FOR HER LOVE || NaruSakuSasu

Par cxtuwu

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[dropped] ┊⁀➷ Sakura Haruno x Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha " when god decides to fuck with someone... Plus

For Her Love...
Interlude - Gaara (Part- 1)
NarutoWattyAwards 2020

Interlude - Gaara (Part 2)

194 20 104
Par cxtuwu

Verbal Abuse, trigger, lime, yaoi / yuri, questioning

Please read the author note at the bottom for more details about the warnings.
Comment if you have any questions. I'll get to you asap.

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SABAKU NO GAARA was so stressed that he was calm.

Yes, you read that right. This was his constant status these days. He has passed beyond stress, beyond hysteria, into the grey misty indifference of complete shutdown of all but emergency services in his brain.

Ehh enough philosophy! Onto more important things such as being surrounded by a very angry Hokage's son and a silently fuming Uchiha youngest whose fist was wrapped in bandages. Warning alarms had never hollered louder in his head.

The school had just ended and Gaara was on his way back to the Kazekage mansion when he was interrupted by the two. Coincidentally, it was the same place he confronted Ino the other day.

And ironically he was standing in the same place as before. Naruto and Sasuke had taken over Ino's spot. Like Ino, they were here for confrontation. Unlike Ino, these two could do him much physical damage.

He stood straight, maintaining his decorum, "What?" The duo's glare hardened in a warning manner and Gaara knew he shouldn't provoke them if he wanted his beautifully carved face to remain beautifully carved.

"What do you mean 'what'?!" The more vocal one of the two yelled while crinkling up his nose. But the Uchiha wasn't above letting out a scoff either.

"You're a little fucker Gaara. Admit it." Sasuke curled his lips.

Gaara couldn't help but be rooted to his spot. He wanted to get away from them, but he couldn't. His breathing quickened as the duo started shunting him with words.

"I can't believe you'd do something like this, dattebayo."

"Hn. How could you?!"

"Is this just a game to you?!"

"She loved you and she paid for it."

"Loving you was a mistake."

"I can believe you did this to her, Hn. After everything she did for you?"

"I can't even look at you!" Naruto averted his disappointed gaze.

Each word ran on like a rain of knives. His hurt increased with them, "..I- I am so, so sorry," he somehow managed to choke out. His throat was closing up. He allowed the tears to blur his vision but to not fall. His hands fisted together to stop him from outright trembling.

Gaara knew he deserved this but that doesn't mean it hurts any less. He felt so suffocated right now. These two were ganging up on him with hurtful words and it was killing him inside which he expressed with a grimace.

He has been feeling terrible and horrible ever since he did that to Sakura. She forgave him, yeah, but that doesn't mean the guilt isn't there. And the last thing he wanted was for someone —for Naruto— to rub it in.

He thought he could stand it. He was wrong. He was still a weak little boy who would think too much and feel too deeply.

"Hn! You broke her heart and all you can say is sorry!?"

"You don't deserve her."


No. His eyes widened. No one has said that to him in years. That word- oh no. An unconscious back step by the redhead brought Naruto back from his adrenaline fueled hatred. His eyes widened and eyebrows raised as well when he realised what word left his lips.

He knew Gaara had a bad past with it and he could see Gaara's confidence crumbling  right before his cerulean orbs. The way his shoulders slumped and his eyes moistened, Naruto saw it all with lips pressed together.

That confidence- Naruto helped shape it. He pulled Gaara out of the darkness and now he hoped with all his might that this word won't be enough to send the redhead tumbling back down.

Gaara lowered his head, a dangerous shadow falling before his eyes. Eyes are a window to one's soul and Gaara was no exception to it, "I have dinner with father so if you'll excuse me." His voice was terribly restrained.

Gaara started walking out but no sooner he was passing the Uchiha and the Jinchuriki that they interrupted and pushed him back, the latter rather reluctantly.

"The fuck? There is no need to get physical." He glared lowly at them. Anger was flaring through him. Monster!? How dare they?! How dare Naruto?!

