Fury of the Sun

By Moon-inked

53.3K 2K 372

~ A Hiccup x Reader Fan-Fiction ~ I am a Former, a human soul in a dragon's body. On the day I changed bodies... More

Important Notices
Prologue: Past and Present
PART I: 1. The Decade of a Dragon
2. More to Berk than Meets the Eye
3. The Former
4. Escape
5. The Invaders
6. Bad Move
7. In the Depths of Gloom
8. Halfway There
9. When Vikings Rise
10. Renewal
11. Dragon Training
12. Broken Visions
13. Confrontation
14. Into the Nightmare
15. Fear Fighter
16. An Army Marching
17. Born in Fire, Killed in Ice
A/N: Thanks / Sorry & Help! (and Thanks Again)
19. Past Tense
A/N: Back on Track
20. Hollow
21. Blame

PART II: 18. Battle of the Blinded

2K 79 30
By Moon-inked


p.s. sorry for the million year wait, this has been completed for a while but I just haven't gotten online. heh.


UPDATE: This chapter has edited as of 4.7.15 :)


- Rebirth -

Chapter 18
Battle of the Blinded

Soundtrack: Kolnidur by Jonsi or 15. Stoick's Ship

For a moment, there was the sensation of total nothingness, but it quickly morphed into an intense cold. I was thinking about how light I felt, when I realised what I was looking at. My dead body. I was dead, and hovering slightly above my own corpse. It took me a moment to recall what happened as I stared at the deadly ice crystals sticking out of my scales as though I had become some sort of porcupine.

My heart dropped into my stomach as I glimpsed my ghostly paws. I may be dead but I was still imprisoned in my Night Fury body. Ethereal scales covered me, almost transparent. I wasn't human, and I never would be. I felt a faint, hollow sense of sadness. It felt incomplete. I hadn't finished what I was supposed to before I died.

I heard voices, and listened as Orvask intoned, "... at least she's out of the way." He sounded very far away, his words dulled like everything else in this new form. I watched Hiccup drag himself out from under my body. His eyes instantly filled with tears when he saw the broken body before him. "No," he croaked out. Orvask watched on smugly, relishing in the pain he had caused. "No!" Hiccup whispered harshly into the silence left where I once lived. "You're not dead, you're not," he cried, his voice soft and full of regret. Astrid approached him cautiously.

"Come back," he was murmuring softly.
'I'm right here,' I wanted to say. "Hiccup," Astrid said, with a gentleness I didn't know she possessed. He didn't look up. "...She's gone, Hiccup," she said, and knelt beside him. He raised his head slowly to look at her with an empty expression. "It's my fault. I was supposed to help her!" he said in anguish. The desperate words echoed around the crater, haunting those that still lived.

"I know," Astrid was saying, "but it isn't your fault. ___ knew what she was doing. It was her choice," she said convincingly. Hiccup looked away again, opening his mouth to say something, only he never got the chance. Gold light was illuminating my corpse from the inside out, shining behind each scale and casting patterned shadows on the two. The Alpha roared challengingly, shaking the air as Orvask stepped forward a few paces, his eyes blazing with denial and confusion. "What-" he began. I didn't hear the rest of his words, because new voices, a hundred million voices, spoke together in a hushed tone. The stars were speaking to me for the very last time.

"Your time is up
But you aren't dead
You took the blow
in Hiccup's stead

The scales of war
Have covered you
But now they're gone
You're changing too

You listened well
And your path was true
So now this gift
We give to you

A human once
It's in your bones
And ten years past
You can go home

The light that stemmed from my dragon body grew brighter until it was blinding, and Hiccup and Astrid were shielding their eyes with their arms. It reached up like a coil of wire and twisted around me, pulling me down. I squirmed and fought, because I didn't want to leave this place and I didn't want this to be the very last time I saw them. No! Don't make me leave! I protested, though no sound came from my ghost. Again I was caught in the absolute nothingness, devoid of sound or light or feeling.

