Water The Elements Power

By Keema_

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How would you react if someone told you, their mission was to kill you? Cass didn't take kindly to that, and... More

Chapter 1- A New Beginning
Chapter 2- Everything New
Chapter 3- Expected, Unexpected Surprises
Chapter 4- Drawn to Differences
Chapter 5- Can You Keep A Secret?
Chapter 6- Truth Comes Out, One Way Or Another
Chapter 7- I Am Death!
Chapter 9- It Was All A Lie
Chapter 10- It's A Trap!
Chapter 11- Sealed With A Kiss And Hopping Dimensions
Chapter 12- Hephaeta
Chapter 13- Lor'El
Chapter 14- Lor'El pt.2
Chapter 15- Cat Gone Rogue
Chapter 16- Friends Close, Enemies Closer
Chapter 17- Family Before Anything
Chapter 18- Left Behind
Chapter 19- Water Playing With Fire
Chapter 20- Conflict Of Interest
Chapter 21- Betrothed Or To Love Another?
Chapter 22- Not Even A Proper Goodbye
Chapter 23- Friends Who Chose The Wrong Side, Aren't Friends Anymore
Chapter 24- Is Darkness Made? Or Born?
Chapter 25- Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Chapter 26- Chaos
Chapter 27- ILY x2
Chapter 28- Pressurized Timing

Chapter 8- The Power

53 6 3
By Keema_

"I am Death!"

His horrendous stature slowly creeping towards my still tied-up figure. I tried using my hands to get out of the rope but it was no use. All I was able to think about was moving to Castielle to start a better life only for me to meet and trust Aaron.

The fact that I let my guard down around him, the guy whom I was slowly building something precious with betrayed me.

Guess I know who not to trust now. How ironic!

I tried again, mercilessly moving my hands to get them free but my efforts went in vain. The pain from the ropes and my struggling in it, had my hands feeling bruised.

"It's no use Princess," Even his tone of voice changed. So much so that his regular voice was unrecognizable.

"I tightened my double knots." His face was now inches away from mine as his breathing slowed down but enough for me to feel it against my skin.

Ouuuuuu! This dude got me tripping! Being nice and buddy-buddy with me only to kidnap me and provoke me by mentioning my mom.

I got chills from my feet, going up my spine and to my head. It was happening again.

I avoided his gaze by looking down but he was two steps ahead of me. His dirty black coloured nails sunk into the bottom of my chin as he met my eyes once more. But this time, he smiled a sadistic smile.

"That's it. Show your eyes. There's no need to hide."

"You shouldn't be doing this. You don't have to do this. If you want Revenge, this isn't the way," I took a well-needed breath simply because he wasn't smelling the best.

"There's nothing you can say that'll change my mind,"

"My mother had nothing to do with your mother's death,"

"LIES!" He snapped and growled his voice. He's so full of hatred, it's radiating off of him.

"The only thing that's a lie is you." I chose my next words carefully, only because I had no idea what he wanted from me. "You're just a sad, angry boy who's taking out his anger on someone who isn't related to his mom's death!"

"Shut up!"

"You're so quick to blame someone you didn't even think about the consequences of your actions,"

"SHUT UP!" He yelled and scratched his claws, leaving four slash wounds on the left side of my face.

"Ah!" I let out a pained groan. "You're gonna pay for that."

"What can you do? You feel you're all that just because your eyes glow." He poked my shoulder with his finger, digging further into my skin until I felt it on my bone. "You're just a pathetic little bitch."

This pain was unbearable. But all I could do was shout in agony for the hope that someone would hear me.


I couldn't contain my anger or hatred anymore. The bright blue aura took me once more and I let my temper take control. As I felt myself gaining strength, the coolness traveled all about my body and focused itself on the place where I was restrained, my hands.

The rope froze on impact with the cold and I smirked. I took his dirty finger out of my shoulder as the blood came pouring out bit by bit with a tiny tint of dark blue in it.

I paid no attention to the blood dripping from my shoulder nor the four slashes on my face as I stood head to head with this creature.

He looked puzzled as I took a step forward when he took a step backward. "I don't want to hurt you, but I want you to feel what you did to me."

With speed, he geared his claws to scratch, but everything moved slow. I was able to evade his attack and counter with a full blast of ice out of my hands that knocked him to the ground.

What the hell? What...how'd I do that?

I didn't feel like I was in control anymore.

I formed a shard of ice and struck him in his abdomen. He howled and ran at me, catching me off guard. He grabbed me by my shoulders and held me against the bark of the tree. Also hitting me in the abdomen was the shard of ice from his body.

I winced but still fought, using my draining energy to move the shard deeper into his wound until it came out through his back. He yelled furiously in pain and yanked me by my throat, lifting me off the ground and choking me against the tree.

Still holding out my hand with the bloody shard hovering in the distance, I angled the shard so it would hit his heart.

"STOP!" A deep husky voice shouted.

My vision began to stray away from the bright blue and back to my regular dark blue. A pair of blue eyes met mine as they gleamed playfully.

"HEY, UGLY!" The creature reared its head but squeezed tighter.

If I wanted to live, I had to do this.

I could see the figure in the distance shaking its head as to tell me no. But I had to.

I used the last bit of my power to guide the shard that pierced through the skin of the creature. The grip loosened and I fell to the ground.

I glanced at the body a few inches away from my feet as it changed back to Aaron's. Shoes blocked my view and hands wrapped around my now numb body, allowing my eyes to close and enter the darkness.

I found myself looking at a mirror with pair of red eyes staring back.

Strange? Aren't my eyes blue?

I awoke in a bright room as I squinted to adjust to the light. Vivid parts of the encounter flew to me like memories lost for years. Aaron.

Was he dead? Did I.....kill him?

"He's badly wounded," Ethan answered. "After I brought you here, I went back to try and find him but he was already gone. Only leaving traces of blood so," He sat at the end of the bed.

The dark bags settling themselves under his pretty eyes made it clear that he's been there for a while. Gosh, he looks so worried. 

"So?" He even seemed to lose his train of thought.

"So, I followed him to a warehouse not too far from the cottage and saw him and some other people there," He handed me an apple. "Eat this, just until the others return with the food."

I wanted to ask him how long I was out for but he himself looked like he was in the fight and not me. So I decided to leave all my questions until the others got back.

"Thanks, but how did you know where I was?" I was curious because I had no clue what his powers were.

"After you left, we all talked about training you to learn more about yourself and your powers. I left the cabin to look for you and found the dart in the grass. I used my powers to see the dart's life. I was able to see the douchebag and the area he took you."

"So you can read objects?"

"Yes, I can measure the ability and memory of objects." I looked at him in awe. That's a really powerful type of power to possess.

"Enough about me. I'll let you rest because we need to talk about what you did back there."

I somehow felt that coming. His gaze on me was unflinching for a second.

"About your powers."

That look he gave, sent shivers down my spine that had me wondering if there was more to Ethan than meets the eye.

He turned to leave but not before I asked my question.

"There's more, isn't it? Something you aren't telling me?" His pupils dilated and he tried not to show his shock.

'Trust no one Cassie' my mom's voice echoed in my head.'

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this."

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