Isekai Yururi Kikou (Raising...

By akira_psych

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Chapter 1-5
Chapter 6-10
Chapter 11-15
Chapter 16-20
Chapter 21-25
Chapter 26-30
Chapter 31-35
Chapter 36-40
Chapter 41-45
Chapter 46-50
Chapter 51-55
Chapter 56-60
Chapter 66-70
Chapter 71-75
Chapter 76-80
Chapter 81-85
Chapter 86-90
Chapter 91-95
Chapter 96-100
Chapter 101-105
Chapter 106-110
Chapter 111-115
Chapter 116-120
Chapter 121-125
Chapter 126-130
Chapter 131-135
Chapter 136-140
Chapter 141-145
Chapter 146-150
Chapter 151-155
Chapter 156-160
Chapter 161-165
Chapter 166-170
Chapter 171-175
Chapter 176-180
Chapter 181-185
Chapter 186-190
Chapter 191-195
Chapter 196-200
Chapter 201-205
Chapter 206-210
Chapter 211-215
Chapter 216-220
Chapter 221-225
Chapter 226-230
Chapter 231-235
Chapter 236-240
Chapter 241-245
Chapter 246-250
Chapter 251-255
Chapter 256-260
Chapter 261-265
Chapter 266 - 270
Chapter 271-275
Chapter 276-280
Chapter 281-285
Chapter 286-290
Chapter 291-295
Chapter 296-300
Chapter 301-305
Chapter 306-310
Chapter 311-315
Chapter 316-320
Chapter 321-325
Chapter 326-330
Chapter 331-335
Chapter 336-340
Chapter 341-345
Chapter 346-350
Chapter 351-355
Chapter 356-360
Chapter 361-365
Chapter 366-370
Chapter 371-375
Chapter 376-380
Chapter 381-385

Chapter 61-65

136 8 0
By akira_psych

Chapter 61 – Risner Family

When we move to the dining room, Cedric-san's family was already waiting there .

「This is my wife Olivie」

「I'm Olivie . Welcome and thank you for coming」

「I'm sorry for intruding . My name is Takumi」

「These are my sons Theodore and Latis . They are nine and seven years old . We also have a daughter, but I have not called her here because she's still young」

Cedric-san introduces me his wife and two sons .

His wife is a gentle looking woman with chestnut colored hair and blue eyes . It looks like a picture when she stands next to Cedric-san, and they seem like a couple that gets along very well .

The eldest son Theodore-kun has silver hair, and green eyes after his father and the younger brother Latis-kun has chestnut hair and grayish blue eyes after the mother? They both inherit their parent's traits in such way .

They also seem to have a daughter that will become two years old as well as these two sons .

「Hello, I'm Theodore」

「I'm Latis . Hello」

「Hello . I'm Takumi . These children are Allen and Elena . Hey, are you two not going to say hello?」

「...... Allen」

「...... Elena」

I kneeled down matching Theodore-kun's and Latis-kun's eyes, took out Allen and Elena who were hiding behind my back and incited them for the greetings .

Thereupon, Allen and Elena told just their names in faint voices and immediately sneaked behind my back .

This is...... not frightened or anything, right? ...... Are they being shy?

Even though Allen and Elena saw children close to their age before, they have never had such face-to-face conversation before, so they are apparently nervous .

But, they seem to have interest as they are peeking at Theodore-kun and Latis-kun from behind my back .

「Theodore-kun, Latis-kun, I'm sorry . They are shy of people they meet for the first time you see...... if you'd like, please get along with them, okay?」


「Ara, ara, that's the way children are」

I'm glad that everyone of the Risner family doesn't seem to mind . However, a little more normal greetings are necessary .

「Well then, come this way please」

「Thank you very much」

When our introductions end, this is a nobility! We have been guided to a long table that was shouting such feeling .

The individual seats have been prepared beforehand, but there were two chairs stuffed on both sides of the seat that I was shown to .

They were, of course, Allen's and Elena's seats .

That's right, isn't it~ having a meal with people they see for the first time in a place like this, it would be naturally impossible for them to separate from me .

Therefore, I'm very thankful for this arrangement .

