The Snakes Princess (Draco Ma...

Από Jiminie_mochi1013

183K 4.3K 1.4K

(Y/n) Riddle, thought going to Hogwarts would be great, but it'll prove to be drama filling and dangerous. Wi... Περισσότερα

Welcome! Introductions!
First year | Malfoy Manor
First year | Hogwarts
First year | Classes and Chaos
First year | Saint Potter
First year | Valentines day
First year | Holy hades
End of first year
Summer | Coming Home
Second year | Diagon Alley fight
Second year | Drama
Second year | Terrible day, really
Second year | Slytherin
Second year | Rogue bludger
Second year | Christmas plan
Second year | Bloody Walls and Nightmares
End of Second Year
Summer | Training & Surprises
Third year | Train Ride of Unhapiness
Third year | Tea Leaves Of Doom
Third year | Real feelings
Third year | Sirius Black
End of third year
Summer | Quidditch World Cup
Fourth year | Cold Welcome Back
Fourth Year | Visitors
Fourth year | Ferret
Fourth year | Yule ball
Fourth year | Death & Divination
End of Fourth Year
Summer | Old Friends
Fifth year | Frog lady
Fifth year | Trouble
Fifth year | Dumbledore's Army
Fifth year | Storm brewing
Fifth year | Department of Mysteries
End of Fifth Year
Summer | Different Perspectives
Sixth year | Secrets & Love
Sixth year | Potions
Sixth year | Almost
Sixth year | The Slug Club
Sixth year | Curse
End of Sixth Year
Summer | As The World Caves In
Seventh year | Escape & Apollo
Seventh Year | Radios & Gods
Seventh year | Cyclopes & Time
Seventh Year | Quest Takes a Turn
Battle of Hogwarts
Battle of Hogwarts II
Battle of Hogwarts | The Aftermath
Five years later | Return
Weddings & Reality
A Year later | Babies & Names
Authors note| IMPORTANT
Another Authors Note
Bonus Chapter | Arabella & Regulus
Bonus Chapter | Aaron & Harley
Bonus Chapter | Castor & Leo
Bonus Chapter | Scorpius & Arabella & Adrien
Sequel News

Third year | Invisible Snowball fight

2.2K 74 13
Από Jiminie_mochi1013

Blaise's POV ~

"I can't believe that actually happened." Millicent looked at me with a look of shock.

"What? That Potter nearly got killed again?" I rolled my eyes, it wasn't new.

"No! That the dementors came that close to the school! You saw last time when (Y/n) was around them, so what if she had been there?" Millicent's face turned worried.

We were all worried for (Y/n), even more so after a few weeks ago when she told us what was going on. Leo was training us extra hard on weekdays after classes, farther out where no one could walk in on what was happening.

"Enough worry, we're going to Hogsmeade again today. It's cold and snowy outside so let's just make the most of it until the season is better." I assured Millicent.

She nodded, understanding what I was saying.

"Guys? Is everything okay?" We looked at (Y/n), she wasn't doing well after her small fight with Draco.

They were avoiding each other, and it didn't help that he was spending time with the gremlin, Astoria.

"Everything is fine, Millicent just isn't sure if she's bringing enough money." I lied.

She came to us with a smile, "I'm sure it'll be fine! Let's go, I want to see Hogsmeade with snow!"

She dragged us out of the common room. We met with everybody else and got on the train.

Parkinson joined us in the compartment, "Malfoy got swept up by the other Slytherin boys. Too much toxic masculinity for me, mind if I join you?"

(Y/n) laughed, "We don't mind at all, Parkinson."

She talked with us during the train ride, she's become a lot more pleasant around (Y/n).

The compartment door opened and slammed, "I've never wanted to get away from my own friends before."

Adrian turned to us with relief on his face.

"Are you joining us too?" Millicent smiled.

Adrian looked at her sheepishly, "Mind if I do? I can't stand what they're talking about."

I nodded, scooting so he could be by Millicent. I'm doing her a favor, I know she likes him.

"What are they talking about that has you so angered, Pucey?" (Y/n) asked.

Adrian looked skeptical, "Everything. Mainly making fun of people. Including you."

