Isekai Yururi Kikou (Raising...

By akira_psych

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Chapter 1-5
Chapter 6-10
Chapter 11-15
Chapter 16-20
Chapter 21-25
Chapter 26-30
Chapter 31-35
Chapter 36-40
Chapter 41-45
Chapter 46-50
Chapter 51-55
Chapter 56-60
Chapter 61-65
Chapter 66-70
Chapter 71-75
Chapter 76-80
Chapter 81-85
Chapter 86-90
Chapter 91-95
Chapter 96-100
Chapter 101-105
Chapter 106-110
Chapter 111-115
Chapter 116-120
Chapter 121-125
Chapter 126-130
Chapter 131-135
Chapter 136-140
Chapter 141-145
Chapter 151-155
Chapter 156-160
Chapter 161-165
Chapter 166-170
Chapter 171-175
Chapter 176-180
Chapter 181-185
Chapter 186-190
Chapter 191-195
Chapter 196-200
Chapter 201-205
Chapter 206-210
Chapter 211-215
Chapter 216-220
Chapter 221-225
Chapter 226-230
Chapter 231-235
Chapter 236-240
Chapter 241-245
Chapter 246-250
Chapter 251-255
Chapter 256-260
Chapter 261-265
Chapter 266 - 270
Chapter 271-275
Chapter 276-280
Chapter 281-285
Chapter 286-290
Chapter 291-295
Chapter 296-300
Chapter 301-305
Chapter 306-310
Chapter 311-315
Chapter 316-320
Chapter 321-325
Chapter 326-330
Chapter 331-335
Chapter 336-340
Chapter 341-345
Chapter 346-350
Chapter 351-355
Chapter 356-360
Chapter 361-365
Chapter 366-370
Chapter 371-375
Chapter 376-380
Chapter 381-385

Chapter 146-150

137 7 0
By akira_psych

Chapter 146

Upon returning to the town, we visited the Adventurer's Guild first .

And then, when we lined up in the queue of the counter, I noticed that the receptionists behind the reception desks brought about a hurried atmosphere .

I feel that something similar happened once before, but at that time, they sought adventurers to dispatch to the goblin nest which appeared near the town . I accepted that request that time, but...... this feels quite similar .

「...... Umm」

When I called out to the receptionists because they weren't noticing the existences of the adventurers at all, one of the women hurriedly ran over to the counter .

「Ah! I am sorry . Err......」

「I want to report the completion of the request」

「Yes, I will accept it . Please submit your guild card first」

「Here you go」

I handed over my guild card and placed the Battle Eagle feathers on top of the counter .

Allen and Elena imitated me and took out their guild cards on the counter .

「Ta, Takumi-san!?」

When the receptionist verified the guild card, she looked at my face again in surprise .

「Y, yes, that's right...... are we acquaintanced?」

「No, not directly . However, I have heard about you . My name is Mikina . Would you understand if I told you that I am the Guild Master and Katie's daughter?」

「Ah! Then, you are Kana's sister!」

「Yes, that's right!」

She was Andy-san's and Keimi-san's second daughter, Mikina-san .

「For Takumi-san to return from a request just at this time, what a good fortune! ――Someone, go inform Master!」

Hearing Mikina-san's words, one of the women ran towards the Guild Master's office .

「...... Ermm?」

「There is a little trouble you see...... we would like to ask Takumi-san to resolve that trouble for us!」

「Trouble, is it?」

「Yes, we will definitely explain further, so please would you at least hear us out first?」

「All right, I cannot make a judgment without listening first, so if it's only hearing you out......」

「Thank you very much!」

I can't decide whether I can solve their troubles without hearing about the situation first after all .

Just accepting to hear them out made Mikina-san this happy though .

「Ah, I will handle the processing of this request first」

Then, she quickly started with the procedures of the Battle Eagle feathers request .

「―― Yes, it's finished . Err, I think they will come soon, but...... ahh, here she is」

「Yesyes, thank you for waiting~」

When I matched Mikina-san's gaze, I saw Keimi-san approaching .

「Then, I leave it to you, Takumi-san♪」

Keimi-san came, waving her hand and smiling while talking as if I have already accepted their request .