But the pure, overbearing guilt, fear and shame stopped him from throwing hands.

He would never be able to win against the Uzumaki-jock and Uchiha with Wind Chun training. Gaara trembled slightly as he fought off the fear that crawled up at him not unlike a kitten climbing it's human. He was scared to get beaten physically. It has only happened to him once, bowl cut & bushy brows, but we don't talk of that.

"Oh but you like getting physical, don't you? Dattebayo."


Gaara tried fruitlessly to conceal his grimace. He really did taint his image quite a lot. And maybe to an extant where he may not live it down.

"Do you really think I wanted to be this way? I wanted to hurt those I love?" His voice was a bare whisper but it trembled with raw emotions. He didn't know if they caught it. They probably did, judging by the step they took back

He tried to clear his head. If Gaara plays his cards right then he may get outta here, unscarred, "Does she know of this arrangement?"

Gaara's best guess was no. Sakura had made it quite clear that she bore no ill-will towards him. She also didn't attend school, probably because of her fever. If Naruto and Sasuke had to choose a day to strike, it would be today.

His suspicions were proved right when they both faltered.

"She doesn't know what she wants!" Naruto fought back and Gaara's heart cracked. Some day the Uzumaki used to defend Gaara, not against him.

"And you do?" His voice was lower, hollower, burdened with unsettling upset, just like himself. At their silence he saw a spark of hope. Hope for him to get free therapy.

And, thus, he told them everything that went on in that pretty head of his.

And, thus, they ( Naruto mostly ) gave him the therapy-no-jutsu as they call it.

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"Gaaaaraaa~ open your mouth pleeaaasee." The pinkette pleaded.

"Hm? Oh Aaaa." He opened his mouth and watched as she plopped a berry in it. He closed her mouth and chewed properly whilst running a hand through her long, lustrous hair.

"Once more! But this time.." She stuck the berry between her lips and shifted around. He helped her to shift in his lap till her face was facing his. "Woh woh." He somehow understood her muffled words and followed along.

Bending forward he captured the fruit from her lips to his, their lips softly brushing against each other. Sakura and Gaara both averted their gazes in flustered-ness but Sakura wasn't done yet.

She popped another berry between her cherry lips and gestured for him to take it. He rolled eyes, not unlike a Tsundere, before doing as she said. He dived for the fruit but Sakura sucked it in at the last moment making Gaara's lips press flat against hers.

Gaara's heart soared high and mighty. Just as the astonished redhead was about to pull away, his beloved cupped his cheeks, positively stopping his escape. She guided his lips with hers for their first sweet kiss.

Sakura didn't have much experience in this arena but Ino did. The blonde was more than ready to lend her best friend some guidance. Gaara, on the other hand, was completely clueless.

She swept her tongue against the opening of his lips, asking for permission. He granted it easily. She flicked her tongue inside his mouth and–

"Hello! Are you okay?"

"Ah! Yes!" Gaara flinched violently at the sight before him, "Uh, what are you doing here?" He regained his composure.

"Yosh! I was here for my daily youthful jog and I saw you sleeping here," The Green thing eyed Gaara suspiciously, "You seemed troubled, Cardinal-flower. Your already diminishing flames of youth seemed even more so dwindling."

Gaara averted his gaze before blinking away the new uprising onslaught of burning tears as the Green Thing took an uninvited seat next to the redhead making him flinch yet again, "What seems to be troubling you, Young Gaara? Maybe I can help!"

This was Gaara's turn to shoot him a sus look, slowly inching away as well, "W-" he cut off himself before sighing again. He didn't know his problem and nor did Sasuke and Naruto. He just- he felt burdened for some reason.

Sure, he felt significantly lighter after the talk. Some of his worries and problems just evaporated. But there was an underlying feeling that he couldn't explain. He had never felt it before.

Gaara resorted to twiddling the grass leaf between his fingers, away from the Greeny Green.

Some might say he missed Sakura's care and touch but Sakura just didn't feel like the right person to touch him that way. But who is?

