Christmas Love (A Justin Bieb...

Galing kay sweetieficent

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Christmas is just two weeks away. Schools are having Holiday breaks already. And most of the teenagers tends... Higit pa

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Christmas Love • Chapter 4
Christmas Love • Chapter 5
Christmas Love • Chapter 6
My Thank You Speech!
Sequel - "Nothing Like Us"
A Game for you to Join

Chapter One

2.6K 18 1
Galing kay sweetieficent

Hi! This story is under reconstruction. Kidding! This is under heavy editing. And once again, I co-write this story with @MrsAlexisBieber. Please enjoy.


Chapter 1

"Alexis!" I heard my name being yelled from behind me. When I turned around, I found my best friend Reychel waving at me. I smiled and waved back at her giving her my casual smile.

"Going to work?" she questioned as she came face to face with me. Her dark hair flailing in the air as the wind blew around us.

I gave her a nod. "Yup. I have nowhere else to go at this time of the day," I answered her with another smile.

She beamed and linked arms with mine. "That's great. Let's go together then!"

I giggled at her actions. "You're bubbly as ever, Reychel," I commented as we both started walking towards the direction of our workplace.

"Of course I am!" she beamed, her eyes twinkling in delight as she giggled a little. She's always like this, don't bother thinking she's crazy, because I feel like she already is! Kidding! "Well, aside that it's my nature," she eyed me strikingly, "Christmas is near! I mean, I can't find any reason for me to be lame and not happy."

I nodded at her reasoning. Actually, she's right. Christmas is near and there's no reason to not be happy.

I looked at my best friend's happy nature and smiled. Reychel has always been bubbly since I can remember. But believe me or not, she was shy the first time I met her six years ago. I didn't even notice we've known each other for that long.

Reychel works at Macy's too, along with me. To be honest, she and I have been glued in the hips since we've met. After all those years, she's like a sister to me-twin, even.

And as I studied her, I'm awed by her beautiful and cheerful appearance. She has this straight dark hair that flows down to her mid back, an average size, and this amazing pair of brown eyes. In addition to her natural beauty, she had a pretty smile.

"So, what are your plans this Christmas?" she asked tucking her hair behind her ear as she looked at me; her brown eyes studying my face.

I avoided her eyes as I looked up to the skies and thought about it. I shrugged after a few moments before looking at her again. "I don't really know, Reychel. I might go to a dinner with Dad at his diner. Probably just that then head to bed afterwards."

She nodded her head. "That sounds boring. That's just you though, so I won't go against it," she smiled small. Then her small smile went wider as it appeared to be a new grin. "Anyway, how about going shopping today after work?" she suggested with bobbing eyebrows.

It looked funny and I wasn't able to stop myself from letting out fits of giggle. Reychel giggled before she couldn't take it herself and threw her head back as she barked a loud laughter. After a few moments, we stopped and continued our journey again.

"I wouldn't even try saying no to you anymore; because we both know you wouldn't take that for an answer," I stated while brushing my pointer finger below my eyes, removing the stray tear that escaped from my laughter.

"Exactly! You really do catch up fast," Reychel said while nodding her head. When the door to Macy's appeared, she opened it by her hips.

I unlinked our arms and nodded at her. "Of course I do. And we better get going before Ms. D shows up and blow fire at us," I joked and another laughter left our mouths as we both made our way to our lockers.

After changing to my Macy's uniform, I faced the mirror attached to my locker door. I combed my hair and put it into a high ponytail. Then, I applied some light make up before heading out to start my job.

I went to the counter where Reychel was sitting. "Macy's looking good, isn't it?" I asked her as I rested my body on the counter while examining the whole place. The staffs had artistically decorated the whole store with the Christmas theme designs. They even managed on making a huge tree at the heart of the store.

Reychel beamed at my comment as she nodded her head vigorously. "I know right! They made a pretty good job! And check out that huge tree at the center, it looks so fantastic!" she said appreciatively.

I nodded my head as well, affirming all of her compliments. "Indeed! I wondered why Ms. D didn't hold us last night to help them. But I guess they didn't need our help at all."

My best friend giggled. "Well, let's just be thankful we didn't get hold last night. We would've been here for hours, if we ever did."