Did Cedric-san give such instructions? As expected, he doesn't overlook the details~

The meal was harbor-ish, a soup full of marine products and bread . The main dish was sauteed of some kind of a white fish . It had salty taste as expected, but it was easy to eat .


「N? What is it?」

「「Want to eat jelly~」」

After finishing the main course, Allen and Elena requested for a dessert .

「Jelly, is it? What is that?」

The one who showed a reaction to those words first was Cedric-san .

「Ah~...... it's sweets」

「Perhaps, Takumi-san's handmade?」

「Ah, yes . That's right」

「If it's alright with you, won't you let us eat some as well?」


Cedric-san seems to have an interest in the jelly .

「I will pay the price?」

「No, I don't need money! It's just that...... jelly is made from a slightly special ingredient, you see...... I'm worried...... that it's not something nobles would like......」

「Oya, was it like that? I would definitely like to try to eat it without hearing the ingredients」

Cedric-san is unexpectedly a person brimming with curiosity......

Won't he get angry after I let him eat the slime jelly? I will think about it when the time comes?

「I hope it will suit your tastes, but......」

I melt Giant Bee honey in the milk, took out the jelly that contained compote from Rigo from the《Infinite Storage》and serve it to the Risner family .

Of course, I handed it to Allen and Elena too .

「This is good, isn't it! It's jiggly and easy to eat」

「That's right . It's feeling nice and cold, and it's very delicious」

「「It's delicious!」」

The Risner family tries it right away . The taste seems to have a favorable opinion .

「「Onii~chan, delish~」」

Allen and Elena stuff their cheeks in satisfaction .

「However, I have no idea what was used to make it......」


「And milk!」

「Ara, ara, Rigo is a common fruit and milk is an ingredient that is often used . I wouldn't call them special ingredients?」


The Risner family began to inspect the ingredients I used .

「N~...... I don't know . May I inquire about the ingredients?」



Allen and Elena cheerfully answered Cedric-san's question . The Risner family let out surprised voices .

「Ah~...... I have used slime jelly」

「Slime jelly...... is it? That thing from slimes that will do neither harm nor good?」

「That's it」

「Something like that can be used to make something like this......」

Are? They were surprised at first, but they have a normal reaction...... did they accept it?

Are there unexpectedly no unpleasant feelings towards slime jelly?

「By the way, did Isaac eat this before?」

「No . Today is the first time I offered it to someone else besides my children」

「Is that so? Fufufu~ I can boast to Isaac with this!」


Does he perhaps wants revenge because Isaac-san was boasting about the Cream bread!?

「Then, Takumi-san . Would it be possible to purchase this recipe as well?」

「I, I don't mind, but......」

「It's good to eat after a meal, but it would be a suitable thing to eat on hot days or when the physical condition is not good . This will sell if put out in the store! Right, Joshua!」

「...... Cedric-sama, even if you ask me that」

Cedric-san asked Joshua who was refraining behind him .

However, Joshua-san has not eaten the jelly . It would be difficult to ask for his opinion~

「How about Joshua-san tries it as well?」

I took out the jelly and recommended to Joshua-san .

Joshua-san took a glance at Cedric-san . Ah, he's asking for Cedric-san's permission .

「Joshua, you try it too」

「Yes . Takumi-sama, is it all right?」

「Of course」

Joshua-san who obtained Cedric-san's permission tried the jelly right away .

「This is......」

「How is it, Joshua? It's delicious, right?」

「Yes . As Cedric-sama said, it seems like a suitable food for times when the appetite isn't good」

「Right? We should start securing slime jelly immediately!」

「However, Cedric-sama...... Because slime jelly is a material that everybody ignores, it would take time to gather suitable amount......」

Because slime jelly is the lowest value material, high ranked adventurers don't bring back much .

Even if a request was sent to the Adventurer's Guild, it will be overlooked .

「Nothing will be brought back unless we increase the price, huh......」

「I expect so」

「N~...... if that's the case, would you like to try putting up a capture request and try cultivating them?」

Eh! Are you perhaps trying to start a slime ranch? It has somehow become an amazingly serious matter!

Cedric-san and Joshua-san moved forward in an incredible direction, I could only listen .