He glanced around the mostly empty park with only Gaara and Lee in the shade and a young couple on a picnic far away from them.

The blonde girl raised her hand to cup her beloved's cheek and Gaara couldn't help but recall his and Sakura's first kiss.

[ l i m e ]

-her tongue flicked around his mouth, taking in the flavour of the berries. He, too, could taste berry and mint in her mouth. She planned all this. A small sexual bite on his lips earned a gasp from the man. His left arm cupped her waist as his other went to her thighs.

Her hand had long left his cheek and was sliding under his shirt now. He inhaled airily. Excitement flaring through his spine along with tingles from her touch. Sakura pulled away from the kiss, looking at him with need. Oh how he could deny when she looked at him like that; face flushed, eyes wide and pleading with pants leaving her lips.

He succumbed.

Controlling his pants and inhaling a deep breath he dived for her lips, devouring them like the deprived person he is. Her arms roamed all over his chest while his mapped her thighs and hips.

He could feel the familiar sensation of throbbing in him due to blood pulsing down there as his pants tightened. A tent became visible and for the first time in Gaara's short life, it wasn't from reading smut.

He pulled away this time and went for her neck instead while playing out the smut fanfic he read in his mind. He traced her jaw and neck with his lips, leaving behind butterfly kisses.

Sakura's eyes rolled back as her one hand felt his back and the other traced his pecs. She nibbled at his ear lobes wanting to make him feel as good as he is making her feel. He let out a sharp sensual huff in sexual delight just as she dug her nails slightly on her back .

"Gaa..Gaara, I love you so much,"

"Sak I.. I love you too,"

Both their voices were muffled by their ministries and moans. Gaara's lips were back on Sakura's and his hands slipped under her oversized pink T-shirt. He felt around her flat tummy and tiny waist before cupping below her breasts. He massaged her gently there while treading kisses down her mouth, down her neck and to her sternum.

This wasn't much to any other person but for Sakura and Gaara who hadn't kissed a person let alone touch like this, it was their everything.

Gaara cupped her tits over her cups and found himself at discontent with it. He wanted more. He started to fumble around with her hook trying this best to unclasp it.

Sakura felt the tight garment go limp around her and gasped at the feeling of Gaara's warm palm touching her right over her exposed yet covered skin. She-

[ e n d ]

The blonde girl leaned forwards and kissed the lips of her brunette girlfriend and Gaara felt realisation dawn upon him.

oh oH OH NO!

Gaara turned towards the Green Thing, "Are you gay?" The words left his slightly cracked lips before he could register it. Too excited to care, he continued his interrogation.

Lee, on the other hand, did care. His already widened eyes widened and he felt like literal steam was coming out of his barely visible ears, "What kind of question is that?!" He freaked over.

"Just answer it, will ya?" This was so out of character if the ever so stoic Suna heir. It wasn't that he didn't like to interact. In fact, he had quite a lot to say but he was just socially awkward.

Lee's face turned red and he stuttered. He actually stuttered, "Yosh-" his usually enthusiastic 'yosh' was highly lowered down and to a point where it just seemed surreal, "I like boys."

"Well that's good cause—" without further warning Gaara leaped forward, forgetting all distance, and crashed his lips against Lee's.

The kiss was ..awkward in the beginning. Gaara could taste the curry Lee must have eaten for dinner. He seriously considered reaching into his pocket to offer Lee a mint but decided against it. After all Gaara was the one who kissed him without permission.

He thanked his lucky stars for making him eat mint after Temari forced the Yōkan down his throat cause his father just so happened to forget that Gaara despises that dish.

They soon managed to set a rhythm to kiss and move their lips in sync. Gaara couldn't help but feel that he was topping, with Lee almost being sunk down against the tree and Gaara hovering over him. The redhead was also guiding the Raventte which led him to believe that this may be Lee's first— oH.

Lee had shyly wrapped his arms around Gaara's shoulders and pulled him in. Gaara to let his arms fall to Lee's side to hold him closer.

