
Von fade-black

151 4 0

a collection of oneshots surrounding the different sides and views of romance. (with a pinch of self-projecti... Mehr

the movie theatre
the stage
the park bench

the photoshoot

15 1 0
Von fade-black

"i'm not doing this for free. it's an investment."

—c to y

y hated her room. the ceiling would leak when it rained, the thin walls didn't stop the cold air from getting in, and the floorboards creaked when the slightest amount of pressure was put on them. her room was furnished with nothing but her bed on one side and a dresser on the other. it was all that was needed.

y's room was separate from the rest of the bedrooms. the other rooms in the house were on the newly renovated side while hers still had its original, shoddy foundation. it was a shitty place to live, but she couldn't complain. after all, she was staying there for free.

after moving by herself from another country, y struggled to adapt. she never finished high school and couldn't find herself a job anywhere in the city. she was desperate for lodging until one day, she found a posting at the bus stop for a single room in a large boarding house. 

y went to the boarding house, hoping to learn more about the room. however, when she arrived she discovered that the room had been taken and that there were no more spaces available. so she went searching in other places but had no luck. no one was interested in leasing out a room to someone with no job or education. with no hope left, y went back to the boarding house and begged the owner for a space to stay. they refused, but y was persistent. she noticed the old wing of the boarding house and brought up how it seemed empty. the owner said that it was that because it was dangerous as the building's state had deteriorated with age. regardless, y still begged to live there and the owner agreed as long as she took care of it and did some additional gardening work. y eagerly agreed. she thought she wouldn't be there for long.

but months passed and she still stayed in the same rickety room. she had a job at a fast-food place, but the money she made there was nowhere near enough to afford a nicer place to stay. y considered moving, but with no car, there were little options for her. so she kept working at her almost minimum wage job and continued to live her dreary life.

y had moved to this new place hoping for more opportunities, but it seemed like luck wasn't on her side. or at least, it wasn't for a while.

the girl's luck began to change when she was working her regular shift and a man wearing a nice suit and shiny watch walked in. his hair was meticulously styled and his tie was pin straight. y had seen plenty of businessmen walk into the restaurant before, but something about this man was different. he made her uneasy. 

she took his order and tried not to eavesdrop as he had a particularly loud conversation over the phone. after the order was placed he angrily hung up and cursed. y asked for him to swipe his card since the chip machine wasn't working. the man was annoyed and was about to tell her off to release some of his anger, but when he looked at y's face, an idea came to mind.

"how old are you?" he questioned. y had been asked this by other customers before and she knew better than to give out her personal information.

"you can wait at the side of the counter for your order, sir," she said. the man didn't like being ignored and asked her the same question again. y pretended she didn't hear him.

"look i'm not some creep trying to hit on you, alright? i'm a scout for a modeling agency. my name's c," he introduced himself before handing the girl his business card. y's eyes widened at the information. it must be a scam. she held it back out, trying to return it to him, but he shook his head. "i'm not some kind of conman. if i was i wouldn't be eating here. just do some research, ask a friend, or do whatever and call me when you realize what a great opportunity you've just been handed, okay?"

"um," y stuttered, unable to process everything that was happening. one of her coworkers handed the man a paper bag.

"i got my food and i've gotta run, but contact me soon. this offer isn't going to last forever," he said and with that c left. y was still stunned, her fingers running over the letters on the business card as if it wasn't real.

"oh my god!" her coworker and best friend, g, squealed. "you just got fucking scouted!" 

"it's probably fake," y said, biting her bottom lip. she didn't believe that she could ever be this fortunate. 

"let me see." the shorter girl took the card from y's hands and gasped as she read the name. "holy shit, y. this is a legit agency! like all of those popular instagram influencers are represented by them!" g exclaimed.

"no way," y denied. "don't lie to me, g." she knew her friend would never trick her like this, but she didn't want to get her hopes up.

"i wouldn't! not about this. this is fucking amazing!" g said, bouncing from excitement for her coworker. "you need to call that guy."

"i-i don't know," the taller said. she read the words on the card over and over again in her head. "i mean, why me?"

"ugh," g groaned at her friend's self-doubt. "because you're gorgeous, y! you're young, beautiful, and you've got that sad-and-mysterious-but-in-a-hot-way thing going for you," she explained. y wasn't sure what g meant by that, but decided it was better not to ask.

