Chris Evans Emma Watson- Nigh...

By kalopsia_flaneur

3.3K 99 49

Chris Evans and Emma Watson have been dating for the last 4 months but neither have confessed their love for... More

The Night Everything Changed
Fools In Love
You've Made Your Bed, Now Lie In It
Find My Way
A Broken Heart Bleeds Tears
Exchange of Hearts (Explicit)
Instagram - Emma Watson
Instagram - Chris Evans
Celebuzz- *Chrisemma* The New Hollywood Couple

Maybe Its The Right Time To Turn The Page

223 9 8
By kalopsia_flaneur

Chris's POV

We all were getting ready for tonight, its a huge night. Emma is nominated for today's Oscars. I got the news from Tom that she has made her mind to attend the event tonight... Danm I can't wait to see her.

And I m completely sure my girl will bring the golden statue with her. My girl! I don't know if I still had the right to call her that. But I won't giveup, even if I had to spend my entire life begging her for forgiveness, I will do. I just can't let her go, she's my universe.

The incident from morning is still eating me out, Emma looked so broken, so upset and I, the one who promised her to never bring any harm to her gave her the biggest wound. Oh how I hate myself for it. But tonight I will make everything right, I will do anything and everything for her to take me back.

I finish getting ready and make my way towards the lobby, anticipation and anxiety clutching my heart, my hands are sweating and I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. The excitement and fear of seeing Emma is making me dizzy and I am bracing myself for the encounter.

Robert is already there busy on his phone and Tom checking his attire for one last time in the lobby mirror. Robert acknowledges me with a nod and I get a tight lipped smile from Tom.
We stand there for a bit waiting for Daniel and Emma to join us.

And suddenly I hear the sharp click of the door and I anxiously wait for Emma to come out. Daniel comes out and closes the door behind him!! what..why did he do so... is Emma fine? Is she not coming to the Oscars? Is it because of me? Thousands of question are on my mind and before I can ask him.

"Guys Emma is still getting ready, she started late because of her fever. She asked us to go ahead, and then she will join us directly on the event." Daniel answered my unasked question.

I breathed a sigh of relief.....she was alright and she is coming tonight, although her being sick and attending the event still troubles me, but its one of the major event of her life and she worked so hard to achieve all this. She deserves every praise, every award, every happiness out there, my dear love Emma you deserve all the good of this universe.


Finally we all arrived at the destination, the crowd was buzzing loundly. We waved for the crowd and then the interviewers questioned about this and that. The night is more or less same as the previous ones, full of stars but my eyes were only for my girl who hasn't arrived yet. It was first time since last few days that I was happy, excited to see Emma, the hope of winning her back hyped me up with adrenaline and for once I was really looking forward toningt's event.

I must have been looking like a child lost in crowd frantically searching for his parents, I was dying to catch a glimpse of Emma.. where is she? Is she not feeling well and decided to stay back?

Just as my worries were getting heightened, the world around me felt silent, words lost their meaning in my mind and I only looked at that one spot where my whole world stood. There she was, my beautiful Emma.

She exited the car and waved at the crowd looking absolutely breathtaking. The interviewers went nuts, the cameras flashed wildly over her. She walks down the red carpet radiating elegance, grace and poise, making her way towards us. Looking every bit of strong and wonderful woman we all know her as.

I caught my breath at the sight of her, she was a vision to see, a literal goddess present amongst the humans and I was totally at her mercy.

She was getting closer to where we were, she hugged Daniel first, then Robert and lastly Tom. As I took my first step towards her, she stepped back and turned away from me...... Did this really happen? Does she hates me so much now that, she won't even look at me? Not even sparing me a glance she turned around.
The photographer asked for the photos and she posed with all three of them but refused to acknowledge my mere presence. Did I really lost her for good ? She doesn't even wants to share the same space as me? I have never felt such hate for myself than at that particular moment, she despises me now and this all is because of my stupidity. I asked her to leave and now she is far gone and never coming back.

My steps faltered, eyes filles with unshed tears, heart heavy with grief for my lost love, my chance for one true love is lost and because of my own stupidity. I lost my soulmate.
Being there was now killing me, i need to get out... I need to escape this feeling of suffocation. But how can I ..... today is Emma's big day and I promised her I will be the one cheering the loudest, so what if we are not together, I will keep my promise for my best girl.
I got my shit together and prepared myself for tonight, putting on my best smile. I will support her no matter we are together or not, because I still love you Emma and always will.


