Rosabella Black | Daughter of...

By Alexandra_060203

17K 441 96

Rosabella Black is going into her fourth year at Hogwarts, along with her three best friends Ron, Hermione an... More

The Blacks
The Interrogation Of Remus Lupin
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
The Portkey
Bagman and Crouch
The Quiditch World Cup
The Dark Mark
Mayhem At The Ministry
Aboard The Hogwarts Express
The Triwizard Tournament
Mad-Eye Moody
The Unforgivable Curses
Beauxbatons and Durmstrang
The Goblet of Fire
The Four Champions
The Weighing of the Wands
The Hungarian Horntail
The First Task
The House-Elf Liberation Front
The Unexpected Task
The Yule Ball
Rita Skeeter's Scoop
The Second Task
Padfoot Returns
The Madness of Mr Crouch
The Dream
The Third Task
The Parting Of Ways
The Beginning

Back To The Burrow

684 18 2
By Alexandra_060203

Rosabella's Point Of View:
When I woke up the next morning, I was buzzing with excitement. I've been to the Burrow many times. Jason and Jacob hung out there a lot to see Fred and George. I was quite close to Ginny and Ron, of course, so I usually went with them. The Burrow is extraordinary. I honestly wonder how it stays up. It's so much cooler then normal houses.

When I got out of bed I get dressed and ran a comb through my hair. I've never had to spend much time on my hair, Remus said I inherited it from my father. He never had to spend much time on his hair either. It was just natural for his hair to always look good. It drove Remus and James mad.

After I got ready, I left my room with Winter walking by my side as always. I was going to go downstairs but I heard snoring from the twins room. I grinned and quietly walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a big bucket and filled it with water and added ice. Remus was watching me with a knowing look.
"Which brother?" Remus asked.
"All of them." I said as I filled up two more buckets.

I took two buckets up to the third floor where Lucas and Michael's rooms were. I checked and they were both asleep. I snuck into Lucas's room and took his wand. I opened Michael's door and left it a bit open. I used Lucas's wand and levitated the bucket and put it on top of the door, balancing it before I lowered the wand. I did the same to Lucas's door. I then went down to get the last bucket and balanced it on the twins door. I then carefully maneuvered myself into Lucas's room and put his wand back and snuck back out of the room carefully so I didn't nudge the door so the bucket would fall.
"BREAKFAST!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I was standing on the stairs that connected the third and second landing. I listened closely and heard them all groan and start to move around. I grinned and ran downstairs and sat at the dining table. Winter lay down under the table by my feet. The food was already set out and Remus was sitting at the head of the table. Neither of us spoke as we waited for the prank to happen. We then heard four screams and then footsteps running down the stairs. My four brothers entered the kitchen.
"I hate you." Michael said grinning.
"Nice one. You even got Lu." Jason said, grinning.
"First time for everything I guess." Jacob said, grinning.
"Give me a break! It was first thing in the morning." Lucas said defensively, he too was grinning.
"Your usually the first one up, Luke." Jason said with a mischievous grin.
"Yet, this summer you're always the last on up." Jacob said, also grinning mischievously.
"Why do you think that is, Jake?" Jason asked, still grinning.
"Don't know, Jay. Could be that he's talking to a certain pretty blond . . ." Jacob said, teasingly.
"A certain Fiona Finnigan . . ." Jason said, still teasing.
"All night." Jacob said.
"Through the fireplace." Jason said.
"Every night." Jason and Jacob said in unison.

Michael and I sniggered. Lucas just grinned, unashamed. He and Fiona were becoming inseparable. They were finally together and Fiona had been coming round every other day. I really like her. She's kind, funny, smart and has genuine feelings for Lucas. And anyone who can make my brothers face light up like that just at the mention of her name is in my good books and has my approval.

We all ate breakfast and talked excitedly about going to the Burrow. After breakfast we all packed our trunks and everything we'd need since Mrs Weasley insisted that we stay for the summer and she'd get us all to Hogwarts. After I packed my trunk, I tied my letter to Dad onto Soren's leg and sent him off. When we were all ready we gathered round the fireplace. Lucas went first and used the floo powder to get to the Burrow. Michael went next, then the twins, then Winter and me. I put one hand on Winter and grabbed floo powder with my other. Remus would come with my trunk.
"The Burrow!" I yelled.

I was consumed by green flame and within seconds I was stepping out of the Weasley's fireplace. I moved away from the fire place so Remus could get through.
"Oh, Rosabella, dear. How wonderful to see you again." Mrs Weasley said, as she gave me a motherly hug.
"How are you dear?" Mrs Weasley asked kindly.
"I'm great, Mrs Weasley. Thank you so much for letting us stay this summer." I said politely.

I'm a troublemaker but I'm not rude.
"My pleasure, dear." Mrs Weasley said kindly.

I then saw Hermione. Hermione and I both squealed and hugged each other tightly. I then met the oldest of the Weasley siblings. Bill and Charlie. They both seemed cool. I was worried that Bill would be like another Percy.

Remus had now arrived and thanked Mrs Weasley for letting us say. Remus then left. He's job hunting again.
"Right then. Lucas you're going to be sharing a room with Bill and Charlie. Jason and Jacob, you'll be sharing a room with Fred and George. Michael you'll be sharing with Ron and Harry, when he gets here tomorrow. Rosabella you'll be sharing with Ginny and Hermione." Mrs Weasley said to us.

