Thirsty? (Bakugo x OC)

Par ChantalRighter

140K 4K 3.6K

Sweet like a lemon, eh? * * * Katsuki Bakugo is ready for his second year at UA to be all about him but the... Plus

notes and updates
One - A Fresh Face
Two - Dorms
Three - Mirio
Four - Sports Festival
Five - Rematch
Six - Katsuki Snaps ๐Ÿ‹
Eight - End of Term
Nine - Ren's Birthday ๐Ÿ‹
Ten - The Return
Eleven - Recovery
Twelve - Granny B
Thirteen - Origin
Fourteen - Perspective
Fifteen - Trial
Sixteen - Chinami-Ren Arakawa
Seventeen - Okinawa ๐Ÿ‹
Eighteen - A Date..?
Nineteen - Attack on the Sand
Twenty - Aftermath
Twenty-One - Journey Home ๐Ÿ‹ish
Twenty-Two - Re(n)venge ๐Ÿ‹
Twenty-Three - Offer
Twenty-Four - Saturdate
Twenty-Five - Endeavour Agency Interview
Twenty-Six - Burns
Twenty-Seven - School Festival ๐Ÿ‹(ish)
Twenty-Eight - Self Control ๐Ÿ‹
Twenty-Nine - Dresses
Thirty - Shattered
Thirty-One - Partners
Thirty-Two - A Todoroki Family Dinner
Thirty-Three - Vantastic
Thirty-Four - Unfinished Business
Thirty-Five - Tobi
Thirty-Six - Before They Dance
Thirty-Seven - While They Dance
Thirty-Eight - After They Dance ๐Ÿ‹
Thirty-Nine - A Bakugo Family Christmas
Forty - Back to the Lab Again
Forty-One - Quirky Adventures ๐Ÿ‹
Forty-Two - Intentions
Forty-Three - Spring Festival Interrupted
Forty-Four - Riled Up Rivalry
Forty-Five - Year End
Forty-Six - Session One
Forty Seven - Session Two
Forty-Eight - Session Three
Forty-Nine - Ren's Summer
Fifty - Dabi's Summer
Fifty-One - Normality
Fifty-Two - The Arakawa Family
Fifty-Three - Plans
Fifty-Four - Breaking In
Fifty-Five - Breaking
Fifty-Six - Breaking Out
Fifty-Seven - Every-goddamn-thing

Seven - Nothing Happened

5.6K 128 167
Par ChantalRighter

Maybe you weren't watching porn but I definitely heard a girl moan from your wall.... Come to think of it... She may have even said Katsuki.


Bakugo woke up 5 minutes before the alarm in his room would be going off. He sat up on the couch and pressed his fingers against his temples, cursing Ren for falling asleep so he couldn't sleep comfortably on his own damn pillows in his own damn sheets in his own damn bed. That is, until he remembered why she'd fallen asleep in his bed in the first place and he took back every curse against her he'd just thought. Memories of the night before flooded into his mind and it started making him excited for any possible physical prospects with her. 'Not now, dammit.' He thought to himself as he felt his boxers tighten. 'Think about Shitty Hair. Think about Shitty Hair.' That seemed to work.

He slumped over to the elevator, rolling out his shoulders and stretching his neck as he waited for the polished doors to open. God, that couch was uncomfortable. Sleep was important to Bakugo. The mattress he'd had sent to the dorm to replace the garbage one they provided was of the utmost quality, and so he wasn't used to sleeping on anything other than perfection. Was it worth the night before though? Yes, most definitely yes. Upon arrival to his floor, he check the hallway several times before he went into his room. He opened his door slowly and peaked around it to see if she was awake. Ren was facing the wall, soundly asleep. Bakugo stared at her shape under the covers for a couple of seconds before he remembered he needed to get into the room before the alarm sounded.

Cursing the door for creaking so damn loudly, Bakugo edged into his room, feeling like a strager in his own space while putting her comfort above his own. Why did he care so much? Why was his heart beating so loudly to see her face again? To run his fingers through her soft hair and wish her good morning. He growled to himself as he got to his bed. He flicked his alarm clock off and sat down on his bed. His hand was shaky as he reached for Ren's shoulder, he gulped to calm himself down before he tugged gently.

