The Snakes Princess (Draco Ma...

By Jiminie_mochi1013

183K 4.3K 1.4K

(Y/n) Riddle, thought going to Hogwarts would be great, but it'll prove to be drama filling and dangerous. Wi... More

Welcome! Introductions!
First year | Malfoy Manor
First year | Hogwarts
First year | Classes and Chaos
First year | Saint Potter
First year | Valentines day
First year | Holy hades
End of first year
Summer | Coming Home
Second year | Diagon Alley fight
Second year | Drama
Second year | Terrible day, really
Second year | Slytherin
Second year | Rogue bludger
Second year | Christmas plan
Second year | Bloody Walls and Nightmares
End of Second Year
Summer | Training & Surprises
Third year | Train Ride of Unhapiness
Third year | Tea Leaves Of Doom
Third year | Invisible Snowball fight
Third year | Sirius Black
End of third year
Summer | Quidditch World Cup
Fourth year | Cold Welcome Back
Fourth Year | Visitors
Fourth year | Ferret
Fourth year | Yule ball
Fourth year | Death & Divination
End of Fourth Year
Summer | Old Friends
Fifth year | Frog lady
Fifth year | Trouble
Fifth year | Dumbledore's Army
Fifth year | Storm brewing
Fifth year | Department of Mysteries
End of Fifth Year
Summer | Different Perspectives
Sixth year | Secrets & Love
Sixth year | Potions
Sixth year | Almost
Sixth year | The Slug Club
Sixth year | Curse
End of Sixth Year
Summer | As The World Caves In
Seventh year | Escape & Apollo
Seventh Year | Radios & Gods
Seventh year | Cyclopes & Time
Seventh Year | Quest Takes a Turn
Battle of Hogwarts
Battle of Hogwarts II
Battle of Hogwarts | The Aftermath
Five years later | Return
Weddings & Reality
A Year later | Babies & Names
Authors note| IMPORTANT
Another Authors Note
Bonus Chapter | Arabella & Regulus
Bonus Chapter | Aaron & Harley
Bonus Chapter | Castor & Leo
Bonus Chapter | Scorpius & Arabella & Adrien
Sequel News

Third year | Real feelings

2.4K 73 24
By Jiminie_mochi1013

Your POV ~

"Would anyone like to venture a guess... as to what is inside?" Professor Lupin asked.

DADA was always a class everybody looked forward to, but this lesson was on boggarts.

"That's a boggart, that is." Dean Thomas answered.

I was in the back with Draco as usual, he wasn't very interested in the lesson.

"Very good, Mr. Thomas. Now, can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"No one knows." Hermione answered abruptly.

"When did she get here?" Ron asked, astonished she showed up randomly again.

I decided to answer too, "Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a person fears the most. That's what makes them so..."

"So terrifying, yes, yes, yes..." Professor Lupin finished. "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now. Without wands, please."

We all stood there, watching carefully and making sure not to mishear Professor Lupin.

"After me. Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" We all said the same thing, well...some of us.

"Very good. A little louder and very clear. Listen: Riddikulus!" Professor Lupin said again.

"Riddikulus!" We copied what he said.

"This class is ridiculous." Draco scoffed.

I rolled my eyes at his comment. Only once have I ever said anything bad about a class

"Do that anymore (Y/n) and they'll get stuck in the back of your head." he whispered.

I ignored him as usual, and paid attention to the class. We watched as kid after kid stood up to the boggart and used the charm. It stopped when we got to Harry, I was glad because I don't want everyone to see my fear. When we were told to go back to the classroom, I stayed behind and looked where the boggart was.

"Back to the classroom, Miss Riddle." Professor Lupin said.

I turned back to him, "Sorry sir, just curious."

He smiled, "Like your mother, but why would you be interested in a boggart? Don't know what you fear?"

I shook my head, "The opposite, I know what I fear, I just wonder how a boggart would take shape of it. It isn't a physical fear like spiders, clowns, or snakes. It's a feeling."

Professor Lupin looked intrigued, "I wonder too, but class is important right now."

I went back to the classroom and we continued the lesson there.



Time skip after Hogsmeade ~

"Aaron! What did you do to your hair?!" I shouted, shocked.

Aaron smiled, "I changed it, I was bored of my set hair color being black, so I changed it and got Leo to do my hair."