We all nodded and thanked her. Bill and Charlie helped Lucas carry his stuff to their room. Fred and George helped Jason and Jacob carry their stuff to their room. Ron helped Michael. And Ginny and Hermione helped me.

Ginny's room was nice and sweet. It was a bit cramped with the three us but we'd managed. Hermione, Ginny and I all caught up on what we've been doing since we last saw each other. I told them about what I did to Remus last night and they both found it very funny and what I did to my brothers this morning. Ginny actually fell off the bed laughing.
"Merlin, help us. We've got five pranksters all in one house." Hermione said.

I just grinned at her. Ginny, Hermione and I spent a lot of time talking about a lot of stuff. Boys kept coming up in the conversation. We had all said that we hadn't really given it much thought till now. Maybe I'll pay more attention this year. Hermoine, Ginny and I were already starting to get pretty close. Ginny and I already had one definite thing in common. We knew what it was like to be the only girl surrounded by brothers.

Sunday came fast and I was excited to see Harry again. Almost too excited. Why am I so excited? Hermione seemed to notice it and smirked at me. Whats up with her? I spent the day catching up with Ron and I also spoke to Charlie about his work with dragons. He found my interest in them amusing. Especially since I was mostly interested in the damage they could do.
Mr Weasley was late getting back from work, so they were late going to get Harry. Mr Weasley, Fred, George, Ron and I left to go get Harry at 5:30 in the afternoon. Hermione was smirking more then ever. I'm gonna have to ask her about that.

We went by floo powder. I went after Ron and I landed on top of Ron.
"Ouch!" Ron said.
"Sorry." I said.

Mr Weasley then had to blow up the fireplace to get us out.

I looked around and saw Harry. I rushed towards him and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back.
"It's so good to see." I exclaimed.
"Its good to see you too." Harry replied.

Mr Weasley then tried to introduced himself to the Dursleys but they were cowering in the corner. Fred and George went to get Harry's trunk, they were probably going to get a sight of Dudley, as Harry has told us a lot about him. Mrs Weasley started asking about electricity. The Dursleys remained silent. A whale then entered the room. I caught sight of a boy who was so big he looked more like a whale then a human.
"Dudley?" I whispered to Harry.

Harry nodded his head. Ron, Harry and I exchanged glances and looked away quickly from each other, the temptation to laugh was almost overwhelming.

Mr Weasley trying to be polite asked Dudley how his holiday was going. Dudley just stared at him terrified. Fred and George then came back downstairs with Harry's trunk and Hedwig's cage. They spotted Dudley and they both had identical evil grins. What are they up to?
"Ah, right. Better get cracking, the." Mr Weasley said.

Mr Weasley pushed his sleeves up and took out his wand and pointed it towards the destroyed fireplace.
"Incendio!" Mr Weasley said.

Flames rose at once. Mr Weasley then pulled out a small bag from his robes.
"Right. It will be best if I send you lot back by floo powder, then I'll fix the fireplace and I'll apperate back. Off you go then, Fred." Mr Weasley said.
"Coming. Oh no - hang on -" Frd said, as the bag of sweets spilled out of Fred's pockets and all over the floor.

Fred scramble around, cramming the sweets back into his pocket, then gave the Dursleys a cheery wave and stepped into the fireplace.
"The Burrow!" Fred said and disappeared.
"Right then, George. You and the trunk next." Mr Weasley said.

George went to the fireplace with the trunk and disappeared too.
"Ron, you next." Mr Weasley said.
"See you." Ron said brightly to the Dursleys and then he grinned broadly at us, as he went to the fireplace and disappeared too.
"Right, Rosabella and Harry, you next." Mr Weasley said.

I made my way to the fireplace, Harry was right behind me.
"Well . . . bye then." Harry said to the Dursleys.

They didn't say anything at all. Harry moved to join me in the fireplace, but Mr Weasley stopped him.
"Harry said goodbye to you. Didn't you hear him?" Mr Weasley said, astonished.
"It doesn't matter. Honestly, I dont care." Harry muttered to Mr Weasley.

I looked at Harry sadly. He's grown to expect this. They've never been kind to him. I glared furiously at the Dursleys.
Mr Weasley still didn't let Harry join me in the fireplace. I went over to Harry and subtly grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"You aren't going to see your nephew till next summer. Surely you're going to say goodbye?" Mr Weasley said with mild indignation.

Harry's uncle looked furious, but his anger was nothing compared to mine. If it wasn't for the fact they'd take it out on Harry next summer I would of screamed at them for hours.
"Goodbye, then." Harry's uncle said resentfully.
"See you." Harry said, as we both moved towards the fireplace.

We were still holding hands, we both realised this at the same time and quickly let go avoiding each others eyes, both blushing.

We both then heard a horrible gagging sound from behind us. We wheeled round and saw that Dudley's tongue had grown a foot long. The Dursleys were going mad with panick. I burst out laughing, clutching onto Harry to keep myself up right.
"Not to worry, I can sort him out." Mr Weasley shouted, pointing his wand at Dudley.

Harry's aunt screamed louder then ever and threw herself on top of Dudley. Harry's uncle started throwing stuff at Mr Weasley. He dodged them narrowly. I was laughing harder then ever.

Mr Weasley tried to reason with them, to no avail.
"Harry, Rosabella go! Just go! I'll sort this out!" Mr Weasley said frantically.

I didn't want to miss the fun, neither did Harry but when a vase nearly hit me, it would have if Harry hadn't dragged me down with him when he ducked to avoid it, we stepped into the fireplace and yelled in unison.
"The Burrow!"

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