「Nonono! Please explain the situation first!?」

「That's right, Okaasan . Let's explain! Moreover, he has not given his acknowledgment yet, you know!?」

Let alone me, even Mikina-san was startled by Keimi-san's remark .

「Oh you~ I was just joking, just joking . Please don't look at me with such condemning gazes, you two」

Keimi-san laughed「Hohoho~」 .

She's saying that she was just joking, but I am pretty sure that Keimi-san was serious .

「Gee~ Okaasan~」

Mikina-san dejectedly hung her head at her mother's playfulness .

When we moved to a private room, Keimi-san promptly explained the situation .

「You see, a herd of Armored Buffalo has apparently appeared at the beginner adventurer level grassland」

「Armored Buffalo, is it?」

The monsters known as Armored Buffalo have bodies hard as steel, their tough skin is their characteristic trait, and they have imposing horns on their heads .

They are monsters of a B-rank, so it's only natural that they would cause many troubles for the beginners .

But, there should be plenty of capable people in the capital . I believe that the guild should be able to find people that are able to deal with the Armored Buffalo in no time......――

「Speaking honestly, I am wondering why did you decide to call upon me」

「Well, of course you do . Normally, we would be already moving to deal with them . There are many people that are able to deal with the Armored Buffalo . However, unfortunately, the people available at present are only those who mainly use weapons to fight」


I see, so that's what it is about .

Armored Buffalo are really tough, so people using weapons such as swords would be at a disadvantage while fighting them .

Even if they defeat them, their swords would be chipped or broken...... they would probably love to avoid that at all costs . Therefore, even if there are people capable of defeating them around, most of them are hesitating to undertake the request .

Fortunately(?), the appearance of the Armored Buffalo is not a pressing matter, so there don't seem to be people willing to accept the request .

「However, the guild cannot possibly leave the grasslands which are used by the beginners in its current state~」

That being the case, they turned to me who fights with magic .

「The meat of Armored Buffalo is delicious, you know! Hence, Takumi-san . Would you please go out for just~ a little and defeat them for us?」

A delicious beef, huh~...... this is quite a tempting request .


「Indeed . It's very yummy!」

「「Wanna eat~!」」

Hearing about the delicious meat, the children were extremely on board .

They were looking at me with sparkly eyes .

「...... We have just returned though, aren't you tired?」

「「Is fine~!」」

「I see . ――That being the case, Keimi-san, we will accept your request」

That being the case, I decided to accept the Armored Buffalo subjugation request .

「Thank you! Although I knew, you are bringing the children along, aren't you? However, it's fine if you rest for today and do it tomorrow, okay? You have just returned from a different request, no?」

「Though I understand that it's not a pressing matter, these kinds of things are better cleaned up right away」


「Besides, as you can see, we want to get our hands on the Armored Buffalo meat as quickly as possible, that would probably be our true intentions?」

「Oh my!」

Although Keimi-san said that it doesn't have to be today, the children were urging me .

Looking at the two who were sining「「Meat, meat~♪」」, Keimi-san giggled and nodded in understanding .

「Fufu . So you will be eating all sorts of Armored Buffalo meat for the dinner tonight? How nice~ Hey, Takumi-san . Not mentioning the meat, the guild will take the skin and other materials off of you」

Since they mentioned that it's a "herd" it won't be just one or two animals . We will be able to secure enough meat for us to eat, so there should be plenty left over to sell to the guild .

「Roger that」

Finishing the procedures right away, I was urged on by Allen and Elena's「Quickly, quikckly」, and so we left for the grassland immediately after returning to the town .

Chapter 147

「This is it」

The grassland of our objective was truly just within a stone's throw away from the Capital . That's because we reached our destination in less than an hour even without getting on Joule and others' backs .

Rather, although they have no intentions of attacking, I feel that having a group of B-ranked monsters this close to a town would case a great ruckus...

Was there actually a ruckus and I just didn't know about it? Well, it can't be helped that I don't know the things around here much~



"Oh, you are right . Erm... that's about fifteen?"