And then I opened my eyes.

. . .

Chaos erupted around me. I couldn't understand the shouts and yells, and I was having trouble moving. I felt almost normal, only tail-less, and wingless, and small... I looked down to find hands covered in skin, feet, arms, legs, a body- a naked body. I covered myself for their sakes, because though I wasn't exactly bothered - I'd been naked the majority of my life, technically - I knew it wasn't appropriate.

"Don't look," Astrid was saying with obvious embarrassment to Hiccup, who had his eyes closed tightly and was looking away with flaming cheeks. Astrid inspected my face before saying, "Hang on. Stormfly!" she called to her dragon. She pulled a cloak out of one of the bags hanging on her saddle, and gave it to me. I quickly draped it over my small figure and Astrid told Hiccup he could open his eyes.

I wasn't looking at him, though. Around us, everything had become a blur of movement and noise. I felt a shuddering through my legs and saw, with blurry eyes, the movement of the huge Bewilderbeast. Orvask was shouting loudly and it pained my head. Everything was too bright and loud and intense for me, and I was having trouble understanding what happened. I supposed I was human. And alive.

I put my hands over my ears to block out the noise and Hiccup and Astrid instantly became worried. Hiccup seemed afraid of touching me for some reason; probably he was too embarrassed about seeing me, well, naked. Astrid however, held my head so I would look at her, and I saw her mouth 'what's wrong?'. I shook my head stiffly, insisting there was nothing they could help with. She helped me stand on shaky legs which I had trouble controlling, and guided me onto Stormfly, who carried me back to the entrance arch, where it was quieter. Two large fires lit up the entrance brightly.

The Deadly Nadder returned to Astrid, and I watched on as she and Hiccup discussed something quickly. Hiccup gave a firm nod. As Astrid took off on Stormfly, he looked back at me with a smile full of awe. I tried to smile back, but I was sure it looked like a grimace.

My brain seemed to be struggling with the intensity of the change. I kept trying to move things that weren't there, and adjusting to the different muscles and bones was difficult. My eyes were much weaker and I had trouble seeing at first, because I was accustomed to the excellent vision of a dragon. Sounds were duller too, and I felt like I couldn't smell a thing compared to before. I almost pitied my own race.

A far away memory surfaced suddenly.

I thought back to the events today. This morning felt like years ago. Help me out, I whined, my eyes blurring and the pain in my chest worsening as I looked up at the stars. I would have given up then and there if it weren't for the answer I received.

"It's almost time
He's done his part
Now return the help
And save his heart."

I stared at the stars, not understanding. Save his heart? Literally, or figuratively? I guess the time would come when I would see.

Well, the time came all right, and here I was, human, because I'd saved Hiccup's life. I'd... saved his heart. I chuckled slightly, the sound feeling strange in my throat, and brushed back a lock of my hair. My black hair. It had changed, from before. I faintly remembered the colour of my hair before I changed, and this was different. It was a shimmering black, which looked dark steel grey if the firelight hit it right. It was reminiscent of a Night Fury's scales, I noted with another chuff of laughter. It reached down my back, and was scruffy and unkempt. I tried brushing my hands through it, but I guessed that sprouting hair all of a sudden didn't exactly leave it glossy and knot-free.

I closed my eyes when they started to hurt, and leaned against the side of the archway to make myself comfortable. I was tired, exhausted even. After all, I'd just changed literally every physical part of me.

. . .

[Hiccup's POV]

I was dumbfounded, when she turned. My cheeks burned as I remembered when I'd first looked at her. I shook my head vigorously, dispelling the images. Toothless was gliding high, beyond the height of the Bewilderbeast to gain an advantage. The other Vikings and their dragons followed, hanging in the air behind us when we pulled to a stop. Astrid was a fair way to my left, separate from the main group.

The coming battle would mean either Orvask's deaths, or ours. Either way, it would bring an end to all this. I glanced back to the arch and spotted a tiny figure huddled there. ___. I smiled slightly, feeling the weight of guilt lift from my chest. She was back. She was herself. It surprised me to find she looked the same age as me. I'd never even thought about what she'd be like as a human. "-ccup!" Astrid was calling.

