granddaughter, I bestow upon you minor goddess of architecture, intelligence, prosperity and strategy. Forever forward you shall be known as Lady Annabeth Chase, advisor of Athena." 

       Annabeth smiled brightly, some sweat forming on her brow from the pain. She rushes towards me and gives me a huge hug, "I am so proud of you my love," I whisper in her ear. Annabeth opened her mouth to say something, but Poseidon roared through the throne room.

       "My son, Percy, please come forward." Dad stood with a huge smile on his face, "My son, I am so proud of you, you have made Olympus and Atlantis proud today."

       I step forward, Poseidon makes himself smaller, meeting me at the front of the hall. "Percy, the fates have all agreed, will you become a god this eve?" 

       With Annabeth backing me up, silently cheering me on with the rest of the demigods, I open my mouth, "Yes father, I accept your gracious offer, thank you."

       Poseidon's eyes light up, his grin becoming bigger, "I hear by appoint you, Perseus Jackson, god of tides, ocean, water, earthquakes, loyalty, and demigods." A blue beam hit my chest, it takes every inch of my being to not scream. The pain is worse than being bathed in the river styx. As soon as the pain hits me, it was all done and gone. 

       I stand from the knelt position and feel stronger, more connected to the world, as if all of the oceans and demigods were connected to me. "I announce my son, Sir Percy Jackson, Prince of Atlantis." It wasn't until then that I passed out from the pain, the arms of my father wrap around me and his smile is the last thing I see.

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