A pitch black cows that were much thicker and larger than the cows I know of were greedily devouring the grass of the grassland .

We will be subjugating those cow now, but there is something I have to say first .

"Allen, Elena . The heads and backs of those fellows are extremely tough, so you mustn't kick them there, all right?"

""Got it~!""

When I cautioned the children to not kick the hard parts so they legs don't hurt, the two returned cheerful replies .

""Hmmm, hmmm~...""

Then, the two folded their arms and seemed to be pondering about something .

"Can kick the belly~?"

"Hmm? Yes, kicking near their bellies is fine . "


"That's right, using magic would be good too . "

Allen and Elena each came up with methods of fighting the Armored Buffalo .

"So, which will you use?"


"Haha, both, huh?"


"Let's see~ Oniichan wants to fight too, so let's try defeating each animal differently!"

""Yeah, okay!""

That being the case, we divided the Armored Buffalo between us and decided to defeat them .

"Allen, is first!"

"Ah~ not fair~ Elena is first too~"


Then, they began scrambling for the order, which is unusual for them .

It seems to have been caused by me when I said that "I will defeat five of them . "

They are apparently thinking that we will be taking turns instead of each defeating five while acting together .

But, I wouldn't have to take my eyes off of the children with the former method, so I would be more thankful with that .

"Yesyes, stop! The Armored Buffalo noticed us . "

As the two were quarreling "That one is Allen's!" "That's Elena's!", the Armored Buffalo came rushing at us .

"Look, there's two, so each of you take on one . "


The two immediately stopped and stared at the Armored Buffalo merrily .

"By the way, have you already decided whether you will be using hand-to-hand combat or magic?"


"The two that are approaching are already relatively close, so both of you using magic when there's someone beside you might be dangerous, no?"


I don't think the two would attack each other even by a mistake, but when I tried asking just in case, the two raised their voices as if they just noticed .



Allen and Elena looked at each other, and tilted their heads in puzzlement .

""Hmm~ let's see... — Kick~!""

Then, the answer they came up with was "Kick" — a hand-to-hand combat .

As I thought, the two prefer moving their bodies around~

"I repeat, don't attack their heads and backs, okay?"

""Yea! I am going~!""

"Yes, be safe . "

Allen and Elena broke into a run, straight towards the Armored Buffalo .

The two charged straight at the Armored Buffalo and slid under them at the last moment .

""Take this~!""

And then, they kicked up with both of their legs .

The Armored Buffalo didn't rise because of their weight, but they lost their balance and toppled over—Thud, a heavy sound resounded .

"Ehh-!? That's dangerous!"

Allen and Elena skillfully evacuated from under the two animals, but that was quite a dangerous attack . If unlucky, they could have gotten squished under the Armored Buffalo .



Immediately after, the two threw ax kicks aiming at the throats of the fallen Armored Buffalo .

The Armored Buffalo cried for the last time as their movements stopped .


Allen and Elena run back with smiles as if saying "we defeated it," but... —

"Allen! Elena!"


"The way you fought just now was way too dangerous!"


I immediately warned the two upon their return . But, the two looked at me with incomprehension written on their faces .

"If you miscalculated the direction of the falling Armored Buffalo, they could have fallen right onto you two, you know!?"


I explained them the worst case scenario, but the two seemingly didn't understand me .

But, because the two Armored Buffalo were defeated, the others took battle-ready postures, so I have to leave this conversation for later .

"First of all, hand-to-hand combat is prohibited for today . We will defeat them with magic!"

""Got it~!""

Telling the two to not use the same method again, we confronted the rest of the Armored Buffalo .

"Water Cutter . "

Taking the lead, I aimed a blade of water at the Armored Buffalo's neck .

"... Huh?"

""Oh~! So cool~!!""

The blade of water splendidly cut the Armored Buffalo's head off .

As expected, I was startled by the sharpness of my attack, but Allen and Elena were extremely pleased .

"Allen will do it too~! — Water Cutter~"

"Elena too~! — Water Cutter~"

The two immediately fired the same magic and defeated the Armored Buffalo one after another .


And then, in the blink of an eye, the rest of the Armored Buffalo were defeated .