Aaron's hair was longer, now to his jawline and it was pink in color. He had it tucked behind his ears right now, and it was stunning.

"Aaron, if you weren't totally gay and dating my'd have my heart in a second."

He laughed at my comment towards his hair, "I didn't realize you'd like it."

I looked at him like he was crazy, "I might have been born a witch, but my favorite movie to this day is Howls moving castle. You look like Howl, and I love it."

He looked surprised, "You watch Studio Ghibli?!"

We both freaked out and started talking about our favorite movies, his being Ponyo.

I looked at my hair, "Should I change it?"

He shrugged, "If you want to, give me a call. I have a bunch of hair dye in my trunks. Muggle born girls ask me to help them dye their hair."

I thought about his offer. Leaving the Ravenclaw table, I sat back with Millicent and Blaise. Blaise wanted to be in the middle this time.

"Aaron's hair is so cool." Blaise frowned as he touched his hair.

"No, don't dye your hair. It's not going to look the same." Millicent warned him.

I laughed at their fighting about Blaise with pink hair, "Why? You think pink isn't my color?"

"It's not! You'd look better with blue hair!"

"I hate blue, Millicent!"

Draco came to our side, sitting next to me.

"What's up with them?" He snickered.

"They're fighting about whether or not Blaise would look good with pink hair." I laughed.

Every time Draco was in his casual clothes, he always surprised me. His choice in clothes was very sophisticated, and with his hair different he was even more attractive.

"Did you hear about what happened this morning?" He asked.

I nodded, "I can't believe Sirius Black managed to get into the castle. If he wasn't a murderer, I'd be impressed."

Draco looked like he was hesitating to say something, but he seemed to get over the decision quickly.

"They're checking each common room. Will you be okay with your nightmares?" He asked.

I gave him a lopsided smile, "Are you worrying about me, Draco?"

He gave me a serious look, "Yes, because I know they're hard for you and I want to make sure you're comfortable."

I put a hand on his shoulder, "Draco I'll be fine, trust me. I'd say something if I was uncomfortable."

He looked skeptical of my words, but let it go. Well...not without getting a few more words in.

"Alright, but if you're scared to go around the castle, let me know and I'll walk with you."

I agreed, because if I fought him about it, I'd lose the argument anyways. I remembered the night we first got here, I was a bit embarrassed for holding him like that. He didn't mention it, so maybe he didn't want to talk about it.

Draco grabbed my hand, making me look at him in disbelief. He squeezed my hand a little, bringing my attention back.

"Earth to (Y/n), come back to me?" he chuckled.

My eyes widened, flashing back to something I'd heard from my dream.

Come back to me...(Y/n)!

I gasped, letting go of his hand immediately. I looked at him, he seemed stunned by my reaction.

"I—Sorry, I have to get...homework done." I got up and ran out of the Great hall.

Draco's POV ~

I watched in shock as she quickly ran out of the Great hall.

Millicent saw and looked at me confused, "What happened?"

I shrugged, "She spaced out and I snapped her back to reality. Then she reacted that way."

I looked at my hand, wondering if I freaked her out by holding her hand.

Blaise furrowed his brow, "That's weird. Millicent go try and talk to her, I'll stay here."

Millicent got up and ran out to find (Y/n).

Blaise scooted over to me, "Did you say anything that could've made her leave?"

I shook my head, "Not that I can think of?"

We watched as Leo laughed with Aaron as they walked out the Great hall. Looking at each other, Blaise and I immediately shot up and ran after them, reaching them in the hallways.

"Leo! I need to talk to you!" I shouted.

They stopped immediately.

"Malfoy? What is it?" Aaron asked.

Blaise leaned against the wall, trying to catch his breath.

"It's about (Y/n). She ran off and I don't know why, I didn't say anything that could've made her run." I told him.

He had us sit on a bench in the hall, I told him what happened and how she spaced out and freaked out.

Leo facepalmed, "I think it's because of her dreams."

I raised an eyebrow, "Those are just nightmares though, why would she be afraid of those?"

Blaise looked like he was going to ask the same question.

Aaron got a sad look on his face, "She didn't want to tell you."

Leo stopped him, "It's not our place to tell. Ask her and if she's ready to tell you, she will."