I snapped out of my whirling thoughts to find a huge tusk rising through the air in my direction. The Vikings had scattered already, leaving me right in its path. Toothless shot off upwards when I called his name, and headed slightly to the left so we'd escape its range.

Astrid didn't spare a glance for me as I recalled the others and followed in the wake of the huge tusk, diving down. As we swooped past the Bewilderbeast's face, Toothless shot a strong blast of fire near it's right eye, the side we were gliding past. A dozen more shots and sprays of fire followed, and one dragon even managed to get its flame in the eye of the beast.

We quickly swerved out of the way as it's tusks rose again, coming dangerously close to us as it passed. I looked around for Astrid, and saw she was on the other side of the creature. She'd gotten close enough to have Stormfly claw at it's left eye, irreparably damaging it. It bellowed loudly in pain and the sound echoed around the crater.

I checked back on those who were following me; a mere 12 of them remained. We'd lost 18 men and women because of Orvask. The Bewilderbeast roared, and it swung its head to the left. I lost sight of Astrid, but I was already telling the others we were going to do another swoop.

But when I looked back at the huge tusked dragon, it was staring up at the sky, like it was entranced. A slim line of silver seemed to connect its small eyes to the starry expanse above us. I watched in confusion as it's eyes turned a milky white colour. The silver line severed, and the huge dragon began roaring, howling in pain. It swung its head wildly, before dragging its tusks along the ground and coming to a standstill, the huge protrusions still pressed into the dirt. A light switch flicked in my brain. "It's blind," I murmured.

How or why, I had no idea, but I wasn't wasting an opportunity. I was about to give the order for the next attack, but something stopped me. A thought, or more of a realisation. Orvask's staff. He'd used it to control the Bewilderbeast, at least to some extent. Maybe if we destroyed it and broke the connection, it might be the last straw for the Alpha dragon, and possibly, hopefully, it would surrender.

I looked back at one of the Vikings who flew behind me. Rootcap brought her Raincutter up next to Toothless and I relayed my thoughts to her. "We have to break the staff. Where's Orvask?" I asked her, getting the awful feeling that he'd gotten away while we were busy with the Bewilderbeast.

Rootcap frowned and her eyes scoured the ground. "There!" she exclaimed, pointing out a dark blotch on the ground. I waved my hand to the other Vikings, and flew side-by-side with Rootcap as we dived down.

It was Orvask. He scowled deeply at us as we approached... and he fled, running deeper into the darkness. Toothless quickly caught up to the coward, and dropped down with his paws on Orvask's back. The man fell to the ground under Toothless' weight. The rest of our rescue party quickly gathered around.

"Get off me!" Orvask growled viciously. Toothless stepped back at my soft command. "Orvask," I said. He rolled over, dirt clinging to him as he looked up at me with pure disgust. I pulled out a dagger, which had been hanging at my waist, and held it by my side in case I needed it.

"It's time for justice, Orvask. You've gone one step too far. It's time, now, that you were put back in line. You tortured my friend, you killed dozens of people! H-How do you live with that? How can you live, knowing that you've destroyed-... destroyed lives?" I asked, tears welling in my eyes. "You can't. I can't-... let you."

I held up the dagger, and the light of the fires spread around the huge crater glinted off the metal. My vision blurred slightly, as I stared at him and he stared at me. And I noticed that he was crying too, and even though he killed so many people, he was still a human. He was still afraid of dying. And I could not bring myself down to his level. I lowered the dagger. "Give me the staff," I said softly. Orvask stared at me in disbelief. "Now."

He shoved the staff my way, and without hesitation, Toothless picked it up in his mouth and bit down. The bone splintered and broke, and the shells, bones and bead decorations slipped off.

