You're My Freedom

By HipstuhhLouis

485K 15.9K 3.5K

Yup no one likes me. I'm a burden but hey, I'm smart and I've got a future ahead of me. When I'm 18 I plan on... More



4.8K 253 57
By HipstuhhLouis

Madison's POV

"Harry umm... at dinner you said," I cleared my throat, "You said that your parents are a touchy subject. I was wondering what happened." 

Harry stopped what he was doing and he stiffly turned around to look at me. His lips were in a firm line and his face emmotionless. His hands dropped to his sides and he walked over to where I sat on the couch.

"Please baby, can we not talk about this right now," his voice was soft as he spoke.

He sat down next to me and I nodded before staring at the telly that was showing reruns of How I Met Your Mother. I sighed rather loudly than I intended and I turned my direction towards Harry. 

"Harry I just want to get to know you better. I like you too much," it was hard to swallow my small lie.

I mean I did like Harry but, it's not the way I'm making it out to be.

"I'm sorry but, I can't right now and I don't know if I ever will be able to talk to you about my parents. I don't tell anyone about them babe. Don't take offense please, I don't want you to be upset with me," he pressed his lips against my temple.

"I won't force you to tell me Harry but, I need you open up to me. I-I don't know much about you," I told him.

"I don't know what do you want to know? There really isn't much with me," he began to leave wet kisses along my jawline. 

I shifted at his touch. My legs were on his lap and I closed my eyes shut as I felt his lips at the corner of my mouth. His hands cupped my face and his lips finally reached mine. He kept kissing me and my hands made their way behind his neck.

"Harry," I called out him.

He grunted and pressed his lips once more to mine before pulling away.

"When is your birthday?" I asked him.

Harry chuckled and stared at me.

"You literally stopped our hot," his voice got raspier when he said 'hot", "make out session here to to ask when my birthday was" he laughed.

"I'm getting to know you," I say in a duh tone. 

"You're very cute. It's in March by the way," he kissed my lips again.


"It's in May. Oh my god wait, you're turning 21!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, yeah but, in seven months you'll be 18 and then your mum can't do anything about me being able to fuck you. Honestly I don't think I'm going to last seven months. I would take you right now but, I don't think that's very smart of me," Harry groaned before hastily pressing his lips to mine.

"Are you going to do anything for your birthday?" I asked him.

"Probably," he shrugged, "maybe go to a the pub or something, or spend it with you."

"Have you thought about what you want, I mean you only turn twenty-one once."

"Well you always turn whatever age you turn once," he laughed, "But its the answer not obvious? Birthday sex duhhh."

"I'm kidding, baby." I laughed awakwardly at his joke.

"I guess I don't know what I want," he shrugged his shoulders.

There was an awkward silence for a while.

"Okay so you want to know something about me?" he suddenly asks.

"Yes, tell me."

"Okay. I'm so addictive to you baby. You give me this constant rush and it's endless when I'm around you. Ugh fück, just looking at you in that dress...We've only been official for two weeks and you're driving me insane," I blush at his words.

"You get me so excited," he groaned and I furrowed my eyebrows a bit. "Excited?"

Harry took a hold of my hand and pressed it to his crotch. He groaned and I automatically pulled away.

"Oh." Did I give him a boner? I suppressed my laugh as I stared at his jeans. A giggle escaped my lips and I covered my mouth with my hand.

Harry narrowed his eyes at me and began to straddle my waist as I laid down on my back. Another fit of giggles escape my lips once more and he decides to speak.

"You think what you do to me is so funny. It's not it's torturous and challenging but, only because it's you I'll manage, baby. Fück," he leaned down to kiss me and I felt his bulge press against my stomach. 

To be completely honest I thought it was awkward. Like I thought this completely uncomfortable and I couldn'y move my legs because of this stupid dress that seemed to be seducing Harry. Harry pressed his lips to mine one last time before pulling away and getting off me.

I sat up and he ran his hand through his hair. His held his bottom lip between his lips as he stared at me.

"I think I need a cold shower. I don't want to do anything I'm going to regret, baby. I'll be back," he disappeared through one of the hall ways. 

I heard the shower start and I stood up from the couch. I went around on of his tables that were filled with papers and I immediately texted Zayn.

hey, um I'm at H's flat and there are a lot of papers scattered on a desk

Seconds later my phone buzzed.

Good. Now go through them, don't get caught

I put my phone down on the table and began sorting out the papers. Most of these were for school as I saw headings to paper at the top right of the corner.

"Styles, Harry

Essay #5


Period 4," it read on one of his papers.

I kept going through papers and reading them over. I read some of his work and they were pretty well written. Something came across my eye and I grabbed the paper in my hands.

2 pound C's, 3 pounds W's

There were several codes like this with people's names on them. I looked through all of them and couldn't figure out what they meant. Strange.

