Sweetest Torment

Por NaughtyPlease

3.4K 159 479

A broken soul shrouded in the darkness of a blood-filled past... York Cavon's no stranger to torment. It plag... Mais

Poking The Lion
Insanely Hot, or Plain Insane?
Mixing Pleasure is Risky Business
Sweet Torture
Mackenzie Castle
A Drop of Temptation
Just A Taste
Author's Note
Game, Set...

Delivered Into The Lions Den

442 19 70
Por NaughtyPlease

God. It was like she was immune to actually learning a lesson. Liquor and men? Never a good combination. Yet, what had she done? Gone and combined the two. Now she was tethered to a freaking leash and being ushered up the path to a mansion where her supposed new 'master' lived. How did she get here? Well, she was portal hopping, a common sport among the young adults of Paradox and her friend convinced her it would be fun to get shit faced and pick up unsuspecting mortals. They were mortals for Gods sakes, she hardly saw the harm. Well, she was wrong. One minute she was sucking face in a hotel room with a hot law student, and then the next she was kissing sheet after he so kindly tasered her. The gentlemen. Long story short, she woke up to find herself in an underground 'slave market' that catered to the rich, bored and sadistic. She didn't know who ran the whole thing but it was clear they knew all about the supernatural world. They had slaves of every kind. From sirens to Valkyries and werewolves.

Felicity took a deep breath, the small action causing her chest to heave. The guard closest to her was drawn to the movement, his gaze pinned on her chest. She gave him a sweet smile before saying, "Please, keep looking. When I rip your eyes out? I want my actions to be justified." His gaze jerked to her face and he cleared his throat guiltily before facing forward. Usually, she didn't mind male attention. She was a succubus after all and she did need to feed, but at this moment she wasn't really feeling it.

She felt a sharp yank on her leash and stumbled forward. "Move it!" the other guard ordered, giving her a snide look. Aww, how cute! was he still mad that she kicked him in the bal- he yanked her chain again and she gave a squeak. "Hey!" she protested. "I would love to see you walk that fast in six-inch heels!" she snapped. They neared the house and Felicity gave a defeated shrug. Whatever, she was here now so she'd make the best of it. Besides, maybe whoever bought her wasn't that bad and she might actually enjoy herself...right? She could almost feel her subconscious giving her a droll stare for the clamorous attempt at delusion. Okay, so this was shitty, but wasn't there some over-optimistic saying about life, lemons, and lemonade? Well, she could do that. Lemonade was great! ...With vodka.

Turning her attention to the house, or mansion to be more accurate, Felicity wondered just how she was gonna get herself out of this one, and more importantly, who was this 'master' of hers? She didn't have to wonder for long. The guards guided her up the grand stairs leading to the entrance and gave the door a hearty knock. Felicity was a pro at joking everything off but at that moment the severity of the situation hit her like a brick and her heart thundered in her chest. What if she didn't make it out of this alive? Would the last memory she had with her family be of her storming off drunk and high on Gods know what at the time? An image of her little sister, Lana, calling after her fluttered across her mind and she fought back the wave of sadness that rose up in her throat like bile. Squaring her shoulders, Felicity made a quick promise to herself. If she got out of this alive, she'd go back to Paradox and be the sister she should have been. The sister she used to be.

It seemed like an eternity before the door finally swung open and Felicity was greeted by...

A man carved by the Gods.

Everything was, for lack of a better word, chiseled. He looked like he was etched from stone and brought to life to make women weak in the knees. His face was composed of sharp angles and defined sloops. He wore at least two days worth of stubble and his lips were plush, kissable. His eyes were the most impressive colour of hazel and seemed to speak a million words at once and hold just as many secrets. A set of perfectly trimmed dark brows sat above them. His light brown locks were sexily disheveled and fell a few inches past his collarbone. Felicity's eyes dropped to his chest that was covered in a dark blue V-neck sweater that seemed to be one size too small as it molded to every dip and rise his well-defined chest offered.

One of the guards spoke, breaking her chronic ogling and reminded her of exactly why she was here. To be purchased.


York had just awakened from a deep slumber. It had been quite a while since the sweet embrace of sleep lingered for so long...Even now, as he leaned against his door frame, it clung to him like an invisible cloak, forcing a lazy yawn from him. He had originally been irritated by the sound of knocking on his door, wondering who was bold or crazy enough to wake him. Thoughts of delivering intricately devious torture had floated around his sleepy head as he made the long trek to the door. But as he stood in his doorway completely fascinated by the unearthly beauty on his doorstep, all irritation vanished.

She was a petite yet curvy package that in her fuck me pumps wasn't too far off from his six-two height. She had waist length golden tresses that were thrown up into a high ponytail and glimmered in the noonday sun. She had an innocent looking face with large violet eyes framed by thick lashes and a button nose just below them. Her cheeks were high and her chin a bit pointy giving her the appearance of a doll. Her lips, her lips were a pure delight. Plump and full they seemed to be set in a permanent pout. However, the innocence stopped there. From the neck down her body was sinful. she was clad in a skimpy red and black number that he supposed he could call a dress. It stopped extremely high on her thigh and he had no doubt that if she bent over he'd get a nice peepshow...hmm he might just have to drop something.

