Two Tails, One Rotten Heart

By madhatterHV

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Once upon a time in a little town long forgotten there lived twin girls different in every way except appeara... More

The Call
Prepare to Burn
When they welcome her home
All the stories were true
A new beginning
Glimpse to the future
Pulled to the past
A soul for a...
Welcome to Siren City
Let the hunt begin
Old Grievances
A new discovery
Kill the boy, Kill them all
A song to say farewell

Down to the Sea we go

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By madhatterHV

After a long trek back to her house all Nala wanted was her bed. She didn't even have an appetite for dinner nor the will to face her sister again. Pausing at the foot of the stairs Nala could hear her grandfather snoring away, only stopping to mumble a few words before the snoring started again. A call from the sea, this is what Ula had heard and if anyone in this forsaken village would know anything about that it would be her grandfather, he was the only person she could ask. Would he answer her though? It had been so long since the old man had told her stories and Nala was not sure if he was in his right mind, if even remembered the stories or could be trusted not to spread the word that his granddaughter was asking dangerous questions.

Nala trudged up the stairs resolved to sleep on it and deal with it all in the morning. She prayed Ula was already asleep but it was no use because there she was sitting up in bed waiting for Nala.

"I waited for you" whispered Ula with her head bowed down as she hugged her knees to her chest.

"I can see that." Nala quickly removed her dress and put on her thin slip she used for bed.

"My twin, I hate fighting with you. Can't we go back to how things were before?" Pleaded Ula.

We fought before too and go back to what? Before you told me you were being summoned by some strange force? Before I stupidly threatened the most important families in town? Before I sentenced us to death? No, there was no going back.

"Ula it's too late for that...I —" Nala paused because how she could she admit the grave error she had made. Her sister was already dabbling in dangerous past times, hearing things she shouldn't be hearing. Nala was never one to care about the townsfolk and wouldn't hesitate to tear into one but now they were guilty, now they would burn. Just like mother. She couldn't say the words. It was obvious Ula was already distressed, her hair was unbrushed, her eyes wild, face pale. Telling Ula what she had done would not make anything better or save them.

"Go to bed Ula, everything will be better tomorrow. We will figure something out."

Her sister waited for a heartbeat before nodding and laying down. Their roles had switched for just a moment and now it was Nala's turn to be the big sister and take care of this mess. It was strange for her, who was always so negative and harsh, to be comforting someone. Nala didn't really care for the feeling or what she would have to do next. They would figure this out but for that they had to get out of the town's eye and that meant begging Juliette and Samuel for their forgiveness. Bile rose in her throat at the idea of getting on her knees for the those fools but what other choice did she have?

Nala didn't bother trying to sleep with her mind restless like this, she kept going over and over different plans but it all came back to that call. What was Ula hearing? Unable to bear this anymore Nala slipped from her bed and quietly walked to her grandfather's room. The door swung open with a small creak, the room was lit up with the moonlight coming from the window. A full moon. Nala crept over to the side of the bed, squatting down and shook her grandfather awake.

"Grandfather! Grandfather wake up!" she whispered.

The old man snorted and choked then his eyes flew open. His body jerked up as if he was going to jump out of bed and run, either towards her or away from something.

"What is it? Are they here?" the man asked frantically.

Nala frowned, confused with who was supposed to be here. She grabbed his hand trying to ground him and get him to focus on now.

"Grandfather I need you to tell me a story. The stories from my childhood."

He blinked at her and then settled in the sheets, "You didn't want to hear my stories anymore." Nala stayed silent and waited for him to say anything else.

The old man held her stare, as if waiting for something and with a disappointed sigh told his story.

"Once upon a time the ocean covered most of the world, only specks of land here and there. The sea was ruled by the Deep Ones and everyone knew better than to step one toe in their domain. Back then the humans didn't even dare fish and hunted on land while the Deep Ones hunted anyone foolish enough to face them. Oh and they were fools, anyone who tried attacking the Deep Ones ended up torn to shreds, never to be seen again. The Others were not very bad you see but the two groups never did get along. However...there were stories of chosen ones who went to live in the sea, they were never seen again either but I don't believe they died, no, went through a metamorphosis they did. The Deep Ones and the Others still fight don't you doubt it, the sea keeps beating the land back, reminding it who was here first...and who'll be here last."

"What do you mean by metamorphosis? Who are the Others?" Nala asked, desperate for more information. The old man had barely told her anything!

"The fight will continue, It'll never stop...a cruel fate. Such a cruel fate" breathed the grandfather.

It was obvious Nala would get no more information from him so she got up and left the room. Not ready to get back into bed just yet she walked outside and kept walking until one more step would have her falling into the ocean. When was the last time she stood on this cliff? When she went to get Ula? She couldn't remember.

A metamorphosis.

What kind of change did the chosen ones go through? And Ula. Ula was chosen of all people. The girl who couldn't even see the ocean for years without crying after her parents disappeared beneath the waves. Ula was chosen. Her twin who was better than her at everything. Of course she was chosen. Why have Nala when Ula was so much better. Nala couldn't stop the bitterness rising in her. What if Ula was burned at the stake...would they settle for the other half girl? Nala gasped for breathe and ran away from the cliffside until she reached the house. She put a hand against the hard surface and breathed in and out. Ula was her sister she shouldn't be wishing for her death. Suddenly needing to feel...normal again Nala rushed back into the house and jumped into her bed hiding under her covers much like she did when she was just a little girl. Grandfather's story was just that, a story.

It wasn't true.

Ula was not going to disappear into the sea.

Nala was not upset that she had not been chosen.

She repeated these lies to herself until sleep dragged her under.

Grandfather couldn't go back to sleep. Nala's visit woke him up and no matter what he did sleep was far away from his grasp. Did he forget to tell the girl something? Something about the chosen ones.

"They chose a girl. It was always the girls who disappeared. Not even a body left behind."

Upstairs in the twin's room Ula was woken up by a ringing in her ear. She sat up. The song started.

"Rumors said it was witchcraft, others left with their own free will."

Ula silently walked out of the house, onto the pathway, through the meadows.

"Such a pretty song. I heard it once. Pretty song. Pretty song. Pretty song."

Ula reached the sand. The waves pushed and pulled. Pulled. Pulled her in.

"Such a shame...they didn't know. Didn't understand."

Ula paused on the sand and slipped her nightgown off until the full moon reflected it's light off her naked body.

"Careful not to get too close..."

Ula walked into the water. Up to her calves, thighs, stomach, breasts, neck.

"Too close...and you'll drown."

She vanished.

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