Chapter 62 – Simplified Version

After the unexpected passionate slime jelly talk――

「Oh yeah, Takumi-san . Please stay at our mansion while you are in Bailey」


Cedric-san suddenly proposed to us .

「No, to be taken care of that much...... besides, we are already staying in an inn」

「There wouldn't be problem canceling the inn, right?」

I thought of reservedly declining, but Cedric-san wasn't giving up .

Well~ I don't have a problem canceling the inn, but...... however, because I don't know how long we will be staying in Bailey, I would feel awkward being taken care of for a long time .

However, when Cedric-san said he would like playmates for his children once in a while, I immediately surrendered . I mean, there's not many opportunities for Allen and Elena to come in contact with children of their age . While in Bailey, I'm sincerely thankful for the opportunity of them interacting with Theodore-kun and Latis-kun .

That being the case, I have decided to stay in the Risner House's care during our stay in Bailey .

◇ ◇ ◇

The next morning during our stay in the Risner mansion, I have woken up with the sunrise because of going to sleep earlier than usual .

Allen and Elena are already up .

「Good morning」


「Did you sleep well?」


This being the mansion of nobles, the futon in the guest room are soft and comfortable to sleep on, but our sleeping hours didn't increase .

Because it's still too early to be waking up, I thought of passing the time by rolling around the bed, but as I'm completely awake, I started dressing up .

Then, because at least one of the servants would be awake, we left the room seeking the permission to go to the garden .

Sure enough, we immediately found Servant-san, who told me that Cedric-san is already awake, so he guided us to him .

「Good morning」

「Takumi-san, good morning . Allen-kun and Elena-san, good morning to you too」


Cedric-san in a dressing gown, sitting on a sofa and reading a letter .

「The sun has just come out, was the bed not to your liking?」

「No, I have rested properly . Both the children and I don't sleep for too long, so」

「Is that so?」


It seems that Cedric-san is worried that we didn't sleep much because we woke up so early in the morning .

「Say, Allen, Elena . You have slept a lot, didn't you?」




Cedric-san didn't seem convinced by my explanation, so I asked Allen and Elena . Thereupon, the two turned towards Cedric-san with smiles on their faces and answered .

「Is that so?」

A gentle smile floated on Cedric-san's face after hearing that .

I don't know whether it's because Cedric-san looks like Isaac-san, but Allen and Elena quickly warmed up to him . There weren't any problems even with conversations such as this .

N~...... nevertheless, it appears that Allen and Elena liked the soft bed very much . The inn we were staying at wasn't a cheap inn, but as expected, the quality is entirely different . If it's like this, I should get a good futon in the near future .

「Cedric-san is early as well, aren't you?」

「Yes, a reply came from Isaac to the letter I sent him yesterday」

Eh? A reply to a letter that was sent yesterday?!

I asked because I was curious and was told something unexpected .

「Isn't that too fast? Doesn't one-way letter delivery usually take about one month?」

「Ah, Takumi-san comes from a rural village, don't you?」

「Y, yeah......」

...... Rural village . Which reminds me, there was such setting . I have completely forgotten .

「In that case, it's no wonder you are not aware of the existence of the transfer magic tool」

「Transfer magic tool, is it? Those in dungeons?」

「The principle is the same . It's just that these can't transfer people like those in the dungeons」

Transfer magic tool, as the name suggest, is a magic tool that allows sending items over a long distance . Unlike the transfer device in the dungeons, it's a magic tool large enough to be held in both hands which apparently can't transfer people .

On top of being able to transfer only to a place with the same magic tool, it can only send letters and small items like accessories .

But, in this world where conversations are the mainstream exchange, this magic tool is convenient .

Also, it appears that the transfer magic tool can't be produced by people's hands and there's no other way than to acquire it in dungeons . Even though researchers have been studying the magic tool for many years, it appears that it's impossible to reproduce .

It seems that a magic tool that transfers people like the ones in the dungeons is like a dream within a dream .

「Does that mean you can deliver items anywhere as long as that place has the same magic tool?」

Isn't that dangerous in a sense?

It would be possible to deliver explosives to the destination and destroy it .

「No . These magic tools have something akin to an individual recognition code . It's possible to send only to magical tools that have registered that code」

It seems that transfer magic tools (simplified) have individual codes which are registered with the first transfer .

