Hate that I Love You

By KaylaJenkins2

518K 14.9K 2K

"We met in Miami, she was working at the mall at the time and I bumped into her at the gas station on the way... More

Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Not an Update
Twenty Eight
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five.I
Thirty Five.II

Twenty Nine

10.6K 322 34
By KaylaJenkins2


"Everybody seemed to have really enjoyed themselves." Ma says washing the dishes from the baby shower. Monté went to take her a nap and I was helping ma clean up some these leftovers.

"Yeah they did, I'm just glad my baby had a good time and she enjoyed herself." I say eating a bite of my rice.

"That girl loves you David...I can see it in her eyes so it didn't matter what you got her or how this party went she would've been happy as long as you was here." Ma says. I smirk a little hoping she was right.

"But I'm gonna finish cleaning up so Monté don't have to worry about that...you go on and check on her and I'll lock the door on my way out." She adds continuing to clean up.

"Igh ma. Preciate it." I say kissing her check and giving her a hug. I throw my plate in the trash and head upstairs to our room.

I open the door to see Monté sleeping so peacefully, her body wrapped around her pregnancy pillow. She only uses that when I'm not around because If sleeping next to her she likes to cuddle up on me.

I take off my shirt and kick off my shoes and slide in the bed wrapping my arms around her body. She moves closer to my chest, I close my eyes listening to her light snores.

Next Morning...

"Babee." Monté shakes me out my sleep. My eyes open slowly I see Monté standing over me dressed and ready to go. Today is my first day of the tour in Miami and she promised she'll come to this one since it's going to feature my album I made about her.

"Hmm." I mumble laying my head back down. That party took alot of a nigga energy. "Get up...Smoke is outside in the car and it's a little windy outside." She says hitting me on the side of my head with a pillow across my face.

"Igh..." I say reaching up to rub her belly. That's the first thing I do in the morning is talk to my daughter and make sure she straight. I'm really happy to be a father, by the right person at that...I don't know if I would've felt the same way if any of them dna test would've came back positive. But I try to keep my past buried and focus on my future.

"I'm not playing with you Dave if I come back in here I'm throwing water on your ass." She threatens walking out the door.

"Got damn monté here man.." I say holding up my cheeseburger so she can take a bite. She takes a big ass bite and covers her mouth while chewing her food.

"We gotta head towards the gate ." Smoke says taking off his beats. I nod my head closing up my food. I help Monté out her seat since she can no longer get up as fast as she use to.

"Did you remember to pack me a pillow?" I ask her as we head towards the gate. She looks back at me and nods her head.

"Yes babe...and put some pep in your step. I'm the pregnant one not you." She says laughing at me. Smoke laughs right along with her, I'm glad they get along though not many females even get a conversation outta Smoke and if they do it's just goodbye or wassup.

"I'm not even gonna say what I'm thinking." I say remembering the she's pregnant and very sensitive, I can't even crack jokes no more or she'll start gettin in her feelings.

"Yes please don't, I damn well know your mama taught you if you have nothing nice to say don't say shit." She says talking shit.

We arrived at the gates and wait in line to board our flight.

"Right this way...enjoy your flight." The lady says smiling while we show her our tickets and passports.


Miami, Florida


"We finna pull up right now." Dave says on the phone. I suck on my vanilla shake Smoke got me from this gas station nearby. Being pregnant around these two I get anything I want and I love it because although the food be so good I still gotta deal with the kicks, the back pain, the aching in my titties and I'm just ready for my baby girl to be here now.

"Bust this left and it's the house on the right..." He says giving Smoke directions to wherever we supposed to be crashing tonight and tomorrow. "We gon stay with Shoota and his girl for tonight..I don't want you in no hotel we gotta be take precautions at all times." He adds kissing my cheek causing me to smile.

"I thought Shoota stayed in Harlem?" I question opening the lid to my cup.

"Nah baby , he stay out here but he got houses in New York too because his ma stay out there." He explains as I suck the stuck ice cream out the bottom of my straw.

Smoke swings into the parking lot of this beautiful big ass house. I grab my purse and my phone getting ready to get out the car.

"I got Monté bags Smoke you can just get yo stuff." Dave says opening the door. He walks around the car opening the door for me and helping me out the car.

"Thank you baby." I say kissing his cheek rubbing his chest. I grab my cup out the cup holder putting the lid back on.

"You betta stop." He says slapping my ass before I follow Smoke towards the door.

