After Everything That Happene...

By greysbaeshotchniss

11K 177 47

After Jo and Alex separated, he came back and so do some of the classic characters, all with incredible reaso... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

986 15 3
By greysbaeshotchniss

"Alex stop, wait!" Jo stopped the kiss, halfway through, catching her breathe. "I feel like I'm taking advantage."
Alex's hands were still on her face, as he breathed heavily. "What do you mean?" He was obviously confused by what she meant.
"You told me something personal and I don't want to do something that will make you regret anything." She slightly backed away, looking down at the sparking, clean floor of Trauma 1"
Alex moved his other hand from behind her waist to her chin, lifting it up until she met his eyes once again. "Josephine Brooke Wilson, the only regret I have in life is leaving you. I want you and only you."
A smile crept onto Jo's face, reminding Alex of the face she made on the night of the storm, the night Meredith had her baby boy, the night she also went into surgery, the night Richard and Heather were electrocuted, and most importantly, the night Alex told Jo he loved her.

Their lips met once again, but more passionately this time. He pushed her up against the wall gently, but also so quickly she didn't even realise it was happening, making her giggle. He wanted her and only her, and that was 1 thing he was 100% sure on. Minutes flew by without recognition and the reunited couple were on a high. It was perfection to them ; to be making up for the things they'd missed out on for almost 2 years. Jo started to loosen the grip of her hands on his face, trying to open her eyes. She felt like the world was spinning by the time her eyes finally opened, except this time it wasn't the type that the kiss caused. It was a different feeling. Suddenly, the world went black, and she collapsed, hitting her head on the crash cart to the left of her and falling onto her right arm on the floor.
"Jo? Jo! Someone get a gurney!" No one could hear Alex screaming for help. He pushed the blinds out of the way, running through the door and screaming for help with Jo in his arms, bridal style.
"Help, someone!" His voice broke. "Get a gurney." He caught the attention of Arizona who was still sat with Sofia, talking about all types of things like what surgery her Mom would need and what to have for dinner. She came rushing over to Alex after getting a nurse to pay close attention to her daughter.

Jo laid there on the gurney, still, with 4 nurses. Arizona picked up Michael and gave him to one of the interns, ordering him to take him to daycare. He obeyed. They moved her into Trauma 2, and hooked her up to an IV drip. Alex took control of this situation perfectly, Arizona stood back watching an old friend on the gurney, alive but perfectly motionless. She had seen 3 of the people she cared most about hooked up to an IV today.

Alex paged Teddy 911 to the ER, and Amelia. He needed a complete check on why she collapsed and he wasn't going to be allowed in this room much longer due to his history with her.
"Karev?" Altman entered the Trauma room, snapping her size 6 gloves against her wrists, shortly followed by Shepherd. "What have we got?" came from both of their mouths at the same time.

"Jane Doe-" said one of the nurses before being cut off.
"It's Jo! Jo fricken Wilson! She collapsed, been down 2 minutes, airways clear, BP is high, hooked up to IV, deep head lac." Alex shouted, giving them more context.
"Okay, Alex I need you to step away please." Teddy calmly ordered; it was bound to happen. Alex followed the orders to an extent ; he still only hid in the corner silently.
"Book a head CT and page plastics, she needs stitches in this head, the wound is pretty deep and we need to check for neurological deficits."
Avery walked in, "What have we- Jo? Jo! What happened?" panicked, immediately talking to Karev.
"We were just in here and then she collapsed and hit her head." Alex explained, frantically, not going into as much detail.
"Why were you guys in here?" Jackson asked as he checked out her wound. Alex was silent. The room was filled with all types of noises, but Alex's voice answering the question wasn't one of them.

"Someone take her up to CT please. I'll suture when she's out." Jackson said calmly, after a few moments of checking her wound and cleaning it.
"Hey, I'm here, so... Is that Jo?" Meredith came walking through the doors, stopping in her tracks in shock, after expecting it to be Amelia and Maggie wanting to hear more details. "What happened?"
"Get Alex to explain." Avery said bluntly, pointing to the corner.
"Alex? How does he know?"
"We were in here together, talking, and she collapsed. I don't know what happened." His head fell into his hands.