It appears that one-way transfer is possible depending on the code is registered .

Naturally, the registrations in the castle and other important places are limited, and the exchanges between countries are apparently dealt firmly in establishments in separate places .

Besides, it appears that the magic tools owned by the country are nearly all currently located in Adventurer's Guilds .

Because they can be obtained only in dungeons, most of them are acquired by adventurers, so it's only inevitable that the Adventurer's Guilds will purchase them .

Thus, the transfer magic tools in the Adventurer's Guilds are used to send and deliver letters .

The fee is higher than delivery by carriage or fast horse, but the fee is apparently set to a price that even common folk would be able to use it .

The biggest advantage is the fast delivery .

「So Adventurer's Guild also had such use, I see . I didn't know . Then, since it's possible to deliver between the branches of Adventurer's Guilds, is it possible to send letters even to the foreign countries?」

「Yeah, that's right . Adventurer's Guilds all over the world are branches of one establishment, so they have the codes registered . This letter also went through the Adventurer's Guild and was delivered just a little while ago . It was delivered as an urgent case before the sunrise」

「Urgent? Did anything happen?」

「No . Isaac just deliberately send it like that」


「It appears he was frustrated by my boasting . Well, in other words, he's harassing me」

「Boasting? Harassment?」

「Yeah, I was boasting in the letter I sent yesterday how good the slime jelly tasted . Of course, I even told him that you would teach me the way of making Cream bread」


Does that mean that Cedric-san wrote Isaac-san a letter in which he boasted about the slime jelly and Isaac-san who read that letter sent a reply letter urgently to be delivered before the sunrise in order to harass Cedric-san!?

These siblings, what are they doing~!?

Chapter 63 – Morning Market

「It looks like Isaac's hating to lose and immediately becoming irritated is still the same~ Although it was smoother over when he entered the Knights Order...... His recent reactions are quite honest . Iya~ How nostalgic」

Cedric-san is making a very relieved expression .

Was Cedric-san perhaps affectionate as well as teasing his little brother since childhood?

I see, I see . Even though Isaac-san is teasing Wald-sama, his position would be reversed if his opponent was his Oniisan~

I thought their relationship might be stormy for a moment there, but the brothers seem to be getting along well .

「By the way, Takumi-san . If possible, won't you go with me to the harbor's morning market?」

While thinking about the Risner brothers, Cedric-san suddenly proposed such .

「Morning market? tte, won't it cause a ruckus if Cedric-san goes?」

「I will naturally go incognito」


Incognito, huh......

Well, I don't mind . "Big shots = traveling incognito," is often the case anyway......

「It seems there has been recently unusual food served in a harbor stall」

「Unusual food?」

「Yes . They have started selling just a few days ago, but it's so popular that they have long queues every day and reputable for its great taste . Therefore, I thought to go to check it out」

「Hee~ that's indeed interesting」

Popular enough to create queues, that's certainly interesting .

They were selling a few days before when we went to the morning market, didn't they? However, I have not seen any long queues~ Were they already sold out when we were there?

「I thought I would go there while inspecting」

「You want us to accompany you?」

「Please, by all means . I thought about bringing my sons along as well . Allen-kun, Elen-san, do you mind morning market's street stall food for breakfast?」


「It's the place where a lot if fish is sold . He's asking whether you're fine with having a meal there」

「「Un! Alright~」」

「Is that so? Then, I will make the preparations immediately . I'm sorry, but please wait for a moment」

「No, please take your time」

That being the case, we have arrived at the harbor's morning market's plaza together with Cedric-san, Theodore-kun, and Latis-kun .

Cedric-san wanted to go without guards at first, but it would be hard to deal with if something happened, so three guards including Joshua-san went along .

Surprisingly, Joshua-san is an all-purpose butler who can be a guard as well!

「Chichiue~ It's that place, isn't it!」

「Yeah . It seems so」

「Let's go quickly!」

Theodore-kun and Latis-kun urge Cedric-san and pull him by his hands .

It has a feeling of exciting outing with their father .

N? Allen and Elena are jii~ staring at the Risner parent and children...... and frequently glance at me? Is this possibly?