With the scary comment in mind, we left to our common room. When we got there, Millicent sighed loudly from the couch.

"Is she Okay?" Blaise asked.

Millicent rubbed her eyes, "I don't know, she's locked herself up in our room and won't tell me anything. She's just writing in there."

We all sat down, our minds wandering.

"She'd tell us if something was wrong, right?"

Blaise shrugged, "I'd like to think so, but maybe we shouldn't know some things."

Blaise was right, there are some things you shouldn't know about your friends, because some secrets don't concern you. I don't blame (Y/n), she's going through it right now.

Harley has left and lives in a different country now, even though her brother is here, Harley was there for all of us. She misses him, and I don't blame her.

"Guys?" We turned at the sound of a soft voice.

She came down the stairs, "I can't tell you everything, but...some things you should know."

We huddled around each other, watching to see if anyone was listening.

(Y/n) took a deep breath, "Those nightmares are more than they seem. I don't know the details, but it's bad. Tommy told me when I got home last year, and he told me something else concerning."

"You don't have to tell us." I said.

She shook her head, "No, I do, and Potter isn't the only one here who has a destiny, his is just...clearer."

I didn't understand what she meant, but I felt it was better if I didn't understand entirely.

She looked at us, "I don't want you to worry, because we're not sure if it's about me yet. But...can I show you guys what I hear?"

We nodded, she grabbed Millicent's wrist, and Millicent's eyes filled with fear. She did the same to Blaise, he looked like he couldn't take it anymore. She looked at me, and I put my hand out willingly to her. She took my hand:

I didn't take anything! AAAAAAAAAAH!!


Don't do it! No!

NOOOO!! Come back to me!

She let go of my hand, I looked at her and suddenly felt bad for not knowing, that's what she goes through every time she sleeps.

"Whose screams?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I'll figure it out eventually," She put her head in her hands, "I didn't want to tell you guys, because it's something bigger than any of us."

We sat in silence, but my heart felt like it was being twisted. She was scared to tell us, because if it was bad she didn't want us involved.

I scoffed, "Even when you're going through something like this, you think about others before yourself."

"What should I have done?"

I don't know why I felt mad at her, but I did.

"Stop thinking about us! We're wizards and witches in a dangerous world, we can handle it. Don't be a doormat!!"

"Draco!!" Millicent said in a threatening tone.

"No, let him." (Y/n) frowned.

"That's what I'm talking about! It's unhealthy that you don't get mad or anything! All you've ever done is be a people pleaser and you need to be selfish, just once!"

She sat there and took it, which isn't what I wanted at all. I wanted her to get her emotions out, not to bottle them up and take it.

"Do you want me to take it out on other people? Yeah, I'll do what you say when you start showing more emotions." She got up and went back to her room.

Millicent and Blaise looked at me, I smacked my hand on the table in frustration and left.

Millicent's POV ~

"That could've gone better." Blaise said.

"I don't know what he's thinking, provoking her like that!"

I put my head in my hands, "We're back to them not standing each other."

Blaise frowned, "I don't think that's the case at all."

"(Y/n) won't, she's been forgiving him since year one. I just don't know how long she'll be able to keep doing that." I laid my head on the table, it had been a day alright.

"You're worried too, aren't you?" Blaise looked like he was calculating in his mind.

"How can I not be? She's my best friend and she didn't even tell me any of this?" I complained.

"Even worse, I agree with Draco, she needs to let out her emotions. She bottled them up, she's been doing that since she literally fought the Malfoy's."

Things were getting more and more complicated between these two. All we wanted was for them to admit their feelings to each other, but nothing is ever easy for us here.

"I'm going to owl, Leo." Blaise said abruptly.

"Why? He can't help with this."

"It's not about them, it's about us," I looked at him confused, he seemed annoyed that I wasn't catching on. "If she really is going to end up in more danger, we need to know how to fight for her. Physically and with spells."

He got up, leaving me alone in the common room as he went up to his room. I delayed going up to my room, but I'd have to go to sleep eventually.

When I got up there, all I saw was (Y/n) writing a letter and sealing it with wax. She then opened a book I'd never seen before.

"I'm off to bed, don't stay up too late." I said.

She only nodded.

"Goodnight." I sighed, blowing out the candles in our room.

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