Ren woke up with a sudden jolt, completely forgetting where she was and how she'd gotten there. She rocketed up and took in her surroundings, realisation slowly setting in. "Bakugo? What time is it?" She mumbled while she rubbed her eyes.

He held back a chuckle. "It's 6."


"Don't worry, I'm usually one of the first up so you should be okay to get back to your room unseen."

"Aah, so that's why you're in bed so early?" She asked with a smug quirked brow, to which Bakugo just rolled his eyes and grumbled. Ren looked around his room, having not had the opportunity to give it a good look until now. She smirked. "I didn't expect you to have this much All Might merch." She referred to the posters and figurines he had on his walls and shelves.

"Shut up!" Bakugo growled as his eyebrow twitched. "Are you ever going to not make fun of me for something?"

"It's cute." Ren bit her lip and slipped out of his bed. Her legs wobbled beneath her and he had to catch her as she tried to stand.

"Is that my fault?" He asked rather cockily and mildly proud of himself. Ren just gave a blank and unimpressed stare as her legs steadied enough for her to stand on her own. She searched around for her underwear and shorts that had been discarded the night before when she spotted something else on Bakugo's bed.

"Oh man, I'm so sorry." Bakugo followed her gaze to the dried, dark reddish spot that had spread onto his grey sheets.

"What is that?" He asked with a head tilt. "Is that blood?"

Ren swallowed. "I'm sorry it was... It was my first time last night." She held her head low while continuing to search for her pyjamas. Bakugo couldn't take his eyes off of the red patch on his sheets. Was she hurt? Did he do that? He racked his brain, trying to remember the half-assed sex-ed he'd only partially paid attention to in junior high.

"I'll replace them." Ren broke his chain of thought as she found and pulled on her garments.

"No, no. It's cool." Bakugo slowly sunk onto his bed, kind of unsure as to where to put his hands. "Are you... Okay?" He gestured to her abdomen, still so unsure as to where to put his hands.

Ren gave a lopsided smile. "Yeah, just shaky and a little tender..." His caring side was so foreign, she wasn't sure how to react. "Can I borrow this?" She pulled on Bakugo's shirt. "You kinda destroyed my shirt."

He chuckled. "My bad... I just really wanted to see you naked." Their uncomfortable small talk was interrupted by a sudden enthusiastic knock on Bakugo's door. Both heads snapped to the source of the sound. "What the fuck?" Bakugo muttered.

"Yo! Bakubro, you awake yet?" Kirishima's raspy voice sounded through the wooden door, making Bakugo's eyes widen to the size of saucers.

"Shit!" He exclaimed in a hushed tone. "I forgot it's fucking Wednesday!" He grabbed Ren's wrists and rapidly thrust her onto his bed again. She didn't even have time to make a peep before he'd thrown his bedding over her body and stumbled towards his door while Kirishima continued to impatiently knock. "What?!" He growled at his bud as soon as he'd swung the door open.

"Uh, running?" Kirishima asked with a raised eyebrow. "Did you oversleep? You never oversleep. Come on, get dressed we gotta go!" He was about to push into his friend's bedroom when Bakugo's arm snapped against the doorframe, blocking his path.

"You forgot your sweatband." Bakugo pointed at his forehead. "You get clumsy when your hair falls in your face." He shoved Kirishima back by pushing his palm over his face.

"You're right!" Nothing seemed to phase Kiri. He skipped back to his own room to search for the sweatband he used so often and yet could never find.

Bakugo waited until he saw Kirishima shut his door before he ripped his blanket off of Ren. "Quick!" He whispered to her as he helped her up and dragged her to his door.

"Um, thanks for letting me sleep. Sorry I got weird last night." Ren tucked her hair behind her ear. It fell out of place instantly.

Bakugo pushed the hair out of her face, causing Ren to blush and sink into her shoulders a little. "Yeah, that's cool." He opened his door and checked to see where Kirishima was at. His friend's door was still shut and he could even hear the airhead questioning himself on the whereabouts of his sweatband. "Come on." He waved her out to the hallway and she bounced towards the stairwell.

Bakugo glanced over at Kirishima's dorm room again, the door was still shut. "Ren!" He called to her, she paused just as she got to the stairwell and turned her head slightly to him. "Wanna do that again?" Ren bit into her bottom lip as a smirk spread across her cheeks. Her elusive response was a simple wink to Bakugo before she disappeared from his sight.