A leather corset was strapped over the dress and fully displayed her ample breast brazenly. They would fill his hands and then some. His eyes jumped down to her thighs and he mentally groaned. Killer legs that seemed to go on for miles were encased in thigh high fishnet stockings held up by the leather straps of her garter belt. Her eyes met his and he fought back the smile that wanted to spread across his face. It seemed his evening had just become more interesting. "Ah, Felicity, I presume. I wasn't expecting you for quite some time...what a pleasant surprise". He couldn't stop the way his voice came out in a pleased murmur, compared to his usual, deadly, cold tone. He wanted to blame it on the fact that it was midday, not his normal waking hours, and the fact that the shroud of sleep still held him in its grasp. But he knew that was prime grade A bullshit.

Felicity meant to respond, she truly did, but since the moment he yawned she'd been frozen. A part of her wanted to convince itself that she had imagined what she saw and that she was just tired and suffering from mild heatstroke. That there was no possible way she was seeing correctly, but when he spoke, there was no denying it. Her eyes zeroed in on his mouth and stayed. Fangs. Fangs tinted red from a recent fed seemed to taunt her.

Mr. York Cavon was a fucking vampire!

Her throat dried and she blinked rapidly as if he were a mirage and doing so would make him disappear. There was just no way. It just wasn't possible. She refused to believe her luck was that bad. An honest to freaking hell vampire was her master. When Felicity had first seen him she had prematurely believed that her luck was changing for the better. After all, she was a healthy succubus and he was a handsome man, soon to be in charge of her care...Call her simple, but a girl could do a lot worse. But then he just had to open those damn beautiful lips! And just like that, Felicity froze up like a deer in the headlights. Those were fangs. Sharp fangs. From the light pink tint, fangs that had recently fed. Felicity had done everything in her power to avoid vampires since her first run-in with one years ago...To so easily fall into the hands of one now was too ironic. Comical even.

Felicity took a small, unconscious step back, then another, before she realized what she was doing. She forced herself to stop and forced a smile. "This is a surprise too, though far from pleasant" she murmured, more to herself, before saying louder, "Yes, I would be Felicity, the friendly neighborhood succubus, but there's just one small problem". Her voice was deceptively sweet as she addressed him "I don't like-" she bared her own fangs, and mimicked a vampire biting someone "so I'll just be on my way!" she spun, intending to leave and, oh I don't know, never return, when she felt a sharp tug on her collar. What was with that damn guard?! She yelped and stumbled backward. Right into the chest of her supposed master.

As she stumbled back into his chest he couldn't help his sharp intake of breath. Her body was lush and felt like absolute heaven pressed against him. He didn't expect to react so strongly and a feeling he couldn't quite place settled over him. He shook it off and leaned down to her ear. "I'm afraid that's not an option, succubus." He whispered lightly before reaching into his pocket and taking out a large money clip. Handing it to the guards, he glanced down at her. "Don't worry. I won't bite.....Unless you give me a reason to. So keep on like this... and I might just have to have a nibble". It was all talk but she didn't know that. York had long since given up on feeding from the flesh, but teasing her was becoming very entertaining. Feeling her body against him, her firm rear backed into his crotch, her sweet smell filling his nostrils, he had to admit that maybe keeping her around wouldn't be as torturous as expected.

Felicity wanted to spring away from him but her body wouldn't listen to her. Her mind was filled with defiant thoughts but her body remembered all too well how it felt to be under a vampires control. Her fear felt like it was weighing down her limbs as if encased in iron manacles. When he mentioned biting, she stiffened against him, her eyes going wide, stark with fear. She was suddenly glad he couldn't see her face.

Felicity swallowed, striving for calm, and forced a pleasant expression on her face. She didn't survive this long being scared of things that went bump in the night. She spun to face him, her gaze meeting his. In the same sugary sweet tone, she said, "I don't believe you" she leaned forward until only an inch or so was between them. "You're gonna taste me whether or not I'm a good girl" because that's what bloodthirsty creatures like you do...She added to herself. "So, if it's all the same to you...I rather be bad". The last four words were whispered. She brushed past him and sauntered into his home, her hips swaying as she went.

So this is what it feels like to walk into the lion's den The thought was sobering. But if he was determined to keep her she would just have to let him see how bad an idea that was. One way or another she was leaving.

- - - - -

Lovelies!! You guys have no idea how excited I am to finally post this story! >.< I've been writing it ever since I mention Felicity in Lana's story. :D But It made more sense to wait until Book One in the Lana Falcon Series was completed before posting it. So I waited. YEARS. T-T But! It's finally here! Ahh! Okay, imma calm down lol

Please let me know what you beauties think of it in the comments and vote if you'd like! <3



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