Quickly, I snapped a picture with my phone.

I put Harry's uni papers in one pile and the ones I couldn't decipher in another. There were so many codes I couldn't figure out and I immediately wished I was some kind of genius. There was one page with so many numbers and letters and symbols. This obviously has to go through a computer or something. I wonder if Zayn could try to hack his boss's computer with these codes.

"What the hell are you doing?" His voice boomed, startling me.

I jumped and faced him. He had a frown on his face and a towel hung low on his hips. His attire made me very uncomfortable. I've never been within this close proximity with someone who is nearly naked.

"What are you doing with my stuff?" He neared me.

My breath got caught in my throat and a weird noise came out. He grabbed my wrist and with his other hand he yanked the papers in my hand from my grasp.

"I said what were you doing with my stuff?" He repeated his question whilst his grip on my wrist tightened.

"Harry, you're hurting my wrist," I pleaded as I tried to pry his fingers off my wrist.

His grip didn't loosen and his glare showed more anger.

"I was- I was sorting out your papers."

"Why were you going through my things?"

"One of your assignments caught my eye Harry, I promise," I met my eyes with his.

He suddenly let go of my wrist and it started to throb. I looked at my wrist and you could see a red mark of Harry's finger that left an imprint on my pale skin.

I tried to massage it to help the pain and I looked up at Harry. His eyes were scanning the now organized piles of papers and it he looked through each one.

He then met my eyes and his face immediately softened. I sat down on the couch and just started to watch what was on the telly.

Harry sighed loudly and sat next to me on the couch. He grabbed my hand but, I pulled away avoiding his eyes. I continue to blankly stare at the television screen but, he continues to try to get my attention.

"Baby, I'm sorry," he cooed.

I scooted away from him and he sighed again.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm really sorry I was just really upset."

"Babeeee, talk to me," he whined.

"Do not call me babe."

"Then what do you want me to call you? Baby? Sugar-lips?" He teased.

I tried to keep a stern face but, sugar-lips? Really?

"I'm sorry I just some of those papers are private and have to deal with work and I'm not supposed to let anyone see it," he explained.

"I just wanted to help you, it was a mess and I'm kind of OCD about things sometimes and I guess I'm sorry," I lied again.

God, did I find lying annoying.

"I know, I'm sorry I really shouldn't have done that to you," he reached for my hand and placed kisses on my wrist.

"You know you're pretty frightening when you're mad," I say truthfully.

"I've been told that once or twice before." He licked his lips.

"Harry, we need to be able to trust each other. This, between us won't work if there isn't trust."

"Baby, I know. It was stupid and a reflex. I'm not really used to anyone being here with me, I'm kind of a loser" he laughed.

He hastily pressed his lips agaisnt mine.

"It's the truth you loser. By the way could you um put some clothes on," I poked his stomach.

Okay his stomach was hard as a rock, like it's obvious Harry works out. The six pack was very evident and crap I think I need to get into shape.

I poked my stomach now and mine is as soft as marshmallows. Harry laughed at me.

"I think I should work out with you," I tell him.

"I would not find you very attractive if you had abs baby, it's not my preference," he scrunched his nose.

"I know but, how do you even get this muscled?" I poked his abdomen again.

"Are you just continuing this conversation as an excuse to keep poking my abs because you could just touch me all you want," he laughed.

"Hey! I'm just saying that you're really toned," I shrugged getting slightly embarrassed.

"Aww you're blushing," he stated.

The redness of my cheek continued  to spread and I hid my face in my eyes whilst laughing.

"You're too cute," he gently intertwined our hands together.

"I knew I wanted to be with you when I met you at El's," he kissed my nose.

"Oh shoot, I should really make up with El"

"Oh. She's still mad at you?"

"I never made up with her," I sighed lightly.

"It's okay, we'll go see her tomorrow if you'd like. I mean if you want."

"Yes, please."

"Okay, I'll be right back. Some prude told me to put on some clothes, " he kissed me.

"Mmm," I said before he pulled away.

"Maybe you should just go put some trousers and leave the shirt off," I joked.



okay this chapter is kind of rubbish but, I updated. Harry and Madison's ship name is Marry,(foreshadowing?) jk, their ship name is Hadison bc that sounds ten times better. 

btw I'm living in a crisis bc I cracked my phone on friday :(

I need motivation to update so maybe comment? and maybe vote? :)

QOTD: Who's your favorite (wattpad) author?

I personally do read a lot of books that are not on wattpad so I would say Rainbow Rowell bc I love the book "Eleanor and Park." Aslo I legitimately can not to chose who my favorite wattpad author is like omg seasidestyles, is so good and I've read all over her stories bc they are bomb asf so read them but, Mollynight slays in Dark and Dangerous Love. 

-Anna xx

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