He sighed and leant on his door to shut it. What a night... His peaceful thoughts were interrupted once more by Kirishima's repetitive knocking. "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT I'M COMING!" Bakugo roared through the door before he folded his arms and pouted for a moment. The couch had left him sore and stiff, he really wasn't in the mood for this mornings run. He put on the first set of exercise gear he could find, pulled his running shoes on and joined Kirishima in the hall.

"Not like you to oversleep." Kirishima commented as they got outside to stretch. "Normally it's you pounding on my door for sleeping." Kirishima said to Bakugo between his own legs as he folded over and touched his toes.

"I had a rough night." Bakugo muttered back and stretched his hip flexes. Man they were sore, Bakugo considered making allowances for sex as a workout this week.

"So I heard." Kirishima stood back up.

'Hng?!' Bakugo's eyes widened and an uncomfortable lump caught in his throat. He coughed it out awkwardly and turned to the still doubled over Kirishima. "W-what do you mean?"

"Were you watching porn or something?" Kirishima asked casually as he stretched back out. "Or just a really dirty movie?"

Bakugo let out a quiet sigh of relief before he took off in a light jog. "You must've been hearing things."

Kirishima took off after him. "I don't think so, I know what I heard. You don't have to be embarrassed, everyone does it."

"You think I'm some kinda perv that would watch porn on high volume?!" Bakugo yelled at Kirishima. He quickened his pace.

"No man of course not!" Kirishima caught up to him. "I know what I heard and all I'm saying is if it's true, you don't have to be ashamed of what you do in your private time. Girls do it."

'G-girls do it too? Does that mean Ren..?' He thought to himself, throwing his concentration off of running and making him trip over his own feet. He landed on the dirt path with a loud 'oof', sending a mass of dust and pebbles scattering everywhere.

Kirishima slid to a halt. "You okay man?"

"God-fucking-dammit Shitty Hair!" Bakugo slammed his fist in the dirt and pushed himself back up with an explosion. "Stop distracting me!"

"I'm sorry, man!" Kirishima waved his hands about. "I was just tryna-"

"Nothing happened last night!" Bakugo screamed. "I don't need to jerk off to loud pervy ass porn! Maybe it was from below you or above you. Maybe it was that short shit grape perv! Now shut up and finish this fucking run you dragged me out of bed for." Bakugo growled before he took off again, this time paying special attention to where his feet where going.

Kirishima rubbed the back of his head. 'I know what I heard last night.' He hurried after Bakugo and watched his expression as he ran. 'Maybe you weren't watching porn, but I definitely heard a girl moan from your wall.... Come to think of it... She may have even said Katsuki.'


Ren stared at Bakugo in class all morning. Occasionally, she'd catch him sneaking a glance back at her, making them both blush and bury their heads in their arms or try a little too hard to make it look like they were paying very close attention to whichever teacher was there.

Lunchtime couldn't have come soon enough. Ren was sitting with her usual group of friends; Deku, Uraraka, Tsu and Iida. Occasionally Todoroki or Yaoyorozu would join them. They were chatting excitedly about their upcoming summer vacation and feasting on the always delicious Lunch Rush meals.

Uraraka was in the middle of telling a story from her work study when a tray slammed on their table, followed by the scraping of a chair and Bakugo slumping in the seat next to Ren. Ren looked down at her food, trying to hide her smirk while the rest of the group stared at him wide-eyed.

"Are you alright, Kacchan?" Midoriya asked uneasily.

"Huh? Yeah." Bakugo furrowed his brow and snapped his chopsticks apart. "Why?"

"It's just... Strange for you to sit with us..." Midoriya looked between his friends faces for reassurance. Ren pushed her rice around on her plate with her fork and avoided his gaze. She wanted to sink into the chair so no one could see her growing blush across her cheeks.

"I can sit wherever I damn want to, Deku!" Bakugo yelled out and clenched his chopsticks in his hands.

"Of course you're welcome to sit with us!" Uraraka butted in. "It's just... Unexpected is all."

'Hm.' Bakugo turned up his nose to Midoriya and began devouring his meal. Tsu chuckled at the ridiculous display.