"so should i call him?" the girl asked. her coworker eagerly nodded. "o-okay. i think i will." g squealed again, thrilled to see y receive such an amazing opportunity. the two got scolded by their boss and focused back on their jobs. when her shift ended, y went to the library to do more research about the company on her phone. g was right. the agency listed on the card was the same one that represented several models and social media influencers. 

she also looked up the man and found his business profile. everything about the offer was starting to seem legitimate and it filled y with a sense of excitement. she was finally getting the chance she had always been looking for and she knew that pursuing this opportunity would be a drastic shift from her current dull life.

the next morning y called the man who picked up after the fourth ring.

"hello?" c's voice was gruff and intimidated the girl.

"h-hi, it's the girl from the fast-food place," y said.

"you called later than i thought," the man scoffed. "regardless, it's a good thing that you did. that means you know i'm not some kind of creep, right?"

"yes," she responded.

"good. now can i finally find out how old you are so i know if i'm dealing with a child or not?" he questioned.

"of course, i'm 19-years-old, sir," y said, adding the last part because she felt uncomfortable.

"nineteen? that's perfect. and don't call me that. i'm only 30. just call me c," he told her. "are  you free this afternoon?"

"yes," y answered.

"fantastic. where a plain t-shirt and some skinny jeans and meet me at the place you work at in a few hours," c said.

"huh? w-" but before y could finish, the man hung up. she sighed and called g to let her know what was happening and so that someone would know where she was last if she suddenly went missing.

the girl did as she was told and showed up at the fast-food restaurant in a white shirt and blue jeans. when she arrived, c was already there, loudly drinking a soda through a straw. "you made it," he said before getting up. "let's go."

"where?" y questioned. she had been given a direction before she could even take a seat.

"to the audition," c stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. before the female could protest or ask for more information the male walked out and y hesitantly followed. as expected, c drove a luxurious car that y knew she would never be able to afford. the confused girl tried to ask him more questions on the road, but he just kept telling her to be patient which annoyed her. "we're here." c stopped in front of a large white building that y could only look at in awe. they were in the nicer part of the city that she very rarely visited. the agent told her to get out first while he parked.

as y stood there facing the sleek building, she felt her heart race. she didn't know if it was fear, anxiety, or excitement, but she did know that if she did well today, things would start to change. after c parked his car, he ushered the girl in and they went up to the third floor. when y stepped inside, she saw other girls wearing a similar outfit to hers. most of them had people with them and a few were alone. y took a seat between two girls she found almost intimidatingly pretty and c told her he had something to do and walked into the room where the auditions seemed to be happening.

y felt like hours had passed as she watched different girls go in and out of the audition room and the suspense was killing her. "why am i here?" she asked herself. y didn't feel like she was even half as appealing as all of the other females she was surrounded by. there were girls that were taller and slimmer with bigger eyes and more defined jawlines. she didn't understand how she could ever stand a chance.

eventually, it was her turn. y took a deep breath before she stepped into the audition room. it was almost empty except for a table where two men and one woman were seated and c was standing at the back of the room. she gulped not knowing what they were going to ask from her. did she need to walk? was she supposed to bring a resumé? she had come there completely unprepared.

"hm," the man at the right side of the table hummed. "you're right c, she does look like her." the two others at the table nodded in agreement. y had never been more lost. who were they talking about?

"i told you. she's a dead ringer. she can fill in the for the spot no problem. plus she's younger, 19-years-old," c confidently remarked.

"she's interesting," the woman said, her eyes scanning y up and down. the girl suddenly felt very small as all of them looked at her. she tried to fix her posture and seem as tall as possible. "she's pretty and she has the right image, but we've seen a lot of other girls today with equal potential. what is it about her that has earned your recommendation, c?"

the said man smirked. "because," he began. y was curious about his answer. why would he bring in a girl that he had only met the day before to a place like this? "she's desperate." y's heart dropped at the words. she wasn't noticed because she was stunning like the other girls, no, she was chosen because c could tell how pathetic her life was at first glance.

"and that's a good thing?" the man at the left side of the table queried, brows furrowed.

"of course," c answered, looking y in the eye. "when you're desperate you take hold of every chance you take. desperation makes you work harder than anyone else. i can't think of a better trait in an employee." the three people seated seemed intrigued by c's answer. they exchanged looks before looking back at y.

"what's your name?" the woman asked.

"my name is y, ma'am," she replied.

