Life on Ishi

By Akiaminacatooncraze

389 25 2

One of the most wise Apalyan had a vision that Airlpahree would save the world. Due to her dad being king of... More

Something Entirely New
The Curse Of A Lullaby
Long lost Sister
Please Answer
New Member
Bring It!
Betrayed by the king
Author's Note
My Sister
Author's note
Get Ready!


11 1 0
By Akiaminacatooncraze

Pepper's fingers clicked across his glowing, blue keyboard as Air sat on one of his desks. Everyone else involved stood around him anticipating what he had to share. As they all stared intensely at the complicated screen, a video popped up of a guy getting hit in the nards. Pepper burst into laughter and spun around in his chair. "Awe, man that's some funny stuff right there." No one was amused. "What? That's not why I gathered you here today." A cheeky smile manifested across his sunken face. "The Anti Psychotics we used on that crazy redhead from the bar actually worked ." A shocked silence fell over the group.

"Fantastic!" Dylan exclaimed as he turned around and headed for the isolation room. The group was excited, and followed suit. There was a large, impenetrable glass window located on the wall that had their victim behind. He was still restrained in a straightjacket, on a forward leaning table. His cyber yellow eyes were frolicing around like he was watching a movie on the ceiling. Dylan entered the white padded room, while everyone else watched from behind the glass. He stood above the stranger, and greeted him with a gentle "hello."

"Ah, greetings." The Stranger's eyes dug graves into Dylan's soul. "How can I help you?"

"Hello," Dylan crossed his arms in the most subtle way, "Do you know who you are?"

"I think the real question is, do you know who you are?" He spoke slowly and sort of strange with a certain flow you couldn't put your finger on.

"My name is Dylan, and I rescued you from being used as a guard dog. What is your name?"

"Ah, you rescue me from being trapped, yet you keep me contained."

"I'm unsure if you're able to keep yourself from reeking havoc. It's not something I wanted to do, It's for the sake of everyone's safety." One of his brows narrowed, causing his skin to wrinkle.

"Oh," He leaned his head up enough to see; Demora, Clester, Bruce, Jaysun, Sapphire, and Air looking through the glass. "I won't hurt them. I was just not feeling like myself for a while there, but I'm quite alright now." His gazed switched back to Dylan, "I know. I'll make you a deal, how does that sound?"

"Okay, what's your deal?" Dylan placed his finger underneath his chin.

"The price for my name is a little bit of freedom." He shook a little in his spot. Dylan pulled a key from his pocket, while everyone else who was watching shook with anticipation. Without realizing it, Airlaphree gripped onto Jaysun's hand. He was kind of shocked at this gesture, but it didn't bother him. In fact, he held her hand right back.

"I will not keep you restricted," Dylan proceeded. "Your freedom is just as important as mine, but I can't guarantee the national guard won't come after you for what you've done." He unlocked the stranger from his cloth prison. "You'd be safer here until we get things situated."

Bruce flailed his hands into the air, "What is he thinking? Does he not realize the danger he's putting us all in?"Ignoring Bruce's statement, Dylan set the man free.

"You may call me, Blaze."

🔥 🔥 🔥

Demora, Air, Claster, Sapphire, and Jaysun were all still at the base. They all together sat silently in what they call, "The comfort room." The two boys couldn't help but stare at Sapph with confusion. She had noticed them and got cocky, "Can I help you?" they both just looked away with their cheeks glowing red from embarrassment.

"She's with us now, guys" Demora broke the silence with her usual chipper self.

"Yeah, got a problem with that?" Sapph hissed.

"No! Not at all!" Clester smiled nervously, trying not to get stuck in a hole he knew he couldn't crawl out of. Just curious is all, I mean you are the most badass general Vector has ever had. And now you're sitting here with Oculite, the enemy."

"Was." Is all Sapphire really wanted to say. She didn't think it was any of their business to know what happened.

"So," Clester changed the subject, "Did Dylan really give the stone to Vector?"

"Yes," Demora lowered her head, "I know Dylan can seem hard sometimes, but he really means well. He's one of the most caring people that I Know." She smiled with her blushing cheeks.

"How did you meet Dylan?" Air smiled and bounced at the edge of her seat.

"Well, actually it's a long story." Demora switched from gitty to sad real quick.

"We got time!" Airlaphree pushed the subject. It would be nice to get to know her sister a little better.

"Alright, I suppose it's time you know." Demora took a deep breath and entwined her fingers together. "It all started when I was still living with dad. I had been catching onto the things he had been doing, such as; stealing from companies, hiring suspicious people who would bring suitcases and leave them, and spending way too much time in the dungeon. So one day I snuck into his room when he wasn't around and found the book with "Levi" written on the cover."

"I know what book you're talking about!" Airlaphree clapped her hands, "I snuck into his room, but he forgot about it when I changed the subject."

"I wish I were ever so lucky. When he caught me, dad was not happy." Demora cradled her face into her shoulder. "He sent me to a dimension where there was nothing but bright white all around me. I was chained up and torchered by demons for 27 years."

"That's awful!" Air jumped to her feet, clenching her chest where her heart would be. "But how? You're only 20 years old!"

"That's the thing, time worked differently there. 27 years would be as equivalent as one year here."

"What an awful thing to do!" Air began to cry, "How did you escape?"

"The crazy thing is, Levi set me free. He had found me and killed all my demons." Demora began to cry as well, "He just smiled at me. He put his hand over my eyes and all of a sudden I was back here on Ishi. That's when I met Dylan. He found me lying naked, and bloody in his backyard." She wiped her tears aside, "That's not an ideal way to meet someone, but I can't thank Dylan enough for everything he's ever done for me."

Clester tried to say something, but before he could engage into the conversation Dylan came in with two cards and slapped them on the table. "Clester, and Air, those are yours."

Clester picked one up in his hands, "What are these?"

"Your payment for the mission. You should have an app on your phones Pepper gave you that should give you a balance. Sapphire will get one too, once it's made." Both of them pulled out their phones and opened the app. The both of them had a synchronized, "holy shit!"

"How did you get all this money?" Air exclaimed.

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out." Dylan chuckled as he left the room, leaving the two gawking at everyone.

"2,000!" Air looked at Demora, "How?"

"I couldn't tell ya," she giggled.

"I can buy a new dress for the dance tomorrow! All us girls can go together!"

Sapph shook her head, "No way! I don't do dances. Plus I haven't attended your school yet."

Demora stood up and hugged her difficult sister. "You can come as my date! Don't be a party pooper, It'll be fun! It gives you a chance to get to know your new school."

"Uhg, fine!" Sapphire crossed her arms. 

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