Allen and Elena became too absorbed, so when they finished, they looked at my face and smiled "Tehe . "

""Defeated them~""

"Indeed, you defeated them all . "

""Ehehe~ sorry~""

"Oh well . Will you let Oniichan do his best the next time?

""Un, got it~!""

In the end, I defeated only one animal, but we obtained a great amount of beef of excellent quality, and the two intend to leave the next opportunity to me, so let's leave it like that .

"Then, shall we collect the Armored Buffalo and return?"

""Yeah . ""

Chapter 148


"Eh, Takumi-san!? We, weren't you too fast? D, did you perhaps abandon the request!?"

When we returned to the Adventurer's Guild after collecting the Armored Buffaloes, Mikina-san who noticed us exclaimed in surprise .

Because we apparently returned in a way short time, she misunderstood that we weren't able to defeat the Armored Buffaloes .

"My, my! Takumi-san, I am so glad you are fast at work~"

"Eh? Ehh!?"

Keimi-san who noticed us too approached, but she showed a different reaction from Mikina-san .

""Defeated, you know~!""

Allen and Elena informed the shook up Mikina-san that we have safely defeated the Armored Buffaloes .

"I, is that so?"


"Fifteen animals!"

"Eh!? Fi, fifteen, is it!? You defeated that many in such a short time?"


Although bewildered, Mikina-san still spoke with Allen and Elena politely .


"Oh my!"

Finding their exchange warming, laughter unconsciously spilled from my mouth .

Keimi-san also watched over the three .

"H, hey! Okaasan and Takumi-san too, you are terrible for laughing at me!"

The face of Mikina-san who noticed us laughing turned bright red .

"My, isn't it fine? Rather than that, Mikina . Finish the procedures of the request first please . "

"...... Yeess . "

Mikina-san pouted her cheeks at Keimi-san a little, but she obediently started the procedures .

She is, umm... about sixteen years old? She would be a senior high school student in Japan . When I consider that, I find her behavior and speech excessively charming .

"By the way, Takumi-san . The children said there were fifteen Armored Buffaloes, but how many of them are you willing to hand over to us?"

"Let's see... how about ten?"

Would be five too much for us to eat? Is what I thought, but I wanted to have some surplus, so I decided to sell off ten of them .

"Oh my, are you fine with that many? Of course, we will gladly take them!"

But, Keimi-san did not seem any problems with ten animals as she said with a pleased expression .

"Also, may I ask you to dismantle the remaining amount?"

"Sure, sure . Do you want to dismantle all five? If that's the case then we won't be able to have it ready immediately, so you would have to come to pick them up tomorrow?"

"I'm fine with tha—"

""Ehh~! Want to eat meat~!""

I decided to request dismantling of our part of the Armored Buffaloes while at it . Because we receive dismantling free of charge, I thought it would be better to have professionals do it .

There were too many, so when I decided to pick them up tomorrow, Allen and Elena strongly opposed it .

They are saying that because they want to eat the Armored Buffaloes immediately, tomorrow is too late .

"... Would it be possible to have one dismantled right away?"

"Fufu, of course . We will take them in immediately, can I ask you to put them into the dismantling room?"

That being the case, we moved to the dismantling room .

"Gajeel-san, I would like to request a quick dismantling~"

"Ou, Keimi? I am free, so there's no problem... n? You are... the lad who brought the Orc General and many Orcs, right? What did you bring me this time?"

The staff in charge of the dismantling was a middle-aged man—Gajeel-san . He remembers us just from seeing our faces one time . Well, I did bring a large number of Orcs with me, so I naturally left some kind of an impression, didn't I~

Of course, at that time, he realized that I can use Infinite Storage, but... has it been settled that I have brought lots of monsters today as well? ... Why?

"Fufu . Gajeel-san, you are going to enjoy it after seeing it . "

Keimi-san came to keep watch, so abiding by her instructions, I retrieved the Armored Buffaloes from the Infinite Storage .

"Ohh~ that is some magnificent Armored Buffalo! Still, what is this about? Hasn't its neck been cut off!"

Gajeel-san exclaimed in surprise after seeing the Armored Buffalo .