"okay, y. let me ask you one thing: do you agree with what c has said? do you believe you are desperate?"

y gulped and looked at c. he had an aloof expression that irritated her. what was she supposed to do? she had never been in this position before. was she supposed to tell the truth? admit how dreary and painfully boring she found her current life? she took another deep breath and answered the woman's question.

"yes, ma'am. i am desperate. i need a chance to do something more. i don't want to work at a fast-food place and sleep in a small room with no heat anymore. i want more." everyone in the room seemed pleased with y's response. 

"wonderful," the woman remarked. she turned to c and smiled. "she's got the job. nice work finding her, c." the three older adults began to put their papers away and pack their suitcases.

"of course," he thanked. he looked at y with a proud look. she was already exceeding his expectations. they all shook hands and c led the newly employed model out of the room and they exited the building.

"what just happened?" y asked. she wanted an explanation before she got into his car again. her feet were planted firmly in the ground and c could already tell she was going to be a handful, but his instincts told him it was worth it.

"you just got a job. you're going to be participating in a photoshoot in a week for a very nice clothing brand," he stated. y's eyes widened and she couldn't hide her happiness as she beamed.

"wait, really? oh my god, how?" she questioned, on the verge of squealing from joy.

"get in the car and i'll explain," c sighed. y was being a little too energetic for his liking. the girl nodded and uneasily sat down in the passenger seat of the expensive vehicle. she couldn't get used to the leather seating and advanced computer system. it all felt so new to her. she quickly buckled herself in and c began to drive.

"can you please tell me now?" she asked. c hummed, considering leaving her in the dark because he wasn't in the mood to talk, but he decided otherwise as the girl would just pester him with questions later.

"the model i was originally going to bring to this audition was guaranteed to get the gig," he began to explain. "but last-minute, some other company poached her and she decided to jump ship." y could hear the bitterness in his voice. "but i already promised a certain type of model with a certain type of image. i tried searching for another girl, but no one fit what i needed. and i was going to give up, but then i ran into you." c looked at y who was trying to process all of this. "luckily, you're around the same size as her, have similar facial features, and you've got that weird depressing-but-mysterious thing going on like she did."

"thank you?" y said. this was the second time she was hearing this type of compliment and she still wasn't sure if it was a good thing. "but what about that thing you said about me being desperate? did you mean it?"

c scoffed. "of course. it's what got you the job," he said in a cocky tone. y pouted. "what? was i not right?"

"w-well, i wouldn't s-" y tried to object.

"oh, c'mon," the man interrupted, amused that y was trying to argue with him. "a young girl working at a fast-food restaurant full-time? your shoes are worn out, your hair is dead, and it's obvious you're not happy with your life right now. you want more don't you?" 

y gasped at the insults, self-consciously looking at the ends of her hair. she thought her hair looked fine. but he was correct, her sneakers were worn out and she was incredibly unsatisfied with where she was right now. she wasn't lying when she said she didn't want to work as a cashier and live in a cramped room anymore.

"you're right," she mumbled to c's satisfaction. a few more moments of silents passed and they were still on the road. "where are we going? what's next?" she asked.

"shopping," he told her. "you don't need the nicest things, but you still need to maintain a clean and proper image. people shouldn't be able to have a chance to look down on you." y shifted in her seat uncomfortably at this. she hardly shopped in the city due to the high prices and long distance from the boarding house, but she didn't know how to tell c that. fortunately, she didn't have to as the man already predicted this. "i'll pay. don't worry about it and just get what you need."

"i can't ask that from you," the girl said. the last thing she wanted was to be pitied by him.

"i'm not doing this for free. it's an investment. after you sign a contract with me and start working gigs, everything will be paid back in time," he stated, eyes starting to scan the narrow streets for the right stores.

y was bewildered. an investment? contracts? gigs? she hadn't grasped exactly what she was getting into and c knew this. he helped the clueless girl buy some necessities as well as makeup, hair products, and skincare. when y asked why she needed all of these things, he told her she "didn't look bad, but could use some touching up." the man showed her how to use all the newly purchased items and instructed y to start a balanced diet and exercise more. the girl understood this and obediently followed c's words. she trusted he knew what he was doing. he was a professional after all.

the next week, c picked y up from the boarding house. the other residents were in awe as they watched y, who slept in the worst part of the building, climb into a stranger's expensive car. the agent drove y to a larger building than the one she had visited last time. when she stepped inside, she was shocked by the number of people there. everyone had a job and was hustling to finish to do it. they all seemed to know exactly what they were doing and that made y nervous. after all, she was only here because she was lucky. she hadn't been going through the same stress the other models have been for years. she didn't understand how difficult it was to get a chance like the one she had now. so the other girls who were there looked down on y and she knew it.