-gasped loudly.

"Aah! Are you alright? Did it go too fast? I shouldn't have- I should've ask you- I." Gaara spluttered around. He had gotten so lost in his endeavours that he forgot to ask Sakura if she was ready or not.

"It's okay. I just- I-" she paused to fix her bra, "I should have said something. I am just- I am not ready. Gaara-" Tears sprouted in her jade irises.

"Hey no uh biggie. We won't go any further. Not till we are ready."

"I wanted to and you wanted to but I got scared and I chickened out. I am so sorry."

"Relax, Sakura. I'll wait for you. I won't push you to do something you don't want to. I love you, okay?"

"I love you too"

They deepened the kiss but no tongue action. It felt nice.

"How did we end up like this?" Gaara murmured rhetorically, his face heating up, into the kiss but Lee, being Lee, took it literally.

He pulled away from the kiss and sat up straight, making Gaara straighten up too, and jumped to explanation, "You asked me if I were gay and then kissed me!"

Gaara stared at Lee in absolute horror, "That is what happened, didn't it?"


"So what are we gonna do now?" Gaara raverted his gaze and rubbed the back of his neck, letting awkwardness catch up on him.

"I liked it, if that helps!" Lee's eyes shimmered up at Gaara with hope.

"Oh. I.. I liked it too. It was nice." Gaara flushed the same colour as his hair.

"Are you into boys too?" Gaara looked alarmed at the seemingly harmless question. Lee quickly raised his hands trying to convey peace, "You don't have to answer."

"No, it's okay. I want to talk." He assured the worried Green thing, "I uh I don't know. I didn't think till now but with what happened with Sakura. The whole thing just felt dry. Like emotionless. No, not that. I did feel something but I just don't get it. I am so confused I like I mean I don't—"

"Hey, relax okay! There is no need to rush Youthful Cardinal. I always knew what I wanted so I can't sympathise with you but I shall try! I am here for you!" Lee smiled warmly at the distressed boy, taking some of his worries away, "No rush but did you feel anything from the kiss..?"

Gaara breathed deeply, "Yes. I think so." He nodded for himself.

"Yosh! that's a start. We shall figure this out together!"

Gaara smiled sweetly at Lee and took a bold leap. He grabbed Lee's tanned hand in his own pale ones, "We shall!"

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Please read this, there are a few things about the warnings that I would like to address-

1. Verbal Abuse- This Story starts with verbal abuse in the beginning. The effects were greatly toned down here cause I didn't want to go in too deep for the sake of the fanfic. You could see it's effects on Gaara, now imagine that 100 times worse with no comical reliefs or reliability of senses. Verbal Abuse is awful and traumatising and no one must do it to others. And please, please attempt to stand up for those who are facing it. We all can use some kindness and chivalry in this world.

2. Tigger- this warning is for those who have faced verbal abuse, like me, and could perhaps be triggered. I kept the topics as such that people won't be triggered by them but I deeply apologise if someone did.

3. Lime- very, very less lime. Nothing too explicit, nothing too much. I have kept it fairly innocent. Basic kissing and touching ( not much on the main parts ).

4. Yaoi / yuri- nothing but kissing in public. The fanfic depicts it quite freely but that's not the case in harsh reality. Non-cis and gay people are downright afraid to show affection or their sexuality in public from the fear of being shamed, beaten and disrespected. I didn't wanted to darken the fanfic as it is supposed to be for shit and giggles but this situation exists.

Just cause internet is 99% anything but straight doesn't mean real life is too.

5. Questioning- Questioning one's sexuality is also mentioned here. And the one is being supported and inspired. The real world isn't so good. People don't even talk about this stuff where I live. Other people shame it or keep kids oblivious to it. It makes it harder for people to be comfortable in even thinking about having a sexuality different from cis / straight. People are working towards improving it but we still have a long way to go.

Support and acceptance is the only thing you can offer so please do. Some have much of it to give and others so in need of it.



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