"Ladies!" a female voice echoed to my ears. I turned around to face the person. It turned out to be our manager, Ms. Diane. "I'm sorry to interrupt your chatter. But the store is going to open in five minutes. It's time for you to go to work, don't you think?" Ms. Diane said with a mocking voice.

Reychel and I smiled as we both nodded our heads. "Yes, ma'am!" we both said in unison as we both sat on our respective chairs in the counter.

When the door to Macy's opened, and as expected, a lot of people began entering and buying stuffs in the department store. The morning went by and it was indeed busy as Christmas "feels" are already felt throughout the world.

Reychel and I ended up eating our lunch late at one o'clock. It wasn't a shock to the both of us though. We already expected it, especially at this time of the year. And to add on top of that, it was also Saturday.

Reychel sighed from beside me. I looked at her actions as she propped her right arm on the counter table and resting her chin on her palm. "I really wish we will have Christmas bonus," she whispered.

I laughed at her. "We can't wish any better than that, silly," I stated pinching her rosy cheeks.

She pried my hands off of her cheeks and sighed again. "Aren't you tired, Lex? I mean, we both know we're workaholic, but I kind of like, you know," she shrugged her shoulders. "Christmas season is tiring. I just want to have a little rest even in the weekends," she muttered.

A customer came towards us and Reychel's frown turned into a forced wide grin. "Good afternoon, ma'am," she greeted with a forced cheerful voice. She was indeed tired, I mean, we all are.

The customer placed her items on the counter and Reychel punched them in. While I on the other hand, placed the items on a bag.

When her items were ready to go, the customer left Reychel and I on the counter alone.

I placed my hand on Reychel's shoulder. "Don't get me wrong, because I am tired as well," I smiled. "But just have faith. We'll survive and have our rest soon," I said and jabbed her sides.

Reychel laughed with her head thrown back. "I really wish that."

The dark sky loomed outside as it was already past five o'clock. I looked at my wristwatch to check the time and it said 6:15. I sighed and said to myself, 'Fifteen minutes left and I can surrender to my bed'.

Most of the isles inside the store are deserted. Reychel and I looked around, studying if there are still some people roaming around the store.

"Wow," Reychel muttered in awe.

I chuckled. "What? Have you seen some super star or something?"

Reychel's hand came to my chin and turned my face to the direction of the Men's perfume section. I saw a guy standing over there. Nothing special at all.

My eyebrows shot up as her hand released my offended chin. Reychel pointed at the guy, her eyes wide. "So? Do you happen to know who that guy is?" I asked perplexed at how she was reacting. It was kind of funny by the way.

A hand landed on the back of my head. "Ow!" I muttered and glared at my best friend, rubbing the now sore spot. "What was that for?" I groaned.

"For being dumb," she said in a duh tone while rolling her eyes. "Don't you watch E! News, MTV... anything related to the Entertainment world?" she asked her head moving side to side for an additional sass.

"I actually don't," I muttered, still clueless about who that guy is.

Reychel stared at me, her eyes with a very astounded look. "Anyway, he's Justin Bieber, idiot!" she said gritting her teeth.

I nodded my head slowly. "Oh...kay," I said. "I really don't think I need to give a fuss about that." I studied her reaction. "Based on that stunned look you sported," I commented as I gestured her face waving at it, "are you a fan?"

She nodded simply. "Yeah, the guy's cool. But not as obsessed as his beliebers though," she answered air quoting the name of the said fan base. She sighed and stared at the guy's back with intensity. "His songs are catchy. You really can't blame me for being a fan."

"Okay," I agreed. There's really nothing to say, actually.

After a few quiet moments with Reychel staring at the said pop star and I doing nothing, my best friend touched my arm. "You know what? He seemed to be having a hard time picking something. Why don't you lend him a hand?" she suggested.

My eyebrows furrowed at her. "Why would I do that? You can help him yourself."

Reychel smirked at me sarcastically. "I am sure you're better at attending the customer's needs than being a cashier. And I can't because I might flip out if I went there."

"You're hurting my feelings for telling me that I'm a bad cashier!" I pouted and feigned affected. "But whatever, I think I should go. You might collapse if you go there. I'm not going to help you."

Reychel hit my arm. "You're rude!"

I poked my tongue at her before walking towards the guy we were talking about.

"Need some help?" I asked the superstar in the building when I was near him.

Justin Bieber turned towards me with a shocked face; then smiled as he saw me. "Yeah, I think I could use some help," he said with a charming smile.