"Oh my, truly . The sturdy skin on its neck has been cleanly cut through . As expected of Takumi-san . However, Gajeel-san, it's still too early to be surprised . "

"What do you mean?"

"Now, now, Takumi-san! Take them all with a bang please!"



With a bang she said... Allen and Elena are jumping up and down cheerfully .

"Come on, come on, quickly . "

"... Roger that . "

Being urged by Keimi-san again, I took out all Armored Buffaloes this time .


Gajeel-san opened his eyes wide and exclaimed in surprise .

"Allen defeated this one!"

"Elena defeated that one~!"

"This one's Allen's!"

"This is Elena's too~!"

To be honest, I can't tell who defeated which Armored Buffalo . But, Allen and Elena were pointing at the toppled bodies of the Armored Buffaloes .

"Oyoyoy, what is with this number! You said it as a joke, but there's seriously so much! Rather, are you saying that these kids defeated some too!?"

"That's right~ Aren't they amazing~"

For some reason, Keimi-san seemed to be boasting .

"Amazing is amazing, but... there's no need for you to be boasting about it, no?"

Gajeel-san was thinking the same thing as me .

"Gee~ you are such a party pooper, Gajeel-san~"

"I don't go to parties! And so, you are fine with dismantling only one immediately?"

"Yes, that's correct . We bought ten, the rest is Takumi-san's . They want to take one of the five home today . "


Allen and Elena emphasized in between Keimi-san's breakdown .

"... Oh, I see . Let me get to work, wait for a moment . "

When Gajeel-san nodded in consent after seeing the buoyant children, he immediately started dismantling one of the Armored Buffaloes .

"It needs to be properly dried out of blood first . Yep, the skin's luster is good too . "


He peeled off the skin in no time .

Allen and Elena who were admiring Gajeel-san's swift operation drew even closer to him as they stared at him work .

"Niichan, it's fine to bring back only the skin, horns, and meat . Can we dispose of the unusable parts like the internal organs?"

"Eh!? You don't eat the organs!?"

"What!? You want to eat it!?

I was startled by the words of Gajeel-san who at last started processing the meat .

I thought that maybe eating the organs of the Armored Buffaloes would be harmful to people, but that wasn't the case when I took a look with Appraisal .

It's such a waste to not use (eat) for yakiniku! Too wasteful!

"Takumi-san, you are saying that it's safe to eat the organs?"

Keimi-san asked half-convincingly .

"I have never eaten Armored Buffalo before, but I often ate animals of the same biological family . It's delicious, you know?"

"Hee~ I would like to try eating that by all means then . "

Keimi-san made a somewhat scheming face—

"Say, Gajeel, the guild throws away the organs of the purchased Armored Buffaloes, right?"

"According to the tradition, yes . "

"Then, there wouldn't be a problem if we tried eating it, no?"

"... Ah? Yeah, that's right, wouldn't it be fine if the Guild Master gives his permission?"

"Oh my, then it will be fine . "

She began making plans after I said that the organs can be eaten .

Moreover, because the Guild Master is her husband, she will surely get a permission .

"Ahh, it would be better to ask for permission from you too, right? Do you mind, Takumi-san?"

"Ah, I don't . You can do as you please with the share the guild has bought . "

"Thank you! And so, how do you cook it?"

"Eh? Err..."

Come to think of it, I only bought what they had at supermarkets and never dealt with organs aside from that~

"First of all, you wash them in lots of water to make them clean, and then give them a salt rub? If they stink, you boil them together with herbs and I think they should be fine to eat after cooked thoroughly, but... I am sorry, even though I ate it before, I did not handle them so much, so I am not confident to say that 'this' is the correct way . "

I don't think my way is wrong, but I decided to convey that I am not certain .

"Is that so? I got it . I will have our guild's chefs to try various things then . "

"Also, they spoil fast, so please be careful . "

"Understood, I will pay attention . "

We have never been there, but the guild has a bar-room . Keimi-san is apparently going to employ those people .

"Here, I am done . "

"Thank you very much . "

In the meantime, Gajeel-san finished dismantling . Pros work so fast!

