Akame Ga Kill X Male Reader (...

By HavenX76

40.9K 399 132

A young boy named Y/N has been trained to be an assassin since birth, but he escapes his pain. What happens w... More

Meeting Night Raid
Kill The Captain
Kill The Excutioner
Kill The Beasts
The Tournament
The Fight
Kill the temptation
Kill the crazy scientist
Kill The Sad Past
Y/Ns New Family
Kill The Demon
Kill the Carnage
Kill the Despair
Kill the Little Sister
Kill The Emperor
Akame Ga Kill!

Thanksgiving Special

1.1K 15 6
By HavenX76


I woke up to the familiar high pitched voice of Mine

Mine: This isnt nice at all!
Me:*groans* Wh-what happened?
Random girl: Oh so the cuties awake?
Najenda: We are re-locating our bases location after that attack. Well be going to the marg highlands. It is inhabited by lots of dangerbeasts so humans can't live here. And that's why its the perfect place for our new hideout.

I look up and see that my head is on Akames lap
Akame: Im glad your okay Y/N.
Me: Thanks Akame.


After I learned are new teammates names are Chelsea and a biological imperial arms named Sussano we entered our newly made base and started eating.

Chelsea: Hey Y/N. Truth or dare?
Me: Huh?
Chelsea: You dont know what truth or dare is?
Me: No?

Small timeskip after explaining

Chelsea:Soo...... truth or dare?
Chelsea: Do you like anyone?
Me:*blushing* N-no, why would you ask that? Were assasins of course I dont like anyone!
Leone: Geez Y/N, calm down.
Tatsumi:Then why did you and Kurome admit to liking eachother?*sly smile*

Everyone else: WHAT!

Akame: Y/N....do you like Kurome. Be honest.
Me: Y-ye-yes. I like her.
Akame: You do know she is our enemy, right? You might have to fight her.
Me:No. Ill save her from herself. I promise.
Akame:*smile* Thank you Y/N *gives you a hug*

Leone: Y/N has a crush! Im so gonna tease you!
Me: You better no-
Leone:Oh is the lovebird embarrassed?
Me: Stop it.
Leone: Whats wrong is the little assasin getting mad? Why don't you just ask Kurome to hug you better.
Me:*slightly raises voice* Leone stop it.
Leone: Or are you two just gonna get straight to it?*giggles*
I threw a sword next to her head and blew up the back wall

Me: S-sorry.

Everyone:.............................*Laughing uncontrollably*
Leone: I never thought hahahahahah you would do something like hahahahahah oohhh that. Best. Reaction. Ever!
Chelsea:I will admit I am a little jealous the cutie already has one. Oh well there is always more out there for me.

Chelsea: Well, lets continue!

Leone:Y/N tru-
Me: No.
Leone: What do you mean 'no?'
Me: I know what your planning....pick someone else.
Leone: Fiiiiiiiinnnnneee, your no fun*pouts*
Leone: Tatsumi*giggle* truth or dare~
Tatsumi: D-dare.
Leone:Oh. Your pretty brave. I dare you to come and give big sis a kiss~
Leone: You heard me. Come here.

Tatsumi walked over and kissed her quickly and ran.

Leone: Awww, it was so short. Ill get you later Tatsumi~

Timeskip to after game

Me: Goodnight everyone.

I closed my door and got changed, as I was getting in bed the door opened and Akame walked in.

Me: Oh, hey Akame. Need anything?
Akame: Yes.....did you mean what you said about Kurome, and saving her?
Me:*blushing* Ye-yeah. She's beautiful, smart, strong and downright perfect. I will find a way to save her no matter what.
Akame: *smiles* Thank you.....Y/N.

(Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I know its short so I'm sorry, I haven't been home. But ill try to get two chapters out this week. Thank you guys for reading this story it means a lot to me. And have a good week!)

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