He knocks a few times, a few seconds later a girl opens the door in a big t shirt, she was real pretty but I'm sure she knew company was coming over.

"Baee Dave and his friends are here." She says yelling from the door.

I grew irritated just standing outside in the cold while she held the door open looking us in our face. I'm not the typa female to disrespect nobody in they house but who the fuck she calling friend?

"Aye go put some fucking clothes on...y'all can come in I'm sorry about that. She act like her momma ain't teach her no fucking hospitality." Shoota says coming to the door letting us in.

Smoke walks in first, I follow him and hold the door open for Dave while he brings in our suitcases and my makeup bag.

"Wassup homie." Shoota dapping it up with Smoke.

"Nothin much playa...this a bad ass crib you got." Smoke says looking around. I look around as well, I love how this house is decorated fasho.

"Preciate cuh, much love to you." Shoota says sitting down on the couch lighting his blunt.

"Baby you want to hold this or what you want me to do with it?" Dave asks holding up my snack bag. I grab it out of his hand gently grabbing me a rice crispy.

"I'll hold it." I say sitting down on a chair.

"My bad cuh, wassup patna," Dave says dapping Shoota up. Shoota passes him the blunt wrapping his arm around his neck.

"Why you ain't tell me you finna have a baby mane?" He grills Dave tightening his grip around his neck.

The girl then comes down the stairs fully clothed this time. "Aye I'm finna go to mall to find something to wear tonight." She says holding on to the door knob.

"Damn you don't speak to my company? What the fuck yo problem cuh." He says releasing Dave from his grip and stands up out his seat.

"Hello Dave and the rest of y'all the fuck I'm supposed to say." She says with an attitude causing Shoota to give her a stale look. My blood boils more and more feelings of being disrespected.

"You know what..." I say getting up holding my bump grabbing my snack bag and my phone. "We can go to a hotel because I'm about 5 seconds aw-"

"You five seconds away from what?" She says interrupting me. Before I could walk up to her Dave grabs me by my waist.

"Aye homie get yo girl..she pregnant don't need to be whooping nobody ass today." Dave says kissing my forehead while holding me close to him.

"Get yo ass outside now." Shoota says walking outside. She follows rolling her eyes before slamming the door.

"Who the fuck is that?!" I say turning to Dave.

"That's his new girl...it's cool though baby he gon handle that shit." He reassures me pulling me on his lap.

"Hell yeah...Shoota..that nigga don't play I wouldn't be surprised if he ain't out there beating her ass." Smoke add inhaling the blunt before passing it back to Dave.

"Well somebody needs to cause that bitch is disrespectful and I hate a disrespectful bitch." I say.

Dave shakes his head hitting the blunt twice. "You calm your ass down before Kairi start getting jumpy." He says rubbing my stomach softly.

Shoota walks back in the house but his face was different, you could tell he was angry. "I'm sorry about that y'all when she come back here if she don't apologize to you Monté let me know." He says grabbing his keys.

"Aye Dave and Smoke y'all ride with me somewhere real quick." Shoota asks breathing heavy. Dave looks at me then back at him.

"Ion wanna leave Monté here by herse-"

"Nooo babe y'all go with him..I'm finna go take my shower and stuff and get ready for tonight." I says getting off his lap.

"You sure?" He asks looking in my eyes. I nod my head smiling at him.

"Yes David I'm sure go head and go I'll be here when y'all get back." I say.

I watch them clothes the door and lock it before I head upstairs. I go in the room with Dave and our suitcases in it and close the door locking it behind me.



"Man shawty pissed me off so bad before I knew it I had slapped the shit outta her." Shoota says speeding out the driveway.

"I been telling you to stop fucking with them ghetto ass females and get you somebody different." I say looking oug the window.

"Everybody ain't as lucky as you playa..you gotta beautiful ass girl that loves and respects you and a baby on the way. For a nigga like you that ain't shit but luck." He says bussing a left at the stop sign.

"Shit nigga you lucky to look at all the shit you've accomplished at the age of 24. Don't let these hoes get you back locked up or worst man." Smoke adds. This why we keep Smoke around he's more than my driver that nigga is family.

"I feel what y'all saying but I can't seem to ever find me a good female."

"Aye D what about shawty from the baby shower...Monté bestfriend." He says. I began to think and yeah that shit does make sense.

"I gotchu cuh." I say tapping Shoota on his shoulder. I then pull out my phone to call Monté, hopefully we can get Jaz a flight out here by tonight.

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