"Uh, so, anyway, then Ryukyu asked us to take the third quadrant of..." Uraraka continued with her story. Bakugo and Ren stole glances at each other, trying not to draw attention to themselves.

Kirishima watched Bakugo from a table nearby. "Bakugo's acting really weird today." He mumbled to the group while inattentively lifting a mouthful of curry to his lips. It slipped off of his spoon but he bit onto it anyway, he took the spoon out confused.

"What do you mean?" Sero asked slurping his drink through his straw.

"He was being strange this morning, overslept for our run and now he's not sitting with us." Kirishima explained. "He never oversleeps... And he'd never sit with Midoriya."

Ashido turned around in the least subtle way possible and observed the situation. "Isn't it obvious?" She asked turning back to Kirishima.

"Isn't what obvious?" Kaminari asked.

Ashido rolled her eyes before she whispered to Hagakure, who turned around and checked them out too. "Yep, it's obvious."

"What's obvious?!" Kirishima demanded.

"Boys are so dumb." Ashido said crossing her arms. "Bakugo obviously likes Ren." Hagakure probably nodded with a 'mhm'.

Kirishima stared at their table again. "I dunno, Bakugo's too focused and busy to think about that kinda thing."

"Of coursth Bakugo would go for the hottestht girl in the clasth." Mineta gripped his fork, shaking with anger and jealousy.

Hagakure cleared her throat. "Excuse me, we're right here, Mineta."

"Hagakure." Sero placed his hands together and pointed them at her. "You're invisible." Hagakure may have pouted, they had no way of knowing.

"Well, that's my theory." Ashido got up with her tray and shrugged. "He's into her, I'd put money on it." She skipped off with her tray in hands.

Todoroki was sitting with Yaoyorozu, Jiro and Tokoyami at the table just behind Kirishima and his friends. He'd been listening to their conversation since Ren's name popped up. He gripped his chopsticks in his left hand and accidentally lit them on fire when he heard them mention Bakugo's interest in Ren. He resolved it quickly by placing his right hand over the small flame before the others noticed.

The bell chimed, dictating the end of lunch. For the rest of the afternoon, they had strength and quirk training. The facility staff organised a pool to be put into the training gym for Ren and Tsu to use. Ren's task was to learn how to control h2O using only her feet so she could travel on the water's surface. The added task that the others weren't aware of was she had to do it without losing control.

Ren placed her feet on the waters surface at the edge of the pool and slowly distributed her weight onto the wobbly and unpredictable surface. Aizawa observed her intently, narrowing his eyes as he watched for any signs of trouble. Ren bit her lip as she concentrated, a small trickle of blood pooled under her bite. She furrowed her brow. 'Come on! Come on!' She thought to herself. After a few painful moments of trying to balance her weight and use the very insensitive (but not to lego) bottoms of her feet to keep the water stable, Ren managed to step away from the side of the pool and stand on the water.

"Yes!" She cheered out and clenched her fists triumphantly.

Aizawa narrowed his eyes at her again. There! The bluish spark he saw at the sports festival zapped around her body. His hair erupted around him as he activated his quirk. Ren let out a small yell as she plunged beneath the waters surface without warning. Aizawa's hair fell back to his shoulders as if nothing had happened.

Bakugo heard Ren yell out from where we was training and felt his body rushing closer to see if she was okay. He hadn't realised he'd gotten closer to the pool until he saw Aizawa with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed.

Ren burst through the surface with a large breath. She climbed out of the water and looked to Aizawa. "I'm trying!" She yelled out at him.

"Try harder." He mumbled plainly and looked away from her, focusing his attention on his other students.

"Ren, are you okay?" Tsu held onto the edge of the pool and asked her with a finger held up to her chin.

"I'm fine." She snapped. "Sorry, Su." She crouched down next to the pool. "I'm alright, just... Struggling."

Todoroki looked on from where he was training. He furrowed his brow in thought, what happened when she pushed it too far? Bakugo furrowed his brow. The image of her tattoo from last night popped into his head, and he wondered if it was related at all to her outburst against Aizawa.


a/n: hey yo howdy. just wanted to give a big ass thanks to everyone who's been reading so far! hope you're enjoying it :) just a lil note to say we've got a couple fluffier parts to come until we rly plot heavy. <3

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