"Well then, Takumi-san . You will come to pick up the rest tomorrow, right?"

"Yes . I have not decided on the time yet, but..."

"You can come anytime . Then, would you mind leaving the payment for the Armored Buffaloes for tomorrow?"

"I don't mind . "

"Then, I will prepare it by tomorrow . Takumi-san, thank you very much for today . "

"No, I am glad I could be of help . "

After collecting the materials of the dismantled Armored Buffalo into my Infinite Storage, I decided to return straight to the Ruven House .

Chapter 149


When we returned to the Ruven family's house, Rebecca-san immediately ran over to us .

"Welcome back~"

"W, we are home . "


I was slightly startled by Rebecca-san who seriously appeared at the entrance right away, but Allen and Elena cheerfully embraced her .

"Fufu, do you have any injuries, you two?"


"I see, I am glad to hear that~"

The children really got attached to Rebecca-san~

Their shyness of strangers has also recently deceased . Well, only with the premise that their opponent has no negative feelings towards them, but... being wary like this might be better in such cases .

"By the way! I was waiting for your return, Takumi-san!"

"Eh? Did something happen?"

"Fufufu~ Let's leave the fun for later♪ First, you need to take a bath, right? Now then, quickly go and refresh yourselves!"

"Eh? Ehh!?"

While confused, we were pushed by the servants instructed by Rebecca-san who didn't take any questions into the bathroom .

Well, although I can clean us with 'Washing', I have been thinking of wanting to take a bath after returning, so I decided to obediently take a bath first .

"Whoa!? Eh, what on Earth is this...?"

And then, when we finished bathing, our change of clothes got switched .

A servant did call us that they brought the towels... they must have, without a doubt, switched the clothes just then, no?

Anyway, when we picked up the new change of clothes—



They were onesies made from a soft and fluffy fabric . With hoods and naturally decorated with ears as well .

"Yeah, these are bunnies . "

They looked just like our contracted Pastel Rabbits Mimi and Pipi . The light blue was Allen's while the pink one was Elena's . Even mittens and slippers made of the same fabric were prepared .

"............ The problem is this one . "

There was one more thing . Obviously adult-sized, black onesie .

When I timidly confirmed, the bunny ears were attached to the hood just as I feared .



While Allen and Elena raised their voices in delight, I hung my head down in dejection .

No need to guess, does she want me to wear this?

I don't know what fabric this was made from, but it's very warm on touch .

However! She wants an adult, moreover a man like me to wear this!?

Nonono! It's not just a little resistance I feel!

As expected, I had no courage to wear the onesie, so after taking out different clothes from the 'Infinite Storage', I helped the children who were feeling down because we weren't matching anymore, change .

""So warm~""

After changing the twins into the fluffy onesies and leaving the dressing room, a servant who was waiting for us took us to Rebecca-san .

"Oh my, oh my, how nice, how nice♪ You two look so adorable~"


Rebecca-san greatly praised Allen and Elena's appearances .

The twins smiled bashfully after getting praised .

"Oh my, you didn't wear yours, Takumi-san?"

Then, Rebecca-san who directed her gaze towards me looked extremely disappointed .

"Well~ that was a little bit..."

"I thought it would suit you though?"

Suit me... I don't think whether it would suit me or not is the problem here though...

"I am sorry . "

"Gee, it cannot be helped then~"

When I apologized while looking away, Rebecca-san sighed unnaturally .

"Nevertheless, weren't they made too fast? This is what you ordered when we went to the town together, right?"

"Fufu, I wanted you to wear it quickly, so I had them make it hastily . "

I thought it was made quite fast, but it looks that it was made in a great hurry .

"Now, now, Allen-chan, Elena-chan, I have many more, would you change your clothes for me?"

Moreover, it seems that not only the three were made in a haste .

At Rebecca-san's signal, several clothes had been carried in .

"Let's see~ Could you change into these next?"

""What is it~?""

The thing which Rebecca-san picked was clothing in different shades of gray .

"You have to look forward to it when you wear it . Will you two let me see?"


"Yes, this one is Takumi-san's . "

"Ehh!? You have one of these for me as well!?"