"relax, kid," c said, noticing how tense the girl was. she nodded and took a deep breath. c went to talk to some people and y followed behind him like a helpless puppy. she was doing her best to avoid others' eyes. after a short discussion, c turned his attention back to y and led her to where a few other girls were getting their makeup done. she quickly replaced one of them in their seats and was stiff as the makeup artists did their jobs. then she went to get changed.

when she was finally ready, the photographer began to call on all of the models. y was about to go join the other girls when c pulled her aside. 

"stop looking so scared," he told her, looking at her hands. y's hands had been trembling the entire time without her knowing. she quickly clasped them together to make them stop. "better. now listen. this is a big shot you have right now. if you fuck this up it's going to be really tough to get you another job. so focus on looking pretty and be confident. you want this don't you?" y nodded. she wanted this more than anything. "good. watch the other models for a bit and remember the pointers i gave you. i'll be in the back waiting for you." and with those words he patted her on the arm and walked away, not thinking twice about the immense amount of pressure he had placed on the girl. y gulped. this might be her only shot.

y watched a few other girls took their photos before her. they all seemed so elegant and beautiful. she wondered if she could ever be like them. they appeared so intimidating to the girl, but in reality, they were incredibly cautious of her. 

they wondered what kind of connections she must have to be able to be here and how she managed to get c as her agent. c was well-known for bringing up successful models and he usually only had one client at a time. many had been turned down and now he was suddenly there with a girl no one knew the name of. they knew there must be something about y that made her stand out. they just didn't know what it was. what did she have that they didn't?

but soon enough, they saw what c suspected that the girl had all along: a natural presence. y was uncomfortable for the first few shots, but as she spent more time in front of the camera she began to smoothly adapt. she was charismatic, did everything the director asked, and she did it all with ease. y was used to following directions and always did her best to please others. there was a charm in that and soon enough she was drawing the attention of everyone in the room. her expressions were perfect and she felt comfortable with all of the eyes and lights on her. this was where she wanted to be.

after the shoot, they went to c's office to complete the paperwork. normally, models would have a lawyer or someone with them to review the documents, but y didn't have anyone like that. c had showered her with compliments and she still had her adrenaline pumping from being in front of a camera. so she just blindly placed her trust in him. y signed her name and that was it. 

she was officially a model.

since the successful photoshoot, c had managed to land y job after job. everyone was curious about the model the famous agent was bringing up. eventually, c talked the girl into finding a place closer to the middle of the city. she could finally afford it with the money she had been making and jumped at the idea. she was finally somewhere in life where she could get out of the room she hated so much and was able to move into a nice space. she loved the view of the tall buildings from her window and the bustling of the people below. y felt like this was where she belonged.

g was thrilled for her friend and y brought her to all of the shoots c allowed her to. g helped her with her confidence and soon enough y was feeling like a real model. she didn't feel inferior to all of the other girls anymore. she had c who taught her everything she needed to know, and she had never felt luckier knowing she met him that day.

c helped her and even though he put up an aloof front, y knew that he cared about her, even if it was only as an investment. he made sure she ate right, listened to all of her worries, and reminded her that she deserved to be where she was now. c made y feel special and she loved being around him. she always looked forward to meeting him at photoshoots, talking to him, getting rides from him, and even shopping with him. she liked everything that did with him and y had never been in love before, but she suspected that what she felt for c was it. she believed she loved the man who saved her from her boring life.

so after months of working together, new years finally came around and as the countdown ended on the tv, y made the bold move to kiss her agent. for a second c kissed her back, but he quickly pulled away. y asked him what was wrong, but he said nothing and left. 

after that incident, the girl thought that he would be mad at her, but the man acted as if nothing had happened. and y didn't know if that made things better or worse. she was happy that things hadn't changed, but at the same time, she wished they did. 

she was starting to get greedy. y wanted more in life again.

c knew this. he could see the ambition in the girl's eyes and knew that she was capable of making it very far in the modeling industry. she worked hard, made him tons of money, and took every opportunity to get better at what she did. the girl was the best investment c had ever made and that is why he had to ignore her feelings. 