Which reminds me, when walking with Allen and Elena, they either hold my clothes, or I'm carrying them in my arms, we hardly walk while holding hands, don't we?

The two stare at the Risner parent and children again . This is without a doubt, right?

「Allen, Elena . Here」

When I call Allen and Elene and extend my hands, as I thought, they both immediately grasp my hands .


They were so happy they showed me grinning smiles and imitating Theodore-kun and Latis-kun, they guided me by hands to the end of the stall's queue .

Nevertheless, the queue is as incredible as Cedric-san said . It appears true that the stall is popular .

「What an incredible people . I wonder what he's selling?」

「He appears to be shellfish, but I heard he uses a flavoring that was not used until now . If I'm not mistaken...... they are using a flavoring called soy sauce」

「............ Soy sauce」

Hahaha~...... no way, right......


I thought it was needless thoughts, but as we advance in the queue, we approach the stall little by little, and I smelled something familiar .



Allen and Elena saw the scallops stall owner and raised their voices .

As expected...... it's the stall owner I thought the butter and soy sauce scallops . What he's selling is precisely that .

「Is something wrong?」

「Iya...... well, you see......」

「N? Ooh! Isn't that Anchan and the children!」

Now then, how do I explain this......

While worried how to explain to Cedric-san, the stall owner noticed us and waved his hand .

「What's that, Anchan? Are you perhaps waiting in the queue? There's no need for Anchan to line up . No matter what, this is something Anchan has taught me . Are those Anchan's companions? Look, come here and eat without reservation!」

「...... Takumi-san?」


Ahh...... I feel like Cedric-san's eyes are asking "What does this mean?"

「No...... umm......」

「Is it true that Takumi-san taught him this?」

「...... Yes . On the day we arrived in this town......」

Naturally, I explain everything that happened on the day I arrived in this town .


Cedric-san who listened to my explanation deeply sighed .

Somehow...... I'm really sorry? It's not like I did something wrong, but it feels like I caused some trouble?

First of all, let's eat some scallops?

「...... It's delicious, isn't it?」

「「Takumi-san, it's delicious!」」

It appears the butter and soy sauce scallops suited the Risner parent and children's tastes .

「Takumi-san, could you tell me what this soy sauce is?」

「Ah, yes . It's a sap from tree called Koikuchi that grows in dungeons」

「Is that so? Then, is it sold by shops dealing with dungeon items?」

「That's right」

Apparently, Cedric-san is pleased with the taste of soy sauce and decided to stop by a shop dealing with dungeon items next .

Looking at the people gathered at this stall, it's easy to tell that the people of Aetherdia have accepted the taste of soy sauce, so why would they not use it before? Strange .



「「One more, please~」」

Allen and Elena love this taste, don't they?

Chapter 64 – Fiji Company

The largest or second largest commercial company in the Guardia country・Fiji Company .

It's a company that deals in food and monster materials, managing many shops and of course, they also deal with the goods found in dungeons .

The main store of the Fiji Company is in the royal capital, but they have many branch stores, and one of those is also located in Bailey .

「My my, Risner-sama . To think Risner-sama himself would visit our store directly! What may I help you with today?」

After leaving from the morning market's plaza, we have visited the Fiji Company together with Cedric-san and others . Thereupon, we had no appointment, but the branch manager immediately appeared at the storefront .

It seems like there was an employee who has recognized Cedric-san and immediately went to inform the branch manager .

「I'm sorry for the sudden visit . Actually, I'm looking for an article called soy sauce, I wonder if you are dealing with soy sauce here?」

「Oya? Risner-sama desires the soy sauce too? Of course, we are dealing with them in this store」

It appears that the Fiji Company is dealing with soy sauce .

Moreover, from the branch manager's words, there were other customers in search of soy sauce .

「That's relief . As expected, the demand has increased, hasn't it?」

「Yes . It has suddenly increased in the last two-three days . It apparently has something to do with the harbor's street stall」

「Oya, you know of it? As expected of this store's manager, you are well-informed」

「Information is the life force of bussiness」

「I'm ashamed to say, but I have not known of this flavoring until just recently」

「No, no, soy sauce is a commodity that finally came to light just recently, it can be said that it's only natural that Risner-sama didn't know of it . Me too, in spite of managing a store, I didn't give it much heed」

Cedric-san and the branch manager are smiling on the surface, but it has some tingling feeling . Furthermore, the「Fufufu」and「Hahaha~」I hear at the end of their sentences...... it must be just my imagination .