The dark gray clothes Rebecca-san handed over were child-sized . The lighter gray one was adult-sized .

Just when I thought Allen and Elena had different colors again, the two had the exact same colors this time .

And, of course, the essential hood with cat ears was attached to it... naturally, to the adult-sized one as well .

"I mean, the children are delighted when you are all matching, right?"



Rebecca-san and the children showed whole-faced smiles .

I thought she has given up before, but... it seems that I have been wrong .

"Are you sure this one is not Wald-sama's?"

"It's fine! There's one for Wald too!"

"Eh? Really?"

"Of course!"

The same one was apparently made for Wald-sama too . A red one at that!

"Onii~chan! Allen will wear this~!"

"Elena will change too~!"

Allen and Elena held the cat onesies in their bosoms, jumping up and down happily .

"I got it, I got it . Come here . "


I immediately changed Allen and Elena from the bunny onesies to cat onesies .

""How is it? How is it?""

"Fufu, it suits you two really well~"

When Allen and Elena finished changing, they started turning around to show it .

""Ehehe~ Obaasama~ we finished~?""

"Good question! In fact, I have more!"

When Allen and Elena asked, Rebecca-san started unveiling more clothes one after another with a smile . Bird and sheep, she even had an imitation of a dragon .

"W, wait a moment . Just how many do you have!? Eh? I mean, didn't you order just three that time? Why is there five!!"

Although there weren't any adult-sized, she took out more after the three, moreover, she even had stuffed toys and mufflers .

"I had too much fun while ordering♪"

"... I am glad if you have enjoyed yourself . However, I am going to feel bad if you spent so much on us . "

"My, it's fine . My husband is not someone who would complain after spending just this much . Rather, he was looking forward to it, so I think he will come to take a look later . "

Is this really fine? But still, to pay them back the money would be a little~

Right, let's pay back in a different way next time .

""Will show to Ojiisama~!""

"Fufu, he will be delighted if you charge into his embrace~"


While I was pondering, Rebecca-san planned the course of actions when Matias-san returned .

First of all, I cautioned the two to not jump at him with all of their might .

Chapter 150




Before long, when Matias-san entered the room, Allen and Elena were quick to take action and jumped at Matthias-san .

"Ohh, aren't you two lovely kittens~"

Matias-san who was suddenly hugged by the two was surprised and praised Allen and Elena's appearances .

As for me, I was watching while feeling nervous that Matias-san would get blown away by the twins, but I feel relieved that it ended well .

"So, what kind of adventure were you on today, my kittens?"

""N, you see~""

When Matias-san asked about what they were doing today, the two showed a bit troubled gestures .

"You see~ we picked mushrooms~"

"Mushrooms? They are the flavor of the season, aren't they?"

"And then~ we made friends with birds~"

"You became friends with birds? That's amazing . "

""And then~""

"And then?"


"N? Cows?"


"You defeated them?"


Then, Allen and Elena described the events to Matthias-san one after another .

Matthias-san threw in appropriate words for the conversation as he listened to the twins .



"Nn!? D, did you just say Armored Buffalo!?"

"Yea, got lots of meat~"

"Let's eat together~"

When Allen and Elena guessed that Matthias-san had some questions about the "cows," they informed him about the Armored Buffaloes and invited him to eat the meat together .

"Oh my, Takumi-san, is what the two are saying the truth?"

"It is . I was thinking of making it for the dinner tonight, but would I be in time?"

"I don't think there would be a problem..."

"True, I think it will be fine . "


"As you can see... the two are looking forward to it very much..."

Lured by my glance at Allen and Elena, Mathias-san and Rebecca-san turned their gazes towards the two as well .

"My, my . But, isn't the meat of Armored Buffalo a high-quality article? Did you not sell it to the Guild?"

"I did . However, we defeated several, so we kept some of it for ourselves . "

"Is that so? That's amazing~"

I did not say precisely how many we sold, but even so, Rebecca-san exclaimed in admiration .

"By the way, do you plan on cooking yourself?"

"No, I thought of eating a common steak, so I thought of asking the chefs to prepare it . "

First, I would like to taste it simply with salt and pepper after all . It would be better to leave it to the chefs then .