The Bewilderbeast stirred. It spun it's head our way, as though listening. A moment later, it stood on its hind legs and roared. The sound echoed around the crater. All of us, even Orvask, watched as the huge creature turned, climbed over the edge of the crater, and disappeared into the night. The thunder of its movement gradually faded into silence. I looked back, and Orvask was half curled up in the dust. "Are you going to kill me now?" he simpered.

"No-..." I looked up at someone who had just entered through the archway, which stood to the left of us. "But he is."

I didn't know how, but he was human again. Jack sprinted past ___, who sat by the arch still. He didn't recognise her, but he did recognise Orvask.

I threw him the dagger as he passed, and he deftly caught it. He slowed, crouched, and leaned close to Orvask's ear. "You don't deserve to die quickly. Think of it as the last thing I'll ever do for you," he whispered.

Without hesitation, Jack plunged the blade into Orvask's stomach. A gurgling cry reached us, and Orvask held fast onto Jack's torn clothing. A trickle of red stained the side of his mouth. The cruellest man I had ever known whimpered as he died, and I could not look away as he cried, as his eyes went blank and listless, as his heart finally stopped beating.

Dead. I closed my eyes briefly, trying to dispel the images of his suffering. I didn't want to see anyone die, even a murderer and madman like him. Even someone who enjoyed watching the suffering of others. But it was done, and he was dead, and we were alive.

Jack pulled away from the body, and a slurping noise followed the blade when he pulled it out. Blood covered Jack's hands and arms. He looked shocked, and not at all like he wanted to gloat about his kill. He stared up at me. I dismounted Toothless, and stood in front of him. "How did you change?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know," he replied quietly. "I just felt so... so angry," - he grimaced - "And then it all faded away and I was me again."

I nodded, about to give him a reassuring word, but a thought stopped me and filled my heart with dread. "Astrid," I whispered faintly. Where was she? She hadn't come back, I hadn't seen her, since the Bewilderbeast went blind. Jack frowned. "Hiccup? What-"

I pushed him aside and jumped onto Toothless. "Go! Go Toothless!" I shouted. Please, let her be all right.

. . .

[Your POV]

A few minutes earlier...

Someone came charging through the archway while I watched Hiccup and the other Vikings surround Orvask. Startled, I hugged the edge of the opening and gaped as I recognised the clothing. The hair.

Bruised, battered and torn but still the very same person, Jack Frost sprinted past me without a second glance, and shot towards the group. Hiccup threw him something as he went by. Jack settled low next to Orvask, and I heard a strangled cry which coincided with him convulsing and holding onto Jack.

I covered my eyes, not wanting to see the last moments of that blasted man. When I looked back, Jack was standing, and Hiccup had just mounted Toothless. The duo shot upwards, but flew low across the ground as they headed off into the darkness. I stood up weakly, clutching the side of the arch for support.

I brushed myself off, took a deep breath... and started walking. I was slow and clumsy, but I could move at least. I ambled towards where the rest of the Vikings, along with Jack, simply stood around and talked quietly. Many had gotten off their dragons and were sitting or standing with tired expressions.

As I approached, Jack looked up. He stared for a moment, then put on a charming smile. "You okay? Pretty thing like you shouldn't be walking off on her own," he flirted, taking hold of my arm as I almost tripped up. I couldn't hold in my laughter. "What?" I gasped, giggling. He flushed slightly red. "Jack, you idiot," I laughed. "It's me. ___."

He stared at me in disbelief and let go of my arm. "___? B-but you're a... You can't be..." he stammered. I pressed my lips together, trying not to laugh at his dumbfounded look. "I changed, Jack. I'm back. And what about you? How'd you do it?" I asked curiously.

He shook his head. "I dunno. It just sort of... happened," he said. I frowned a little. There had to be a reason, surely. "When did you change, d'you reckon?" I asked, sitting down on the hard dirt. He shrugged. "Not sure. Probably about... half an hour ago or something. Maybe longer."