「So, Risner-sama . Have you visited our store to purchase the soy sauce today then?」

「That too, but there's something else . Do you have time?」

「Of course . Ah, I'm sorry for making you talk while standing at such place . I will immediately guide you to the reception office」

「Yes, thank you very much . ――Then, Takumi-san」

「Y, yes!」

Because I was completely absorbed in thoughts, I got startled when Cedric-san called to me .

「I will talk with the branch manager for a while, so, I'm sorry but――」

「Yes, we will look around at the products they have here, please don't mind us!」

Because I wanted to be excused from going to the reception office, I told Cedric-san that we will wait here before he could say anything .

「Is that so, I understand . Ah, I'm sorry but can I leave my sons with you?」

「Yes, don't worry」

「Then, thank you」

Saying such, Cedric-san followed after the branch manager to the reception office inside the store .

Thus, while the two are talking, we have decided to have other employees guide us around the store .

The place we were guided to was not shelves of goods for ordinary customers, but a warehouse with all kinds of goods .

Because there are many goods that are not displayed at the storefront, normal customers won't be guided here unless they are special customers . Because feudal lord's companions are special, I have gratefully let them guide me to the ingredient section .

I mean, if they have goods that they are not displaying at the storefront, they might have ingredients that I have not laid my hands on yet, right?

It turned into the feudal lord's sons accompanying me while I do as I please, but because the two were interested, I decided to do what I wanted to .

That being the case, it's the three of us, me, Allen, Elen, plus Theodore-kun, Latis-kun, and Joshua-san, the six of us in total . The other two guards went together with Cedric-san .

「「Ah! Anko~」」

Immediately after being shown to the warehouse, Allen and Elena found something they recognized, but――

「Allen, Elena . Those are red beans」

「「Red beans~?」」

「That's right . Anko is sweetened boiled red beans」

Allen and Elena seem to think that the red beans I used to make the bean paste are called「Anko」 .

「「Red beans~ Swe~et one is anko~」」

「Un, that's right」

It's not like all red beans made sweet are anko, but...... they are not wrong, oh well .

「Takumi-san, what is「Anko」?」

Theodore-kun who heard the exchange of the children and me became curious about what anko is .

「Umm...... have you heard from Otousan about Anpan?」

「Ah! I heard about that . It's one of the new bread that recently became popular, isn't it! I heard that Cream bread and Anpan can be eaten only in the town of Shirin where Ojiisama is!」

「Ah~...... yes, that's it . It's the filling of that Anpan . It's made from these red beans」

「Eh, is that so!?」

「This will become Anpan?」

Theodore-kun and Latis-kun are listening while surprised .

Thus, Joshua-san and the employee who guided us looked at us with surprised expressions .

「Takumi-san, do you mind talking over here?」


N? Is there a...... problem?

While doubting, Joshua-san glanced at the employee .


I finally noticed . Did I expose the method of making anko in front of the employee?

I don't mind if the way to make anko spreads, but I don't know how the Lauren House and Risner House would feel about that......

「Umm, from now on, I'm supposed to teach how to make Anpan to a shop recommended by Cedric-san . And, if the store starts selling Anpan, they will have to purchase red beans on a regular basis......」

「Let's sign the contract of purchase!」

Joshua-san begins to speak with the employee at his side .

Perhaps, will the content of the contract include the incorporation of secrecy?

Joshua-san, I'm sorry for increasing your work, but I will leave it to you .

「Theodore-kun, I'm sorry . If I say carelessly, even more, I will make troubles for your Otousan, so I will answer what you want to know once we return, okay?」

「Yes, thank you very much . But, I will be able to eat Anpan, won't I! I'm looking forward to it!」

「I'm looking forward to it as well!」

「Is that so~ Then, I will make them with my best effort, so look forward to it」


While Joshua-san and others were talking, I looked at the things around .