at first, c thought that y was just a little girl with a crush or that maybe she felt indebted to him, but he soon began to notice how the younger would always be by his side and pout whenever he was interacting with different women. and his suspicions were proven the night she kissed him. 

for a moment c thought that maybe this was okay. he didn't love y, but he found her attractive enough, but he still stopped the kiss from going any further. y was just an innocent young woman and furthermost, his client. c couldn't find it in him to take advantage of her like that so he ignored her feelings and remained professional. he stopped watching tv and spending extra time with her and started not attending some of her shoots. 

he knew she didn't need him there anymore. she was capable of doing a good job on her own, but that didn't mean y didn't want him by her side.

the girl confronted him about it and he explained that there was no reason for him to go since she was responsible enough to do these things by herself. so he was shocked when he received a call from a director saying that y had skipped a photoshoot. 

he told her that she was being childish, but what did he expect? y was only 20-years-old with no adult to lead them. she was in a new place and was still adjusting to a world that contrasted deeply from her previous life. she had been relying on c the entire time and felt abandoned when he ignored her. c told her he would be there and she expected him to keep that promise.

so c started going to all of her photoshoots again and as long as he was there, y continued to do a spectacular job. people loved her and her name spread quickly. some people were jealous of her and others wanted to be her and she knew it. y didn't care who adored her and who despised her. all that mattered was that she was good at her job, because as long as she continued to do great work, c would stay by her side. other agencies had tried to poach her. they offered her large sums of money, amazing places to live, fruit baskets, and even a car, but she turned them all down. 

none of it was enough if she didn't have c.

"i love him, g," y told her best friend over their weekly breakfast.

"i don't know, y. are you sure you don't just feel like you owe him something?" g countered. she had noticed how frequently the model talked about her agent and she wasn't sure it was a good thing. g knew that y was much more naïve than she appeared and was very aware of how she could easily get hurt by a man like c. "he's your agent. i don't know if you should do anything that affects that relationship."

"i know," the younger sighed. "but it's so hard. he's all i think about. i think he's my first love." g pursed her lips to stop herself from saying anything too discouraging. it was sweet that y felt like she was in love and g would support her best friend no matter what, but someone like c was dangerous to an innocent girl like y.

"he's eleven years older than you," she reminded the girl. "he's had a lot more experience, and don't you think he's kind of shady? he's good at his job for a reason."

"so? everyone's a little shady. he's just a great agent," y defended. she was offended by g's thoughts on the man. "and i trust him. he wouldn't do anything to hurt me." g didn't like this. y had become so used to the man telling her every step she should take, that she would trust him with her life, even though he didn't feel the same way. this was one of the dangers of working in the modeling world at such a young age. it was easy to be manipulated.

"okay, y, if that's what you really think,"g said. she knew she couldn't change y's mind. she only hoped that y was right and that c really was a good person with no ill intentions. she didn't want to see her best friend get tricked or hurt. "good luck at your shoot today."

y smiled her regular charming smile. "thank you, g! same time next week?" the older nodded. they paid for their meals and went their separate ways. g had a shift at the fast-food place and y had another photoshoot to attend. 

the model arrived early since the restaurant she was at was within walking distance from the location. she looked around for c, but couldn't find him. the girl was disappointed but decided she might as well get her hair and makeup done before the other models would get there. would c be proud of her for getting ready ahead of schedule?

the model walked into the dressing room, excited for the shoot. but that excitement became something else as she witnessed the scene in front of her. y dropped her coffee on the ground in shock, not caring that its contents were getting all over her heels. the other people in the room heard it and spun around, pausing what they were doing.

"oh, y!" the familiar makeup artist said, face flushed and buttoning up her blouse. y had worked with the woman many times before on different shoots. they had become friends. so y never expected her "friend" to be making out with her agent, both half-naked on the makeup counter.

"shit," c cursed. he put his belt back on and sighed as he saw the upset expression on y's face. he didn't expect his client to be there that early. y opened her mouth as if to scream something at the pair, but instead, she just sat down in her chair and waited for the now fully clothed woman to help her. the older female was shocked by this, but she quickly went to assist the girl.

"look, y, i'm so sorry ab-"

"don't worry it," y interjected, her eyes on the mirror. "let's just get this over with." the artist quickly nodded and began to prepare her materials. she knew how much trouble she could get in if anyone found out that she was hooking up with c. she hoped that y wouldn't tell anyone since they were friends. c left the room after putting his shirt back on. he was shocked by y's behavior. was she really this mature? he hoped so.

the photoshoot went smoothly and c drove y back home. he looked at her from the corner of his eye, trying to get a read on her. c was usually really good at this. he was usually able to read everything y was feeling just by looking at her face, but this time he couldn't. the girl maintained a stoic expression and didn't say a word to the agent as he dropped her off at her apartment.