Emma's POV

Chris was there in front of my eyes, a few steps away yet so far from my reach, I wanted to hold him and never let go. But my steps halted, I can't, I can't let the man who broke my heart, hurt me again. He didn't even try to make amends after that night, maybe its all over between us and now I won't be upset anymore. Its time to leave the past behind and look forward. Our chapter is over and now its time to turn the page.

I smiled, hugging Daniel, Robert and Tom, it felt so good joining them again after days spent in grief. Their concern and love warmed my heart, maybe all is not lost. I will not give Chris the benefit of causing me distress, we are over and now he has no place in my life.
Pain like this just doesn't go away, but it can't stop me from moving forward. I will make sure no matter what happens, I won't acknowledge Chris tonight and after that we will be just strangers who knew a lot about each other. Somethings are not meant to happen no matter how much we wish for them.


The night went on smoothly with great performances and thankfully I didn't get to see Chris again. My seating was away from him, so no chance encounters which relived me.

My nomination was up next and I was just so anxious, my nerves were rising throughout the night. I wasn't nervous for winning or losing, the nomination itself was dream come true, but my heart had other thoughts, it was beating frantically giving me jitters.

And in the next moment the nominations for *best actress of the year* came up. Snippets were played from each movie nominated, and with each passing moment my nervousness increased.

Harry Styles came on the stage to present the award, it was pin drop silence everywhere around, so silent that I can hear my own breath getting caught.

And then I heard it, heard the name of the winner, and to my absolute surprise, it was my own name I was hearing. I won the Oscars for the best actress of the year, it felt to surreal like I was dreaming all this. The crowd cheered loudly which broke my reverie and with tears of happiness shining in my eyes, I made my way towards the stage.

Each walking step felt like a victory, and by the end of the road was my Prize, the award for my work in Hollywood, the world which gave me love and recognition and moulded me into what I am today.

I took the award with gratitude, and as I turned towards the crowd, my eyes darted where Chris was seated....He was cheering the loudest, just like he promised. I was unable to get my eyes off him, I was bewildered, he hated me so why is he cheering for me? Why is he keeping his promise when we mean nothing to each other.

Unwillingly, I turned my attention towards the crowd and thanked everyone for supporting me, for blessing me with opportunities and keeping their faith in me.

It was a bittersweet moment for me, I waited for Oscars for my entire life but when its here in my hands, i do not feel complete. I was supposed to share this moment with the love of my life, Chris but here I am all alone.

The night continued and gradually we made our way to the after party. Everyone was congratulating me, this was supposed to be the best day of my life, but then why don't I feel so? I didn't feel this bad when Tom broke my heart, but right now its killing me, being here in between all these happy faces.


Chris's POV

Emma won the Oscars, jesus christ she won, well I m not surprised at all, I knew she was the one who's gonna win, she was the brightest of all the stars, my beautiful love Emma.
I so badly wanted to congratulate her, tell her how proud I am of her, and also to apologise for my actions. Please lord just give me an opportunity I want to show her how much I love her, how much she means to me, because I just cannot live without her.

After some mindless roaming, I saw her standing by the bar all alone, it was the perfect opportunity, I can go and talk to her, she will have to listen me, she won't turn me down in public. As I was making my towards her, someone else beat me in reaching to her.

What was Henry sodding Cavill doing with my doll? why is he giving shy smiles to her? .... Wait a minute, did he just asked my girl for a dance? .... and she said yes!!!.. Well she is not with you anymore Chrisopher, she can dance with anyone she wants, but look at all these men wanting to get her, they don't deserve her, hell even I don't deserve her.

She was dancing with Cavill, gliding gracefully on the floor, seeing them twirling around the dance floor, deepened the ache in my heart.

What was I thinking when I broke up with her, that she will wait for me forever? accept me with open arms? No, she is a strong woman, who wouldn't let any man decide the course of her life. But seeing her in someone else's arm made the crack in my heart wider. If only she knew what I was feeling in my heart.

Finally the dance ended, the clapping and cheering of the crowd were like gunshots in my ear. The reporters fishing for news, asked them to pose together for pictures. Although Emma agreed, I could see from her face, she was not 1% happy being there but being the kind person she is, she patiently waited for all this to get over.


Emma's POV

The night wore me out, I might have won the Oscars but didn't feel like a winner. In the room full of happy faces, I was lonely.
The biggest achievement of my life was in my hands, but I didn't feel accomplished. The Press wanted my pictures with different people of Hollywood and I put on the smile face for them but in reality I was knackered, I wanted to get out of here soon.

Suddenly I felt dizzy, the weakness from the fever was catching up on me again. I felt light headed, dark spots started dancing in front of my eyes, my legs stumbled and before I knew darkness enveloped me.

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