I smiled and looked up at the stars as he sat beside me. "I reckon it was because I changed back. Because you had my blood in you, making you a dragon. So when I changed, it did too. Maybe it stays connected to me somehow."

Jack stared at me for a moment. "That's kind of crazy. But I can't think of any other theory," he admitted with a grin. I didn't hold his gaze. "Jack-" I started. "I know," he interrupted, his easy-going mood vanishing in moments. "We need to talk, right?" he said with a sad smile. I sighed softly, reluctant to broach the subject. "Not now," I assured him. "When we get-"

I was interrupted again, but not by Jack. A long cry split the quiet. I snapped my head up to look at Jack. He was thinking the same as me. "Hiccup," we whispered in unison. I leapt to my feet, but a bout of dizziness made me lose my balance. I reached out my arms to stop my fall, but Jack was already there, holding me up. "You all right?"

"Yeah, yeah," I replied, brushing him off. "We have to find Hiccup." Jack sighed in response. "You shouldn't be walking around in your condition," he cautioned, but I gave him an are-you-serious look, and he consented to supporting me by hooking his arm around my waist and walking with me. We walked in the direction of the sound, until we found Toothless. The black dragon gazed at us as we approached. He stood back as we approached Hiccup, who sat on the ground with something in his arms. Or rather, someone.

I pushed away from Jack and collapsed next to Hiccup, and the body of a young woman. Astrid Hofferson's eyes stared into space. Her skin was a pallid grey, and her lips were blue and bloodless. Her chest was crushed inwards, and blood stained the material there. Hiccup was cradling her body, soft sobs occasionally coming from him. He must feel tortured, I thought with a sympathetic sigh, to lose both me and Astrid in such a short time. Even though I'd come back, he'd still felt the grief. And, even if I had some sort of liking of Hiccup, I knew that he loved Astrid. Proper, real love that was obvious to anyone who had seen them together.

I put my hand on Hiccup's shoulder and he flinched. He stared at me blankly, much the same as he had looked at Astrid when I had died. "I didn't even realise. I forgot about her. She died and I was too busy worrying about winning to notice. She died alone," he told me, and his breath hitched as he uttered the last sentence. I put my arms around him, his cold armour digging into my skin. "She died in battle, Hiccup. She died trying to save other people. She was fighting until the very last second, and that's just how she would have wanted to go," I murmured gently.

"She was too young," he replied shortly, and his eyes closed. "Yeah," I said. "Yeah, she was."

I felt Jack crouch beside me. "Come on, Hiccup. I know, it's hard," he said softly, and when I looked at him I saw tears in his eyes. "I lost someone a very long time ago... and I know that the worst decision of my life was to waste so long wishing they'd come back."

Hiccup turned his head. His eyes were steely and hard, like he was trying to hold back a biting remark, but he didn't say anything. Jack sighed. "There are things you need to do, Hiccup. And until you've done them, you won't be able to mourn her properly," he said. They held each other's gaze for a few seconds. Finally, Hiccup nodded.

"We have to get back. Then we can... arrange Astrid's departure," I added. Jack helped me to my feet, and then assisted Hiccup. I wondered how they could be so friendly when not so long ago, they were at each other's throats. Hiccup slid slowly onto Toothless' back, and I saw his chest expand as he took a deep breath. Suddenly, he frowned. "How are you two going to get back?" he asked, and his voice lacked the usual commanding air it held when something had to be done.

I glanced sideways at Jack and shrugged. "I never even thought about it. I could really use some wings right now, hey?" I joked weakly. Hiccup smiled slightly. "We'll see if we can fit you onto one of the other dragons. Otherwise, one of you can ride with me," he said.

Toothless walked with us as we went back to the other group of Vikings, who stood up as we approached. There were two Deadly Nadders without riders, so neither of us rode with Hiccup. Damn, a little voice whispered in my head before I could suppress it.

Together, we flew above the rim of the crater and floated on the night breeze, across the sea and back home. The soft caress of the dawn light greeted us as we crossed the ever-changing waves, and for the time being I was happy.

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