(Y/n) got a serious look on her face, sitting up straight she looked Adrian in the eyes.

"What would they have to say about me?" She asked.

Adrian looked at us, unsure. We were unsure as well, if (Y/n) was asking she wants to know for a reason. After her fight with Draco, she had been more and more emotionless. Now she was asking and it was worrisome.

"Well, mainly about how ridiculous it was that I let you get on the quidditch team. How you're attention seeking and only friends with Malfoy for his influence. Also they talk bad about your family."

Adrian must've been so scared by her look that he let out everything he heard. I was scared now too, her face was calm, but her eyes burned with fury.

She smiled, "Well, when we get off of the train, maybe I should have a little chat with them."
I looked at Millicent, we knew she was going to do something to them, and it wouldn't be good.

Draco's POV ~

I held back my tongue as they talked bad about her. If I showed I was soft, they'd know I liked her and I couldn't let that happen.

"Her family is losing power gradually, obviously she's trying to get Malfoy to make up for it." one laughed.

They were on the quidditch team too, and one of the players who wanted her off the team.

"If that were even remotely true, then why not go for someone like Potter?" Another asked.

"He's just the chosen one, not a Malfoy. I'll admit though, she is attractive, so she's good eye candy." They laughed as I sat there, disgusted.

I waited in silence for the rest of the train ride, hoping something would happen to him for talking bad about her like this.



Small time skip ~

We went around a few places, there's only so much you can do at Hogsmeade. We went through an alleyway to get to one of the other stores, but something stopped us. Well...someone.

"Move out of the way, Riddle!" They spat at her.

She didn't budge, "Are you deaf? I said move!"

They tried to push past her, but she didn't let them. She extended her leg out, kicking the boy hard.

He fell to his knees, "Watch it! You blood traitor, bitch!"

She grabbed him by the collar, "Speak ill of me again and you'll see the full extent of what I can do."

She threw him to the ground, snapping her attention to the other boys.

"I'm not even going to bother with you lot, but I will have some fun." she brought her hands up and they all levitated, she then slammed them against the wall.

They floated there, scared,
"Say anything again, then it'll be worse. I won't even need to utter a spell to get you to cry."

Right as soon as she released them, they all got up and ran away scared, but I didn't.

"You finally listened to me." I said.

She looked at me with a look that could kill.

"I actually didn't, Malfoy. Unlike you, I don't take my emotions out on other people. What I just did was defense against bullies, and you're lucky I didn't know I could do that when we met." She turned around and walked away.

I left too, finding Crabbe and Goyle we stuck together the rest of the time. We had heard about the shrieking shack, so we headed that way to see if it lived up to its name.

Your POV ~

I stood in the snow by myself, looking out at the shrieking shack. I was angered, at myself mostly. My temper got the best of me, but I didn't regret it a bit. It felt nice to see those boys almost wet their pants at the sight of me.

Blaise and Millicent were worried about me when I excused myself. They need to know I'm fine, I can handle myself and if anything...I should be worried about them!


Startled, I turned around and nearly hit Hermione with a spell, instead it hit the snow and snow flew everywhere.

Ron and Hermione looked at me wide eyed, "Remind me never to scare you."

Hermione walked over to me, "Since when could you do wandless magic? That's advanced."

"Sorry, you startled me and I was thinking. Wandless Magic sort of comes easy to everyone in my family." I sighed.

They knew not to push more, they stood there looking out at the shrieking shack with me. We stood there in silence with each other for a while. Not being able to stand anymore, I sat on a nearby log, watching those two be awkward with each other.

"It's meant to be the most haunted building in Britain. Did I mention that?" Hermione asked awkwardly, again.


"Do you want to move a bit closer?"

I tried not to laugh at Ron's surprised look, he thought she meant—hahaha!

"To the Shrieking Shack?" He asked. "Actually, I'm fine here."

This moment was one I was going to tease them about in the future, because believe me, I think they're gonna get married.

"Well, well. Look who's here."

I looked over and saw Draco with his goons, they came down the hill to them.