"So what are you looking for, Mister Bieber?" I asked.

He forced a smirk. "Formal, I see," she commented from my recent name for him. "Anyway, uhh, I'm having a hard time looking for a present for my mom," he said and grabbed a bottle from the Men's perfume rack.

"Well, first of all. If it's for your mom, you don't look for it from the Men's section," I said smiling as I led him towards the Women's section.

He chuckled, his eyes turning small. "Yeah, right," he muttered with a smile.

"Second, let's lower down your options. What do you want to give her?" I asked with raised brows. "You can give her a dress, bag, jewelries, perfume, shoes," I suggested. "So which one would you like?"

He looked at me with scrutinizing eyes. "What can you suggest?"

I scrunched up my nose. "I don't really know. Considering your wealth, you could buy her all. But," I said with my index finger raised up. "From a girl's point of view, jewelries and perfumes would be good," I smiled and nodded.

He nodded his head as he considered my suggestions. "So which one is better, perfume or jewelries?" he asked.

I smiled. "To be honest, either of those would be really great. But, if you can't decide which is which, then you are free to buy both," I answered with a smile that I've been practicing only for customers.

He nodded his head again, affirming my suggestions. "That's a good suggestion. I'll take that."

We both went to the perfume section. I let him be as he smelled a few bottles. But basing his reactions for the past five minutes, he didn't like any of those in the rack.

"I'll just search in the other shelves and find you something you might like," I suggested which he returned with a nod.

I went to the other side and smelled one of the bottles I've been eyeing for. It was a perfume that smelt like a garden full of fresh flowers. It's like a version of heaven. Only that it wasn't really girly and wouldn't hurt your nose.

"Have you found one?" I heard his voice from behind. I turned around and waved the bottle.

"I guess I have," I smiled. "This smelt good in my opinion; maybe you'd like it too," I said handing the bottle to him.

He examined the bottle and nodded. "I wish this is a good one. I've been examining the other side but nothing's good. Most of it hurts my nose," he said chuckling. He brought the bottle up to his nose and smelled it. He nodded and smiled appreciatively. "I like this one," he muttered.

I nodded and smiled. "Did you get all that you need?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Okay, I'll lead you to the counter then," I smiled and led him to Reychel. He followed behind.

We reached Reychel's counter in no time and he placed the two bottles of perfume on the counter and let her do the job. After my friend punched each item, I placed the two bottles in the bag and handed it to the pop star after he handed his payment.

The moment the bag landed on his hand, Justin Bieber walked off without a word.

"Here's your-" Reychel's words died as she looked up and saw no one. Justin Bieber had gone without his change.

"Alexis, can you hand his change to him?" Reychel asked and placed his change in my hands.

As my best friend didn't budge in her place, I sighed and jogged towards the direction the pop star took.

"Hey!" I called out the moment he reached my vision. He turned around and faced me. I ran towards him. "Here's your change. You forgot to get it," I said taking a huge breath in.

"Oh, yeah," he smiled. "Thank you... your name?"

"Alexis," I said and handed him his change. He took it and shoved it in his pocket.

"Thank you, Alexis," he told me with his charming smile again.

I nodded and turned around; ready to leave when he called out my name again. "How can I repay you for everything?" I heard him say.

"Repay me?" I asked, turning around again to face the guy. "No, don't bother. It's my job anyways," I answered with a small smile.

He shook his head. "Nah... I insist. At least have a coffee with me? After work that is."

"No, tha-"

"Don't turn down the offer. I'll wait for you outside, Alexis," he said and turned around with a soft smile on his face.

"Whatever you say then," I muttered under my breath while staring at the direction he took off. I shook my head, perplexed before heading back to Reychel.

Reychel and I went to our lockers the moment our shift ended and we were up to go. We both change to our clothes earlier.

"Are you ready to go to shopping?" she asked and closed her locker. She faced me as she hitched her bag on her shoulders.

I scrunched up my nose. "Plans kind of changed," I said guiltily. "Look, the pop star insisted for me to have a coffee with me after helping him and everything."

Reychel grinned and nodded. "That's great," she smiled widely. "And I understand. Maybe we could shop next time. And have fun with him," she said winking.

I rolled my eyes. "Now don't say things like that," I said wrapping my arms around her shoulders and walking out with her.

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