Fire and Earth

By WeDoOurBest

57 1 0

WE DO NOT OWN AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER (May change Title) After loosening a fight with his father, Pyro goe... More

The Boy In The Iceberg
The Avatar Returns/ The Southern Air Temple
The King of Omashu
The Waterbending Scroll

The Warriors of Kyoshi

9 0 0
By WeDoOurBest

/3rd POV/

"You have no idea where your going do you?" Sokka asked Aang, looking at the map. The group were flying on Appa. "Well, I know it's near water." Aang said. Pyro looked over the saddle to see water all around them. He shivered slightly. "What, is the big bad Firebender afraid of some water?" Sokka teased Pyro. "No, it's just I don't like it." Pyro growled, glaring at Sokka.

While Sokka and Pyro got into another argument, Aang was trying to impress Katara with a trick he had learned with marbles and Airbending.

Sokka then rounded on Aang, telling him to just let Katara be to do her sewing, saying girls are good at sewing, while boys are good at fighting and hunting. "Technically if Katara didn't do the sewing, you wouldn't have clothes. We need her as much as we need you Sokka." Pyro piped up, stating the fact. "Thank you Pyro, see Sokka, I fixed your pants." Katara said before throwing the unfinished pants at the male. "Wait, no I'm sorry." Sokka apologized. Pyro laugh silently.

Suddenly Aang made Appa dive down, saying where they were going, Sokka wouldn't need pants.

They landed on a beach and looked around a bit. Pyro, now free from the ropes, wandered a bit away from the water, keeping a nice distance between him and the water. Aang then pointed out to the water, where an Elephant Koi jumped out of the water. "I'm going to go ride the Elephant Koi, Katara, you have to watch me." Aang said before darting our into the water towards the giant fish.

    As Pyro watch Aang ride the Elephant Koi, he vowed to never act like that for a girls attention.

Suddenly a giant fin came up and started to chase Aang. Aang bolted to shore while Katara, Sokka, and Momo, a lemur, screamed in terror, Pyro getting as far away from the water as possible.

"What was that thing?" Katara asked while Aang got his clothes back. "I'm not sure but let's get out of here while we have the chance." Pyro said, then tried to push everyone towards Appa. Suddenly people jumped out of no where and grabbed Sokka. Pyro tried to Firebend, but was stopped by two of the warriors, being grabbed and tied up. "NOT AGAIN!!" Pyro shouted. Aang and Katara were back to back, Katara then had her good pulled over her face and Aang was grabbed.

Everyone was blindfolded and thrown onto the sand. "Or we could stay awhile." Sokka mumbled.


After being tied up to what felt like a pole, the group heard a males voice say, "You three have explaining to do." Katara growled, "And if we don't." A female voice answered, "We will throw you back into the water with the Unagi." Sokka demanded, "Show yourself cowards." The blindfolds were torn off their heads, to reveal what looked like female warriors. "Who are you, and were are then men who ambushed us." Sokka demanded. Pyro glared at him, "You know it could be them who ambushed us, right."

The leader narrowed her eyes. "The Firebender is right, we ambushed you." Sokka had a shocked look on his face that made Pyro laugh, "Told you." He said, managing to say something through his laughs. The leader smiled lightly, before glaring at Sokka, "The Unagi is going to eat well tonight." She threatened. "Wait don't hurt him, my brother can be an idiot sometimes." Katara apologized.

    Aang apologized for coming, stating that he had just wanted to ride the Elephant Koi. "How do we know your not the Fire Nation spy's?" Then man said then turned to looks at Pyro, "You already have a Firebender with you. Kyoshi has stayed out of the war for this long and we want to keep it that way." Aang gasped, "This Island is named Kyoshi? I know Kyoshi." The man laughed. "How could you know Kyoshi, she was born her 400 years ago. She's been dead for centuries."

    Aang thought for a minute. "I'm the Avatar." He stated, "Impossible, the Avatar disappeared 100 years ago." The girl said in shock. Aang smiled, "That's me." The man turned to the girl, "Throw the imposter to the Unagi." He demanded. The females then took out their fans and moved forward, ready to attack. Aang decided then would be a good time do do some Airbending, he broke out of the ropes and slowly floated back down.

    The females gasped and the man said, "So it's true, you are the Avatar." Aang then did the marble trick from earlier, and that impressed everyone.


    Pyro was tending to Kira, who finally decided to show up. "Hey girl, how you doing." Pyro said in a soft voice, as he sat down beside Kira who was feasting on some raw Cow Sheep meat. Kira squawked happily, before digging into the meat. Pyro laughed, wondering what Zuko was doing, and Azula, who he hadn't seen in a while.

Squeals were heard as Pyro looked up to see some younger girls chasing Aang. This caused Pyro the laugh more. He remembered back when he was a kid, the girls would always faun over all the boys, some even fauned for him, but one girl would never, ever faun over anyone. That one girl turned into his best friend.

    Pyro heard a commotion coming from the village, he sat up and saw the Fire Nation ship. "Oh no, Zukos here." Pyro ran over to the village to find Aang and Zuko fighting. I can't let Zuko see me, who knows what he will do. Pyro rounded the corner to see one of the Kyoshi Warriors and Sokka having a moment, so he backed back around the corner. Right before Pyro got on Appa, he remembered Kira. Even though he knew Kira could take care of herself, he needed to know if she was ok.

    "I'll be back guys." He called to the group before darting away to find Kira.

    He found her in the same place, and whistled for her. Kiras head shot up and she ran over to Pyro. "Come on girl, I know you haven't done it in a while, but can you go into full size." Pyro asked Kira. Kira squawked and great larger. The once small dragon was now was slightly bigger then Appa, now becoming full size. Pyro climbed onto her back and nudged her forward. Kira took off into the air, Pyro looked back at the village before steering Kira towards Appa.

    Kira caught up with Appa, Sokka being the first to see her. "YOU HAD A DRAGON AND DIDN'T TELL US!" Sokka screamed, Aang and Katara looked over to see Kira, their mouths wide open. "I'll explain later." Pyro said before starting before them.


Quinn here and in my opinion it wasn't the best chapter I've done, but I'll try to get better. Anyways who do you think Pyro was talking about.
See y'all next time byeeeee

Question: Who is your Favorite Avatar character?

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