"You two shopping for your new dream home? Bit grand for you, isn't it, Weasle-Bee? Don't your family sleep in uh... one room?" He smirked.

I was going to get up and leave, but I didn't want to leave Hermione and Ron to Draco again.

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy." Ron said.

I had a proud parent moment right there.

"Not very friendly." Malfoy scowled. "Boys, I think it's time we teach Weasle-Bee how to respect his superiors."

He was being snobby and stuck up today. Sometimes it was hard to remember he isn't always like that.

"Hope you don't mean yourself!" Hermione laughed.

Draco scowled at her, "How dare you talk to me! You filthy little mudblood!"

I stood up immediately, ready to do to him what I did to the boys in the compartment. Something did it for me though, because snowballs came crashing on Draco and his goons in no time.

"Who is that?" Draco asked, scared. "Don't stand there! Do something!"

They proceeded to get attacked by snowballs, "What?"

The thing doing it swung them around a little, scaring them in the process of everything.

"What's up, Malfoy? Lost your skis?" Ron said.

I muffled a laugh, Draco snapping his head towards me, "Get out of the way! Move!"

He went back up the hill.

Crabbe and Goyle struggling to keep up with him, "Malfoy! Wait! Wait!"

Hermione and Ron laughed after that happened, even I did too. Draco may be my friend, but sometimes he deserves to get tossed around a bit. The invisible thing messed with Ron and Hermione a bit.

"Harry!" Hermione laughed.

Harry took off the invisibility cloak, revealing himself to us.

"Bloody hell, Harry. That was not funny."

I laughed, "It was a little funny."

"Why aren't you with Zabini and Bulstrode?" Harry asked.

"Long story," I looked to where Draco had run away. "I'm sorry...about Draco. Sometimes I don't know what's gotten into him."

"We all know Malfoy is a prat, but you should catch up with him. He seemed—"

"Worried?" I finished for Hermione. "Everyone seems to be these days. I'll go now."

I went up the hill and got back to the main walkway. I was near Madam Puddifoots. I could see Millicent and Blaise inside, they were with Pucey and Parkinson inside. Never thought that'd happen.

"You're very dramatic, Riddle." Draco walked up beside me.

"Can you blame me? I want to keep you all safe, because I've seen what being alone can do to someone." I didn't look him in the eyes.

"Well, I've gotten what I deserved with those snowballs. Now I'm just like the guys you messed with."

I shook my head, regretting what I did to those boys and that I should've just left it alone.

"I should apologize to them..."

Draco rolled his eyes, "They don't deserve your forgiveness, they actually deserved what came their way. But...can I beg for your forgiveness?"

I looked at him shocked, he's only apologized a few times, and most were the standard apology. He's never begged for anything and it didn't seem like something he'd do.

"You don't need to though." I started, but he put his hands together like he was going to start pleading.

"Just take advantage of this, because it's never happening again, Princess." he winked.

I smirked, I'd enjoy this and he knew it. This was his way of saying sorry for saying the truth about me. He knew he was getting into this that night.

"Fine, must recount my beauty and kindness to become friends with a spoiled prat like you. Admit you don't know what to do without me." I crossed my arms, there's no way he'd actually do it.

He cleared his throat, "(Y/n) Riddle, I am so lucky to have someone like you become friends with me, a spoiled prat. I'm filth under your feet and you, with the beauty of a goddess, have graciously chosen me after all the terrible things I've done. If you ever left me, I wouldn't know what to do!"

I tried not to laugh at his dramatic reading. I knew he was only saying this for me, because it's what I wanted to hear from him. He had a smile plastered on his face, one I've only seen once before, a genuine smile.

"How was my acting?" He smirked.

I let my laughter out, then I threw my arms around him, "I know it was a small time...but I did miss you."

He chuckled, but wrapped his arms around me too. He buried his face in my shoulder, he smelled like mint and expensive cologne.

"I really wouldn't know what to do without you, Draco." I whispered, hoping he didn't actually hear what I said.

We separated and he took my hat off.

"Mine!" He put it on his head and ran off.

"Draco!" I laughed, running after him for my hat back. It hadn't started out as a good day, but it ended that way.

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