Thousand Cherry Blossoms

By ApoKun

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Izuku Yagi, a boy loved by his family and friends. His cheerful smile brought joy to people around him. That... More



19.2K 314 199
By ApoKun


~Hisashi Kuchiki~

"Ugh.. where am I?" Izuku thought as his eyes fluttered open. He gazed around and saw that he was in a room. The room was heavily decorated and looked to be a room a king would reside in

The furniture looked very expensive and antique. Realisation hit him that he was, infact, in someone else's room and that the person who attacked him was no where to be seen

He stood up and just noticed that he was not wearing his shirt. He looked around and spotted a mirror

Walking up to it he stood infront of the full body mirror. It was outlined with pure gold and the glass itself was very clear. He saw the reflection of his own body. The holes that once littered his body where gone and his muscles were on full display

*Clap,Clap* Izuku's head whipped around so fast that he could have broken his neck. He looked behind him and saw a silver haired man leaning against the door frame and clapping amusingly

"Who are you?! Where the hell am I?!" Izuku demanded. His fingers twitching, ready to call upon his faithful servant

"I must say, you do have the body of someone who has been through much, combine that with your Hardened eyes, one could call you a war veteran" the man praised as he noted the scars littering the 13 year old's body. He gazed at the burn marks and cuts that framed his body. His eyes becoming cold and hardened, subconsciously letting out KI or killing instinct

*Cough,Cough* "oh! I must apologize, I simply got distracted" the man bowed. His smile wide and eyes closed. The smile was warm but Izuku was still on his guard

"Speak" he threatened, The man chuckled "not one for Idle talk, are you? Well that matters not and seeing how you are the to-the-point type I am going to get straight to the topic at hand, I was the one who attacked you at the clearing-"

Izuku went to summon Sen but found himself unable to "what did you do?!" He asked. The man chuckled. "You did not let me finish, I was the one who attacked you at the clearing and Izuku, I am your biological father" he finished

"Don't fuck with me old man!" Izuku yelled enraged someone would claim to be his father when he already has some bad experience dealing with parents in general

"Such vulgar language, but I am your real father and I have proof" "and what proof do you have?" "The answer lies within your mind and soul" the man finished

Izuku was about to curse at the man but Senbonzakura materialised in his humanoid form. "That won't be necessary, Izuku while he is a intelligent individual for his age, he sucks at riddles" Izuku gained a tick mark and glared at Sen before his eyes widen

Looks like he has my brains...

"Then "the answer lies within your mind and soul" is referring to" "Me, yes" "...what is he talking about Sen?" Izuku questioned

"..." " *Sigh* I guess it is time. Yes Izuku, This man here is your biological father and his name is..."
"John Cena" Izuku finished looking at the silver haired man in awe

... He has my humour too!

"I wish, I go by many names! You may know me as Moon Fang, Hisashi Midoriya" Izuku's eyes widen at this name "or perhaps more commonly as Hisashi Kuchiki" Izuku's eye widened more at this, it was only a matter of time when they pop out of his sockets

Izuku regained his bearings and glared at the two ma- *ahem* man and Zanpakuto Spirit? "Explain" he said coldly. Sen didnt react and Hisashi shrugged

"What would you like to know?" Hisashi asked. "Everything! Why Is your last name Midoriya when it's supposed to be Inko's last name?! Why the hell is your last name also Kuchiki?! The world's richest family! How does Senbonzakura fit into all of this! And if you are my real father, Why the fuck did you leave me alone with those neglectful bastards and that abusive witch of a sister I have!"

Hisashi gained a somber and regretful look he gave his son a genuine smile

"Fine, I will tell you everything but first freshen up" Izuku, after a second or two, nodded. Hisashi left Shortly after. "I will go back, I will come out when you are ready" Izuku again nodded, still trying to process a small piece of the puzzle presented to him

Hisashi sat on a chair, a glass of red wine in his hand, a buttler came and stood besides him

"Are you sure this is wise Master Hisashi, is revealing young master's heritage at such a young age safe for him?" The buttler was old but still in top notch physical state. He also wore a formal suit

"I know what I must do Vlad, I appreciate your concern for the safety of my son, and I will have you oversee his training for the near future, if all goes well" the man bowed and passionately said "Oh master! I Vladmir am humbled that you would bestow such a task onto me! I shall not disappoint my Lord!" He said. Hisashi chuckled at the man's antics. The man was a father figure to Hisashi, he was practically family and his antics always kept Hisashi amused

Hisashi dismissed the buttler and gave him the day off

"Are you sure that is wise lord Hisashi? Vladmir did make a point" a voice came from behind the darkness. A woman garbed in long white robes walked towards Hisashi's seat

The woman looked very young, her skin shone like the moon. Her eyes were pure white and hair, a pale lavender

Her hands were covered by the robe's sleeves and the hem of it was being dragged on the ground

"Ah! I see you woke up" Hisashi replied cheerfully "of course, I must say.. Your son proved to be a slight challenge albeit a little inexperienced"
She said

"Haha! That is why I and Vlad are here! And prepare for more fights with Izuku and Senbonzakura, Selene" The woman shook her head "as you wish master" she dissapeared in a flash of white light.

Hisashi took a sip of the wine and stood up from his chair. He walked around it and looked at the moon from his large window. The moon's light shone on Hisashi's face. He took a sip from the glass and again looked at the moon. His eyes were hardened and cold, blood lust oozing out of him like an uncontrollable wave of water

He suddenly squeezed the glass of wine and crushed the glass. His eyes glaring at the air with such raw rage. The shattered glass pieces crumbled under his raw strength. He did not care about the blood dripping from his hand

"I swear to you Inko, Yagi and Izumi, I will do everything in my power to make your nightmares come true. I will expose that blonde bastard, I will destroy your daughter's reputation and When I am through with you Inko" he opened his palms and let the crumbled glass pieces fall on the ground

He turned around to leave. His silver hair flowing behind him. The wound in his hand from the glass healing itself. Hisashi paused for a moment. The moon casting a shadow over his entire face with only his eyes being seen

His eyes were shining silver with rage. The windows behind him shattered into dust from the sheer pressure exerted

"Your pitiful life will crumble into dust just like this shattered glass, I will show you not to mess with the Kuchiki family! Beware Inko, All Might and Izumi. I will make you fear the name that is..."

Hisashi Kuchiki


Word Count: [1253]

Sooo.. how was it? I hope my Personality for Hisashi was pretty visible to my readers and if not here is a short summary of his personality

Is usually chill and dismissive of things. Loves his family and his servants. Thinks of Selene as a partner rather than a tool and Vladmir as a father rather than a butler

Hates Inko and her family with a burning passion. Mess with his family and you won't live to see the light of the day

Expect more badassery from Hisashi.

Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote!

Peace Out!

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