"Have you called for me?"

"Ah, Barry . Sorry for calling you at this busy time . "

"No, we began the preparations a little earlier today, so there are no problems . Rather than that Matthias-sama, did something happen? Do you have requests for today's dinner?"

"It's actually just like that . Although I say that, it's the children's request . "

Matthias-san immediately called over the Head Chef of the mansion .

The Head Chef seemed to understand Matthias-san's meaning behind his summons .

"Oh my, was that so? Would Allen-sama and Elena-sama tell this Barry what you would like to eat too?"

""Yup, you see~ Armored Buffalo!""

"Eh? ... Eh? Ehh!? Did you just say Armored Buffalo!?"

The Head Chef—Barry-san opened his eyes wide and looked at me, seeking the answer .

"Yeah, that's correct . "


"I wanted to give you the meat to grill, but......... are you listening?"

Barry-san's thoughts seemed to go somewhere as he stood in place blankly .

Why? I could understand this reaction if it was something like dragon meat, but isn't his reaction too exaggerated for the meat of a B-ranked Armored Buffalo?

In cases like this, it's better to quickly hand over the meat, no?

I am thinking that a sirloin would be the best for a steak .

"Then, I will leave this with you . "

I also handed him a basket with various kinds of mushrooms .

"Wa, wait!? Takumi-sama, t, this is!"

While panicking a little, Barry-san pointed at the mushrooms in the basket .

Apparently, he noticed the three-colored truffles that were mixed among the seasonal mushrooms . Even though it should be hiding under the other mushrooms, how sharp-sighted~

"A, a Crimson Truffle!? Nono, Black, and White are plentily incredible too!? Crimson Truffles aren't something that you can casually hand over, you know!? Why are you trying to hand it over to me as if it's nothing!!"

Barry-san who entered a lecturing mode told me over and over how precious truffles are .

When I turned around to seek help from Matthias-san, he returned me a gaze that was saying 'You are in the wrong . '

After about ten minutes of lecturing later, Matthias-san finally told Barry-san "Shouldn't you be making the preparations soon?", so he returned to the kitchen with Armored Buffalo meat and a basket of mushrooms .

I wanted you to say that a little earlier .

— Then, at the dinner .

"Sorry, for having to treat us too . "

"No, please don't be reserved . "

"How unfortunate for Wald~ To be on duty today . He will feel bitter later when we tell him about it~"

"Nono, Rebecca . It's Wald you are talking about, won't he press Takumi-kun later to treat him as well? I think I feel sorry for Takumi-kun . "

"Haha . Well, there's still plenty of meat which I handed to Barry-san left, there's plenty of leftovers . Now then, let's eat before it gets cold . "

Anticipating the actions of their son, the Ruven couple made apologetic expressions, but I urged them to eat the steak to calm them down .

"Indeed~ The children are making 'Not yet?' faces anyway . "

"My, my, you are right . Then, let's eat . "

""Let's eat~!!""

Allen and Elena who were waiting for the signal stuffed their cheeks full of the Armored Buffalo steak .


After the two let out voices of astonishment, they started earnestly eating . But, while they were stuffing their cheeks, they weren't swallowing it whole .

"My, my, looks very delicious . "

"That seems to be the case . Then, shall we eat too?"

"Indeed . "

We tried the steak too .




Not only me, but even Rebecca-san and Matthias-san let out voices of astonishment because of the undisputed deliciousness .

It was much more delicious than the meat of the similarly B-ranked Orc General . It was much tender than the meat of the similarly B-ranked Silver Python too .

Anyhow, this Armored Buffalo meat was profoundly tasty .

To think a simple salt and pepper steak would have such flavors! It must be even more delicious with garlic or onion sauce . Wasabi sounds good too, but I have unfortunately not discovered Wasabi yet~ Would I find it growing in the wild near clear water?

Also, Sukiyaki, hamburger, beef stew... it would be definitely delicious in various preparations!

I ate everything on my plate in the blink of an eye while having various thoughts . Everyone was the same, so we asked for seconds, but we had the same results .

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