This place is apparently a place where all beans are stored . In addition to the red beans, black beans and almost the same as soybean「Round beans」, there was something called 「Flower Beans」 that I have never seen .

「Ah, this is......」

There, I found familiar beans in a bottle .

It's a black oval of the size of the thumbnail with a cracky dent . It's slightly larger than those I know of, but the delicate smell is familiar .

「Oya, does Takumi-san know of Kahee Beans?」

「Kahe~ beans?」

The employee who seems to have finished talking with Joshua-san taught me the name of the beans I was looking at .

Kahe~...... Ahh, Kahee, is it? In Syl's knowledge, the beans themselves are not suitable for edible use, but the extracted liquids are drinkable . That means, no need to guess, this are coffee beans, aren't they!

「It's my first time seeing the real thing . These are already roasted, aren't they? Are these used with water or hot water to make a black colored beverage?」

「Yeah, that's right」

It's coffee! Coffee!

I found coffee!

「These Kahee Beans are Risner's domestic production luxury item, so our country is not that familiar with them yet, but they are popular among nobles . I'm surprised Takumi-san was aware」

「Well, I have a moderate knowledge about foodstuff......」

It's all knowledge imprinted by Syl, though .

「Is it possible to sell me these Kahee Beans?」

「We surely can, but the price is a little expensive?」

「That's fine . By the way, do you have a tool that handles these beans here?」

「Yes, we have . Shall I prepare that as well?」

「Yes please」

Yosh! If they have a grinder, it looks like I will be able to make a coffee soon♪

Coffee after so long . Let's make it immediately after we return!

While cheerful that I obtained coffee beans, Cedric-san and the branch manager who seemed to finish discussing returned .

「Thank you for waiting」

「No, it wasn't that――...... N?」

「Takumi-san, what's wrong?」

I caught the sight of the mark on the documents Cedric-san held . That's probably the crest of this store .

Looking carefully, isn't it drawn everywhere including the shelves and bags?

Then, I remembered . That I have seen a branch of this store before, or not...... a different place . Where did I......?

N~...... ah! That thing! I remember .

The sunken ship in the Mermaid Village! The marks drawn on the body and flags of the ship should be the same as this mark!

Chapter 65 – Owner of the Sunken Ship

「Cedric-san, do you know of Dietlinde?」

「Dietlinde, is it? ...... If I'm not mistaken, I heard such name in a report documents before...... Ah! Wasn't it the sunken ship of this store?」

「Yes, that's right . There fortunately were no casualties, but that was a really heavy blow......」

Yeah, as I thought, that mark is this store's mark without a doubt .

「In fact, the ship――Dietlinde, that sunk to the bottom of the sea, I have recovered it......」

「「...... Yes?」」

When I convey that I have recovered the sunken ship, Cedric-san and the branch manager-san stare at me with absentminded expressions .

「...... The ship has sunk, you know?」

「Yes, I have found it at the bottom of the sea」

「...... I think the report said it sunk quite deep, though......」

「Just a bit of long-distance swim」

「...... The ship should be a large model, how did you recover it?」

「I can use《Infinite Storage》 . You have not heard from Isaac-san?」


Cedric-san asks questions one after another, but after I simply answer them, he eventually becomes silent .

I thought that Isaac-san reported everything about me, but it appears he didn't tell Cedric-san about this .

I see, he didn't know about the《Infinite Storage》...... it appears I have exposed myself .

Well,《Infinite Storage》is convenient . I have gotten used to the life on Aetherdia too, it would be troublesome to keep on hiding it......

「I'm sorry . I have not heard from Isaac about this . Have you really recovered Dietlinde?」


「So, what does Takumi-san want to do with that ship?」

「Eh? Wouldn't you normally return it?」

Because I picked up a lost item, I feel like it should have been returned to the owner, but......

N~? In Japan, found articles have to be delivered to the police . It should have been a usurpation if I took it...... what, is it different over here?

The way Cedric-san is speaking, it makes him sound as if I didn't have to return it .

「Then, will you return that ship to the owner?」

「Yeah . It seems to be loaded with cargo . Well, it has sunk, so I don't know what happened to the contents, but I think there should also be things that are safe」

Because the ship has sunk while stacked with cargo, I think there should be a considerable loss . Therefore, I think it would be nice if something was saved, even if little .