"i'll see you tomorrow at the office to discuss the paperwork," he said as y opened her car door. "i'll be picking you up at 9 am."

"there's no need. g can give me a ride," the female told him. this was the immature behavior c was waiting for.

"look y, you can't be upset for what you saw back there," the man sighed. "she and i are just fucking around. it won't get in the way of my job. you're still my main priority," he stated, looking y in the eye.

"did you know that i would see you?" y questioned. c paused. he had never seen the dark expression y had on now. "you were in the dressing room where you know the models go. did you really think no one would catch you?" c was about to argue back saying he didn't, but he couldn't get the words out. because she was correct. a part of him did want the girl to see and his silence was enough to answer y's question. "that's what i fucking thought."

"it's not your concern, kid. we're both adults and it has nothing to do with you," c said dismissively. y felt herself getting more irritated by the name. he was right. she was just a kid. so why did she have to be the mature one? she slammed the car door shut and didn't move from her seat.

"you know how i feel don't you?" she asked, already knowing the answer. "you know i love you."

the man released a deep breath. "you don't love me," he claimed. "you're too young to be in love."

"that's your response?" y scoffed. "you know what, c? i may be young and i may be naïve, but i'm not stupid. you think you can read me perfectly, but guess what? i can read you too," she stated, eyes full of anger and determination. she refused to be shut down by the man again. "and everyone was right. you are a cruel man. i bet you don't even give a shit about the makeup artist. you just wanted me to see you with someone so you could hurt me." 

c swallowed. was he getting nervous around the young woman?

"so what?" he retorted. c was older and a professional with much more experience. he wasn't going to let an amateur model like y talk to him like this. "did you really think i would love you back? you're a child."

y's face turned red with rage. "fuck you, c." with that she got out of the car, making sure to violently shut the door behind her.

"fuck!" c yelled as the girl stomped away. he slammed his fists on the steering wheel. he wanted to scream. y wouldn't do anything stupid, right? no, she owed him everything. he was the one who turned her into the success she was now. she would never betray him.

or at least that's what c thought.

the girl didn't show up at c's office the next day. 

they were supposed to talk and sign paperwork. she was supposed to renew her contract, but it was obvious she wasn't going to do that as she walked into a different building at the same time she was supposed to be at c's. y strutted in and went into a woman's office. the sharply dressed woman warmly greeted her and sat her down for a business discussion. y smiled. 

she was ready to make a deal.

as y left the building she received a call from c. she wasn't surprised. she had texted him right before she stepping into the woman's office.

"y, are you fucking kidding me?" the man questioned, fuming with rage. "you skipped our meeting to sign a new contract with my biggest rival?

"yes," y calmly responded. "our contract is expiring anyway. it's perfect timing."

"do you realize how dumb you're being?" he spat, tightly clenching the phone. "i gave you everything. no one is going to be a better agent for you than me."

"you're probably right," the girl acknowledged. "you were probably the best agent a kid like me could ask for, but i don't need you holding me back anymore, c. i'm sick of being under your thumb." this wasn't true. y loved being in the palm of c's hand, at his every beck and call. it gave her purpose.

"you're making a mistake," c stated. "this is a childish move. you're going to regret this damnit."

"maybe," y shrugged. "we'll see, won't we?" c continued to berate her and tell her how much she was messing up her future by leaving him, but she didn't care. "bye, c. i can't wait to see you again one day at another shoot with a new model. i hope she's as obedient as i was." y hung up and c threw his phone against a wall in a fit of rage.

y's new agent was c's rival for a reason. she got y just as many jobs and gave her all of the support she needed. y was doing fine without c and she only continued to advance in the field.

years later, and the young woman was now walking runways for the biggest names in fashion. she was no longer the sad girl who had to sleep in a room with creaky floors. no, she was a famous model that was making money and living the dream she always wanted as a child. in interviews, she would be asked to tell the story about how she was scouted at a fast-food place, but she never says c's name. she just calls him "some agent she used to work with" and no one asks for more details about it. people no longer care about the suave businessman who once won the hearts of many.

because c had lost his best investment and y's success would always remind him of that.


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