It wasn't until she glanced at the other corner of the room that she saw Arizona. She looked paralysed. Her body stiff on the floor. That's now 2 people she cares about, seen unconscious on gurneys today.
"Arizona, come on. Up we get." Meredith was acting motherly, but in her mind, she was breaking down as much as they were. She just couldn't show it. "We have to leave. She'll be okay."

The three exited, hesitantly and in silence.
Meredith broke the eery sound of nothingness.
"Let's go to the daycare, yeah? Take your mind off of things. It's going to be okay."
The two nodded, unable to bring themselves to even open their mouths. Meredith dragged them along, Alex attached to her right side, Arizona on the left.
"How's Callie?" Arizona finally spoke up as she walked into the elevator.
"She was doing really good when I left. I might have to go back and leave you guys though." Meredith replied.
"No." Arizona and Alex said in unison, both clutching Meredith's arms harder.

Meredith knew she needed to be there for her friends, even though they hadn't been there for her for the past few years. She needed them, and they weren't there. The only person who was truly there was Jo, and now she's lying unconscious. How is it only 3pm. Meredith somehow still has 7 hours on her shift. It felt like she had been at the hospital for days already.

The trio left the day care at about 4pm, and Arizona and Alex had to push the surgery they were here for. The family were furious but understood. They wanted their child to be operated on when the surgeons attention wasn't on something other then the patient. Callie came out of surgery and was in the ICU, unconscious and currently on a ventilator, Arizona, Michael and Sofia by her side and Alex had been sat by Jo's side since they got out of daycare, Evelyn on his lap. He knew that Eve would be the first thing Jo would worry about. Plus this gives them time to be together. Jo's eyes fluttered open slowly at about 6pm, adjusting to the light of the disinfected hospital room. She immediately saw Alex and Eve, together. He didn't notice she was waking up. He was contently playing with Eve, making her giggle and smile like she had never done before.

"Hey." A scratchy voice came from her, followed by a small smile.
Alex looked up. He was so relieved. Even though she didn't have a surgery, he felt like he was being suffocated. He could finally breathe. He couldn't imagine how Arizona felt. "Hey. Someone's missed you." He looked back down at Eve, who was cooing and biting her foot.
"Hi babygirl." Jo went to move her head up off the pillow, but squealed in pain from her stitched-up wound. The meds had worn off. "Oww!"
"Hey, take it easy. Have some water." Alex said, as he brought a glass of water and a straw to her mouth.

Meredith was walking past Jo's room with her interns, and noticed Jo was finally awake. Alex waved her into the room, and she told her interns to wait outside.
"Hey! How are you feeling?" Meredith said quietly, and sympathetically.
"In pain. Tell me what's wrong with me?" Jo said, quite frustrated by the fact she was in pain and couldn't hold her baby.
"Well you fainted, as we know, and hit your head. It's a deep head lac but neurological examine was good, so you're okay there-"
"Tell me why I fainted please." Jo said, rather demandingly.
"Simply, just from lack of sleep and dehydration."
"So, I can't hold my baby and I've got a headache because I can't sleep at night because of her. Ironic." Jo seemed annoyed but knows blaming her child for her foolish mistakes wasn't morally right. Meredith left the room so that her friend could sleep.

"I'm so dumb." Jo whispered sharply, under her breath.
"Hey, you're not dumb. You're incredibly strong, and you'll be discharged from here tomorrow. You're only here for observation." Alex reassured her. He was always the best at making everything better for her. A smile crept onto her face again, remembering all the reasons she fell in love with Alex.

"So earlier, can we talk about that?" Jo needed answers for what was going on between them.
"Jo, we don't have to-"
She interrupted. "Alex, I want to be with you. I know how much you love babies and kids, and you are amazing with Eve. I love you, I never stopped loving you."
"I love you too, Jo. We'll talk more in the morning. You should get some rest."
Jo nodded reluctantly, even though all she wanted to do was talk to Alex all night and play with Eve.

Alex stood up, bringing Eve over to Jo so she could kiss her goodnight, then he kissed her forehead lightly. She was extremely tired ; Alex could tell, and started stroking her hair. She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow comfortably.

Alex asked a nurse to bring a baby cot in for Eve, so that she could still be in the same room as her mother. Alex was on call all night, so he had to leave but her got all the nurses and interns to make sure that they would both be okay. He kissed Eve's forehead goodnight, and did the same to Jo again. He wanted a family for them but also knew the bigger reason he was here was going to be an issue.

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