「Do you intend not to receive any compensation?」

「Yeah, that was my intention, but? Ah, if the burden of disposal is greater than what came back to you, I won't force you to take it back?」

Even if you recover what you can still use, there are cases where dismantling and disposing of the damaged goods will cost you, right? In that case, I wouldn't mind letting it fertilize in the《Infinite Storage》, you see .

「No! I think there are more things to obtain . Isn't that so?」

「Yes! Just as you said!」

When Cedric-san asks, the branch manager agrees exaggeratedly .

I'm told that ships on Aetherdia move with magic stones, and the magic stone used on this ship is considerably large and fairly valuable .

Apparently, because the cause of the sinking was damage in the ship's bottom which caused flooding, the magic stone has no problems and recovering that magic stone will sharply decrease the losses .

Listening further, found articles on Aetherdia are apparently fine to keep by those who find them . Even if you know the owner .

What's easy to understand is goods stolen by bandits . Those who exterminate the bandits have the rights to keep the stolen goods . In case the owner wants to recover the stolen goods by any means, he must buy back the goods with an appropriate amount of money .

While listening to Cedric-san's explanation, which reminds me, I have such knowledge, don't I~ I suddenly recall . It appears that considering Earth standards is mostly no good .

「Is that fine? If you sell the magic stone used in the ship, you could acquire a lot of money, you know?」

「I'm good on money . I will return the ship to the company」

The amount of money needed for repurchase is settled by the person who has the goods, so there's no problem even if you return it for free . If that's the case, I will choose that .

When I said so, the branch manager made an expression as if bursting into tears .

Well, if a ship loaded with cargo sank, it would cause a considerable amount of damage . You would cry if the losses could decrease even a little, wouldn't you~

Anyhow, as it would be better to check the ship and the cargo, we decide to move to a warehouse owned by the Fiji Company at the pier .

「「Onii~chan, where to~?」」

「N? Does Allen and Elena remember the sunken ship?」


「Right . The one Mirena-san asked me to「Remove」」

「「Un, remember~」」

「That ship you see, I have found the person who lost it, so I'm going to return it」

「「Return~? Why~?」」

Ehh!? Why? N~...... Why, huh......

「Umm...... you see? What would Allen and Elena do if the person walking in front of them lost something?」

「「Pick up~?」」

「That's right . Then, what after picking it up?」

「「Give back~?」」

「It's the same . Oniichan also picked up the ship, so I'm returning it to the owner」

「「I see~」」

The two seem to be convinced .

Strictly speaking, this is a little bit different, but I would like for Allen and Elena to return lost items to their owners . This should be okay .

When we arrive at the warehouse, I immediately retrieve Dietlinde from the《Inifnite Storage》 .

For a moment, I thought that sea water might flow out when I take it out, but such thing didn't happen . It seems that when I collected the『Ship』, the sea water it was flooded in didn't come with it . I'm glad~

「This is it . Is there no mistake?」

「T, there's no mistake! That's our ship!」

When I try to confirm, the branch manager who saw the ship shouts .

In addition, I heard Theodore-kun saying「Ama~zing」, Latis-kun admiring with「Seriously......」and「A ship this big......」among others from the guards and employees .

I know that the sizes of《Infinite Storages》are different, but perhaps, something of this size wouldn't...... fit in? No, it can't be .

However, I'm removing the ban on《Infinite Storage》 . It may be standing out, but let's leave it on a high magical power .

So, about the Dietlinde, it appears to be Fiji Company's ship without a doubt . Besides, as I thought, the mark on the hull is same as Fiji Company's mark . I made no mistake .

If that's the case, it doesn't seem to be necessary to investigate whether this is Fiji Company's ship or not .

「Then, is it okay to return it?」

「Yes! Thank you very much!!」

That being the case, I was able to return Dietlinde to the proper owner safely .

However, I didn't expect that the branch manager would give me the coffee beans, the necessary tools, and other thigs I wanted to buy free of charge .

I felt bad and tried to pay for it, but Cedric-san told me it would be better to accept at least hat much . That being the case, I obediently accepted it and we left the company .

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